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In the Loop
Calendar & Events
A guide to fun and interesting Swedish events outside Sweden
CHICAGO Swedish American Museum 5211 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 Tel: 773-728 8111 | info@samac.org www.swedishamericanmuseum.org Due to ongoing concerns for public safety related to the Coronavirus, the Swedish American Museum is closed to the public until further notice. Visit the Swedish American Museum website for more information.
MINNEAPOLIS American Swedish Institute 2600 Park Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55407 Tel: 612-871 4907 | www.asimn.org ASI is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 and programs are cancelled through May 31. Visit the ASI website for information on virtual language classes and makers sessions, sharing recipes and stories.
PHILADEPHIA American Swedish Historical Museum 1900 Pattison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 | Tel: 215-389 1776 | info@americanswedish.org | www.americanswedish.org The museum is closed to the public until further notice. Please visit www.americanswedish.org for more information.
PORTLAND Nordic Northwest Nordia House, 8800 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223 | Tel: 503-977 0275 www.nordicnorthwest.org For health and safety, Nordic Northwest has closed its doors until April 30. Please check the updated information on the Nordic Northwest website.
SEATTLE Swedish Cultural Center 1920 Dexter Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 Tel: 206-283 1090 | www.swedishclubnw.org info@swedishculturalcenter.org May 16 – Back to Our Roots gala – canceled; tentatively rescheduled for October
Nordic Museum 2655 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107 Tel: 206-789 5707 | nordic@nordicmuseum.org www.nordicmuseum.org The National Nordic Museum will stay closed until the state-wide "Stay at Home" order is lifted. This is done in an effort to reduce the acceleration of the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
WASHINGTON, DC Embassy of Sweden 2900 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Tel: 202-467 2600 | www.swedenabroad.com ambassaden.washington@gov.se Due to the rapid developments of COVID-19 the Embassy is only offering limited consular services at the moment and will be closed to visitors until April 17, 2020. Only extremely urgent passport and visa applications will be considered. Appointments have to be scheduled via e-mail: ambassaden.washington-visum@gov.se.
WISCONSIN Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin Tel: 414-352 7890 | www.sahswi.org May 9 – Sat 1:30 pm: Scandinavian Design and The United States exhibition presented by Monica Obniski, Curator of 20th- and 21stCentury Design at Redemption Lutheran Church, 4057 North Mayfair Rd. (Hwy. 100, just north of Capitol Dr.) Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Over 180 objects are included in this first major exhibition highlighting the collaboration of Scandinavian and United States deginers planned to open at the Milwaukee Art Museum, May 15 to September 7, 2020.
OTTAWA Embassy of Sweden Ottawa 377 Dalhousie Street, Suite 305, Ottawa ON K1N 9NB Tel: 613-241 2277 www.swedishembassy.ca Temporary Travel Ban and limited possibilities of obtaining a visa to Sweden took effect on 19 March and will initially apply for 30 days. This is an exceptional measure that will not apply for longer than necessary. Due to the coronavirus and the temporary entry ban to Sweden, the Swedish Migration Agency has decided that the majority of visa applications will be rejected. This applies if you wish to visit Sweden and are a citizen of a country outside the EU.
TORONTO Svenska kyrkan i Toronto 25 Old York Mills Road, Toronto ON M2P 1B5 Tel: 416-486 0466 | toronto@svenskakyrkan.se www.svenskakyrkan.se/toronto Due to the ongoing pandemic of the corona virus Covid-19, and the ban on public gatherings, the Swedish Church in Toronto has cancelled all its church services and other activities until further notice. Pastor Anders Fehn has returned to Sweden and pastor Matti Kormano of Agricola has graciously offered his services during this time, should the need arise. He can be reached at 647- 742 1717 or pastor@agricola.ca.
VANCOUVER Scandinavian Community Centre 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC V5B 4P9 Tel: 604-294 2777 | info@scancentre.org www.scancentre.org The Scandinavian Centre is closed for the time being but the office is still open for administration. Please contact by phone 604-294 2777 or e-mail info@scancentre. org. If you wish to come to the Centre, please contact us first. Any further updates will be posted on our websites www.scancentre.org.
WINNIPEG Swedish Cultural Assn of Manitoba 764 Erin Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2W4 | Tel: 204-774 8047 | Reservations at: svenskclub17@gmail.com Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak all events scheduled with the Swedish Cultural Assoc have been postponed until further notice. During these weeks of recommended isolation, our members are reminded that we are all family and have encouraged everyone to reach out to one another, either by going to the grocery store, by phoning or through technology so that everybody know that someone cares. We must do our best to focus on the positive – on the giving nature that has come forth; the ingenuity and creativity exhibited for the betterment of others and the selfless acts of kindness conveyed. This unprecedented time in our lives will pass and we will learn some profound lessons from the experience.
BC Organizations
Scandinavian Business Club Monthly meetings feature business speakers. Guests and new members welcome. Call SBC: 604-484-8238. Visit us at www.sbc-bc.ca
Scandinavian Community Centre Scandinavian Community Centre Beautiful setting for weddings, parties, birthdays, meetings and seminars. 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC info@scancentre.org Tel: 604-294-2777 www. scancentre.org
Svenska Kulturföreningen Ordförande Ellen Petersson 604-970 8708. Kassör är Linda Olofsson, 604-418 7703 www.swedishculturalsociety.ca. Email: swedishculturalsociety.ca @gmail.com
Swedish Canadian Village Beautiful Assisted Living Residence & Senior Subsidized Apartment Buildings Located in Burnaby, BC. Tel: 604-420 1124 Fax# 604-420 1175 www.swedishcanadian.ca
Swedish Heritage in BC 1812 Duthie Ave. Burnaby BC. Laila Axen Tel: 604-526 7464. Visit us at www. swedishheritageinbc.org. E-mail: swedishheritagebc@gmail.com
Sweden House Society President: Rebecca Keckman Vice President: Dorothy Carlson Treasurer: Carole Walkinshaw, Email: swedenhousechair@gmail.com
Swedish Club of Victoria Dinners, Events and Meetings, for information contact Annabelle Beresford @ 250-656 9586 or Swedish Club of Victoria Facebook.
Washington Organizations
Nordic Museum has moved to a beautiful, brand-new building! In Seattle, 2655 N.W. Market St., Ballard; 206-789 5707.
Swedish Club 1920 Dexter Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109; Tel: 206-283 1090. Open Wednesday evenings for supper and games, Friday for lunch and dinner. Pancake breakfasts on first Sundays of the month. Rental venue for meeting, parties, etc. www.swedishclubnw.org
Stockholm Series: City of My Dreams by Per Anders Fogelstrom. Or, recommended, the complete five volume series. For yourself and as a wonderful gift idea. Contact RobertLJohnson@msn.com for price and shipping.
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May 04 Sophia Hermansson, 15 år May 12 Mattias Allgurén, 11 år May 16 Amelia Allen, 14 år May 25 Rosa Wallenius, 7 år May 29 Isak Allen, 12 år
May 1 Valborg May 2 Filip, Filippa May 3 John, Jane May 4 Monika, Mona May 5 Gotthard, Erhard May 6 Marit, Rita May 7 Carina, Carita May 8 Åke May 9 Reidar, Reidun May 10 Esbjörn, Styrbjörn May 11 Märta, Märit May 12 Charlotta, Lotta May 13 Linnea, Linn May 14 Halvard, Halvar May 15 Sofia, Sonja May 16 Ronald, Ronny May 17 Rebecka, Ruben May 18 Erik May 19 Maj, Majken May 20 Karolina, Carola May 21 Konstantin, Conny May 22 Hemming, Henning May 23 Desideria, Desirée May 24 Ivan, Vanja May 25 Urban May 26 Vilhelmina, Vilma May 27 Beda, Blenda May 28 Ingeborg, Borghild May 29 Yvonne, Jeanette May 30 Vera, Veronika May 31 Petronella, Pernilla
Sista ordet [ ] ‘Många kulturevenemang har inställts...’
Coronan flyttar Polarpriset till maj 2021 Av Henric Borgström

Utdelandet av Polarpriset, ett av världens mest kända musikpris, skjuts upp ett år på grund av coronaviruset. Amerikanska låtskrivaren Diane Warren och ryska operasopranen Anna Netrebko, som uppträtt flera gånger på Carnegie Hall i New York, får därför vänta till lördagen 22 maj 2021 med att ta emot priset ur kung Carl XVI Gustafs hand.
Priset delades ut första gången 1992, sedan det tre år tidigare instiftats av Sveriges främste låtskrivare Stikkan Andersson, mannen bakom musikgruppen Abba. Men han får tyvärr inte se USA:s främsta i sin egen bransch eftersom han avled 66 år gammal redan 1997.
Många av Stikkans ”Slagdängor” fick nationellt genomslag. En av de första hette Vi hänger me’ med fotbollsspelaren Nacka Skoglund som sångare. Nordiskt genomslag fick Är du kär i mig ännu, Klas-Göran? med Lill-Babs. Stora succéer blev också Sånt är livet samt Är det konstigt att man längtar bort nån gång.
Enligt Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå (Stim), som svarar för fördelning av intäkter till upphovsmakarna, finns Stikkan registrerad för 1143 låtar. Till ABBA blev han från första början främst promotor. När de stora inkomsterna rullade in köpte Stikkan kontrollen av cykeltillverkaren Monark med Crescent. Han bosatte sig i Villa Ekarne (ritad av Ragnar Östberg) invid Skansen på Djurgården där familjen bodde tills han avled.
Polarpriset delas årligen ut inom populärmusik respektive klassisk till personer eller grupper, ibland till institutioner i musiklivet vid ceremonier i Konserthuset i Stockholm. 63-åriga Diane Warren har skrivit låtar till bland andra Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Cher och Elton John. I motiveringen sägs att hon har den ovanliga kombinationen av att skriva lättlyssnade låtar och ändå säga något till lyssnaren. 48-åriga Anna Netrebko debuterade 1994 i Sankt Petersburg. Juryns motivering är att ”med sin fantastiska röst och självlysande karisma är hon en större-än-livet-sångare som håller klassikerna vid liv.”
Många kulturevenemang har inställts, främst den mycket populära Melodifestivalen som turnerar runt i landet under våren. Detta för att få fram en svensk finalist till Eurovision Song Contest i holländska Rotterdam i maj. Men även den europeiska finalen ställs in.
I stort sett alla större teatrar har ställt in. Kungliga Operan i Stockholm visar dock vissa föreställningar digitalt.
Örebro Konserthus fick hård kritik på insändarplats i den ledande lokaltidningen Nerikes Allehanda när man meddelade att en konsert den 12 maj ändå skulle hållas genom att man skulle se till att åhörarna inte blev fler än myndigheternas beslut om högst 500 personer. Det talades om dumhet, girighet och elittänkande. Senare inställdes en rad konserter.
2020 års mottagare av Polar Music Prize är sopranen Anna Netrebko (Foto vänster: Kirk Edwards) och låtskrivaren Diane Warren (Foto ovan: Emily Shur).

Summary in English: The Polarpriset (the Polar Prize) is one of the world’s best-known music prize. It was founded by Stikkan Anderson of ABBA fame and was presented for the first time by the King of Sweden in 1992. The Prize is awarded annually to individuals, groups or institutions in the field of popular and classical music. This year’s winners are the American songwriter Diane Warren and the Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko, but because of the coronavirus they will have to wait until May 22, 2021 before they receive the Polarpriset from the King. COVID-19 is also the reason why many other Swedish musical events and contests are being postponed.
Henric Borgström är mångårig ekonomijournalist i svensk radio, TV och press. Artikeln publicerad i finlandssvenska Hufvudstadsbladet.
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