It’s an online user interface connected to a large number of legal databases (runs behind the scenes). Results retrieved are fully cross-referenced & interlinked so you can view everything in one source. You have access to really great analysis docs, a lot of the wider reading and research has been done for you, enabling you to access all related information in one source. As a law student – researching is really time-consuming so by using WLUK your legal research will be very efficient leaving you with more time to concentrate on your assignments etc. Worth noting now for those hoping to go on to pursue legal careers/vac schemes, you won’t get textbooks to tell you the answers so you will have to rely on your ability to research effectively
STARTING YOUR RESEARCH (WELCOME PAGE) WLUK Icon Navigation toolbars Front page search/cross-database searching • •
Search for Case law, Legislation, Journal articles, Current Awareness & EU using the search suggestions Type your search into the box and select the content you wish to search.
Index of Legal Terms •
Often the best way to begin your research is to find the definition of your legal term Free Text
• •
Show results (Jowitt, Stroud and Osborns and WLUK content) You can also search for Latin phrases that you may come across in law reports: Free Text
Lex Loci
Insight • •
Online encyclopaedia of legal articles written by expert practitioners and academics in their legal field, highly authoritative, updated as soon as the law changes. Great source for linking you to the key case law, legislation and just general information regarding a topic of law. Free Text Search
Show link to insight article with link to cases, legislation and Chitty. Mention share and watch option and twitter feed and author details Browse
“Discharge by breach”
Family & private life >Marriage > Formation of marriage
Show Analysis section – good for those wanting the extra marks or current issues for dissertations
Screen spilt in to two: Top half - search results using search template Lower half - search for results by browsing down to an individual document (like your library shelf)
Case Status Icons