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INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW: A SCOTS PERSPECTIVE 4TH EDITION PROFESSOR E. B. CRAWFORD & PROFESSOR J. M. CARRUTHERS International private law is an area which is constantly developing as the rules of EU Member States continue to change in accordance with the EU harmonisation and the internationalisation programmes. It is necessary for the legal professional to have an up-to-date source detailing the content and operation of conflict of laws rules in Scotland. The authors of this highly respected text provide the required detail and analysis in this 4th edition. The work provides a full and up-to-date treatment of the significant changes occurring since the 3rd edition, published in 2010.The extent of change in the subject area is significant, encompassing the rules concerning civil and commercial jurisdiction, child and family law, applicable law rules in the law of obligations, and conflict of laws rules for wills and succession, and insolvency. A full treatment is provided also of European procedural law as it affects litigation in Scotland. The high volume of new case law cited in the 4th edition, emanating from the Scottish and English courts, and from the CJEU and ECtHR, reflects the importance of international private law in modern civil and commercial and family law practice. Key coverage in this 4th edition includes: •

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Brussels I Recast (Regulation EU No 1215/2012) on jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, applicable from 10 January 2015. Abolition of exequatur effected by Brussels I Recast, and the introduction in Europe of European Account Preservation Orders. The European Regulation of 20 May 2015 on Insolvency Proceedings (Recast). The personal law connecting factor of habitual residence and the burgeoning body of EU and UK jurisprudence. The international dimension of the constitution and dissolution of same sex marriage. The 1996 Hague Children Convention, and its relationship with Brussels II bis and the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention; crossborder surrogacy; and legal solutions to the growing problem of international family relocation.

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The EU Maintenance Regulation, and implications of the UK Supreme Court decision in Radmacher v Granatino. The EU Wills and Succession Regulation, applicable in participating Member States to persons who die on or after 17 August 2015.

This is a comprehensive work. Its currency and depth of insight make it the ideal resource for practitioners dealing with cross-border legal problems. The 4th edition of International Private Law: A Scots Perspective is the most up-to-date Scottish treatment of this area of law. Elizabeth Crawford is Professor Emeritus of International Private Law and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow. She has unparalleled experience in teaching and writing on international private law. Janeen Carruthers is Professor of Private Law at the University of Glasgow. She has taught and published extensively on international private law.

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