Human Rights: Search Examples Cases: Citation: 2008 1 AC 440 -
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To show other status icons Party Name: Doherty v Birmingham City Council Advanced Search: Subject/ keyword
”Human Rights” Discrimination
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”Human Rights Act”
“European Court of Human Rights”
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Legislation: Act/SI Title: Human Rights act 1998 -
Status icons i.e. section 1 -
Schedule 3, para 1-
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Act/SI Title: Counter Terrorism Act 2008
Section 1 -
Section 45 -
Section 99 -
Journals: Browse: LJI < European Human Rights Law Review < 2010 < issue 6 < human right act ten years on Show Current Awareness (Last 90 days<Human Rights), EU (Working time Directive) and Books
Natural Language: What is freedom of expression?