2 minute read
DIY Framed Pressed Flowers
Holding onto Summer: HandmadeInspiring DIY Projects from Lova

Lova shares a simple way to enjoy the vibrant wildflowers of summer all year long.
Text by Lova Blåvarg Photography by Susanna Blåvarg

baking parchment
heavy books
frames with two glass panels
poster putty
1. Pick wild flowers. Some flowers will look very different when they’re pressed so have fun experimenting! The bluebells I picked for example turned white when pressed.
2. Place the flowers between two sheets of baking parchment to protect the pages of your books from stains.
3. Put the flowers between the pages of heavy books and stack the books to make sure that the flowers have a lot of pressure on them.
4. Arrange the flowers on the glass of the frame any way you want. If you can’t find double glass frames, do as I did and get regular frames, two of each size you want. Remove the cardboard backing and use only the glass to make a double-glass frame.
5. Use very small pieces of poster putty to stick the flowers to the back glass to keep them from sliding around inside the frames.
6. Hang the frames on a wall or in a window so you can see the light filtering through the flowers!