The Grapevine SEAMER & TAME BRIDGE MAGAZINE No. 137. February 2016 - March 2016

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No. 137. February 2016 - March 2016


EDITOR’S NOTES Hello and welcome to 2016 which we hope will be as busy as 2015! Don’t forget to keep me informed of the activities that are going on in the locality so we can help or join in. One big event coming up is the Tour De Yorkshire on Sunday 1st May which will pass through Tame Bridge. If anyone wants help with organising anything to do with this then get in touch. I personally have applied to be a Tour Maker (volunteer) for the event. The date for contributions for the next Grapevine will be March 27th and my contact details are on page 14. Have a good time reading about and taking part in the activities published in this edition.

Dave Campy ST. MARTIN’S CHURCH Eucharist will be 11.15 am on Sundays: 7th & 21st February 6th (Mothering), 20th (Palm) & 27th (Easter) March Advance notice: there may be some temporary changes to service patterns in April and early May - details in the next edition. Also: A series of Lent addresses takes place at Stokesley Parish Church at 5 pm on Sundays 14th, 21st, and 28th Feb and 14th March. Four speakers from different Christian traditions will speak about the ways in which Christ's Passion influences and is remembered in their tradition. The addresses (with questions after) are the major part of a service for Lent each week. Speakers: Archdeacon Sam Rushton & Sister Anita OHP (both Church of England); Revd Alison Wilkinson (Methodist, Hartlepool); Mgr David Hogan (RC, Nunthorpe). Also: Stokesley Parish Church is again running a Lent Course in Church led by Revd Sarah Strand on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings in Lent, starting on the 17/18th February. The discussions will use the film 'Chocolat' as their starting point. Participants are advised not to give up chocolate for Lent! Further details from Sarah (contact details on page 14 of Grapevine)

Revd Paul Hutchinson 2

SEAMER METHODIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS REVISITED Grateful thanks are due to many people for the lovely celebrations over Christmas: 1. The Parish Council for providing a Christmas tree and those who erected and decorated it. 2. Those that supported the switching on of the lights. 3. The many who attended the Nativity service at the Methodist Church. 4. Those that supported the Carol Service at Saint Martins. 5. The many Carol Singers and the residents that gave so generously. In total £671 was donated. I’m sure to have missed someone, so please forgive me. It was good to see the Village of Seamer celebrating in all these and other ways. WAS THIS A LEFT OVER FROM A CHRISTMAS CRACKER? A man went to a friend’s Christmas fancy dress party with nothing but a girl on his back. ‘What have you come as?’ asked the friend. ‘A snail.’ ‘How can you be a snail when all you have is that girl on your back?’ ‘That’s not a girl – that’s Michelle.’ CELEBRITIES Back in 1966, John Lennon of The Beetles caused a real furore in the United States when he infamously said, ‘We are more famous than Jesus.’ Why is our culture so obsessed with celebrity? Is it the route to fortune, power and fulfilment? Or does fame come with a very high price tag? I read recently a comment from an academic investigation about celebrity status by David Giles. In it he says, ‘There is a tendency for famous people to see themselves as celebrities first and authentic selves second a duality between the celebrities ‘public persona and private self is experienced as a necessary adaption.’ Interestingly, Jesus is quoted in the Bible (The Message version) as saying ‘What kind of deal is it to get everything you want and lose yourself’ 3

As we head into the season of Lent may I suggest that we ask ourselves are we more interested in power, wealth and fame than being true to ourselves? TIMES OF WORSHIP Feb 7th @ 10.30 am led by Christine Campy Feb 14th @10.30 am All Age Worship led by Katherine Atha Feb 21st @ 10.30 am led by Peter Jackson Feb 28th @ 10.30 am led by David Sills. Mar 6th @ 10.30 am Mother’s Day led by Stan Townson Mar 13th @ 10.30 am All Age Worship led by Rev Daniel Pratt Morris – Chapman Mar 20th @ 10.30 am Palm Sunday led by Rev Graham Peacock (welcome back!!) Mar 27th @ 9.00 am Easter Day led by Rev Daniel Pratt Morris – Chapman and will include Sacrament. Note than there will be no service at Seamer on the 3rd April but a joint service will be held at Hutton Rudby at 10.30 am THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH May we be true to ourselves? A symbol of God’s love, An agent of God’s kindness, And a channel of God’s peace, Today and always. TIME FOR A SMILE I’ve just got back from B & Q. Some bloke in an orange apron asked if I wanted decking. Luckily, I got the first punch in. (Suzi Perry)

Ron Kirk

VILLAGE HALL NEWS SEAMER VILLAGE HALL 100+ CLUB November winners were: (140 members) 1st £20 31 Ann Woodward, Holme Lane nd 2 £17 43 Caroline Sykes, The Green 3rd £14 8 Nick Walton, Stainton Road 4

4th 5th

£11 £8

34 Neil Bayliss, Stainton Road 119 Joanne Swinson, Hilton Road

December winners were: (140 members) 1st £20 77 Margaret Grimston, Stokesley nd 2 £17 146 Janet Bainbridge, The Green 3rd £14 103 Alison Cook, Hemlington th 4 £11 63 Mark Taylor, Leconfield 5th £8 16 Christine Cooper, Stainton Road January winners were: (140 members) 1st £20 7 Barbara Milner, Tame Bridge nd 2 £17 106 Michael Driscoll, The Green 3rd £14 94 Dennis Sanderson, The Green th 4 £11 149 Julie Finch, Tame Bridge 5th £8 131 Pauline Sawney, off Hilton Road In November the 100+ Club was 1 year old. We now have 140 members. For those members who joined last February/March, this means that you are due to join again. If you wish to do so, please get in touch with me on 01642 710294 or by e-mail on New members can join at anytime - £1 per month/£12 per year. Full details are on the village website: I look forward to hearing from you. Christine Cooper

Seamer Memorial Hall - AGM Tuesday 19th April at 7.30 Nominations for new & existing committee members/ officers and Chair of committee urgently needed. Please contact Christine Campy for more details on 01642 710320 or Everyone welcome – please come along!


JUMBLE SALE - SATURDAY 23rd APRIL Please keep all your unwanted clothes, bric-a-brac, furniture, toys , bikes etc. for this annual event. Last year’s was our best ever raising £678 for Hall funds. Donations can be left in the Hall up to a fortnight before the event. If anyone needs me to open up or help lift please get in touch. Thank you as always. Jo Batey 01642 713143 CHRISTMAS 'POND' RAFFLE MAKES £125!!! Well done to Gill Burton (Hilton Road) for this idea and knitting/baking the prizes. In just 4 days, we made £125 selling tickets at Labman, around the village and in the farm shop Barbara also provided a 3rd and 4th prize! Gill watched with horror as the weed took over our village pond in the summer. She's had ponds herself for so long it has become a passion. She knew with dedication and funding, the correct plants to compliment it, our pond could become a focal point of the village again. A peaceful place to sit and watch the wildlife. The original aim was to purchase 10 grass carp (circa £50) in the spring, which would naturally munch their way through any weed. In addition lily pads would be purchased so that the fish can hide from the herons. With £125 there should be enough for more fish and perhaps more wooden floats (serious protection). The draw took place at my house with Gill and her husband Steve, and the winners were : 1st Knitted dolls Jill Lambert (Labman) nd 2 Christmas cake Ann Thomas (says it was wonderful!) rd 3 Sack potatoes Richard Frank (Labman) th 4 tray eggs Margaret Smith Thank you to everyone for their support. Gill also has contacts who may give us more advice on keeping the pond healthy, so please watch this space (and the pond) for updates! Jo Batey 01642 713143 6

CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES Both the Workshops and Christmas Tree Lights Switch On were very successful with good attendance. Stafford turned the lights on and, at the later time of 4.00pm, we could all appreciate the wonderfully large tree sparkling with lights. The shining star on the church was an extra bonus. EASTER WORKSHOPS - SATURDAY 19th MARCH 2.00 PM As our children in the village are growing up I am not just organising this just for children - Everyone is Welcome.

(Sadly Easter Eggs just for Children, but activities for all) Cards, Crafts, Bonnets, Cakes, Chocolate Fountain, Tombola, Tea or coffee. All for £2.00 per person Tombola gifts to Ann Thomas at the Village Hall, please. Ann Thomas MICROWAVE The Village Hall Committee would like to thank Mr & Mrs Woodhouse for their donation of a Microwave, to replace one of the two needed for the Village Hall. The Microwave at the Village Hall was found to be broken, and in the panic to sort the food out for the Indoor Car Boot, one that was kindly loaned was damaged. You just cannot get the Staff these days! So the donation is greatly appreciated. Margaret Smith GIFT AID As Seamer Memorial Institute (Seamer Village Hall) is a registered charity, it is able to claim tax relief on any donations, sponsorship etc. from anyone who is a taxpayer. This does not apply to the 100+ Club membership but it does for those people who would rather make a donation instead. For every £1 donated through Gift Aid, the village hall can claim another 25p in tax relief. It doesn’t cost you anything extra. 7

It is simple to do by completing a Gift Aid Declaration form available from the village hall. For further information, please contact Christine Cooper on 01642 710294 e-mail


Pop-In 10.00am

Art Group 1.30pm


Carpet Bowls 10.00am

Beginner’s Pilates Class 6.00-7.00pm Craft Club 7.00pm Improvers’ and Intermediates’ Pilates Class 6.00-7.00pm Hall Committee meeting (1st Tuesday in month) Greenfingers 7.00pm (2nd Tuesday) Seamer Parish Council (3rd Tuesday)


Table Tennis 7.00pm Badminton 6.00-9.00pm


Zumba Class 5.45-6.30pm Bridge Group 7.00pm


I thought it would be a good idea to try and arrange a village bus trip to Forbidden Corner in Leyburn. The coach will leave the village at 10.30 am to arrive at Forbidden corner at midday. We will be leaving at 6.00 pm to arrive home at 7.30 pm Tickets will cost £20 per person with 3 years and under costing £10 to cover the cost of the seat on the coach. There are only 35 seats, so it’s on a first come first served basis. I would like to ask for the ticket money in advance to secure your place. (Full refund if trip cancelled). The deadline for booking is Friday 20th May. 8

If this trip is popular, I can organize a 49 seater coach but all seats must be filled to cover costs. Please contact me Angela Forrest 07891097649

GREENFINGERS The Seamer Village Garden Club has the following program for the coming year. * Dates to be arranged February * - Visit to Greatham to see the Snowdrops. March * - Farndale Daffodils April 21st/24th * - Harrogate Spring Show. May 10th - Pooled Supper Plant Swap June 25th - Forbidden Corner July 24th - Produce Show August - ?? September * - Saltholm with visit to the Transporter th October 11 - Pumpkin Carving. November 8th - Pooled Supper Quiz th December 13 - Christmas Wreath As you can see the Garden Club will be a lot more adventurous this year, with six outings. Club Membership is £10 Meetings in the Hall will be £2 which includes a glass of wine. (Where a member's car is used for a visit, a donation towards the petrol should be offered.)

FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN THE VILLAGE HALL * Dates not finalised, specified dates may change subject to outside events SUNDAY 13th MARCH - Afternoon tea 2.30, with a talk by Lucy Adlington of the 'History Wardrobe' entitled TEAGOWNS & TEATIME. Those of you who have been to any of Lucy's talks will know they are tremendous fun. So why not discard your Jeans, get dressed up, wear a hat and savour the elegance of the 1930's. If you would like to come, please let me know before the 10th of February, Margaret Smith 01642 710611 The tickets which include afternoon tea are £16 (would make a great Mother's Day present). SATURDAY 19th MARCH CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES - Bring the Children along to Anne Thomas's popular, Fun and Craft afternoon . See earlier advert. 9

SATURDAY 23rdAPRIL - JUMBLE SALE - Jo Batey needs you to save all your Spring Cleaning finds for her Jumble Sale, remember your Village Hall needs you. See earlier advert MAY * QUIZ SATURDAY 25th JUNE - BUS TRIP TO FORBIDDEN CORNER Fun for both Adults and Children, £20 tickets include Bus fare and Entry. Ring Angela Forrest 01642710606 as soon as possible to book your tickets. See earlier advert. * TREASURE HUNT SUNDAY 24th JULY PRODUCE SHOW See Schedule on the last two pages of this copy of the Grapevine. Get planning to make this as good as last year! AUGUST - No meeting SEPTEMBER * * - GAMES NIGHT and INDOOR CARBOOT FRIDAY 7th OCTOBER - HARVEST SUPPER WITH THE FISHERMAN'S CHOIR. NOVEMBER * - QUIZ DECEMBER * - CANDLELIGHT SUPPER with Carols NEW YEARS EVE, Old fashioned Party Night 2017* - BURNS NIGHT In addition, maybe we could hold a village event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 12th June (or other suitable date). Ideas and offers of help please. These are the Events currently being organised. If you have an idea that you would like to include for the Village Hall, that you would like to produce, please contact Margaret Smith, Events Co-ordinator on 01642710611

QUIZ (of sorts!!) 1. 2.

Johnny’s mother has three children. The first born is called April, the second May. But what is the name of the third child? Mike is the village butcher. He is 35 years old, 6 feet tall, a 32 inch waist and size 13 shoes. But what does he weigh? 10


Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth? 4. A hole measures 2.5 metres by 3 metres and is 1.5 metres deep. How much soil does it contain? 5. Which word is always spelt incorrectly? 6. Billy was born on December 28th but his birthday has always been in summer. How? 7. In California and Paris, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not? 8. What was the name of the US president in 1978, 1994 and 2005? 9. In a race, whilst in 3rd place, you overtook the person in 2nd place. What place are you in now? 10. Which is the correct statement, “The yolk of an egg are white” or “The yolk of an egg is white” ? 11. A farmer has 13 haystacks in field 1, 16 in field 2 and 25 in field 3. If he combines them in field 4, how many haystacks does he have? Answers are on the page 14 of this edition. Submitted by Bryan Sykes (don’t blame me!!)

PARISH COUNCIL NOTES [Editor: These came just too late for the last edition - my fault for publishing early and going on holiday!! - but I have included them this time as I think they are important] THE VILLAGE POND After many months the pond is now clear of the weed that has blighted it for so long. Thanks are due to the residents who joined the work party on the 10th October and particular thanks to Derek and Sandra Winterbotham as well as Dave Campy for their time, effort and organisation; they all contributed to the successful outcome. Next year we will be more vigilant to ensure the same thing does not happen again. GRASS CUTTING The greens and grassed areas the Parish Council have responsibility for, continue to be well maintained and thanks must go to contractor Philip Wood for all his efforts. This year North Yorkshire County Council have withdrawn from providing the funding for the grass cutting, as it classed a non essential item of expenditure with no obligation to fund it. Grass cut11

ting now costs over 50% of our annual Precept of £4000. The Parish Council will look at ways to ensure this vital service is maintained. FLOWER TUBS The flower tubs have served us well for many years and some are now in need of renewal or heavy maintenance. Internally, the continual dampness and exposure to the weather has meant the wood is starting to rot but in many cases it is the metal hoops that have disintegrated, particularly those lower down or around the middle. Apparently, to have them replaced is not only difficult but expensive so the likely outcome is that the Council will look to sourcing new ones. To help maintain any new tubs and to make them longer lasting I would urge dog owners not to allow their pets to urinate on the sides of the barrels. Thank you ANY VOLUNTEERS? The flower tubs are an important asset in making the village attractive and residents’ help in maintaining them would be most appreciated. Please email the Parish Clerk if you can help look after any near you. ( We are aware of several residents who already maintain either tubs or the village sign gardens and we would be grateful if you could also contact the clerk, to confirm which you look after and whether you will continue to do so. Many Thanks. VILLAGE HALL The Parish Council have noted the latest refurbishment at the village hall and how good it looks. Thanks to all the committee for their efforts and particularly Margaret Smith for her leadership and coordination of the work to ensure the hall is maintained to a high standard and fit for purpose for all residents to enjoy. Margaret is standing down from the roll as chairman and the Parish Council would urge a willing volunteer to come forward and take on the roll. MR TOM BAINBRIDGE The Parish Council notes the recent death of Mr Bainbridge and offer sincere condolences to his family. Mr Bainbridge served for many years on Seamer Parish Council and was the chairman for much of that time. He worked tirelessly on behalf of the village and we would like to express our appreciation for all his efforts. P. Taylor 12

TIME FOR A LAUGH - GIRAFFE TEST This test is to ascertain your mental state now. If you get one right, you are doing OK. If you get none right, you’d better go for counselling!! 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? - Stop reading and think about it and decide on your answer. The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tested whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the refrigerator? - Wrong!! The correct answer is Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tested your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions. 3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals are attending .... Except one. Which animal does not attend? Correct answer : The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tested your memory. Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities. 4. There is a river you must cross, but it is used by crocodiles and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it? Correct answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the Lion King Animal Meeting. This tested whether you learn quickly from your mistakes. Around 90% of the professionals tested got all these questions wrong, but many pre-schoolers got several correct answers. This conclusively proves the theory that most professionals do not have the brains of a four year old. 13

GRAPEVINE CONTACTS Magazine Layout and Editor David Campy, 5a Holme Lane, Seamer E mail 710320 Illustrations Margaret Smith, 4 Bracken Hill Walk, Seamer 710611 Distribution Derek Winterbotham, Kingsbridge, Hilton Rd. Seamer711617 St Martin’s Rev Paul Hutchinson, The Rectory, Stokesley 710405 Rev Sarah Strand ( 810690 Methodist Church Ron Kirk, 2 Rosehill, Great Ayton 722053 Seamer Village Hall Bookings: Christine Campy ( 710320 General : Christine Campy (Temporarily) 710320 Village News and Events Margaret Smith 710611 Seamer Parish Council E-Mail: Seamer Correspondent for Darlington and Stockton Times Christine Cooper 710294 ANSWERS TO “QUIZ” 1. Johnny, of course 2. Meat. 3. Mt. Everest; it just wasn't discovered yet. [You're not very good at this are you?] 4. There is no dirt in a hole. 5. Incorrectly 6. Billy lives in the Southern Hemisphere 7. You can 't take pictures with a wooden leg. You need a camera to take pictures! 8. Same as is it now - Barack Obama [Oh, come on.....] 9. You would be in 2nd because you passed the person in second place, not first! 10. Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow [duh!] 11. One. If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one big one 14

SEAMER PRODUCE SHOW SCHEDULE Sunday July 24th 2016 Entry Adults 50p Children 20p ( Free Entry to the Hall with 6 Exhibits)

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 1. 1 Cabbage 2. 1 Cauliflower or Calabrese head 3. 3 Potatoes - any variety 4. 3 Beetroot 5. 3 Turnips 6. 3 Carrots 7. 6 pod Peas 8. 6 pods Sugar Snap or Mangtout Peas 9. 6 pods Broad beans 10. 2 Courgettes 11. 1 Cucumber 12. 1 head (round) Lettuce 13. 1 head Lettuce (State variety) 14. 6 Spring Onions 15. Any un scheduled Vegetable

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

6 Radishes 3 Tomatoes 1 Truss Tomatoes 1 Truss Cherry Tomatoes Heaviest Tomato Tray of 5 varieties of vegetable Jug of Herbs 3 Sticks of Rhubarb Any unscheduled fruit 3 Apples Dish of Berries 3 Pears Mis-shapen fruit or vegetable Home-grown salad displayed on a plate

FLOWERS 30. Single Rose - Specimen Bloom 31. 1 stem Floribunda Rose 32. Vase of mixed Garden Flowers 33. Vase of Foliage (no Berries) 34. Single Leaf 35. Flowering Pot Plant 36. Foliage Pot Plant 37. 6 Sweet Peas 38. Flowers of one Variety

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

Cacti or Succulent plant Ladies Corsage Gents Buttonhole Most unusual flower Single Bloom & single Vegetable 3 French marigolds 3 Pansies 1 Specimen bloom any variety

FLORAL ART 47. An arrangement in a jug 48. 3 flowers, can include Foliage.

49. Fantasy, (not in a Vase) 50. Fit for a Queen's 90th Birthday!

PRODUCE AND BAKING 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

1 Jar Jam (any variety) 1 Jar of Marmalade 1 Jar of Lemon Curd 1 Jar of Chutney 4 Cheese Scones 4 Fruit Scones 4 Shortcrust Sausage Rolls 1 Quiche

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

Chocolate Cake (un-iced) Gluten Free Cake 4 Cup cakes Gingerbread loaf Fruit Pie (Shortcrust) on a saucer 1 round of Shortbread 1 Breadmaker loaf 4 hand made Bread buns

EGGS (contents judged on single entries) 67. 3 Brown Eggs 68. 3 White Eggs

70. 1 Brown Egg 71. 1 White Egg 15

69. 3 Coloured Eggs (natural)

72. Any other Coloured Egg

HANDICRAFTS 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

1 hand knitted Adult Garment 1 hand knitted Child's garment 1 hand knitted Baby's garment Handmade Pincushion Decorated Egg Embroidery worked on an Evenweave fabric includes Tapestry Embroidery NOT on Even weave fabric Gift Wrapped Parcel Item of Beadwork Item of Jewellery Any Handicraft not in Schedule ( State Craft and size)

85. Hand made Box 86. Pincushion any medium 87. Patchwork (large) 88. Patchwork (small to medium) 89. Crochet 90. Painting, Oil or Acrylic 91. Monochrome Drawing 92. Watercolour Painting 93. Collage 94. Portrait (any media) 95. Mixed media

PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs - un-mounted - no larger than A5 96. Seamer Village 99. My Pet 97. Flowers 100. Landscape 98. Children

OPEN CLASSES 101. Named Scarecrow - adult class 103. Largest Weed 102. Named Scarecrow - children's class (state age)

CHILDREN'S CLASSES Note: Name and Age to be written on the back of Entry. PRE SCHOOL AND NURSERY 104. Painting or Drawing 105. Small model

106. 107.

Collage or 3D Picture Edible necklace

RECEPTION, YEARS 1 & 2 108. Painting or Drawing 109. 3D Model

110. 111.

Collage or 3D Picture Edible necklace

YEARS 3 & 4. 112. Painting or Drawing 113. Model, Painted Mask or tile

114. Any Craft not scheduled 115 . Animal made from vegetables

YEARS 5 & 6 116. Painting or Drawing 117. Model, Painted Mask or tile

118. Any Craft not scheduled 119. Animal made from Vegetables

YEARS 7, 8 & 9 120. Design & Technology product 121. Collage

122. Photograph "Best Friends"

YEARS 10 & 11 123. Design & Technology product 124. Collage

125. Photograph "Best Friends"


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