The Grapevine SEAMER & TAME BRIDGE MAGAZINE No. 157 June 2019 – July 2019

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No. 157 June 2019 – July 2019 Seamer Village Website address:

Live Music and Music Quiz Saturday 22nd June at 7pm Seamer Village Hall More details inside


EDITOR’S NOTES Hope you are all well and looking forward to a summer of Fun involving the variety of events happening in Seamer/Stokesley. Following our car accident where our car was written off by a speeding driver (minor injuries), can I personally recommend you to volunteer to help with the Community Speed Watch. Details below.

Your Speed Watch Needs

YOU! √ Are you concerned about vehicles speeding through the village? √ Can you spare one hour each week? If so, please do join the team of volunteers who undertake regular speed watches, recording results and contributing to the effective monitoring of vehicle speed through the village. As well as supporting your community, it is a good chance to meet with other residents. For more information, please contact Phil Taylor at or Dave Campy on 01642 710320. Without the help of volunteers, the Speed Watch will not be possible! No copyright infringement intended

The deadline for articles for the next edition is Tuesday 26th July, 8.00 am. Dave Campy

ST. MARTIN’S CHURCH EUCHARIST at Seamer at 11.15 During June, the services happen on the opposite Sundays to the normal ones, i.e. the services are on the second and fourth Sundays (9th & 23rd) 2

In July it is back to normal on 7th July and 21st July. OTHER NEWS The Coffee Morning on April 26th raised £329.00. Thanks to all who contributed in any way. Jean Webster Saturday 22nd June, 2.30 pm, Walk round Stokesley, combined with a picture quiz. This will be followed by an Afternoon Tea in Stokesley Parish Church. The walk starts at the Church at 2.30 pm and there are two walks, a longer and shorter walk, on offer. If preferred, you can attend the Afternoon Tea only. Tickets are £5.00 are available from Marie Groom 01642 712138 or Anne Bryant 01642 712039. Wednesday 3rd July, 7.00 pm, 3" Fools, Much Ado About Nothing. This company delivers an entertaining show, with Refreshments during the Interval. Friday, 19th July, Mothers' Union Coffee Morning in the Town Hall, 9.00 - 11.30 - Tea/Coffee, Biscuits Tombola and Cake Stall Marie Groom

VILLAGE HALL NEWS AND EVENTS POP IN Everyone is welcome to this informal fun get together in the Village Hall on a Monday morning (not during School holidays) between 10-12, to meet fellow residents and have a chat over Tea/Coffee and a scone. £1. Janet GARDEN CLUB (GREENFINGERS) For more details of future events, Contact: Viv Hyman 01642 269663 ART GROUP As numbers are currently low for this Group, it has been decided to wait till September before re-commencing. If you feel you would be interested then, please contact Margaret Smith on 01642 710611 ZUMBA Come and join us at Zumba, it’s a great way to keep fit. We do Zumba for 45 mins with 10 minutes body toning at the end. Fridays 5.15pm, £3.50. New members always welcome. Contact Helen on 07502 566054 3

SEAMER BOOK CLUB We meet in the Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 8pm until 9.30pm. We are a small but friendly group who pick a new book each month and then discuss it the following month over refreshments. We welcome new members. Cost £2.50 For more information contact Lynn Clayton: 07763 633717 email:

SING A LONG There will be no meetings in June, July and August and we will start again in September. Further details in next Grapevine.

Live Music & Music Quiz!

Saturday 22nd June 7pm Seamer Village Hall 7.15 U3A Stokesley Ukulele band (I’ll be handing out lyrics for a sing song) 8.00 Raffles (Free and Bottle draw) 8.15 Music Quiz (over to Ian) 9.00 Simon Harvey guitarist & vocalist (60’s and 70’s music so get ready to tap your feet or dance) Tickets £5 (ok to pay on door though advance sales appreciated) £1 raffle tickets for bottle draw (only people there on the night are in the free draw). Any bottle donations appreciated. All proceeds to Northeast charity Take Away the Tears. Co-founder Sue Nuttall will be there on the night: I’ll leave the raffle book for bottle draw in the hall before the event, please just write your name and phone number on the back and I’ll let you know on 22nd June if you’ve won a prize. Bring your own drinks and nibbles, here’s to a good night. Jo Batey Email Mobile 07759 531050 Churchside Cottage, 4 Hilton Road, for any advance ticket money postings :) 4

KNIT AND NATTER Knit and Natter finished on 25th March and will reopen later in the year when we may have a go at our SEAMER MODEL VILLAGE! Ann Thomas VILLAGE HALL QUIZ We all had a good time at the village hall quiz even though the numbers were down. Sadly 12 people didn’t turn up so we had a surplus of food going to waste. Sue and Jim as quiz masters always put a lot of effort into making it a fun night, a big thank you to them. Can I also thank the lovely ladies who helped with the supper, Mark for putting the tables out and Christine for helping to organise it. We made £156.76 for the village hall funds, but just as important we had a lovely evening. Joan Barnes STAY AND PLAY THURSDAYS 10-11 am Seamer Village Hall

Baby and Toddler group Free play with toys, books, role play, dress up and colouring £2 per child Free tea and coffee 5

Dates  6th June  13th June  20th June  27th June  4th July  11th July  18th July




Carpet Bowls


Pilates Class 6.00-7.00pm Hall Committee meeting 7.30pm


(1st Tuesday in month) Greenfingers 7.00pm (2nd Tuesday)

Seamer Parish Council 7.00pm

(3rd Tuesday) Book Club 8.00—9.30 pm (4th Tuesday) Table Tennis 7.00pm

Wednesday Thursday

Bridge Group 7.00pm

Stay and Play 10.00-11.00


Zumba Class


Seamer Sing a Long

1st Friday in month at 7.00pm

SEAMER VILLAGE HALL 100+ CLUB April winners were (136 members) 1st £20 128 Karen Stoddart, Hilton Road 2nd £17 147 Paul & Andrea Kelly, Stainton Road 3rd £14 34 Neil Bayliss, Stainton Road 4th £10 131 Pauline Sawney, off Hilton Road 5th £ 7 117 Michael Mavin, Stokesley Road As this edition has been printed before the May draw, the results will be in the next copy. For those members who joined last June/July, this means that you are due to join again. If you wish to do so, please get in touch with me on 01642 710294 or by e-mail on To help me to remind you when your renewal fees are due, could you please let me have your e-mail address or telephone number. This is easier than coming to see you. If you are new to the area and would like to become a member, you can do so at any time. It costs £1 per month/£12 for the year for which you are allocated a number. Each month half the monthly money is given out as 6

prize money and the other half goes to the village hall funds. I look forward to hearing from you. Christine Cooper

SEAMER MEMORIAL/VILLAGE HALL ANNUAL MEETING At the Annual General Meeting, the following officers were elected: Chairman Mark Murphy Vice chair Viv Hyman Secretary Gill Burton Treasurer Christine Cooper Bookings secretaries: May – Oct Viv Hyman 07889 096111 Nov - April Ann Thomas 01642 710822 Committee members: In addition to the above – Christine Campy, Kay Rees, Irene Thompson & Jo Batey There are vacancies to become a committee member. If anyone has any ideas for fundraising or starting a new activity, please get in touch. There are several times during the week when the hall is not used. It is your village hall – please come along and make use of it. Christine Cooper 01642 710294

SEAMER METHODIST CHURCH TIMES OF WORSHIP June 2nd at 10.30 am Led by Doreen Hunt June 9th Joint Service at Stokesley Methodist Church 10.30 am June 16th at 10.30 am Led by Katherine Atha June 23rd at 10.30 am Led by Rev Lisa Quarmby June 30th at 10.30am Led by Ron Kirk July 7th at 10.30am Seamer Village Hall led by Rev Daniel (see later) July14th at 10.30 am Led by the Atkinsons July 21st at 10 30am Led by Ken Hudson July 28th at 10.30 am led by Rob Johnson 7


Reverend Daniel Pratt Morris-Chapman (former Seamer Methodist Minister who left 3 years ago to work in Milan with the Migrants/refugees), Grace and their three children are visiting Seamer again. On Sunday 7th July they will host a very informal Service in Seamer Village Hall at 10.30. This Service will include details of their work, as well as their life as an “immigrant” missionary family in Italy. Popular at Pop In (and elsewhere!!), this Service will be open to all, including children, and will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch at around 11.45am, where there will be time to chat and catch up with them. You are welcome to come for the Service and/or just Lunch and meet them all. Further details of other events involving Daniel over that weekend can be obtained by contacting Dave Campy 01642710320

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE The March meeting of the Parish Council began with an Open Forum, attended by six members of the community. District Councillor Bridget Fortune thanked the Parish Clerk for her support and also that from all councillors. County Councillor Bryn Griffiths reported that the Highways Officer is looking at the footpath at the junction between Seamer Road and Tame Bridge. He also noted that the junction there was still under consideration by the Highways Department. Planning applications were discussed, including those current, pending and granted. Associated issues were discussed. The Chair outlined recommendations arising from the independent report by the arborist. Appreciation was noted to members of the community who had recently undertaken a litter pick. The Parish Clerk reported that the recent application to the ‘Make a Difference’ fund at HDC to replace the perimeter fencing around the pond had been successful and that the award of £2,000 would be used for this purpose. The Chair gave feedback on recent CSW reports. Progress on Community 8

Fund applications were discussed: traffic refuge at Tame Bridge and a gateway at Seamer Hill. It was noted that members of the Parish Council would step down after the meeting, although the Parish Clerk remains in office. Two candidates for the Parish Council, along with three existing councillors have expressed an interest in standing for the Parish Council in the forthcoming elections. Councillors Janet Bainbridge and Walter Pattison are stepping down this year. Thanks and appreciation were expressed to both Janet and Walter for all their dedication and hard work on the Parish Council. Minutes of this meeting are displayed on the noticeboards and on the website. An update from the May Parish Council meeting and APM will appear in Grapevine. The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Tuesday 16th July, 2019. As always, residents are welcome to attend. Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways: a) Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are publicised in various locations: e.g. Parish Council noticeboards, website. b) The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published. c) Parish Council minutes; these are displayed on noticeboards and on the website. d) By attendance at the Pop-In on Monday mornings, which Parish Council members attend whenever possible. If there are points that need clarification, these will be fed back to the main PC meetings. e) Residents are able to contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them. All matters concerned with the Community Fund are discussed as an agenda item at Parish Council meetings. Any residents who attend form part of the discussion and all viewpoints are taken into consideration when making a final decision.. Philip Taylor, Chair of the Parish Council Email: (Parish Clerk) Seamer Parish Council encompasses Seamer and Tame Bridge.


PARISH COUNCIL – MEMBERSHIP Parish Councillors are elected onto the Parish Council for a term of four years. There are five Parish Councillors. They are joined at meetings by the County Councillor and the District Councillor for the region. The Parish Clerk provides an administrative service for the Parish Council. The current Parish Council (ratified on 21/5/19) comprises: County/District Councillor Bryn Griffiths District Councillor Bridget Fortune Councillor Philip Taylor (Chair) Councillor Doug Forrest Councillor James Bainbridge Councillor Mark Murphy Councillor Paul Chapman. CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT TO SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL 2018/2019 This year has been a somewhat eventful year for the Parish Council. We have made considerable progress on improving the village environment, for instance the Gateways in Seamer and Tame Bridge; further bulb planting and the addition of very attractive benches around the village. Our application to the Hambleton District Council’s ‘Make a Difference’ Fund was successful and we were awarded a grant of £2,000 to replace the fencing around the pond. Another improvement has been the renewal of old and worn road signs in the village. The Community Fund provided lasting reminders of the centenary of the end of the Great War by way of a Memorial Garden and appropriate seating. A very well attended service in the Memorial Hall was completed with a celebratory luncheon, wartime games and singalong. My thanks to all those who contributed to an extremely successful event. Over the course of the year, the Parish Council has supported the majority of planning applications within the parish boundary. The National Planning Inspectorate supported the Parish Council’s view when they rejected an application for housing outside the development limits. I continue to hope that we will be able to influence any decisions the planners recommend, for the best interest of the village, to ensure that any development is appropriate and manageable without encroaching on the surrounding countryside. Speeding through the village continues to be an issue for residents. The 10

Community Speed Watch team continues to undertake regular deployments on Hilton Road. Our own observations and those of residents indicate that these deployments have affected the number of vehicles travelling well above the speed limit. I am very grateful to the dedicated team of volunteers who regularly turn out to support this initiative. It would be good to see more members of the local community participating in this activity. Many of the plants for the tubs in the parish were kindly provided by Arnold and Kath Cook of Springwell Nursery to whom I offer our thanks and best wishes for their retirement. The Parish Council are now employing a gardener (Steve Burton), funded by the Community Fund, who has made a noteworthy start to creating an attractive environment. The contractor, Philip Wood continues to do a good job in keeping our greens and verges looking neat and tidy and his efforts have been much appreciated by the villagers. We will continue to try and ensure the village remains a pleasing and attractive place to live. A local resident, Gill Burton continues to take responsibility for the pond and together with her band of helpers, there has been some success in preventing the invasion of the weed that has so blighted the pond in recent years. I am very grateful for their efforts. A new bench has been purchased by the Community Fund to enhance the area by the pond for the use of residents. I am very grateful to a group of residents who helped remove litter and rubbish within the village and also to Hambleton District Council for regularly removing this for us. The trees, hedges and bushes within the village, as well as some on the surrounding lanes, have been trimmed back from the roadside. On the advice of our insurance company, a full tree survey to inspect the trees on Parish Council maintained land was commissioned, to ensure the safety of all in their vicinity. One small tree near the pond will have to be removed as a result of the survey. The Traveller site on Stokesley Road continued to cause concern and a great deal of time has been spent communicating with Horton Housing in order to keep on top of rubbish clearance at the site. District Councillor Bridget Fortune has been very proactive in facilitating this action and also in regard to roadside tipping and collection. We continue to monitor the Traveller site and fly tipping within the parish boundary. The help of residents is appreciated in highlighting areas that might need attention. 11

A proposal for a traffic island at the ‘T’ junction in Tame Bridge is nearing fruition, thanks to the input of County Councillor Bryn Griffiths, and also to the North Yorkshire County Council Road Safety team. We hope this will make this area of Tame Bridge much safer. The Community Fund will be supporting this initiative. The forum with our MP Rishi Sunak took place in June and residents had the opportunity to put questions to him, which was well received by those in attendance. Councillor Janet Bainbridge and the Parish Clerk organised a delicious buffet supper to follow the discussion. Over the course of the year, time has also been devoted to dealing with various issues and suggestions made by local residents and also in liaison with the Parish Hall Committee. Regular reports about the work of the Parish Council are placed in the Grapevine magazine and the noticeboards and website are also regularly updated. In support of the young people living in the parish, the Parish Council fund activities at both Easter and Christmas. Thanks to Ann Thomas for organising these events. Grateful thanks also to Councillor Walter Pattison for funding this year’s Christmas tree. I would like to record my grateful thanks to Councillors Janet Bainbridge and Walter Pattison who stepped down at this year’s election. Both Councillors have worked tirelessly on behalf of the parish and their advice, good counsel and unstinting support have been invaluable over the course of many years. As Vice-Chairman over a number of years, I have been very grateful for Janet’s local knowledge and she will be sorely missed. I would now like to welcome Councillors Mark Murphy and Paul Chapman to the Parish Council and look forward to working with them and to their future input. May I thank my fellow Parish Councillors for their time, work and interest they give to issues in Seamer and Tame Bridge and for the support, advice and interest shown by our District Councillor and County Council representatives. Thanks also to Gillian, our Parish Clerk for her hard work to ensure the Parish Council functions efficiently. Earlier this year, it was agreed that she would also take on clerical responsibility for the Community Fund and to ensure that residents are kept well-informed about activity from both the Parish Council and Community Fund. Philip R Taylor (Chairman) 12

CLEARANCE OF DEBRIS AT VILLAGE HALL A big 'thank you' to those willing helpers who gave up a few Saturday mornings to dig out and clear debris from behind the Village Hall. It is being left now to dry out over the warmer months, then later in the year, we will be covering the soil with gravel to help drainage. So more help may be required then. Thank you again to everyone who came forward. Steve Burton

THE FLOWER TUBS It has been noticed that some tubs are looking much livelier than others. Maybe some are being watered more than others? So therefore please could I make a request ‘to water a tub near you’. The tubs are hopefully, being refurbished with the summer plants this week, so please give them a little drink now and again. Steve Burton (Gardener)

JAM JARS WANTED Another year has gone by since I told you about my friend Jenny Firman who in her spare time makes jams, jellies, marmalade, chutney's and pickles of every description to sell to raise money for Cancer Research UK. This is a message from Jenny This year’s total has been counted and I’m pleased to announce we will be giving £3,100 to Cancer Research UK. This gives a project total to date of £25,600. Not too bad from a few jars of jam! Massive thanks going out to all our supporters and customers because without you all there is no project, so thank you. Now, does anyone want to buy any preserves… This amount has been raised in nine years and is sent to Cancer Research UK to be used in the Newcastle Research Facility. I’m sure you will agree this is a tremendous achievement. To be able to do this Jenny requires lots of jam jars and produce to fill them with. Many of you have been saving jars for her and she would be grateful if you could keep on doing so. Please save any glass jars varying in size up to 1lb or 454g. 13

As it will soon be the season for soft fruits and later on other fruits and vegetables, if you have a surplus of any produce and don’t know what to do with it, she will be glad to take it off your hands and is willing to pick it as well. The glass jars can be left at the village hall when it is open for activities or they can be left at Lowfields Farm, Stainton Road, Seamer – by the gates, or you can contact Jenny and she will collect them and/or any produce from you. If you would like to buy any of her produce, there is a box of jars of jams and pickles in the village hall – priced at £2 a jar. If you would like to see what else she makes and wish to place an order, or if you have an outlet where you could sell her preserves, look on her Facebook page. Her details are: Jenny Firman Phone: 01642 723934 / 07725207515 Facebook: easby charity preserves e-mail: With your help I hope she will be able to raise a lot more money for this very deserving charity. Many thanks Christine Cooper 01642 710294 TIME FOR A LAUGH (Questions that haunt me!) How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? Why does a round pizza come in a square box? What disease did cured ham actually have? Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV? How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up like every two hours? 14

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway... Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs! If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? Why did you just try singing the two songs above? Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window? Why, Why, Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead? Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough money to pay it? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection? Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him? Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white? Why do they put an expiration date on sour cream? How come you never hear father-in-law jokes? 15

Why do people keep running over a thread a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it back down to give the vacuum one more chance? How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures? Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over? In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer, when we complained about the heat? Why do we drive on a parkway but park on a driveway.

Submitted by Ann Thomas (from France).

GRAPEVINE CONTACTS All numbers are prefixed with 01642 Magazine Layout, Editor, Printer and Distribution Coordinator David Campy, 5a Holme Lane, Seamer E mail: Front Cover Illustrations Anne Clements, Tame Bridge St Martin’s Rev Paul Hutchinson, The Rectory, Stokesley Methodist Church Ron Kirk, 2 Rosehill, Great Ayton Seamer Village Hall Chairperson: Mark Murphy Email : Bookings: Nov– April, Ann Thomas May—October , Vivien Hyman Village News and Events Contact: Dave Campy Seamer Parish Council E-Mail: Seamer Correspondent for Darlington and Stockton Times Christine Cooper


710405 722053

269663 710320


Seamer Village Website The Globe Stokesley Website ooooOOOOooo 16

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