No. 162 April - May 2020 Keep up to date with what’s happening locally by visiting
Seamer Village Website
Please Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives. 1
Another issue of Grapevine but this one is unlike all others being less about Seamer activities and more about what to do in this crisis we are in at the moment. Due to current restrictions and safety guidance, it is only available in electronic form, not as a paper copy, unless you print it off yourselves. If you receive a copy please pass it on to any Seamer/Tame Bridge residents in
your contacts list.
It will also be on the Seamer Village website, which will have further updates received by the Parish Council . I hope that you are all well and keeping safe following the guideline from the government. However these restrictions do place a lot of stress and difficulties in managing everyday essentials and people may require support. I am willing to act as a Coordinator for support and already have 6 people waiting to help in Seamer and Tame Bridge. I am liaising with Stokesley Community Care who are coordinating the bigger picture locally. If you are, or know of anyone who is self isolating and /or vulnerable
because of age or pre-existing medical conditions or just need a bit of moral support and would like help, then please Read the notice below
and get in touch with me. Dave Campy
DAVID CAMPY I am the Editor of Grapevine and the local COVID co-ordinator for Seamer/ Tame Bridge area, liaising with the Stokesley Community Care Association. My Contact Details: 5a Holme Lane, phone 01642710320 or 07709261440 email:
Just call, text or email your details and I’ll do my best to put you in touch with those willing to help you in Seamer/Tame Bridge.
Unfortunately following Church of England guidelines all services at St Martins, Seamer have been cancelled. This shutdown takes us up until Easter Sunday. On Thursday May 21st Ascension Day, if the restrictions are lifted, Paul Peverell will follow tradition and conduct a service at St Martin's at 7pm. There will also be a regular service on Sunday June 28th at 11.15. Information will be sent out by email but please check the website and Facebook page for Stokesley Parish Church. It will also be posted on the Parish Notice Board. In the meantime we wish all our parishioners the very best . Please take care and stay well and safe. If you think we can help in anyway please use the contact numbers provide. Judith Turland (Church warden)
Seamer Memorial hall closed and AGM postponed due to corona virus until further notice. Let us all hope that this situation ends as soon as possible and we can all get back to normal soon! Keep safe Mark Murphy 3
CHILDREN’S EASTER WORKSHOPS Sadly, we had to postpone ! BUT we hope that you will have a good Easter with your family. Lots of ideas on the internet or take time to play some games, read books or do some crafts in the house or garden. We will have a big Party when all this is over! RECYCLE FOR CHARITY Many thanks to all who donated their stamps at Christmas. Please keep collecting and I will resume sending them to a charity when possible. TOOLS FOR AFRICA Can you help? Old or unwanted TOOLS of any type, including electrical, are needed. These will be refurbished at the charity`s Larchfield Community Centre`s workshop, before being sent to the needy in Africa. Please check your toolbox, workshop or garden shed for any tools no longer needed. They will make a big difference. Tools can be left on the bench outside the back door of 21,The Green. Thank you, STITCHERS (former Knit and Natter) Although we can no longer meet at the Village Hall we have decided to knit, crochet, sew or craft RAINBOWS Of HOPE. Those who are taking their one walk a day can tie them to the hall railings or you may want to put them inside your window or on your gate. We are practicing social distancing and ask you to do the same. Remember,
The Brightest Rainbows follow the Darkest storms! Stay safe everyone. Ann Thomas (Get in touch at or Tel.01642710822 ) TREE PLANTING As a thank you to the Bainbridge family (Greystones Farm, Seamer), who help the village a great deal, 48 trees (saplings really - you can hardly see them!) have been planted by a number of local residents. The small copse is located in front of the gable end of the barn on their new access road off Tanton Road. (If you wish to see the planting, please do not enter the farm, view it from the main road.) The Christmas walking group I am part of contributed towards the cost, and my son and his work colleagues at Cisco Systems, Sydney, Australia are raising more money for future tree planting. If anybody knows where more trees could be planted at the end of 2020, please let Seamer Parish Council know via their e -mail Vic Brown [Thanks Vic and all your helpers for doing this for the Seamer Community – Editor] 4
CHARITY JUMBLE SALE POSTPONED due to Coronavirus restrictions As I already have a lot of donations, mainly from friends and family stored in my garage I may run the Jumble Sale later in the year. There’s some great stuff. If I can’t then my plan is to donate everything to the YMCA. The reason for that is after previous jumble sales John from the YMCA charity has arrived with a van and taken every scraggy thing that’s left! This has been a wonderful help so I feel he’s earned it :) Jo Batey SEAMER VILLAGE HALL 100+ CLUB February winners were (130 members) 1st £20 91 Eileen Doughty, Brackenhill Walk 2nd £16 10 Robert Jinks, Tame Bridge 3rd £12 88 Glen McGill, Leconfield 4th £10 56 Tom McGowan, Yarm 5th £ 7 140 Barbara Newbould, Coldpool Due to coronavirus, I am in self isolation for at least 12 weeks so have been unable to collect some of the renewal fees for March. This will also apply for all renewal fees for the next few months. As a result of this, the monthly draw for these months will be suspended until the Monday Pop in commences again. I have email addresses and phone numbers for some of you and will contact you when your renewal fees are due to see if you still wish to do so. For other members I will call and see you when I am free to do so. For any members who know that I DO NOT have a contact email address or phone number for you, it will be most helpful if you can let me have your details. This is easier than coming to see you. If you have just moved here, or come to the village hall activities, would you like to become a member? You can join at any time. It costs £1 per month/£12 for the year for which you are allocated a number. Each month half the monthly money is given out as prize money and the other half goes to the village hall funds to help to cover our expenses. I look forward to hearing from you. Christine Cooper 01642701733/07434171305 or
CORONAVIRUS SCAMS Be careful, there are lots about which look genuine. The latest updates from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau for Corona based scams. can be found at 5
The January meeting commenced with two PCSO officers from Stokesley, who answered questions related to the Police Report. An Open Forum followed, attended by two members of the community. The issue of a tree on the verge between the Bank Top footpath and Stainton Road was raised. Parking on Hilton Road between Stainton Road junction and Bank Top was raised as an issue. The Chairman explained that NYCC had visited this site in January 2019 and indicated that because of financial pressures, it would not be possible to cut back the verge to allow vehicles to park off the main roadway. He also reported that all bins in the village had now been replaced and that the bin by the church gate was due to be re-sited at any time. Within the main meeting agenda, planning applications were noted, including those current and granted. Village maintenance issues were discussed, and the cutting back of trees on Holme Lane by Mark Joplin noted and thanks given. The purchase of a second-hand rotovator for ground works was discussed and agreed. The Chair gave feedback on the recent CSW (Speed Watch) deployments and an update on the approach from Crathorne regarding VAS signage. Councillor Paul Chapman reported on developments from the Climate Action Group; he had written an article for the Grapevine and he and the Chairman would meet with a local botanist in the near future. The Parish Clerk has submitted a detailed application for funding from the HDC ‘Make a Difference’ fund. Councillor Mark Murphy (Village Hall Committee) reported some progress on the Village Hall constitution although the deeds to the Hall had not yet been located. He noted recent festive events. He was asked to submit an article for the January issue of the Grapevine to report both on progress with current discussions and also the aims of fundraising. Discussions regarding Bank Top were still continuing, with advice being gathered from HDC, NYCC and YLCA. Similarly, legal ramifications regarding village greens were discussed and are to be followed up. It was agreed that resurfacing of the entry access to this area would be costed and undertaken. The Chairman had attended a meeting with HDC and Horton Housing regarding the ongoing issues with fly-tipping at Hillfield Close. There was one application to the Community Fund for funding for the Grapevine; this funding will be forthcoming from the Precept and not the Community Fund. Minutes of this meeting are displayed on the noticeboards and on the website. An update from the March Parish Council meeting will appear in the next Grapevine. The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Tuesday 19 May, 2020 (also the Parish Annual Meeting). As always, residents are welcome to attend. Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways: Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are publicised in various locations: e.g. Parish Council noticeboards, website. The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published. Parish Council minutes; these are displayed on noticeboards and on the website. 6
By attendance at the Pop-In on Monday mornings, which Parish Council members attend whenever possible. If there are any points that need clarification, these will be fed back to the main PC meetings.  Residents are able to contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them. All matters concerned with the Community Fund are discussed as an agenda item at Parish Council meetings. Any residents who attend form part of the discussion and all viewpoints are taken into consideration when making a final decision. Philip Taylor, Chair of the Parish Council Email: (Parish Clerk) Seamer Parish Council encompasses Seamer and Tame Bridge.
Notice re: Parish Council Meetings
Following advice from central and local government and the Yorkshire Local Councils Association, please be advised that it is highly unlikely that the Annual Parish Meeting and the regular Parish Council Meeting will take place in May. Seamer Parish Council trust residents are taking the advice provided by the government and that you and your families remain well and safe during these unprecedented times. Should you need to contact the Parish Council, please email
Litter Pick: March
Thank you to the band of volunteers who helped remove all the litter along Stokesley Road from the duck pond to the bottom of Seamer Hill. We collected around 15 bags of rubbish and were rewarded with refreshments at Labman, which were gratefully received! Special thanks to Vic, Christine, Dave, Viv, Phil and Philip for giving up their Monday morning to help keep our village looking wonderful. Thanks to all other residents, especially John, who also give of their time to keep the village tidy. Seamer Parish Council
The Globe Library is CLOSED and we are unable to say when we will re-open. 7
People can no longer contact The Globe by telephone but if you send your questions to we shall reply. NYCC has put in place arrangements to extend periods for items on loan so no one needs to worry about accruing any fines during the closures. Remember you can still access library services on-line via There will be no deliveries between libraries during the closure so Reservations will not be handled until the libraries reopen. During the closures: If library cards expire you will still be able to access all digital resources and borrow ebooks/eaudio. You no longer need to visit a library to collect PIN numbers to access online services. These can be issued by NYCC on verification of date of birth and postcode. People can now phone in if they wish to join the library. Membership card numbers and PIN will be emailed to them separately. To join the library or get your PIN number, please call 01609 533878. If this service is not available please send an E-mail to and we shall be able to enrol you. A useful link to updates on NYCC Services is Please keep checking our website for the latest information and share it with your local friends, family and neighbours. HOW TO ACCESS LIBRARY SERVICES FROM HOME Returning/Renewing your books Books can be returned by posting them through the Book Returns letterbox outside the library building. However NYCC has extended the borrowing time on all items so that no fines will be incurred during closure. You can still renew your books on line by going to You will need your card number and PIN to access your account. You can also renew items by calling 01609 532774 and entering your library card number and PIN. This is electronic service, there isn’t a person at the other end. SELF-ISOLATING? RUN OUT OF THINGS TO DO? Did you know that your library card gives you free access to thousands of ebooks, magazines, newspapers, digital audiobooks and graphic novels? Go to http:/// and download the apps to your computer, laptop, tablet or other device. 8
Again, you must have your card number and PIN to access this service. Browse through the digital catalogues to find your next item to read or listen to. All for FREE! These are loans and the items “expire” after 7 days. Some items may have a waiting list. To join the library or get your PIN number, please call 01609 533878 If this service is not available, please send an E-mail to and we will be able to enrol you and send you your Card Number by email. We’ll keep your card on file until you are able to pick it up when we re-open. For all the latest library information please visit our website If you get an error message click on our logo in the top left hand corner of the screen, it will take you to our Home Page. The Globe
TANTON BRIDGE PROGRESS Progress to date is going well, although with the virus we have had a few men off sick. The two milestones we had for the contract to enable we were on track have been achieved, we successfully installed the piling works on 2nd and 3rd March without delay. This week we poured both secondary reinforced concrete foundations and yesterday we installed the south primary reinforced foundation. Programme for the coming weeks is to install the north primary foundation and then begin to excavate and install the retaining walls and new temporary arch support works. I know the social media pages etc. think we are taking forever etc. but I can assure you we are working as quickly and safely as we can, I just hope there is no more flooding and that the virus does not have a detrimental impact on the works. We are also seeing a lot of the public take photos from the gates but unfortunately the majority of the works are within the sheet piles so from a distance it probably looks like nothing’s happening. I will update you again in 3 to 4 weeks’ time. Councillor Bryn Griffiths (19th March) BOOKLET ABOUT KEEPING SAFE Filey and Eastfield NPT (Police) and McCain’s have produced a booklet which has lots of handy general advice on how to keep safe at this current time but also has info which is specific to The Scarbrough and Filey Area. If you would like an electronic copy then please contact me David Campy (Editor), 01642710320 9
TIME FOR A LAUGH (we need it) HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY GARDEN Plant Three Rows of Peas: Peace of Mind Peace of Heart Peace of Soul Plant Four Rows of Squash:
Squash Gossip! Squash being Competitive! Squash Grumbling! Squash Selfishness! Plant Five Rows of Lettuce:
Lettuce be Understanding Lettuce be Kind! Lettuce be Happy! Lettuce Celebrate Life! Lettuce Love One Another! And Don’t Forget the Turnips:
Turnip for Service when Needed Turnip to Help One Another Turnip the Music and Dance Water your happy garden freely with patience and cultivate it with love. There is much fruit in your garden - because you reap what you sow. And one last thing - make sure your garden always has thyme: Thyme for fun Thyme for relaxation Thyme for others As we may be spending lots of time in our gardens, lets reflect on these things
COMPUTERS (we still need them!!) For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated:"If Ford had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, 10
we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon." In response to Bill's comments, Ford issued a press release stating:If Ford had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics (and I just love this part):1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash......... twice a day. 2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. 3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this. 4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads. 6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed an Illegal Operation" warning light. 7. The airbag system would ask, "Are you sure?", before deploying. 8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna. 9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car. 10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off. Please share this with your friends who love - but sometimes hate their computer! Both these articles submitted by Ann Thomas
GRAPEVINE CONTACTS All numbers are prefixed with 01642
Magazine Layout, Editor, Printer and Distribution Coordinator David Campy, 5a Holme Lane, Seamer E mail: 710320 Front Cover Illustration Vivien Hyman 269663 St Martin’s John Groom 712138 Judith Turland 710489 Methodist Church Ron Kirk, 2 Rosehill, Great Ayton 722053 Seamer Village Hall Chairperson: Mark Murphy Email : Bookings: Ann Thomas 710822 Vivien Hyman
Village News and Events Contact: Dave Campy 710320 Seamer Parish Council E-Mail: Seamer Correspondent for Darlington and Stockton Times Christine Cooper 710294 Seamer Village Website The Globe, Stokesley Website ooooOOOOooo