5 Oral Health Tips for Toddlers!
Proper dental care will guarantee your child, strong and healthy teeth. Starting this early will give them an even better chance at this.
TEETH CLEANING Teeth cleaning for your child is important before and after they start developing their teeth. This is to remove any dirt left behind during feeding. Otherwise, the dirt will build up favoring the breeding of bacteria which can cause tooth decay. As an infant, before their teeth begin to show, you may wipe their gums and around the mouth with a wet soft cloth or gauze. As a toddler, when their teeth begin to emerge, you may use a tiny toothbrush with very little amount of fluoride toothpaste.
AVOID SLEEPING WITH A BOTTLE Small amounts of sweet liquids are bound to settle around the mouth. The sugar from this will form acids which will cause a quick erosion of the enamel. This can lead to serious tooth decay for your toddler, usually referred to as “baby bottle tooth decay”. Hence, this is something that you should avoid. If it’s a must for them to use a bottle, then it should be one filled with water.
NUTRITION As a healthy diet contributes to your child’s body health, it also plays a key role when it comes to their dental health. For drinks, avoid giving them too many fruit juices and other sweet drinks such as soda. Instead, let them drink plenty of water, preferably boiled tap water, and plain cow milk. When it comes to meals, you should get them used to a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Fluoride Treatments An easy and effective way to strengthen your child’s teeth is through fluoride. The easiest way to do this is by ensuring that you use fluoridated toothpaste to brush their teeth. To add to this, fluoridated water is also a good supplement. This is however only an option if your water supply provides fluoridated water.
Dental Checkups Your child should have had their first visit to a pediatric dentist by the time they are becoming a toddler. This is, however, just the beginning. Regular checkups from that time onwards are necessary for your child’s oral health. This way, your pediatric dentist will be able to spot any dental problems early enough and stop tooth decay while still in its early stages.
About Us Sweet Tooth Pediatric Dentistry was based on the foundation of thirty years of excellence from Dr. Jeffrey Heilig. Dr. Heilig opened Weston’s first pediatric dental office in 1989. Dr. Heilig has an incredible reputation in the community and is well-known and loved for his beside manners, demeanor, and high quality dental work. After thirty-six years of practice, Dr. Heilig retired and chose Dr. Erin Arroyo to continue care for his beloved patients. Dr. Erin and Dr. Heilig discussed the practice transition for quite some time to ensure it was in the best interest of the patients and that their practice visions aligned. Dr. Heilig took this task very seriously, and he is pleased and excited to have found that individual in Dr. Erin.
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1040 Weston Rd Suite 300, Weston, FL 33326
PHONE NUMBER 954.384.8888