Week 2
We begin: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We read: Christ is with us! And will we triumph? Yes, certainly, do not doubt it. The victory is Christ’s. The last word will be his. When? How? Abandon yourself into his hands with unwavering faith! Go complete the mission that has been entrusted to you, your little mission, which only you can fulfill.
St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ
You are the only one in creation who can fulfill that mission. If you don’t do it, it will be left undone—your mission, a mission of generosity. Do it as well as you can. Don’t skimp on the sacrifice. Give
Novices In this week we pray especially for Jesuit novices. We dispose our hearts and spirits to guide our lives to God, trusting in his merciful presence in the midst of the Church. As a figure of inspiration we will take the witness of our brother Jesuit St. Alberto Hurtado.
yourself entirely. Don’t hold anything back. Ask for nothing, not even to contemplate here below the triumph of your cause. The soldier who fights for a just cause hands his entire life over because he has faith in his cause. We have faith in Christ; life is his and death is his. His plans? Only he knows them . . . but we do know that the salvation of the world is worked by the crucified redeemer. He took up the great cross and died on it. He invites us to take up our small cross.
many sadnesses to contemplate‌. true, but the pain is the first step; the victory is the last and definitive step. And even the pain in union with Christ is peace, joy, nobility. The very nobility of cooperating in the salvation of the world with the Redeemer of all humanity! Now times are hard . . . let them come to be better if each one of us fulfills his duty and mission. We are the time. AND CHRIST IS WITH US!
St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ
Let us take it up courageously, for the world is redeemed by sacrifice. True, there are many pains to offer, 11
Prayers To each intention we respond: Gracious God, hear us.
That our novices may grow in friendship with Jesus and dispose their hearts to welcome generously the will of God in their lives. Let us pray.
That our novices may discover and love the joy and meaning of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience for love of Jesus and his Kingdom. Let us pray.
That formators may know how to perceive the dynamic of the Holy Spirit in their accompaniment and guidance of those whom the Lord has entrusted to them. Let us pray.
That the families of our novices may experience the joy and consolation of God for their generous offering to the Church of Jesus Christ. Let us pray.
That the men and women of the various apostolates where our novices work might know the fruits of the Spirit in their lives as they share their experience of Christ and Church. Let us pray.
Let us add our own intentions.
Prayer All-powerful God, our Creator, we ask you for the grace of the Holy Spirit so that we may recognize your generous hand in the simplicity of daily life and know how to respond to you with renewed self-offering in following your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.