DI A MON D BR I DA L ST Y L E S A u g u st 2 0 13
CHOOSE F r o m a v a s t s e le c t io n o f it e m s o n lin e o r in o u r c a t a lo g s .
CHANGE y o u r s e le c t io n .
CR E ATE O n e - o f- a - k in d je w e lr y w it h
For more information contact the design studio on 08006890770
Flexibility in Design
d e s ig n s o f t w a r e t o c r e a t e a v a s t n e w w o r ld o f b r id a l p o s s ib ilit ie s a n d
A. 121984 | B. 122002 | C. 121997 | D. 121995
For more information contact the Swesky design studio on 08006890770
You Buy The Diamond She Designs The Ring
For more information contact the Swesky design studio on 08006890770
122002 Oval-Shape Semi-Mount, 11â „2 ct center #122002, CSS #SCS02502-MQF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121995 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1â „4 ct center #121995, CSS #SCS02495-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
71589 Pear-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center Mounting #71589, CSS #SCS02512-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121999 Asscher-Shape Three-Stone Semi-Mount, 3
Mounting #121999, CSS #SCS02499-ASF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
122000 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 3⁄8 ct center #122000, CSS #SCS02500-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121986 Emerald Shape Three-Stone Semi-Mount, 1/2 ct center (6x4mm), 1⁄3 ct tw, Mounting #121986, CSS #SCS02486-EMF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
122003 Cushion-Shape Semi-Mount, 3â „4 ct center Mounting #122003, CSS #SCS02503-0FV-0-00-RG.
Available center stone shapes.
121992 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, ½ ct center Mounting #121992, CSS #SCS02492-OVF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121987 Asscher-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center Mounting #121987, CSS #SCS02487-CUF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
71590 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1/4 ct center #71590, CSS #SCS02513-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
71586 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1/2 ct center ( Mounting #71586, CSS #SCS02509-CUF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
C o lo r o f t h e Y e a r
T h e c e n t e r e m e r a ld o n o u r c o v e r is t h e P a n t o n e ® C o lo r o f t h e Y e a r . C ount on us w hen O u r la r g e g e m s t o n e e m e r a ld s — b o t h p r e c io u s t o c o m p le m e n
y o u r e q u e s t t h is g o r g e o u s s h a d e . in v e n t o r y in c lu d e s a f u ll r a n g e o f a n d c r e a t e d — a s w e ll a s m a n y s t o n e s t t h is lu s h a n d liv e ly c o lo r .
Visit stuller.com for our complete product selections and current pricing. | 9
69706 Round-Shape Semi-Mount with Baguettes, Mounting #69706, CSS #SCS02508-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121996 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1â „3 ct center CSS #SCS02496-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121990 Square-Shape Solitaire, 3/4 ct center Mounting #121990, CSS #SCS02490-RDF-0-00-ES.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121994 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 3⁄4 ct center #121994, CSS #SCS02494-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121984 Asscher-Shape Semi-Mount, 3⁄4 ct center #121984, CSS #SCS02485-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121993 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1⁄4 ct center #121993, CSS #SCS02493-PSF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121988 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 3â „4 ct center Mounting #121988, CSS #SCS02488-EMF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121991 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center Mounting #121991, CSS #SCS02491-EMF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
71588 Asscher-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center Mounting #71588, CSS #SCS02511-OVF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
122011 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, CSS #SCS02507-RDF-0-00-ES.
Available center stone shapes.
122004 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, CSS #SCS02504-RDF-0-00-ES.
Available center stone shapes.
122005 Square-Shape Solitaire Mounting, CSS #SCS02505-ASF-0-00-ES.
Available center stone shapes.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121997 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1â „2 ct center #121997, CSS #SCS02497-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
122001 Complete Engagement Ring, $1,925. Mounting #122001. CSS #SCS02501-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shape.
121998 Complete Engagement Ring, 1/6 ct center Mounting #121998. CSS #SCS02498-RDF-0-00-ES.
Available center stone shape.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
122006 Diamond Eternity Band, 3/8 ct tw, , CSS #SCS02506-RDF-0-00-EG.
Available center stone shapes.
121989 Diamond Eternity Band, 11/4 ct tw, , CSS #SCS02489-PSF-0-00-BD.
Available center stone shapes.
R e d B o x D ia m o n d s ® E x c lu siv e ly fro m S w e s k y
m a x im u m lig h t p e r f o r m a n c e y o u r c u s t o m e r c a n s e e . A c c o m p a n ie d b y a n ™ d ia m o n d is la s e r ⁄3 c a r a t - 2 c a r a t s . Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations Visit stuller.com for our complete selections and current pricing. | 15 08006890770 Optionproduct 2 Swesky Jewellery
Sculptural Platinum
w e a r in g o n e o f t h e s e s t u n n in g s t y le s c r e a t e d b y o u r a w a r d - w in n in g d e s ig n t e a m . A v a ila b le f o r 5 d a y d e liv e r y .
16 | stuller.com/bridalstyles
Center diamond sold separately unless otherwise noted.
For more information contact Swesky on 08006890770 opt 2
A. 121944 | B. 121961 | C. 121954 | D. 121969 | E. 121962 | F. 121972 Center diamond or gemstone sold separately.
Visit stuller.com for our complete product selections and current pricing. | 17
121981 Round-Shape Cushion Frame Semi-Mount, 3â „4 ct center (5.8mm), 1â „6 ct tw, platinum Mounting #121981.
122019 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5mm), 1/5 ct tw, platinum Mounting #122019.
122018 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), 1/5 ct tw, platinum Shown with genuine blue sapphire. Mounting #122018.
121960 Round-Shape Cushion Frame Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), 1/8 ct tw, platinum. Mounting #121960.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
122025 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/8 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #122025.
122040 Marquise-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (9x4.5mm), 3/8 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #122040.
122020 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5x5mm), 1/8 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #122020.
121961 Round-Shape Cushion Frame Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), 1/5 ct tw, platinum, Mounting # 121961.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121954 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 11â „2 ct center (7.4mm), 0.04 ct tw, platinum, Shown with 1 ct round head, #321.) Mounting #121954. 121954 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, 7 â „8 ct tw, platinum, . Mounting #121954.
121952 Antique Cushion Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), 1/5 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121952. 121952 Matching Diamond Band, 1/5 ct tw, platinum, . Mounting #121952.
121963 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/4 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #28487.) Mounting #121963. 121963 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, 3/4 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121963.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121955 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 1/6 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct princess head, #28488.) Mounting #121955. 121955 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/3 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121955.
121965 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 11⁄2 ct center (7.4mm), 1⁄6 ct tw, platinum, . (Shown with 1 ct round head, #321.) Mounting #121965. 121965 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, 1 ⁄3 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121965.
121974 Sculptural Engagement Base Mounting, 1 ct center (6.5mm), platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #28487.) Mounting #121974. 121974 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, platinum, Mounting #121974.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121969 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 11/2 ct center (6.5mm), 1/5 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 11/2 ct princess head, #28488.) Mounting #121969.
121976 Sculptural Engagement Base Mounting, 11⁄2 ct center (6.5mm), platinum, (Shown with princess head, #28488.)
121970 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 1⁄10 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct princess head, #28488.) Mounting #121970. 121970 Matching Sculptural Eternity Band, 1⁄5 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121970.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121968 Sculptural Engagement Base, 1 ct center (6.5mm), platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #28487.)
121979 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11/2 ct center (7.4mm), 1/6 ct tw, platinum, . Mounting #121979.
121953 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11â „2 ct center (7.4mm), 1â „3 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121953.
121958 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), 1/3 ct tw, platinum, (Also available with 14kt rose accent.) Mounting #121958. 121958 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, platinum,. Mounting #121958.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121973 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/4 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #321.) Mounting #121973.
121975 Round-Shape Engagement Mounting, 1 ct center (6.5mm), platinum,
121957 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 3/8 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #321.) Mounting #121957.
121967 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 3/8 ct tw, platinum, . (Shown with 1 ct round head, #28487.) Mounting #121967.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121971 Sculptural Engagement Base Mounting, 1 ct center (6.5mm), platinum, . (Shown with 1 ct round head, #321.) 121971 Matching Sculptural Band, platinum,
121956 Sculptural Semi-Mount Engagement Base, 11/2 ct center (7.4mm), 3/8 ct tw, platinum, (Shown with 1 ct round head, #28487.) Mounting #121956.
121972 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/3 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121972. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121977 Sculptural Eternity Band, platinum, size 7, (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121942 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/6 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121942. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121943 Sculptural Eternity Band, 3/8 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121943. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121944 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/5 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121944. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121962 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/5 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121962. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121945 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/6 ct tw, platinum, . Mounting #121945. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121980 Sculptural Eternity Band, 1/6 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121980. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
121966 Sculptural Band Mounting, platinum, (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
68846 Sculptural Diamond Anniversary Band, 1/2 ct tw, platinum, Mounting #121823. (Half and whole sizes available. Please call our sales team for more details.)
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
Halo-Style and Vintage-Inspired A. 68876 | B. 67801 | C. 68742 | D. 68797 Center diamond or gemstone sold separately.
28 | stuller.com/bridalstyles
Center diamond sold separately unless otherwise noted.
Visit stuller.com for our complete product selections and current pricing. | 29
67801 Marquise-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (10x5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121630, CSS #SCS02119-MQF-0-00. (Additional center size available: 67801 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
67800 Asscher-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.4mm), 3/4 ct tw, 1 Mounting #121641, CSS #SCS02119-ASF-0-00. 67800 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
67799 Oval-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (7x5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121626, CSS #SCS02219-OUF-0-00. (Additional center sizes available: 11/4 ct and 11/2 ct. 67799 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
67856 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121620, CSS #SCS02119-RDF-0-01. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct and 3/4 ct. 67856 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
68046 Oval-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (7x5mm), 1/3 ct tw, Mounting #121627, CSS #SCS02119-OUF-0-01. (Additional center sizes available: 11/4 ct, 11/2 ct, 2 1/2 ct and 3 ct. 68046 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
67857 Round-Shape Cushion-Frame Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/3 ct tw, Mounting #121619, CSS #SCS02119-RDF-0-03. (Additional center sizes available: 1/3 ct, 1/2 ct, 他 ct, 11/2 ct, and 2 ct. 67857 Matching Diamond Band, 1/8 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68898 Emerald-Shape Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (7x5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121853, CSS #SCS02220-EMF-0-00-EG. (Additional center sizes available: 11/2 ct and 2 ct. 68898 Matching Diamond Band, 1/5 ct tw, Mounting #121853.
68870 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 5/8 ct tw, 1 Mounting #121859, CSS #SCS02213-RDF-0-00-EG. (Additional center sizes available: 他 ct and 11/2 ct. 68870 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121859.
68876 Cushion-Shape Semi-Mount, 11/2 ct center (6.5mm), 5/8 ct tw, Mounting #121868, CSS #SCS02213-CUF-0-01-EG. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct, 他 ct, 1 ct and 2 ct. 68876 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121859.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68926 Asscher-Shape Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 2 ct center (7mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121893, CSS #SCS02300-ASF-0-00-EG. 68926 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121893.
67858 Round-Shape Split Shank Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 3/4 ct tw, . Mounting #121657, CSS #SCS02139-RDF-0-00-EG. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct, ¾ ct and 11/2 ct. 67858 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121662.
68070 Marquise-Shape Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 11/4 ct center (9.5x5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121679, CSS #SCS02139-MQF-0-00-EG. (Additional center size available: 3⁄4 ct, 2 ct and 3 ct. 68070 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121662.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
67860 Round-Shape Cushion-Frame Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 7/8 ct tw, Mounting #121680, CSS #SCS02139-RDF-0-01-EG. (Additional center size available: ¾ ct. 67860 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121662.
67859 Square-Shape Split Shank Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 3/4 ct tw, . Mounting #121686, CSS #SCS02139-PSF-0-00-EG. (Additional center size available: 1⁄2 ct, ¾ ct, 11⁄4 ct, 11⁄2 ct and 2 ct. 67859 Diamond Matching Band, 1/6 ct tw, 14kt white, $885. Mounting #121662.
68927 Oval-Shape Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 11/2 ct center (8.5x6.5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121894, CSS #SCS02300-OUF-0-00-EG. 68927 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121893.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68928 Radiant-Shape Split-Shank Semi-Mount, 11/4 ct center (7.5x5.5mm), 7/8 ct tw, Mounting #121895, CSS #SCS02300-RTF-0-00-EG. (Additional center size available: 11/4 ct. 68928 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121893.
67791 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 1/3 ct tw, Mounting #121628, CSS #SCS02119-PSF-0-01. (Additional center sizes available: 3/4 ct, 11/4 ct, and 11/2 ct. 67791 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
68270 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, 11â „4 ct center (7.5x5.5mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121718, CSS #SCS2119-EMF-0-00. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct, 11/4 and 11/2. 68270 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw, . Mounting #121587.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68873 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 3/8 ct tw, . Mounting #121860, CSS #SCS02226-RDF-0-00-EG. (Additional center sizes available: ½ ct, ¾ ct, and 11/2 ct, 2 ct, 21/2 ct and 3 ct. 68873 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121859.
67789 Marquise-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (10x5mm), 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121631, CSS #SCS02119-MQF-0-01. (Additional center sizes available: 3⁄4 ct, 2 ct, and 3 ct. 67789 Matching Diamond Band, 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121587.
68218 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 1/5 ct tw, Mounting #121734. CSS #SC02121-PSF-0-00. (Additional center sizes available: 1⁄2 ct, 3⁄4 ct, 11⁄4 ct, 11⁄2 ct and 2 ct. 68218 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄8 ct tw, Mounting #121592.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68872 Marquise-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (10x5mm), 3/8 ct tw, Mounting #121861, CSS #SCS02218-MQF-0-00-EG. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct, 他 ct, 2 ct, and 3 ct. 68872 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121859.
67802 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 3/4 ct tw, 1 Mounting #121618, CSS #SCS02119-PSF-0-00. (Additional center sizes available: 他 ct and 11/4 ct. 67802 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw, . Mounting #121587.
67797 Asscher-Shape Semi-Mount, 3/4 ct center (5.4mm), 3/4 ct tw, Mounting #121629, CSS #SCS02126-ASF-0-03-EG. 67797 Matching Diamond Band, 1/2 ct tw, . Mounting #121560.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68796 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1/2 ct center (5.2mm), 1/6 ct tw, Mounting #121838, CSS #SCS02246-RDF-0-00-EG.
68797 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1/2 ct center (5.2mm), 3/8 ct tw,Mounting #121837, CSS #SCS02237-RDF-0-00-EG. 68797 Matching Diamond Band, 0.07 ct tw, . Mounting #121837.
121821 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/2 ct tw, 1. Mounting #121821. CSS #SCS02193-RDF-0-00-EG. 121821 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121821.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
C r is s c u t ® e m e r a ld - c u t d ia m o n d s d e liv e r g r e a t e r b r illia n c e t h r o u g h
68893 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 11⁄6 ct tw, Mounting #121877, CSS #SCS02215-RDF-0-00-EG. 68893 Matching Diamond Band, 3⁄8 ct tw, . Mounting #121877.
68742 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1/3 ct tw, Mounting #121811, CSS #SCS02247-RDF-0-00-EG. 68742 Matching Diamond Band, 1/4 ct tw, Mounting #121811.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
Classics A. 67960 | B. 122011 | C. 60025 | D. 68892 | E. 121936 | F. 121989 Center diamond or gemstone sold separately.
44 | stuller.com/bridalstyles
Center diamond sold separately unless otherwise noted.
Visit stuller.com for our complete product selections and current pricing. | 45
67585 Round-Shape Three-Stone Semi-Mount, 1/2 ct center (5.2mm), 1/2 ct tw, . Mounting #120618, CSS #SCS00848-00.
121856 Emerald-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 1 ct center (7x5mm), CSS #SCS02219-EMF-0-00-ES. (Additional center size available: 11/2 ct. 121855 Matching Band,
121855 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 1 ct center (6.5mm), CSS #SCS02219-RDF-0-00-ES. 121855 Matching Band,
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121872 Antique Cushion-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 4 ct center (10x8mm), CSS #SCS02219-CUF-0-00-ES. 121855 Matching Band, 1
121908 Round-Shape Three-Stone Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 1 ct tw, Mounting #121908, CSS #SCS00724-06. 121908 Matching Band,
121910 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 11/2 ct center (7.5mm), CSS #SCS01278-00.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121911 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 1 ct center (6.5mm), CSS #SCS01279-06. 121911 Matching Diamond Band, 3/8 ct tw,
121914 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 1/2 ct center (5.2mm), CSS #SCS01300-00. 121914 Matching Diamond Band, 1/3 ct tw,
121916 Round-Shape Solitaire Mounting, 3/4 ct center (5.8mm), CSS #SCS01436-11.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
67577 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5mm), 0.03 ct tw, Mounting #121558, CSS #SCS02048-PSF-0-00-ES. (Additional center sizes available: 1⁄3 ct, 1/2 ct, 3/4 ct, 11/4 ct, 11/2 ct, 2 ct, 2 1/4 ct, and 3 ct.
67778 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (6.5mm), 0.04 ct tw, Mounting #121557, CSS #SCS02048-RDF-0-00-ES. (Additional center sizes available: 1/4 ct, 1⁄3 ct, 1/2 ct, 2⁄3 ct, 3/4 ct, 11/4 ct, 11/2 ct, 2 ct, 21/2 ct, and 4 ct.
67779 Oval-Shape Semi-Mount, 11/4 ct center (8.5x6.5mm), 0.04 ct tw, Mounting #121643, CSS #SCS0248-DVF-0-00-ES. (Additional center sizes available: 1⁄2 ct, 1 ct, 11⁄2 ct, 11⁄4 ct, 21⁄2 ct, and 3 ct.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
67863 Emerald-Shape Three-Stone Semi-Mount, 11/2 ct center (8x6mm), 3/4 ct tw, . Mounting #121639, CSS #SCS02120-EMF-0-03. 121639 Matching Band,
67960 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (7x5mm), 0.05 ct tw, Mounting #121640. CSS #SCS02048-EMF-0-00-ES. (Additional center sizes available: 1/2 ct, 11/4 ct, 11/2 ct, 2 ct, 21/2 ct, and 3 ct.
68892 Cushion-Shape Semi-Mount, 11/2 ct center (6.5x6.5mm), 1/10 ct tw, Mounting #121878. CSS #SCS02257-CUF-0-00-EG. 121878 Matching Band, 1
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
121989 Diamond Eternity Band, 13/4 ct tw, platinum, size Mounting #121989, CSS #SCS02489-PSF-0-00-BD.
121936 Stackable Diamond Eternity Band, 2 ct tw, CSS #SCS02484-RDF-0-00-BD. 121938 Stackable Diamond Eternity Band, 11⁄4 ct tw, CSS #SCS02484-RDF-0-03-BD. 121935 Stackable Diamond Eternity Band, 7 ⁄8 ct tw, CSS #SCS02484-RDF-0-02-BD. 121939 Stackable Diamond Eternity Band, ⁄4 ct tw, 1 CSS #SCS02484-RDF-0-01-BD.
(Available in whole and half sizes
65525 Diamond Eternity Band, 3⁄4 ct tw, Mounting #121580, CSS #SCS02141-RDF-0-00-RG. (Available in whole and half sizes
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
62318 Stackable Diamond Eternity Bands, 3/8 ct tw. Mounting #121581, CSS #SCS02137-RDF-0-00-RG.
60025 Diamond Eternity Band, 1 ct tw, CSS #SCS02255-RDF-0-02-BD.
68366 Stackable Blue Sapphire Eternity Band, 2.42mm, 68365 Stackable Pink Sapphire Eternity Band, 2.42mm, 68367 Stackable Yellow Sapphire Eternity Band, 2.42mm, 68368 Stackable Diamond Eternity Band, 7â „8 ct tw, 68369 Stackable Black Diamond Eternity Band, 1 ct tw,
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
Special Edition A. 68905 | B. 68922 | C. 68884 | D. 68883 Center diamond or gemstone sold separately.
54 | stuller.com/bridalstyles
Center diamond sold separately unless otherwise noted.
Visit stuller.com for our complete product selections and current pricing. | 55
68924 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center (7.4mm), 1⁄2 ct tw, Mounting #121891, CSS #SCS02207-RDF-0-00-EG.
68883 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center (7.4mm), 1⁄3 ct tw, Mounting #121854, CSS #SCS02204-RDF-0-00-EG. 68883 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄4 ct tw, . Mounting #121854.
68884 Oval-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center (8x6mm), 3⁄8 ct tw, Mounting #121863, CSS #SCS02206-OVF-0-00-EG. 68884 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄4 ct tw, Mounting #121863.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68905 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, 21⁄2 ct center (9x7mm), 1 ct tw, Mounting #121883, CSS #SCS02211-EMF-0-00-EG. 68905 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄3 ct tw, Mounting #121883.
68886 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, 3 ct center, (10x8mm), 11⁄3 ct tw,, Mounting #121873, CSS #SCS02223-RTF-0-00-EG. 68886 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄3 ct tw, Mounting #121873.
68923 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center, (7.4mm), 5⁄8 ct tw, Mounting #121881, CSS #SCS02209-RDF-0-00-EG.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
68882 Round-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center (7.4mm), 3⁄8 ct tw, Mounting #121864, CSS #SCS02209-RDF-0-00-EG.
68885 Square-Shape Semi-Mount, 1 ct center (5.5x5.5mm), 3⁄4 ct tw, Mounting #121858, CSS #SCS02205-PSF-0-00-EG. 68885 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄4 ct tw, Mounting #121858.
68922 Emerald-Shape Semi-Mount, 11⁄2 ct center (8x6mm), 3⁄4 ct tw, Mounting #121852, CSS #SCS02203-EMF-0-00-EG. 68922 Matching Diamond Band, 1⁄5 ct tw, . Mounting #121852.
Examples Shown are popular styles of 2013, Diamonds available from our selection of 100,000 stones Contact our Design Studio at Swesky for pricing and consultations 08006890770 Option 2 Swesky Jewellery
All products shown in our best selection catalogue are fully customisable Within the Swesky Design Studio. For Information on our products, diamonds and prices please contact a member Of our fully experienced Designers on 0800 689 0770 option 2 Alternatively visit us online at Swesky.co.uk
Email sales@swesky.co.uk