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THE UPSIDE OF LOCKDOWNS Air Gets Cleaner Around the Globe

by Kimberly B. Whittle

Around the world, the COVID-19 ham, Bristol and Cardiff , NO 2 and fi ne pandemic has changed the way particulate pollutant levels dropped by a millions of people live their daythird to half, with large declines recorded in to-day lives, but despite their dire conseother cities. Th ese are the two air pollutquences, government-mandated lockants that have the biggest health impacts on downs have had an unintended positive people, says James Lee, professor of atmoconsequence: cleaner air. spheric chemistry at the University of York In China, as major cities shuttered and research fellow at the National Centre factories and reduced transportation for Atmospheric Science. earlier this year, experts found that carbon Th e U.S. has been part of these trends, emissions dropped by about 100 million as well. In Los Angeles, known for its smog, tons over a two-week period. Scientists the air quality index improved by about at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space 20 percent during March. According to Aeronomy, in Brussels, are using satellite Yifang Zhu, a professor at the University of measurements of air quality to estimate California (UC) Los Angeles Fielding School the changes in nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 )—a of Public Health, during March, the region pollutant emitted into the air when fossil recorded the longest stretch of “good” air fuels are burned—over the major epicenquality that it has experienced for 25 years. ters of the outbreak. Th eir research shows NASA has observed signifi cant air that NO 2 pollution over Chinese cities quality improvements in other parts of decreased by an average of 40 percent durthe U.S., as well. Satellite data for March ing the lockdown compared to the same showed that the mid-Atlantic and Northperiod in 2019. east regions had the lowest monthly at Across the United Kingdom, the mospheric levels of NO 2 that month since reduction in traffi c and industry similarly 2005. Data on NO 2 from the Aura Ozone impacted the climate. Within the fi rst six Monitoring Instrument over the Northweeks of lockdowns, in London, Birmingeast in March indicated that levels of the

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Stevens, J. NASA Earth Observatory (2020, January/February) Airborne Nitrogen Dioxide Plummets Over China Get treatment for


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pollutant in March of this year were about 30 percent lower on average across the region of the I-95 corridor from Washington, D.C., to Boston than the mean of the previous fi ve years. Another immediate benefi t of the reduction in pollutants is their eff ect on the pandemic itself. Public health experts agree people that have higher long-term exposure to fi ne particulate pollution have a 15 percent greater likelihood of dying from COVID-19. Th ey attribute this to the lung damage caused over time by air pollution, combined with the fact that the virus targets the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia. Experts warn, however, that the cleaner air is likely to be temporary if we return to pre-COVID-19 levels of travel and industry. Although we have seen a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) levels—another important contributor to global warming—have continued to rise. “Th e crisis has slowed emissions, but not enough to show up perceptibly [in CO 2 levels everywhere]. What will matter much more is the trajectory we take coming out of this situation,” geochemist Ralph Keeling, who directs the Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s CO 2 monitoring program at UC San Diego, told Th e Washington Post. But it’s possible that if people start expecting and demanding the cleaner air we have been enjoying during the pandemic, the coronavirus shutdowns could lead us to embrace new ways of living and working. Scientists worldwide have emphasized that most of the air quality improvement is due to a reduction in traffi c. Ed Avol, a professor of clinical preventive medicine at the University of Southern California, told Forbes that telecommuting is here to stay. “Telecommuting from home for those who can, even just for a couple of days a week, can have a marked reduction in terms of emissions.”

Kimberly B. Whittle is the founder and CEO of KnoWEwell.com, a community and marketplace platform committed to rigorous, evidenced-based research that empowers healthier living. To learn more, visit KnoWEwell.com or see ad on page 43.

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Don’t Sweat It

Eco-Friendly Home-Cooling Tips Summer is here, prompting homekeep from transferring heat into living owners to crank up their air conditionspaces. The sun’s effect intensifies as ers, but that can bump up electricity it radiates through windows. Shutters, bills and strain the environment. Here awnings and external blinds will are some eco-friendly tips to stay cool keep unwanted heat outside, as can at home with minimal or zero use of strategically placed trees and shrubs the AC. that shade east- and west-facing windows. Reflective or sun-control Fans to the Rescue film on windows reduces solar heat During daylight hours when outside and keeps out ultraviolet rays. Close temperatures are highest, close all curtains (preferably with white backs) windows to seal out the humidity and in any room that gets direct sunlight. heat. Open them at night to expel hot air and welcome the night’s fresh Too Hot for Summer breezes. To speed up ventilation, Replace heat-generating items place a window fan on the east side around the house with cooler alternaof the house blowing in to pull in tives. Choose eco-friendly LED lights cooler night air, and another window instead of traditional, hot-to-thefan on the west side blowing out to touch lightbulbs. Hang-dry clothes in expel warm air. the sun rather than running the dryer. Ceiling fans are great, but techniGrab the slow-cooker, Instant Pot or cally, they cool people, not the house, outdoor barbecue and give the oven a so there’s no need to run them in break. Ditch the dishwasher’s heated empty rooms. Set the rotation coundrying option; choose the air-dry terclockwise to push air down and at cycle instead. the fastest setting for maximum relief. Fan blades collect dust; regular wipAC TLC ing is recommended to maintain good On a scorching day, the air conditionair quality. Blade size and angles mater may be the only option. Replace an ter—choose those big enough for the old unit with a newer, high-efficiency room, set at 12-to-15-degree angles. model and invest in a smart thermostat that can be programmed based Sun Blockers on daily schedules and weather White reflects heat and black absorbs conditions. Dirty filters use much more it. Paint the roof white or another light energy than clean ones, so replace or shade and insulate attic floors to clean them regularly.

community spotlight

Alvina Quatrano All Souls Are Made of Energy

by Linda Sechrist

Paperwork and adthrough. The first three ministration aren’t days of silence and Alvina Quatrano’s fasting set the stage. As favorite things to do, I began sensing enalthough they are what ergy flowing through she accepts as part of my arms and into my the discipline required hands, I wanted to know to prepare for offering more and understand it. certification for the conSomeone suggested that tinuing education classes I should study reiki.” that she teaches through Throughout the Soul Lightening Interyears, Quatrano’s deep national, a nonprofit appreciation and underoperating exclusively for standing of the healing educational purposes. Alvina Quatrano value of massage and

This global comenergy work grew out munity connected by a shared commitof her experiences with the experts ment to health, harmony and wholeness with which she studied, the many through the practice of Soul Lightening classes and workshops she participated acupressure is one with which the licensed in and her hands-on experiences and massage therapist, Naples resident and interactions with clients. “I studied owner of Art of Holistic Massage has reiki with Stevan Thayer, the developer been connected with since 1998. “All the of Integrative Energy Therapy, massage classes that we offer are what we consider with health educator Kristina Shaw, as simple methods of self-care in a virtual who owned Health Choices, in Princmedicine chest that individuals and theraeton, New Jersey, Zero Balancing with pists can use to take care of all the aspects Fritz Smith, a doctor of osteopathy, and of the physical body, as well as our energy, process acupressure with Dr. Aminah mind, soul and spirit,” says Quatrano, Raheem, founder of the Soul Lightenwhose journey in the field of holistic healing International. I’ve been with this ing work formally began more than 30 community of skilled instructors since years ago with a class in reiki. 1998. It’s where I offer continuing edu

Quatrano’s first exploration of the cation classes. I’ve also studied reflexolmind-body connection in the 1990s ogy,” advises Quatrano. occurred with Carole Kammon, of A deep interest and commitment Temenos, at Dr. W. Brugh Joy’s ranch in to personal growth work which began Sedona, Arizona. “Brugh was a medical with Kammon and Helen Palmer, who doctor and mystical pioneer in how to pioneered Enneagram work continued. engage transpersonal states of conNone of Quatrano’s interests and stops sciousness. I was initiated into hands-on along her fascinating life journey are totally healing work in that workshop. Prior surprising after learning that at age 16, the to that, I’d practiced yoga and mediMaharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental tated, so that I was somewhat primed Meditation teachings caught her attention. to become a channel for energy to flow “I was in the first TM group that started after he came to the U.S. in the 1960s. Later, after college, I got hooked on yoga and eventually became curious about Montessori education. I became a Montessori teacher for three years. I wanted to help kids,” she says.

“While I do have an eclectic background in personal growth and energy work that also includes certification in modalities such as CranioSacral Therapy and the Trager Approach, I believe that my foundational studies in Japanese and Chinese medicine are what set me up for all the things I’ve done in my life. I’m glad that my journey began with reiki, because it’s so elemental. Energy is in everyone. We are energy beings. All we have to do to use is to activate it, notes Quatrano, who after 30 years has come full circle. “I’ve will be teaching an online reiki class this fall,” she says.

For more information or to make an appointment, call 732-266-5276 or visit AOHMassage.com.

SEPTEMBER THE SELF-EMPOWERMENT ISSUE Coming Next Month Emotional Well-Being Plus: Adaptive Yoga

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