6 minute read


How Awe Can Transform Our Lives

by Jonah Paquette

What do you feel when you gaze Here are some ways we can fi nd more up at the night sky, listen to a awe in our daily life: soul-stirring piece of music or Seek out nature: Connect to the natural witness an act of great courage or inspiraworld, even by just visiting a local park, tion? What happens in your body, and what and notice the beauty all around. emotions arise, when you come face-toface with these sorts of moments? Th is feeling—oft en complete with goosebumps and a shiver down the spine—is known as awe. And as it turns out, this underappreciated and oft en misunderstood emotion just Appreciate the good:Slow down and appreciate the small stuff —the aroma of morning coff ee, time with loved ones, having a roof over our heads or even just the breath. Look for inspiration: Th e current might hold the key to a happy, meaningful challenges around the world have also and healthy life. shown some of the best of humanity. Spend Although we might think of awe as a time learning about the people making a rare experience, awe-inspiring moments diff erence and experience a sense of awe are all around us. We don’t have to climb to through their courage. the summit of Mount Everest or stand atop Expand the mind: Learning about the Eiff el Tower to reap the many benefi ts mind-expanding topics like astronomy, the of awe. Instead, we can learn to notice the human brain or anything else that captures changing colors of the leaves, truly see the the imagination can be a great way to harjoy in a child’s eyes or allow ourselves to ness a feeling of awe. be uplift ed by the kindness of a stranger. Foster connection:Th e next time we’re When we do, it not only feels good in the with the people we love, take a moment to moment—it actually can change life in appreciate how awe-inspiring it is to have lasting and profound ways. In fact, cuttingthe capacity to love and forge bonds the edge research has shown that awe holds way that we do. many benefi ts, ranging from improved mental health, stronger immune systems, Jonah Paquette is a psychologist, author and increased compassion, strengthened social international speaker specializing in the science bonds and much more. In short, the moof happiness and well-being. His newest book, ments that make us go, “Wow!” can be the Awestruck, explores how moments of awe very moments that lastingly change our and wonder can transform our lives. For more lives for the better. information, visit JonahPaquette.com.

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Swimming with Dolphins in the Wild

by Yvette Lynn

Following surprising guidance from her inner voice received in 2014 during a daily meditation session, Fort Myers resident Pattie Carney began doing online research in preparation for following the message to “bring people to swim with the dolphins.” Mystifi ed by an idea she’d never thought of or heard about before, the curious and adventuresome founder of Patricia Carney, LLC, dove deeply into the subject and found WildQuest, a human-dolphin connection based on Bimini Island, just a 20-minute plane ride from Fort Lauderdale. She booked a trip and formed a collaboration with WildQuest that changed her life, as well as the lives of the pods of individuals that have participated in her programs during WildQuest encounters with dolphins. Formerly a registered nurse, Carney now focuses on animal communication, as well as practicing and teaching Usui/Holy Fire reiki, and developing her WildQuest programs, such as Beautiful You, scheduled for October 4 through 10.

What is the WildQuest experience like?

Th e week consists of a relaxing mix of sailing the sea, dolphin swims, healthy food (organic when possible), a laid-back retreat center which provides opportunities for massage, energy work and morning yoga classes, as well as my customized program of the week that is designed to reconnect individuals with their body, so that the Bimini dolphins are comfortable greeting fi nless and curious humans on their own terms. When dolphins interact in their own environment, they appear to revel in joy, jumping, splashing, twirling, fl ipping and diving. Humans hear the high-frequency sonar dolphins emit though the water as clicks and whistles. Swimming with them feels like a sonar scan, which has a positive therapeutic eff ect, physically, physiologically and spiritually. Feelings of elation are common. Few people leave unchanged.

What is the focus of your Beautiful You program? Th e busyness of our lives causes us to lose sight of our own beautiful self. Beautiful You focuses on revealing the beauty in you. We’ll follow the inspiration we receive from the dolphins. Th ere will be morning and evening meditations and teachings, conscious breathing, play and learning to sense the unity and freedom in community.

For more information, call Patricia Carney at 774-209-9393 or visit WildQuest.com. See ad, page 11.

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