Swift School Courier (January 2013)

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January/February 2013

www.swiftschool.com info@swiftschool.com

Cover Photo: Fifth grade students Rachel (L) and Maggie show off their musical abilities at the Winter Concert in December

In this



Parent faculty Mingle Photo recap of Swift’s annual event.


Do you hear what I hear? Students performed holiday tunes to more than 600 audience members at the Winter Concert.


Where in the world is captain Jim? Fourth graders are putting their writing skills to use globally.

Let the Good Times Roll at th

Swift’s 8

Annual Family Bowling Event

Sunday, January 27 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Roswell Brunswick Zone $14.00 per person (Includes 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, soda and all the fun you can imagine!) Money is due to Swift no later than Friday, January 18. For more information, contact Swift School at 678.205.4988. RSVP to info@swiftschool.com.

Courier January

January/February 2013

Volume 3 Issue 3 www.swiftschool.com info@swiftschool.com



The Big Picture Movie Screening


Muffins with Mom

Parent Faculty Mingle ............................................................. 3


MLK Day (No classes)

Photo recap of Swift’s annual event.


Spirit Wear Day


Admissions Open House

Annual Family Bowling Event


Family & Parent Series

(Grades 5th-8th only)

Do You Hear What I Hear? .................................................... 4 Swift students and music director Caroline Goldstein wow the audience for the second year in a row with their performance of traditional and favorite holiday music.

February 5-8

Donuts with Dad

Adolescence and the Transition to Middle School .............. 6


Re-Enrollment Agreements Issued


Presidents’ Day (No classes)

Do you know what to expect during the adolescent years?


Spirit Wear Day


Family & Parent Series

Shooting Stars .......................................................................... 8

(All Grades)

Swift Spartans have skills in the classroom and on the court.


SPA Meeting


2013/2014 Re-Enrollment Due

Where in the World is Captain Jim? ........................................ 9 Fourth graders in Ms. McClenney’s class are putting their writing

March 7

Spring Photo Day


Sadie Hawkins Dance


Middle Division Extended Trips


Professional Day (No Classes)

skills to use globally.

Connect with Swift online socially PARENT BLOG www.swiftschoolblog.com Follow Swift School on Facebook and Twitter for frequent updates and information regarding school activities.



nIn Every Issue Head’s Column ......................................................................................................... 2 Alumni Spotlight ...................................................................................................... 10 Famous Faces of Dyslexia ..................................................................................... 10

www.facebook.com/theswiftschool @SwiftSchool_GA

News You Can Use ................................................................................................. 11 Swift Scene .............................................................................................................. 12 Coming Up .............................................................................................................. 13

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


nHead’s Message


Richard Wendlek

Executive Committee

The speediness of the first semester brings us to this

(Ms. Ehlbeck & Ms. Youmans) December character

point in the academic year! The Holiday Season

formation presentation about helpfulness and caring.

is officially behind us. The Winter Concert was

Andrew led the class in interviews, a very lively hip-hop

extraordinary, and certainly highlights the budding

round, and a closing song. Each Lower Division class

musical talent of our students. Providing students with

prepares a program for the virtue of the month that is

language-based learning differences, the sorts of

performed at each Giraffe Assembly.

learning experiences that require the interpretation

During the month of January, Student

of language – in this case the language of music –

Council President Cooper Kennedy and Council

opens the doors for opportunities to exercise executive

representatives met with A Tasty Touch, Swift School’s

function and working memory. The performing

food service provider. The purpose of meeting was

arts are crucial for our students! All of the activity

to provide A Tasty Touch with recommendations

the fall presented in terms of construction and the

concerning the menu and variety of foods offered.

transformation of the campus was completed just prior

Over the past months an administrative study was

to the end of the semester. We have even managed

conducted concerning food service options for the

to return the Lower Division to the regular academic

coming academic year. They ranged from elimination


of the food service program altogether to a specialty

A ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for the latter

order online service. After reviewing the various options

part of January for the new Arts and Athletics building.

in terms of convenience and cost, the most feasible

Roswell dignitaries and officials will be invited to visit the

option is that the current provider will modify meal and

Swift campus and join the celebration then.

a la carte offerings and augment the salad bar. Cost

Third grader Tristan Littlefield served as the Head of

will rise slightly, but the ‘food appeal’ should increase

School for two days just prior to the winter break. Don’t

significantly. More will be shared on this topic as plans

be surprised if you see Tristan in a school leadership role

firm up.

in the years to come! He is a remarkable young man. The Swift Girls’ Basketball team is the League

Plans for the coming academic year include addition of faculty and administration that will continue

6th graders Ainsley Kudlata and Brenna Vetrovsky ,

to effectively meet the instructional needs of students.

and 7th grader Katherine Bower were the scorers who

The re-enrollment season begins on February 14, 2013.

led the team to the championship in two overtimes!

Prior to then I will compose a letter that provides more

As a matter of fact, 27 middle school students are

detail about the exciting initiatives 2013-14 will bring to

playing basketball this season. A second school bus

Swift School. Based on current trends, we are slated to

was acquired to meet the athletic department’s


In terms of performance opportunities, auditions

Laurie Green, Vice Chair Peter Williams, Treasurer Jeff Kudlata, Secretary

Trustees Jason Butler Dr. Paul Cohen Dr. Gail Flanigan Robert Gray Laura Ries Paul Schur Gail Swift, Emerita Richard Wendlek, Ex officio

another construction project on campus and the

Champion! On December 12 against Cottage School,

interscholastic teams’ transportation needs.

Dr. Richard Phillips, Chair

Lastly, very special thanks are extended to Swift

Administration Richard J. Wendlek, Head of School Dr. Andrea Salapka, Associate Head Karen Buttermore, Director of Development Paul Foltz, Business Manager

Trustee Laura Ries and Parent Association President

for the Spring Musical Annie were conducted by

Margot Vetrovsky for their execution of The Big Picture:

theater teacher Tara Helrich and music teacher

Rethinking Dyslexia screening that occurred on

Caroline Goldstein. The production will be presented

Sunday, January 13 at Studio Movie Grill. This event

in May. The role of Annie is being played by 4th grader

coincided with Swift School’s 15 Year Celebration.

Michelle Wynne; Miss Hannigan will be played by 5th

Swift parent Adam Goldfein served as the moderator,

grader Helen Moore and Daddy Warbucks will be

and Swift’s Orton-Gillingham Fellow Joan Gerken

played by 7th grader Brian Gormley, to name but a

served on the expert panel. The possibility of another

few. Be sure to watch for the stage dates of what

screening of this HBO feature is being considered

should shape up to be a memorable production.

based on interest.

Parent Association President Margot Vetrovsky

Performance opportunities, whether musical, theatrical, athletic, or otherwise, are all highly

Happy New Year to All!

important learning experiences for students with language-based learning differences. They each, in very different ways, provide the kinds of stimulation that require the brain to cross-communicate. We are pleased that 90% of Swift students participate in these

Rich Wendlek

well designed co-curricular opportunities.

Head of School

Swift School 300 Grimes Bridge Road Roswell, GA 30075 678.205.4988

Speaking of performance, 4th grader Andrew Savula served as the news anchorman for his class’

2 January/February 2013


2 1




Parent & Faculty Mingle A great time was had by all at Swift’s annual Parent & Faculty Mingle. This year the event was held in the fall to

1. The Wynnes (L) and Dearmans catch up on fourth grade happenings.

welcome new parents and teachers to the Swift Community.

2. Peggy Carroll (L) and Jeanne Hill enjoying the evening.

This year, nearly 100 new families were added to the Swift

3. (L-R) SLP Jocelyn Gasaway talks with Swift Middle

population. Swift would like to especially thank Peggy and Patrick Carroll for hosting the Mingle at their home.

Division mothers Krista Elema and Laura Northrop. 4. First year parents, Meggan and James Sigler are proud of their third grade student. 5. Fourth grade parents James and Jodie Braner mingle with Mrs. Elhbeck (R).

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


DO YOU Hear WHAT I Hear For the first time, the entire student body joined together for a spectacular holiday musical celebration. The grande finale included a medley from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas� which showcased first and sixth grade students.

4 January/February 2013



n Thursday, December 20, more than 200 student voices filled the

Swift faculty. Caroline Goldstein began rehearsing

theater of the Roswell Cultural

with the students in October for the

Arts Center during Swift’s Winter

December performance. In addition to

Concert. Swift continues to add milestones to its

singing and incorporating choreography and dramatics, students tackled songs

history. Last year the school integrated a

in different languages. Songs were

fine arts program into the daily curriculum

accompanied by Orff instruments played

of students. This additional programming

by students.

provides the opportunity for concerts showcasing student performers. In one year the Winter Concert grew to

The night concluded with a joint performance of two songs by the Lower Division and Middle Division Choruses. The

incorporate students in every grade level.

students performed Jingle-Bell Rock and

The concert featured performances by

Grinch! A Christmas Choral Medley led by

the Lower Division Chorus, Lower Division

soloist and narrators Josh Hargrove, Ainsley

Advanced Chorus, Mrs. Sweeney’s first

Kudlata, Evan Fuerst, Courtney Salmon,

grade class, the Spartan Singers and

Sean Murphy and Conrad Brown.

special guest soloist Coach Rhett Saylors. The student performers sang, played,

Swift would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped make this concert

acted, and danced to traditional and

a success plus the generous patrons who

popular holiday selections.

contribute to the Annual Fund for Swift.

The Roswell Cultural Arts Center was

Without the financial support of donors,

packed with more than 600 attendees

programming such as the Winter Concert

including family members, friends, and

would not be possible.

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


Adolescence &

the transition to

Middle school

by Carl Pickhardt, Ph.D

So your student will enter middle school next fall and you are


wondering how to manage the transition? The answer is, “very

Now teachers seem to focus more on a student’s acceptable conduct

mindfully” because your child’s life is about to undergo a number

and adequate performance. As one middle school teacher put it, “We

of significant changes. Here are a few things to consider when

treat kids as less delicate and more responsible here. We expect them

transitioning to a middle school experience.

to act more grown up.”


Part of the mission of middle school is helping students learn the

Middle school is not the same as elementary school. It is a much

self-management and social system skills that will be necessary to

larger facility and one enters from being at the top of the heap in 5th

successfully cope with high school.

It’s not that middle school teachers care less; they care differently.

grade to the bottom of the heap in 6th grade. The greater number of students and being in the lowest grade can cause an entering sixth


grader to feel overwhelmed, now counting for less than before.

Around ages 9 - 13 a child usually starts separating from childhood

In addition, school life is very different. Now there are multiple

into early adolescence. By middle school, most students are being

teachers to get used to, more study responsibilities to take care of,

transformed and destabilized by this first adolescent stage. They start

increased hall travel between classes, lockers for storing belongings,

pulling away, pushing against, and getting around adult authority in

and a more impersonal feel to how one is being treated. All the while,

order to create more freedom to grow and to live on more independent

there is more challenge, push, and shove between students who are

terms. Now complaints, arguments, delays, disobedience, and testing

jostling for position at an older and more socially aggressive age.

limits become part of the young person’s repertoire at home and at school as both parents and teachers find themselves contending with


more active and passive resistance.

Talk to fifth graders about what middle school will be like and along with the excitement of growing older are fears about what entry will be


like. “Suppose I can’t get into my locker?” “Suppose I can’t find my way

Factor in puberty (which begins for most students during middle

around and am late to class?” “I’ve heard that middle school teachers

school, and about which children should be told) when the task of

are really strict and mean.” “Suppose older kids pick on younger kids?”

defining and asserting young manhood and young womanhood begins,

“Suppose I have no one to sit with at lunch?” “Suppose I have no

and a common discrepancy arises. Now disciplinary referrals for boys

classes with any of my friends?”

are significantly greater than for girls as male students may express

Entry anxiety is common. To allay it, going to a school orientation

their sense of emerging manhood by being more resistant to being

helps as well as parents who normalize fears and assure that within the

told what to do by adult authorities, particularly when in front of their

first week the new school routine will establish a sense of familiarity.

peers. To reduce the need to establish self-respect by asserting social opposition, encourage your child to develop multiple sources of self-


esteem - others ways to challenge and affirm oneself by developing

For parents of entering middle school students, there is also adjusting

interests and capacities.

to do. “This isn’t Kansas anymore,” was how one parent described leaving the intimate and welcoming world of a small elementary school


for the larger and more daunting secondary setting of middle school.

Come early adolescence both boys and girls become more socially

In middle school, the advent of multiple teachers means that none of

aggressive with each other as they jostle for a place to socially belong

them know a student as well as one dedicated teacher did in back in

among their independent community of peers. Now social cruelty

elementary school. For the parent, this means there is no one go-to

at school comes into serious play -- treating each other meanly as a

teacher with whom the parent may have cultivated a supportive and

means to secure social membership and standing. Most commonly

collaborative relationship.

attacked are students who appear “different.”

This does not mean that middle school teachers are not approachable, only that they have more calls on their time.

Even if they don’t give or receive it a lot, they see the five forms of social cruelty occurring all around them - teasing, exclusion, bullying, rumoring, and ganging up. And they know that what is happening to others could happen to them. Middle school is less socially safe than elementary school in this way. Continued on page 12

“Middle school is a minefield of developmental challenges for students, a time when significant parental supervision and support must be given.” 6 January/February 2013


Seventh grade student

Stellar Gala

Will V. drives past an Eagles’ player for a scoring opportunity.


It’s Time to Celebrate Success Tickets are on sale now for the 2013 Stellar Gala. Do not miss this extrodinary event honoring Swift’s 15th anniversary and inaugural 8th grade class. Purchase your tickets online today by visiting





MARCH 22, 2013 7:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. at the ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB SCORERS in 2012.

The Spartans’ basketball season is off to a great start. Both

teams have steadily been gaining momentum winning games against their opponets.

The Lady Spartans recently defeated The Cottage School in a mid-season tournament. The game went into two overtime


periods. The final score read Lady Spartans, 8; The Cottage School, 6.


The Spartans have played five games and the Lady

Spartans have played four games. points in five games each. Cumulativly the teams have scored 118 this season. The top


scorers for the Spartans and Lady Spartans are as followed:

Will Vesey - 15 points

Will Battle - 12 points

Owen Hodson - 12 points

Katherine Bower - 10 points

Ainsley Kudlata - 8 points


Support the Spartans in January as they face their athletic

rival Sophia Academy on Wednesday, January 23. A complete

1. Katherine looks for an open Lady Spartan to pass to. 2. Amelia dribbles the ball down the court. 3. Fast and furious Will heads to the hoop to shoot for two. 4. Jenna pauses before scoring two points against Sophia Academy.

schedule can be found by visiting www.swiftschool.com.

TICKETS: $85.00 Per Ticket until January 15, 2013. After January 15, 2013 the price will increase to $90.00.

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


Price includes seated dinner, entertainment and complimentary cocktail. Tables available for groups of 10 or 12.

Seventh grade student Will drives past an Eagles’ player for a scoring opportunity.




The Spartans’ basketball season is off to a great start. Both teams have steadily been gaining momentum winning games against their opponents.





The Lady Spartans recently defeated The Cottage School in a mid-season tournament. The game went into two overtime periods. The final score read Lady Spartans, 8; The Cottage School, 6. The Spartans have played five games and the Lady Spartans have played four games. Cumulatively the teams have scored 118 points this season. The top scorers for the Spartans and Lady Spartans are as followed: - Will Vesey - 15 points

- Will Battle - 12 points

- Owen Hodson - 12 points

- Katherine Bower - 10 points

- Ainsley Kudlata - 8 points Support the Spartans in January as they face their athletic

1. Katherine looks for an open Lady Spartan to pass to. 2. Amelia dribbles the ball down the court.

rival Sophia Academy on Wednesday, January 23. A complete

3. Jenna pauses to find an open teammate.

schedule can be found by visiting www.swiftschool.com.

4. Fast and furious Will heads to the hoop to shoot for two.

8 January/February 2013


Where’s Captain Jim? Ms. McClenney’s fourth grade class’ Interactive geography lesson turns into a quest for global domination!

The students in Ms. McClenney and Mrs.

Australia. Before Thanksgiving

expecting mail soon. This activity has helped

postcard to Ms. McClenney and Mrs. Dearman’s fourth

Dearman’s fourth grade

break, the class was

engage students’ desire to

grade class, the students

class are practicing their

determined to get mail

learn about other cultures,

would love to read it and

reading and writing

from Antarctica. The

customs and continents.

mark the location on their

skills in a unique way.

October character

If you would like to send a


The teachers teamed

formation trait was

together language arts

“determination”. The

and geography to make

class read, Trapped By

reading an exciting

the Ice which was about

United States of America


adventure into learning.

Sir Ernest Shackleton

Arlington, Virginia

Dominican Republic

and his crew embarking

Chicago, Illinois

Freeport, Bahamas

on a dangerous journey

Detroit, Michigan

Nassau (Atlantis)

husband, Jim. Jim travels

to Elephant Island in

Fort Myers, Florida

the world as a pilot for

Antarctica in 1914.

Grand Canyon, Arizona

Central America

Great Smokey Mountains, North Carolina

Cancun, Mexico

story, the students

Jacksonville, Florida

Mexico City, Mexico

sending postcards to

were “determined”

La Jolla, California

the class from wherever

to receive mail from

Memphis, Tennessee


Miami, Florida

South Africa

New Orleans, Louisiana


New York City, New York

Palm Island, Dubai

The idea was inspired by Mrs. Dearman’s

Delta. Captain Jim began

After reading the

he visited. The students

Antarctica. The class

started marking the

wrote individual letters

location on a map the

to a US research team

postcards came from in

stationed in Antarctica.

relation to Atlanta. Once

The letters showcased

the students became

their knowledge about

very interested, additional classroom parents began participating. The class

Postcards from around the world

Orlando, Florida Pensacola Beach, Florida


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Amsterdam, Holland

Salt Lake City, Utah

London, England

Sir Shackleton and his

Seattle, Washington

Munchen, Germany


Tampa, Florida

After writing the letters,

Washington D.C.

map now has flags on

the class received an email

almost every continent

from the US research

South America

except Antarctica and

team in Antarctica and is

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Asia Hong-Kong, China St. Petersburg, Russia

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


nFamous Faces of Dyslexia

Quotes from famous dyslexics “Great spirits have always

“The looks, the stares, the giggles ...

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

encountered violent opposition from

I wanted to show everybody that I

- Walt Disney

mediocre minds.”

could do better and also that I could

- Albert Einstein


“I hated school . . . . One of the

- Magic Johnson

reasons was a learning disability,

“A teacher sent the following note

dyslexia, which no one understood at

home with a six-year-old boy: “He

“I felt like an alien. I always felt like I

the time. I still can’t spell . . .”

is too stupid to learn.” That boy was

never belonged to any group that I

- Loretta Young

Thomas A. Edison”.

wanted to belong to.”

- Thomas Edison

- Steven Spielberg

“If I wasn’t dyslexic, I probably

“I couldn’t read. I just scraped by.

a hard time reading today. Accept

wouldn’t have won the Games. If I

My solution back then was to read

the fact that you have a problem.

had been a better reader, then that

classic comic books because I could

Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. You

would have come easily, sports would

figure them out from the context of

have a challenge; never quit! ”

have come easily… and I never

the pictures. Now I listen to books on

- Nelson Rockefeller

would have realized that the way you

tape. ”- Charles Schwab

“I was one of the ‘puzzle children’ myself — a dyslexic . . . And I still have

get ahead in life is hard work.” - Bruce Jenner

My advice to students at Swift is just relax

nAlumni Spotlight

and enjoy the ride. The teachers really do want


to help each student

One meeting with Rory Vetrovsky and

referred to Swift School.

you would learn the following things

“Rory’s life began on the

about her:

first day of school at Swift,”

• She is a freshman at St. Pius X Catholic High School; • she is a lovely, easy-going young lady; • and she has a passion for writing. You would never guess that Rory is challenged with the gift of dyslexia. Rory showed signs of dyslexia at a very young age. Her parents noticed she had a difficult time rhyming words, mastering sight words, identifying nouns and eventually reading. As she progressed through grade school it was evident something was wrong. After seeking professional help from Dr. Danielak, the Vetrovskys were

reach their potential in life. Just try!

said her mother and current

confidence I wish everyone could have,”

SPA President Margot. “She was going

said Rory. “I even tried out for the St. Pius

into fourth grade and barely reading

swim team and made it!”

on a kindergarten level. Ironically, her

Since Swift, Rory has made wonderful

bedroom was full of books she had

friends that she claims are amazing and

collected and diaries full of words no one

supportive. She agrees that the small

could read. By that October, Rory was

classroom setting at Swift helped her to

doing something she had only dreamed

focus on her challenges and see that

of doing - reading.”

many other students are like her.

Rory attended Swift for fourth and fifth

“One thing that I definitely learned

grade. After Swift she enrolled in her local

at Swift was how to work in groups

middle school – another “huge unknown”

doing class projects, which seem to be

but Rory said everyone at Swift had faith

never ending in school,” says Rory. “My

in her ability to succeed especially Mrs.

strongest subject is Language Arts. I love

Kidder, Mrs. Cherry and Coach Smith.

writing and recently completed a poetry

“They gave me the knowledge, skills and

portfolio. Who knew?!!”

10 January/February 2013


News You Can Usen ADMISSION NEWS Hard as it is to believe, re-enrollment for the 2013-14 academic year will occur between February 14-28, 2013. You will receive a complete re-enrollment packet via the U.S. Mail. As Swift continues to grow, the competition for seats is keen. There is currently a wait pool of students who will be offered admission for 2013-14 during the re-enrollment period. On Sunday, January 27, 2013 an Admission Open House will take place for students

Stellar Gala Tickets on sale now Excitement is building for Swift’s most anticipated event- the Stellar Gala – which will also be the major celebration of the school’s 15th Anniversary. Ticket sales are underway, with a sellout expected. Guests have two options for purchasing tickets: (1) online by going to www.swiftschool.com and then clicking on Support Us and then on Swift’s 15th Anniversary Celebration and Stellar Gala or by (2) returning the reply card which was contained in the invitation. Guests will enjoy a wine and beer reception, a silent

in grades 1-7. Rising 6th grade parents are invited to attend

auction, a seated dinner followed by a live auction, and

an event at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening, January 10, to be

then dancing. Reserve Friday, March 22 from 7:00 until 11:00

introduced to the Middle Division at Swift School. Middle Division

p.m. for this community event. The gala takes place at the

Director Patty Nathan and the faculty will be involved. We look forward to seeing you then.

Atlanta Athletic Club in Johns Creek. Adult guests and family members are welcome to attend. Cocktail attire with no denim is dress code for this evening. Tables are available for purchase if you wish to invite guests. Or several Swift parents may want to sit together at a table for 8, 10 or 12. Parents who want to share a table must appoint a table captain to list attendees and collect payments which need to be submitted at the same time. The Gala Committee is still accepting donations for both the silent and the live auction. Sponsorships are available for those who want to help underwrite the cost of the event.

Information and registration information about Swift’s exciting Summer Explorations program for students in grades 1-5 will be available by late February. Academic programming designed to maintain and enhance skills taught during the academic year are offered, and enriching programs that help put the pizazz in summer complement morning offerings. Watch for information in your mailbox. Summer Explorations is highly recommended for all Lower School students entering Swift School.

Proceeds will be used for campus expansion for our growing student body.

Annual Fund Support Climbs, But Still Short of Goal Swift families have been generous to The Annual Fund for Swift 2012-13, but the school is still striving for 100% participation among families. As of Dec. 31, 2012 the participation rate among current families was 60%. It is important that all families contribute because when Swift seeks outside funding from charitable foundations and other

Important Dates to remember January 23: SPA Meeting January 24: Day of Manners/Dress Uniforms January 25: Spirit Day January 27: Admissions Event February 14: Re-Enrollment Issued February 18: Presidents’ Day (No Classes) February 28: 2013-2014 Enrollment Due February 29: Day of Manners/Dress Uniforms

donors, their first criteria is to learn the level of support inside the community. Outside donors evaluate the enthusiasm level and financial commitment of parents, as well as faculty & staff, regarding the school’s needs. As of Dec. 31, 2012 gifts and pledges to the Annual Fund totaled $95,690. This represents 77% of the financial goal of $125,000. Gifts in any amount are welcome in order to help us raise the percent of participation. All gifts are taxdeductible because Swift is a non-profit 501(c)(3)institution. Proceeds from this year’s Annual Fund are used for campus improvements, expanded programming, and attracting and retaining top teachers.

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


nSwift Scene

Notes from the Middle Division Director - Patty Nathan Beyond the classroom The Swift experience extends beyond academics in the classroom.

students received collection boxes for the January fund-

We strive to create future citizens who understand the importance

raiser. Snippets and teacher newsletters will provide more

of giving back to the community. Middle Division students are spearheading community service projects for Swift. Listed below are projects the Middle Division and school are involved in:

information on this fund-raiser. • Swift is supporting the pediatric hospital in Rwanda in the spring by selling gifts made in Rwanda before Mother’s Day. • Environment protection is an ongoing project in the Middle

• Students wrote letters to soldiers prior to the holidays.

Division. Students collect recycled paper and bottles every

Jonathan Youmans, son of fourth grade associate teacher

Friday. A school-wide magazine and phone book drive will

Janice Youmans, distributed the letters and cards to soldiers

take place in February. Students will also plant flowers along

on the USS Winston S. Churchill in Dubai. Students look

the Dogwood Road fence.

forward to receiving letters from the soldiers. • Middle Division will continue to sell Chick-fil-A biscuits on Friday mornings. The proceeds are going towards the purchase of gift cards. Students will hand these out at the Atlanta airport to soldiers returning home in February. • We kicked-off the Pennies for Patients Project at the

• In March Swift will host a canned food drive. There is an ongoing need for food at area food banks all year. Please mark this on your calendar and support our efforts. • We wrap up community service for the year with a schoolwide stuffed animal, coloring book and crayon drive for local children’s hospitals.

January Celebration Assembly. A representative from Pennies for Patients showed a short video to the students

A special thanks to the Student Council and advisor Jill McGuire

explaining that the collected money benefits The Leukemia &

for all the work put into planning and organizing Swift’s

Lymphoma Society. Student Council will have another whole

Community Service.

school Chick-fil-A biscuit sale on January 18. All profits from the January sale will go towards Pennies for Patients. All

Continued from page 6

Knowing that relationships can become harsher at this age,

students, a time when significant parental supervision and support

parents need to communicate this understanding to their son or

must be given. Summarizing, here are 10 steps parents can take to

daughter. And be sure to enroll your child in other social circles

support a successful entry and passage through middle school.

outside of school so that should classmate relationships become difficult for a while, there are other groups of peers with whom one

• Understand that middle school is not elementary school.

can comfortably belong.

• Identify and allay common entry fears of middle school. • Expect early adolescent changes in your child.


• Supervise the completion of all homework.

With all the forgoing changes, particularly the priority to socially

• Support learning to function in a large secondary system.

belong, it is no wonder that for many young people there is a loss

• Declare your desire to be told about any social cruelty that

of traditional academic focus and motivation, and with this loss an “early adolescent achievement drop” can occur as schoolwork is resisted, neglected, or forgotten. A good measure of middle school

occurs. • Inform your child about the normal changes that come with puberty.

distractibility is the dramatic surge in electronic communication at

• Enroll your child in social circles outside of school.

this age - cell phone texting, computer messaging, social networking

• Encourage the development of multiple sources of self esteem.

-to keep one’s self adequately socially connected to peers. Parents

• Monitor and moderate the increased need for electronic

need to monitor and moderate this use. Most young people at this age do not self-correct from academic

communication (cell phone texting, computer messaging, and social networking.)

failure that results from falling effort. They simply adjust to working less and to accepting more failure as okay, when it is not. Parents

Carl Pickhardt, Ph.D., is a psychologist in Austin, Texas. His most recent

must be diligent in sufficiently supervising schoolwork, particularly

books are: The Connected Father, The Future of Your Only Child, and Stop

homework, so that adequate operating capacity and achievement is

Screaming. Source URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/node/58710

maintained. Middle school is a minefield of developmental challenges for

12 January/February 2013


coming upn

Mark your calendars with these important dates Meeting n SPA January 23 2013; 8:30 a.m.

Stellar GALA & 15 Anniversary Celebration n March 22, 2013; 7:00 p.m. th

Attend Swift’s Parent Association (SPA) meeting and get

Make plans now to attend Swift’s Stellar Gala and 15th

involved with your child’s school.

Anniversary Celebration. Tickets are $85 per person and include seated dinner, entertainment and one cocktail.

Open house n Admissions January 27, 2013; 1:00 p.m.

On January 15, the price will increase to $90. You may purchase your tickets online and browse items as they

Swift will host an open house on Sunday, January 27 to

arrive at http://cloud.bidpal.net/Portal/bpe22587.

all parents interested in learning more about the benefits of a Swift education. A presentation will be made at 1:30

This event will highlight Swift’s history, celebrate its

p.m. followed by school tours.

inaugural 8th grade class and raise money to better serve Swift students. Don’t miss this night to remember!

Swift Family Bowling n Annual January 27, 2013; 2:00 p.m. Swift family bowling is back! Mark your calendar for this wonderful family event being held at the Brunswick Zone in Roswell. The cost is $14 per person. Money is due to Swift by Friday, January 18.


They Are Counting on You 100 percent participation in the Annual Fund for Swift is crucial to the success of our program. We ask that every member of our community (parent, board, faculty and staff) contribute. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated by Swift and our students. POTENTIAL

100 percent participation is a key factor to charitable foundations considering a donation to our school. These additional funds help provide even more opportunities for YOUR student to academically develop and discover their true potential. Donate online or send a check to the school.

Will You Help Us Reach 100 Percent? TRANSFORMING

www.swiftschool.com January/February 2013


Celebrating 15 years of Success

300 Grimes Bridge Road Roswell, GA 30075

The Doorway to Success

Discover how our

Comprehensive Educational Experience for students in grades 1-8 provides tools and strategies for success.

Admission Open House Sunday, January 27 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Presentation at 1:30 p.m. followed by school tours. For more information, visit Swift online at www.swiftschool. com or call 678.205.4988. Use your SmartPhone to scan the QR code to go directly to our Web site.

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