Volume 2 Issue 5 March/April 2012
Students Brenna, Meredith and Lauren get ready to bowl!
In this
Swift Celebrates Seuss Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2 caused a ruckus on Manley Campus.
Swift Stars and Stripes forever Middle Division students greet soldiers returning home.
Bowled over with fun Photo recap of Swift’s Family Bowling Event.
Annual Swift Family Picnic
Catered by the Varsity What could be better than Atlanta’s Favorite Eatery and Swift’s Favorite Family Tradition?
Sunday May 6, 2012 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Swift School Picnic will include: Student Art exhibition and sale
Music performances by Swift Students
Face painting
Photo booth
balloon artist
dunk tank
Bake Sale
Special Thanks to the Varsity for its generous support of this special occasion Invitations to follow
Issue 5 March/April 2012
MARCH Mar. 27
Volume 2
Parent Workshop Series/7:00 p.m.
Mar. 28
SPA Meeting/8:30 a.m.
Swift Celebrates Seuss ............................. 3 Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2 cause a ruckus on Manley Campus.
APRIL April 2-9
Spring Recess
April 10
Classes Resume
April 16-20
OG Fellow on Campus
April 18-20
Student Extended Trip
April 25
Middle Division Thinkers’ Coffeehouse
April 26
Sports Banquet
Swift Stars and Stripes Forever ................. 4 3
Students’ and soldiers’ lives touched during recent field trip to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.
Act on Your Tax Credit for 2012 ................ 7 Learn how you can help a child receive a Swift
education while positively impacting your 2012
May 3 May 6
Spring Concert
tax return.
Swift Family Picnic/Art Show
May 7-11
OG Fellow on Campus
May 15-16
Conferences for Primary and Intermediate
May 16
New Parent Welcome Reception
May 17
Field Day Grades 1-4
May 18
Field Day Grades 5-7
May 22
Middle Division Exam Review Day
May 23-24
Middle Division Exams
May 24
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremonies/7:00 p.m.
May 25
Fourth Quarter Concludes Final Day of Academic Year Early Dismissal/12:00 p.m.
May 29-31
Professional Days
Bowled Over With Fun ............................... 8 Photo recap of Swift’s Annual Family Bowling Event.
Spartan Basketball Wrap-Up .................. 11 The girls’ and boys’ basketball teams finish strong and look forward to 2013.
nIn Every Issue Head’s Column ......................................................................................................... 2 Famous Faces of Dyslexia ..................................................................................... 10 News You Can Use ................................................................................................. 11
JUNE June 1
Swift Scene .............................................................................................................. 12 Final Progress Reports Posted
Coming Up .............................................................................................................. 13 March/April 2012
nHead’s Message
Richard Wendlek
Executive Committee
Why the Giraffe Club assembly? Why Middle
formation of a child’s character development.
Division community service projects? The
It is also known that the earlier such parenting
answers are not as simple as you might think.
begins the better. Environmental input early
The complex components of character
in life can have incredibly positive or negative
– autonomy, awareness, self-esteem,
effects on the brain’s development and
assertiveness, skillful communication, relationship
on consequent future social behavior. “The
competencies – are all developmental qualities.
greatest environmental factor in our lives,” says
Character develops over time with experience
John Ratey, author and clinical professor at
as the brain is able to interpret experiences.
Harvard medical School, “is learning.”
A growing segment of brain researchers
To answer the questions at the opening of
believes there to be a ‘social brain’, not in the
this article – the development and practice
sense of a single specific area in the brain, but
of character built upon a solid ethical base
a system similar to that of memory or language
incorporating understanding and sensitivity
involving many parts of the brain working
toward others is a critical asset. We can
together. Like other brain functions, the social
accomplish this by simply following the brain; by
brain is developmental and, thus, maximized by
teaching the component elements of character
training. There is increasing evidence that sound
synchronized with the brain’s timing and growth.
character and leadership capabilities result not just from good fortune in the gene pool,
Each month students in the Middle Division
but also from careful nurturing and cultivating
venture off campus to perform community
of neurological pathways for specific skills and
service, an experiential component of
capabilities at developmentally appropriate
character formation education. Their service
includes visits with Alzheimer patients, providing assistance at a local recycling facility, and
Dr. Richard Phillips, Chair Robert W. Gray, Vice-Chair Peter Williams, Treasurer Laura Green, Secretary
Trustees Dr. Paul Cohen Thomas J. Flanigan Gregory Hill Jeffrey Kudlata Douglas Martin Laura Ries Paul Schur Gail Swift, Emerita Richard Wendlek, Ex officio
Administration Richard J. Wendlek, Head of School
Human brain development occurs predictably.
in communicating with American service
There are important windows of human
personnel returning from the Middle East. Lower
development between birth and 10 years
Division students prepare ‘Giraffe Assemblies’
of age that provide significant learning
monthly that highlight virtuous behavior. The
Morgan Sapp, Advancement Associate
opportunities for the brain’s ‘software’ to be
student council’s leadership with the various
Karen Buttermore, Director of Development
installed that results in full understanding by a
drives that have been sponsored during this
child. Research has revealed that many of the
academic year further embed community
brain’s windows of opportunity for optimum
models of character. The Day of Manners in the
learning open and close sooner than previously
Lower Division is designed to provide practice in
thought. For instance, the emotional control
applying social skills. Following the brain allows
development window appears to be from age
pathways to the heart
two to 30 months at which time a balance
as well!
between emotion and rational guidance must
Dr. Andrea Salapka, Associate Head Angela Kidder, Assistant to the Associate Head
Paul Foltz, Business Manager Ellen Ascher, Business Associate Kelly Phillips, Reception Manager Joe Ramaglia, Information Technology/Operations Linda Rapozo, Business Associate
Parent Association President
be found, a balance dependent upon what
Heidi McFarland
a child learns about behavior during this time. Although we can’t effectively seem to reason with a 2-year-old, we have learned that over the course of time rules, relevance, repeated
Rich Wendlek
reminders, and rewards are all required in the
Head of School
2 March/April 2012
Swift School 300 Grimes Bridge Road Roswell, GA 30075 678.205.4988
Below: Middle Division Students Ian Lazier (left, Thing 2) and Brandon Carr (right, Thing 1) helped the Cat in the Hat (Marianne Carr) greet students at morning car pool.
Swift School Celebrates Seuss, Encourages
On a bus, in a car, it doesn’t matter where you are! Swift’s primary students celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday, March 2 with plenty of reading education activities. Students spent extra time reading some of the world’s most popular story rhymes in honor of Theodor Geisel’s birthday. Geisel, better, known as Dr. Seuss, wrote some of the most well-known children’s books, including The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham. Classrooms donned festive attire and “Thing One and Two” caused a ruckus throughout the Lower Division. Swift encourages all parents to spend time reading with
Above: The Cat in the Hat reads to all Primary students who were dressed like their favorite Seuss character.
read to a parent for at least 20 minutes each evening. The Children’s Reading Foundation believes that “Just 20 minutes a day reading aloud with children strengthens
their children. Reading is good way to build vocabulary and
relationships, encourages listening and language skills,
keep the brain sharp while being entertained. Reading also
promotes attention and curiosity, and establishes a strong
helps improve comprehension and reasoning skills. As a part
reading foundation. These skills are essential for success in
of Swift’s homework curriculum, students are required to
school and in life. “ March/April 2012
Page 4 March/April 2012
was for me to have so many young people express their gratitude and
concern. Please relay to the students and teachers of your school my thanks in taking the time to let us all know that what we do matters to so many others.”
Service Project in Action
The “land of the free and home of the brave” may have a new meaning to Swift
Middle Division students and faculty . On Tuesday, Feb 28, they traveled 30 miles to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to welcome home service men and women. These soldiers, who traveled more than 7,000 miles to get back to the life people sometimes take for granted, couldn’t have been happier to see the signs and flags waved by our students. Many of the soldiers paused to speak with the students and thank them for what they were doing. Seventh grader Robert Reeves who hopes to be a pilot in the military spoke with a Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot. “I find military planes interesting,” said Robert about why he wants to be a
This trip not only meant a lot to the service men and women the students spoke with but also to Swift students as well. Many of Swift families have sons, daughters, brothers and sisters serving overseas in the United States Armed Forces. Earlier in the year, seventh grader Hannah Lewey and her class received a surprise visit at school. Her brother, Corporal Bryant Lewey,
military pilot. “My grandparents were in
USMC, who had been deployed in
the Air Force and the Army. I’ve known
Afghanistan came to Swift upon his
for the past two years this is what I want
home arrival. She and the students
to do when I grow up.”
were elated to see him. Knowing that
Chaplain Captain George Tyger
many of our families have ties to the
of Camp Nathan Smith - Kandahar
Military, Navy, Marines and Air Force
- Afghanistan Roshan was one of the
made the purpose of this trip clear for
men the students had the pleasure of
the students.
meeting. Days after the field trip, Head
During the Middle Division Retreat in
of School Rich Wendlek received an
the fall, the students voted on several
email from Tyger.
service projects to implement for the
“I was returning home for R and
year. They decided that they wanted
R (rest and recuperation) leave last
to be involved with aiding the troops.
week. I was greeted by a great
Throughout the year students have
group of your students at the Atlanta
written letters and sent >>
Airport. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your school for caring enough to turn out and greet the returning troops,” Tyger wrote. “You may not ever fully know how meaningful it
“You may not ever fully know how meaningful it was for me to have so many young people express their gratitude and concern.” - Chaplain Captain George Tyger March/April 2012 5
Seventh Grader Robert Reeves shakes hands with a Black Hawk helicopter pilot.
Robert, who hopes to be such a pilot listened carefully as the pilot shared some of his wisdom.
candy overseas. In preparation for
cherish and often take for granted.
this trip, Jill McGuire, student council
Swift students were elated to be a
adviser contacted the United
part of the USO’s efforts.
Service Organization (USO) to coordinate plans. Because of security, students and USO representatives do not know when flights carrying soldiers arrive. The USO’s mission is to provide services that directly benefit the outstanding members of the U.S. military who serve with dedication, skill and pride, defending the freedoms we
6 March/April 2012
above: Michael Rosen and Alex Creed hold signs as service men and women arrive at the USO location.
LEFT: Cullen Moore and Sarosh Taufiq greet a returning soldier.
Act on Your Tax Credit For 2012 Today! As they file their 2011 tax returns, many Swift families are experiencing a 100 percent State of Georgia tax credit in the amount they redirected to Georgia GOAL Scholarship program for student scholarships at Swift School. Now is the time to act to receive the same tax credit for tax year 2012. Last fall, the entire $50 million allocation from the state was depleted in October. Due to the popularity of the program, funds for this year are expected to be fully allocated in early summer 2012. Individual taxpayers may redirect up to $1,000 of Georgia tax owed, and married couples filing jointly may redirect up to $2,500. Taxpayers can indicate what private school they want to direct their tax obligation to. In addition to the tax credit from the State of Georgia, a federal tax charitable deduction is allowed to the contributor. Look for a mailing with instructions and forms on April 10. Any questions regarding this program can be directed to Development Director Karen Buttermore at school March/April 2012
Fourth grader Matthew Angove gets ready to throw a strike.
Every year Swift gathers at the Brunswick Zone Roswell bowling alley for an afternoon of family fun. On January 29, Swift hosted its 7th annual event. Hundreds of students and families participated. Many students look forward to this event all year long. 1. Fifth graders Josh Hargrove, Jack McFarland and Grant Meyer were Swift Kingpins of the alley. 2. The Giliberto family gets ready for high-scoring competition! 3. Second grader Alex Smith not only enjoys bowling with family and friends, but pizza too! 4. The Wynne family is all smiles.
Could it be because someone just bowled a strike? 5. This Kodak Moment brought to you by fourth grader Ethan Smith and his mom Jill Norton. 6. Who says blondes have more fun? It’s clear that redheads Avery
Hodson and Koltun Dixon are
having a blast!
6 March/April 2012
nFamous Faces of Dyslexia Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen or simply H. C. Andersen as he is
Hans Christian did not excel as a student. He was alienated
known in Denmark was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense,
by his fellow students, and was continually mocked by his
Denmark. Andersen was a poetry and fairy tale writer in the
teachers for his ambition to become a writer. He much
19th century. His fairy tales are known throughout most of
preferred memorizing stories rather than learning to read.
the world. His stories have been translated into more than
He would retell stories to anyone who would listen, and
150 languages. In recent years, several of his stories have
he would complement his story telling by imitating ballet
been adapted to the movie screen by the likes of Disney.
dancers or acrobats while telling the story. Today it is believed that he suffered from dyslexia which certainly would have contributed to his difficulties in school.
nSpartan Basketball Wrap-up
The Spartans and Lady Spartans finish Strong
The Spartan basketball teams had an impressive inaugural season. The Lady Spartans completed the season with three wins and four losses while the Spartans claimed one victory. The athletes showed a relentless and respectable effort from game to game and practice to practice. With some experience and growth behind them, the Spartans are expected to come back strong.
Lady Spartans: (Sitting left to right) Jenna Dodd Meredith Ryals Ainsley Kudlata (Standing left to right) Brenna Vetrovsky Lauren Soule Coach Saylors Captain Molly Brown Amanda Doran
Boys top scorer Will Battle- 56 Points Girls top scorer Molly Brown 35 Points 10 March/April 2012
Spartans: (Sitting left to right) Brandon Carr Captain Robert Reeves Chris Brady Gram Smith Ronin Molina-Salas Ian Lazier (Standing left to right) Brandon Reid Will Vesey Trevor Masse Coach Rhett Saylors Ethan Kittle Owen Hodson Will Battle
News You Can Usen Spartan Track and Field news The Track and Field Season is underway and practices are being enthusiastically attended at the Independence High School in Alpharetta. Coach Zeller and Coach Saylors are busy placing the students into their best events. The first meet was held on March 20. Track and Field Meet Schedule March 28 - Independence High School 3:45 to 6:00 p.m. April 11- Independence High School
3:45 to 6:00 p.m.
April 17 - Bill Badgett Stadium
3:45 to 6:00 p.m.
April 18 - Bill Badgett Stadium
3:45 to 6:00 p.m.
April 19 - Independence High School (Rain Date for 17th or 18th)
3:45 to 6:00 p.m
Information and registration information about Swift’s exciting Summer Explorations program is available online under the “academics” tab on the Swift home page. Academic programming designed to maintain and enhance skills taught during the academic year are offered, along with enriching afternoon programs that compliment morning offerings. Register today! Visit for more information.
Pennies for Patients The Swift community united together to raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services. Students, parents, teachers and administration raised $1,550.00 over a three week period for the organization. Leukemia is the most common cancer to affect children under 18-years-old. Thanks to innovative research funded by LLS and the fundraising effort of programs like Pennies for Patients, survival rates have doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled for blood cancer patients. Swift is very proud of the efforts students made in order to be a part of this very worthy cause.
2012-2013 Preliminary Calendar August 7-9 Professional Development Days 10 Faculty Retreat 14 New Parent Orientation 13-16 Assessment/Classroom Prep 17 Meet and Greet 20 Classes Commence 27 Above and Beyond After School Programs Commence September 4-6 Parent Nights 13-14 Middle Division Retreat (Dates tentative) 18-20 Parent Coffees (8:30 a.m.) October 12 15 18-19 24 26
End of First Academic Quarter Professional Prep Day (No classes) Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day Lower School Parent Conferences Middle Division Parent Conferences
November 19–23
Thanksgiving Recess (No classes)
December 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair 14 End of Second Academic Quarter 17–18 Middle Division Semester Exams (Tentative) 20 Winter Recess Commences January 3-4 Professional Training Days (No classes) 7 Classes Resume 11 Lower Division Parent Conferences 11 Report Cards Issued 6th Through 8th Grades March 14 15 22 29
End of Third Academic Quarter Professional Prep Day (No classes) Progress Reports Issued All Grades Spring Break Commences (No classes)
April 1–5
Spring Break (No classes)
May 9 10 21-22 23
Lower Division Parent Conferences Middle Division Parent Conferences Middle Division Semester Exams Final Day of Academic Year All dates tentative March/April 2012
nSwift Scene
Faculty and Classroom Highlights Swift Students Turn to Wax March 12 - 16 marked the Lower Division Performance Week for Swift students. Students in first and second grade transformed into “wax figures” of pivotal histocial icons such as Ben Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. These students recited interesting facts about “themselves” when their button was pressed by “museum” visitors. Other students became poets and Native Americans throughout the week.
Evan Hogan dressed as famous baseball player Jackie Robinson.
Fourth Graders Visit Tellus Museum In March Swift fourth grade classes visited Tellus Science Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. The students particiapated in fun science experiments that helped them understand reflection with convex and concave mirrors. Students spent time in the Museum’s hands-on exhibit (“The Big Backyard”) experimenting with various sounds, light sources, simple machines, and weather exhibits. “The Big Backyard was fun because we could touch stuff,” said students. “We loved it!” The students watched a movie about planets in the Planetarium at Tellus. Students learned that some scientists believe that other planets may have life, Jupiter rains acid, and there is water on Mars. The Swift visitors were also fascinated with Foucaoult’s pendulum; they learned that the earth is spinning very quickly!
Fourth grade students pose for a picture outside Tellus Science Museum before leaving.
is pleased to announce Full Accreditation by The Southern Association of Independent Schools and The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Swift School proudly joins an international network of prestigious accredited schools which have demonstrated success in educating students according to distinct missions. SAIS-SACS accreditation is broadly recognized throughout the world as a standard of excellence for students, parents, and faculties.
12 March/April 2012
coming upn
Mark your calendars with these important dates
Day n Founder’s April 27, 1:30 p.m.
5th grade class trip April 18-20 Fifth graders will experience extended travel from
Founder’s Day will be celebrated on Friday afternoon
April 18-20 to Mentone, Alabama for a hands-on
to honor Swift School founder Gail Swift and recognize
environmental education experience.
faculty members who are celebrating 10 years of service. The event will be conducted on the front lawn. Students,
Coffeehouse n Thinker’s April 25, 7:00 p.m.
faculty, alumni, and parents are invited to attend.
Middle Division parents are invited to attend The Thinker’s Coffeehouse on the evening of Thurday, April
Concert n Spring May 3, 7:00 p.m.
25 at 7:00 p.m. on the deck. Get ready for an evening
Dunwoody Community Church
of poetry and drama as students double as performing
Students in primary and intermediate grades are busy
coffeehouse waiters and waitresses. Invitations to follow.
preparing a spectacular Broadway themed show for family and friends. The concert will also feature the
Meeting n Spa April 25, 8:30 a.m.
Lower Division Chorus. Mark your calendars to attend this wonderful event. Details to follow.
All parents are welcome to attend the upcoming SPA meeting. This is a great opportunity to network with other parents and participate in Swift functions.
Annual Family picnic n Swift’s May 6, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Swift’s Annual Family Picnic and first-ever Student Art
banquet n Sports April 26, 6:00 P.M.
Show is scheduled for Sunday, May 6. Plan to join the
Doubletree hotel- roswell
community for a lovely Sunday afternoon! Invitations to follow. Catering provided by The Varsity.
A sports banquet will be held to honor, celebrate and recap the achievements of our student athletes during the inaugural Interscholastic sports year. More details to follow.
Do you own or work for a C Corporation? Georgia law allows you to redirect up to 75% of the company’s Georgia income tax liability to scholarships for Swift School and 100% of this amount is a tax credit to your company.
Swift School is a member of
Georgia GOAL Scholarship, Inc.
To learn details, please contact Karen Buttermore at school 678-205-4988, ext. 232 or
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. l RISING 1ST - 2ND
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. l RISING 3RD - 8TH
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. l RISING 3RD - 5TH
1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. l RISING 1ST - 8TH
Experience an educational, enriching, and exciting summer at Swift School. Rising 1st-8th graders will explore literature and language through the Orton-Gillingham Approach. Students can also register for Swift’s afternoon options including art, technology, sports, music & more!
June 11 - July 6 Register Today For more information call 678.205.4988 or visit
300 Grimes Bridge Rd., Roswell, GA 30075 l 678.205.4988 l l