4 minute read
The swimsa Internals
The VPE represents swimsa towards our external partners and sponsors, and is in charge of networking.
Annina Biri | Zurich
External Affairs
Chloé Rosenfeld | Lausanne
The Treasurer manages swimsa’s finances, and is in charge of the swimsa Fonds, from which members can receive money in order to accomplish their vision!
The VPG connects swimsa to the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and is responsible for Capacity Building.
Global Affairs
Sven Stalder | Zurich
Thank you all for your amazing work!
Rahel Laager SVC svc@swimsa.ch
Supervising Council
The SVC oversees the work of the executive board and makes sure the bylaws are being adhered to.
National Officers
Ana Zimmermann NEO-In neo.in@swimsa.ch
National Exchange Officer for Outgoings
The NEO-Out coordinates all international clinical exchanges for Swiss medical students.
Kevin Brunold nora@swimsa.ch
National Officer on Research Exchange
The NORE is responsible for the research exchange in Switzerland and coordinates the exchanges of Incomings and Outgoings.
Khalid Azalmad NPO npo@swimsa.ch
National Officer on Human Rights and Peace
The NORP represents swimsa, its projects and commitments in the area of Human Rights and Peace on a national and international level.
Sumanie Gächter NOCB nocb@swimsa.ch
National Exchange Officer for Incomings
The NEO-In checks the applications of international students who want to do a professional exchange in Switzerland and distributes them to the local committees.
Boya Zhang NEO-Out neo.out@swimsa.ch
National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS
The NORA connects projects and members within swimsa working on Sexual Health with each other and with empowering international opportunities in this field.
Jan Theiler NORE nore@swimsa.ch
National Public Health Officer
The NPO represents swimsa, its projects and commitments in the area of Public Health on a national and international level.
Pascale Meyer NORP norp@swimsa.ch
National Officer on Capacity Building
The Capacity Building Coordinator is responsible for the training activities swimsa provides to its internals and members and represents the link in this area to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA).
Liaison Officers
Marc Reynaud de la Jara LO-FMH fmh@swimsa.ch
Liasion Officer FMH
The FMH is the association of swiss doctors, which gathers representatives of cantons and all medical specialties. The LO-FMH attends the “Ärztekammer”/”Chambre médicale” twice a year and represents swimsa’s views.
Liasion Officer BAG/OFSP
The LO-BAG/OFSP represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the plattform “Zukunft ärztliche Bildung/Avenir de la formation médicale”, which collects all stakeholders in medical education four times a year.
Lara Serban LO-BAG bag@swimsa.ch
Clara Ehrenzeller LO-vsao vsao@swimsa.ch
LO-MeBeKo mebeko@swimsa.ch
Liasion Officer vsao/asmac
The LO-vsao/asmac represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the monthly “Geschäftsausschluss/Comité directeur” and the bi-annual “Zentralvorstand/Comité central” in the vsao, which is the organisation representing the “Assistenzärzt:-innen and Oberärzt:innen/médecins assistant(e)s et chef(fe)s de clinique”.
Liasion Officer MeBeKo
The LO-MeBeKo represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the extraparliamentary Commission of the BAG/OFSP, which mainly discusses the recognition of foreign diplomas as well as the federal licensing exam four times a year.
Valeria Scheiwiller LO-WHO vss@swimsa.ch
Liasion Officer WHO
WHO stands for "World Health Organisation". Since a few years swimsa has a Liasion Officer who represents our organisation at the WHO assemblies.
Benedict von Allmen Legal Counsel legal@swimsa.ch
Legal Counsel
Our Legal Counsel is here to support the EB with legal advice where needed.
Bansi Butani Journal Coordinator journal@swimsa.ch
Journal Coordinator
Hi, that's me! The Journal Coordinator is responsible for putting together the bi-annual swimsa journal, highlighting the events of the year, as well as collecting articles showing new and unique information.
Clémence Aellen Website Coordinator website.coordinator@ swimsa.ch
Diego Hack Website Coordinator website.translator@ swimsa.ch
Website Coordinators
The website coordinators are responsible for the swimsa website (www.swimsa.ch) and keeping it up-to-date with the latest information about upcoming events and is the to-go spot for any information you may require about the activities of swimsa. It is also currently being translated to other languages for more accessibility.
Mental Health Coordinator mentalhealth@swimsa.ch
Mental Health Coordinator
The Mental Health Coordinator leads the efforts of swimsa in the area of mental health and works in close collaboration with the NPO.
Planetary Health Coordinator planetaryhealth@swimsa.ch
Planetary Health Coordinator
The Planetary Health Coordinator oversees the activities of swimsa in this public health focus area and work in close collaboration with the NPO.
Exchanges Coordinators
Catalina Nierlich NEO-In Assistant neo.in@swimsa.ch
NEO-In Assistant
The NEO-In Assistant supports the NEO-In in coordinating the international students coming to Switzerland for an exchange (SCOPE Exchanges).
Jennifer To NEO-Out Assistant neo.out@swimsa.ch
Diogo Zimmermann NORE-Assistant nore@swimsa.ch
NEO-Out Assistant
The NEO-Out Assistant supports the NEO-Out in coordinating international clinical exchanges for Swiss medical students.
The NORE-Assistant supports the NORE in coordinating the international students coming to Switzerland for an exchange (SCORE Exchanges).
Martina Schuppisser National Exchanges Treasurer treasurer.exchanges@ swimsa.ch
National Exchanges Treasurer
The National Exchanges Treasurer manages the finances of Exchanges in collaboration with the VPX.
Elena Truetsch Third State Coordinator drittstaaten.students @swimsa.ch
Third State Coordinator
The “Third-State-Coordinator” is responsible for providing invitation letters to non-EU medical students who want to work in Swiss hospitals.