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GAMES | RACISM | radio | BREAKUPS | fashion | Jun 2014

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X The Hawthorn Hotel 481 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn

Friday 20th June Doors open from 5pm


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The Rise of 3SSR

Student Profile







Wallet Reaper

I’m Not Racist But...



Breaking Up With Your Musical Group




Photo Essay:

Georgia Thomas

Melbourne’s Cutest

It’s a Big World


After All



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Rhys Pope is a third year journalism student, and has been a regular contributor to Swine magazine since 2012. He is unable to keep his room clean and organised for more than two days. 4





Danielle Thompson is a third year journalism student, who has recently discovered the woes of the desk job. The Swine is her happy place where 6am wake ups are heavily frowned upon and colour can be inserted into any day.

Nicholas Kennedy is a third year Journalism student. Nobody knows his real name or where he came from, and the only thing we do know about him is that he still hasn’t found the perfect hamburger.








Eloise Retallick is a third year Communication Design and Business (Marketing) Student. Art snob, red wine lover and country music fan (but only the good stuff). She hates cats and aspires to be a Doberman owner.

Jonathan Boadle is a second year Media and Communications student, presenter on 3SSR and a coffee wanker. If you want to hear his story about the broken pencil then don’t... Because there is no point hahaha.

Janelle James studies Marketing at Swinburne and is our lovely new advertising officer. She is happy to help with any advertising inquiries you may have. Be nice, she’s new.







Hello all, I hope you have finally settled into university proper, now semester 1 is almost over. It’s been a busy time on campus, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Firstly, facilities have been pushed to the limit, with all of us waiting for the AMDC to be completed. Nonetheless once the new building is fully open I hope that the university will finally be able to cope with the large amount of students needing study spaces. Its partial opening has shown that we need more space. There is still a long way to go to stop all of us from fighting for computers and books in the library… and let’s not talk about parking. Sad to say, the findings of the Kemp/Norton Review into university funding has recommended several changes to how education is treated in future, and were adopted by the Federal government in the budget. The beginning of student copayments for tertiary education from 2016 will make it even harder for the next generation to have a solid education. It is discouraging to see cuts being pushed by the very people who benefited from free tertiary education under the Whitlam government. Otherwise the events we’ve run during the semester have been successes, whether they are the weekly BBQ or Union Bar and Lounge events. Our welfare collectives have flourished as well, with students eager to change the world one step at a time, and I hope you saw the awesome posts for Rad Sex and Consent Week around campus! From here, I’d like to thank our volunteers; the lifeblood of the organisation and the people who make everything happen behind the scenes. Every day, students can turn to the Union to see events left, right and centre, and they can turn to students who are happy to put time aside for the big picture; student control of student affairs. Things only get done once you stop sitting on your hands, so be the change you want to see on campus. Do you want more parties? Volunteer behind the bar. Do you want change to happen? Stand up. Can’t wait to see you fighting for the future. T SWI NB Yours in union, T OF EN Joshua Fernandez President SSU











ditorial Hola Compadres, It is my honour to welcome you to Swine number two, the smaller and more compact Swine, for the reader on the go. This new size isn’t just for convenience, changing to a standard size means that we are wasting less paper during printing, which helps me sleep better at night. This year being an even numbered year means it hasn’t exactly been the best, but I’m sure we’ll all have a sick time on semester break. From here I’d like to thank you for reading Swine, we put heaps of time and effort into it. So it means a lot to see people reading it. Even if you’re are making out in the union bar while it happens to be on your lap (true story, I saw it), at least you’re using it for something. Share the love and keep on living life. Rhys Pope The Editor



THE RISE OF Words: Peter Tseros 3SSR President Images: Peter Tseros


Feature: Radio

Alaska Fox presents Knee Deep

Knee Deep

If you’re a gamer then then you can’t miss Swin Gamers from 11am - 1pm Tuesdays and 11am - 12pm Wednesdays.

Though if music is more your thing, Knee Deep with Alaska If you like to have a laugh and listen to some great tunes Fox is on Wednesdays from then this is definitely the show 8 - 9pm. for you. Playing everything from Wake up to Peter Tseros and EDM to R&B/Trap and, Manny Giannopoulos every incorporating requests and Wednesday from 9-10am prizes. and enjoy their hilarious The show is in its second adventures. year and the listener base is growing at a rapid rate.

The program is run by club president and committee members Sean Haren, Ricky Needs and Kara Busuttill. The show is in its second year and specialises in game reviews, competitions and events. 10

The Wednesday Morning Wakeup

Swin Gamers


Harry Bastin and Nick Moignard on Surrounding House

Swinburne Anime Club The variety continues with the brand new radio program, hosted by the Anime Club committee members James Galore, Grant Genes and Xander Boyle. The show talks about all things Anime as well as giving listeners a chance to win prizes. The show which broadcasts 11am -12pm is a must for any Anime fan.

Death FM & Surrounding House

The place to listen to all of these shows is on the new 3SSR website,

When it comes to listening to unique Trap, House and EDM 3SSR have also launched a music the two hours between new app, available for both, 5-7pm is the times to tune in. IOS and Android devices. The shows, which are hosted by Reuben Slade, Harry Bastin and Nick Moignard, are fantastic if this is your genre of music.

Meaning you can now listen to 3SSR anywhere, for the first time since its FM days. Listen in: Facebook: swinburnestudentradio Twitter: 11

Feature: Radio

doubled the number of radio shows and tripled its members 3SSR is probably not the first station you tune to when you want to listen to radio, but soon it may be.

But the station has not only seen success on air this year, they have also hosted 3SSR’s biggest ever party.

3SSR has a huge variety of radio shows with heaps free giveaways being handed out during nearly every show.

The station has been around since the early 1970s and it is on the rise again.

The 3SSR ‘Welcome Back’ party was a huge hit with hundreds of people flocking for the free Jäger Bombs, and of course the music.

There is an incredible variety of genres, with shows which focus on music, games, anime, comedy and sport.

Since 2013 it has doubled the number of radio shows and tripled its members. It has brand new website, mobile app and most importantly, 57 new and unique radio programs. 12

The party, which was hosted at the beginning of Semester One this year was just the first of many great parties to come.



Words: James Campbell Image: James Campbell When Cam Ainsworth was diagnosed with ADD in 2010 it provided somewhat of an answer as to why he had struggled with learning in the past. Last year Cam was on his way to graduating with a Diploma of Public Relations at Swinburne Prahran,

despite his condition, when he was also diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. As his illness became more problematic, so too did his ability to properly complete the work necessary to graduate into the Bachelor of Communications at the Hawthorn campus. “I suddenly got really sick, and it was the culmination 13

Profile: Cam Ainsworth of all the study and work due, just can’t focus on it, that may give off the impression that and it became really hard,” I’m unintelligent but I don’t he said. really mind.” However at the height of Cam said, that he still has his his illness Cam was able doubts as to whether or not to graduate the Diploma the course is really for him. of Public Relations and be accepted into the Bachelor “It’s a bit early to say if it is of Communications, with a the course I really want to do, major in advertising. but being in the advertising industry is something I’ve “I wasn’t particularly happy wanted to do since I was about being accepted into the course, I probably would about 14, but who knows? I could just pack it in at 24 have been accepted into and become a chef.” second year if I didn’t get sick.” “I think a lot of people doubt “But I’m happy to get my foot the courses they’re in, and a lot of people are kidding in the door, I feel like time themselves to think that they was running out,” he said. are in the course that’s right Now on his way to recovery, for them.” Cam is a part of the course “But I’m pretty stoked, I’m and learning about an having a lot of fun and industry he has wanted to meeting new people.” be involved in since he was a kid. Cam is studying subjects such as Methods of Investigation Cam believes that having and Digital Design and ADD has over time had a whilst he believes the negative effect on his ability workload is far greater than to study. in the Diploma of Public “I think that I find learning a Relations, he finds the subject lot more difficult than other matter fascinating as it is people do, not so much challenging. learning, but learning in an “20th Century Design I academic setting.” find really interesting, it’s “I think that my attention is about modernism and shocking and I block out texts industrialisation which I love that aren’t interesting to me, I learning about.” just won’t read them.” “But when it comes to writing “It gets me down because I the essays I struggle, I find know I’m intelligent, I often writing essays hard because 14

of referencing and sourcing the information, however when it comes to writing the essay itself I’m fine.” Cam was inspired to study advertising by his parents, who are both involved in the industry. “I want to be a part of the advertising industry because I saw how my parents have travelled the world and were able to provide their kids with a comfortable upbringing, and that’s what attracts me to advertising.” “I know that it is a social and creative industry.” “I can’t draw but I still see myself as creative.” He was studying marketing RMIT though quickly realised it wasn’t for him, and he much prefers the course he is in now at Swinburne. “I did like being in the city at RMIT, but I hated marketing.” “I dropped out after five months; I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be studying at that point.” “It was right out of high school and I was messing around heaps, which I still do really. However I like being at university, it gives me a sense of purpose, and it’s something I need to do really.”




Words: Nicholas Kennedy Illustration: Thomas Mackey Image: EA Games, & King 15

Feature: Wallet Reaper

The rise of mobile gaming has changed the way people play games forever, but is the persuit of profit destroying the chances of progress? Before 2007, any mention of ‘mobile gaming’ would expect a response somewhere along the lines of “what? you mean like, Snake?”. Preceding the release of the iPhone, and the subsequent conquest of the mobile and application undertaken by Apple, video-games were only just coming out of being a niche market. Only two years before, Microsoft released the Xbox 360, as one of the biggest pushes by the gaming industry to gain acceptance as a mainstream standard of entertainment However, the way Apple saw things, was ‘why bother forcing a new idea on slowadopters, when you can sell 16

them the idea of video games demand is negatively affecting developers who are on a device they already just trying to make an honest own?’ living. The $1.99 price tag Apple took an industry that for many mobile games almost no one even knew masks the true goal and longexisted and created a multiterm business model of many million dollar cash cow. games like Candy Crush Now, nearly every major Saga, and the countless game developer under the clones of the recently sun is struggling to get in removed Flappy Bird. on the action while they still It used to be that once a can. As a result, the Apple iOS market share of portable game was purchased, you gaming has exploded to 34% received a finished product, as of 2010, up from just 1% complete with all content, ready for you to enjoy; and in 2008. rightfully so, as you’d put The morally ambiguous down your hard earn cash, genius of the modern mobile right? gaming industry is also its In today’s market, this has biggest danger, at least become less and less the as far as quality game case, especially in the mobile development is concerned. As an industry centred around games industry. Candy Crush Saga developers the concept of making as King Ltd. saw revenue of much profit in as little time, $1.88USD billion in 2013 disturbing practices have become a standard for many as a result of the infamous in-app purchase, a method developers, and consumer

SWINE of extracting even more dollars from consumers with the promise of more points, coins, gems, or whatever arbitrary name has been assigned as the game’s currency. Of course, it is entirely up to users to decide whether they choose to invest in order to progress faster, and in the case of games such as Candy Crush Saga, the separation between game and business model at least allows for the game to be enjoyed without having to drop any cash at all. So leave it up to Electronic

Arts, the publishing giant, to take the concept of in-app purchases, and completely obliterate any semblance of forgivability the practice may have had. With their recent release of the classic-comereimagined-new-title Dungeon Keeper, EA has made it nigh on impossible to progress through the game without making further payments through the game’s built in store.

rooms, traps, and acquire different creatures to fill out your little army of evil, all in the space of a few minutes. The game starts you off with a set amount of gems, but as soon as those are spent? Well that’s when things get interesting.

Attempting to complete tasks that would have taken mere minutes with the help of gems can now take up to 24 hours to be completed. That’s right, in order to excavate The game runs on a system a 4x4 room to expand your of currency in order to accomplish certain tasks faster dungeon for free, you can be waiting anywhere beyond a than normal; spend some week to see the construction gems and you can expand through, and this is just to your dungeon, build more


Feature: Wallet Reaper He takes a much more diplomatic standpoint on the nature of commercialised mobile gaming, and to an extent I understand his viewpoint. While games like Dungeon Keeper could at times be perceived as However, in the opinion of extorting their players, the Melbourne based mobile marketplace as we see it developer Daniel Visser, the now is a fantastic arena for business model which allows new ideas and developers to this kind of activity is a natural flourish. progression for the industry. Independent studios such as “I think it is the way of the Vlambeer, Half-brick, and future, it is there because of Firemint have come to the demand and I think demand fore of a generation ready will counter balance it also. to provide new and exciting It is clear that the free to play games for the masses. model is the best way for big While also being able to games to return,” he said. implement in-app purchases in a way that compliments the However, Visser also admits experience of a game, rather that, “The problem occurs than hampering it in order to when players are forced to make a quick buck. pay, or pay often and pay very early on”. As is the case in most consumer scenarios, it falls Visser has been developing to the buyers to decide games since as early as where the industry heads, the 1999, and experienced paradigm shift and refocus the massive shift towards mobile gaming first hand. “It that the gaming industry has undergone since 2000 was hard to predict this [the mobile industry today] before means that while there is a bigger audience, it also the rise of mobile phones, means there are more ways however, after the first iPhones it was pretty obvious to abuse loyal customers. it had a big future.” A bigger playground means build your dungeon. Not even covering the costs of purchasing upgrades, new units, and essentially anything else that allows you to progress, anything that allows you to actually play.


more bullies, but it also gives cause for more inspired developers to come to the rescue, and sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a sincere product, and a moneymaking ‘Extortiontron 3000’ (patent pending). All I can say to close this out is buy carefully, and buy smart, and know that your spending habits can influence the future of an industry.



v i t ec


n’s e om

c o ll

The SSU Women’s Collective is open to all female-identifying students at Swinburne. We have a Women’s Space on Level 2 of the AD Building, hold fortnightly meetings and get involved in events and campaigns relevant to women. If you’d like to spend time in a safe space where you can get to know other women on campus, the SSU Women’s Collective is for you.

To find out more, please contact your Women’s Rep, Linda, at

Feature: I’m Not Racist But...

I’M NOT BUT... Words: Elizabeth Alderslade Images: YouTube I was sitting at Glenferrie station with my exchange roommate and her friends. It was a mix of American, Canadian, Indian students and me. We were joking and laughing, discussing where we should go to drink in the city. Our fun was brutally interrupted when my first encounter with open racism happened. It was a comment made by a drunken man, as he precariously stumbled around the yellow line on the platform. “Where are you guys from?” They told him. “Go back to your fucking country, you bastards,” he 20

said. There was an awkward silence as the air suddenly became colder than it was before. I was in shock, being the only Australian there, I didn’t know what to say. It couldn’t even describe the sudden fear I had when the man started stumbling towards us, as some of the offended guys in the group started to tell him to back off. He left us with a sour taste in our mouths and a dampener on what we all thought was going to be good night.

Scanlon Foundation reported an increase of people being discriminated against, from 12 percent in 2012 to 19 percent in 2013. You would think that in the 21st century racism would be something in the past, but that is clearly not the case.

I find it a little sad when, according to the All Together Now Erasing Racism initiative, 1 in 5 Australian’s have experienced racism in one way, shape or form. This statistic has increased from 1 in 8 Australians being a target of racial discrimination Was it just a random drunken last year. rant from an angry ‘bogan’ In the cultural hub that is or was it representative Australia, who would think of a growing problem in human beings still attack Australia? other human beings based on The Mapping Social the colour of their skin or their Cohesion survey by the origin. Surely basic common


RACIST decency isn’t dead. To this day, I still am flattered when someone opens the door for me. Can’t people surely stretch that reach to being, at least, civil to another. But talking to these people is usually similar to talking to a brick wall, unmovable and not having a lot to say. Swinburne University has a large number of exchange students, here to learn just like the rest of us. Kelsey Ito, American exchange student from 2013, experienced racism in Australia a few times. One night, Kelsey was getting a kebab with friends and the people in the shop wouldn’t believe that she was from America. “I think, race wise, I think Australians are ignorant. I

don’t think they’re intentionally trying to be racist but just unaware. While I was in Australia people couldn’t understand that I was American but looked Asian.” Kelsey believes that some people in Australia unconsciously believe in the false stereotypes that are circulated in today’s society, especially when someone tries to make a joke at another’s expense.

seat and prepare yourself for the obviously offensive conversation which is about to begin. Karthik Ganesan, currently doing his masters in Network Systems at Swinburne, has been attacked a couple times while on public transport, which these days seems to happen all too often.

Public transport is now the go to place for people to attack others by using racial slurs. The most recent cases She says the talk around indigenous Australians made include an ABC News journalist who was verbally it seem “that people didn’t really want to associate with attacked on a bus when he was with his two year old them.” daughter, a French tourist Most conversations like these who verbally abused by a usually start with the dreaded, mob on a Melbourne bus for ‘I don’t mean to be racist singing in her mother tongue BUT…’ You instantly groan and a young Asian student and slowly recede into your 21

Feature: I’m Not Racist But...

who was verbally abused on a tram by an incredibly intoxicated woman. Luckily for victims, people often feel the need to tape these encounters and spread them online to shame those doing it. It’s disappointing that no one feels the need to intervene.

These attacks have been occurring around Australia for quite a while now and have received a significant amount of press coverage. There were mass protests in India about the mistreatment of their people which led to India threatening to stop trading with Australia. All because there are some unsavoury characters in our country who give us a bad reputation.

18c of the act. Which states that it is unlawful for a person to act in a way which offends, insults, humiliates or intimidates another person or group based on their race or ethnic origin.

The Attorney-General George Brandis said to the ABC that he was “very Karthik also had to put up open to other suggestions” with verbal abuse at his job when it came to changing where he was discriminated the current law. I would be against by a co-worker. open to maybe more laws If being beaten into a coma He said, “she never gave me wasn’t bad enough, another to protect those from racial any proper shifts and when Indian man was burnt alive in hatred. But amending them I was at work, she would 2010 when four men poured completely or changing them be very rude and call me to the extent that there would fluid over him and set him names and openly say, ‘I be no repercussions for alight. Have some people hate Indians, you people are humiliation and intimidation is really lost their humanity to useless and only fit to do IT the extent that they could burn concerning. or 7/11 jobs, you have no another human being alive? When Andrew Bolt was sense of fashion.’” found guilty of breaking the If this report has anything to It’s sad that a lot of people say, then apparently so. The’ Racial Discrimination Act working in Australia don’t over two of his articles he Racism, It Stops With Me’ realise that they are not was quoted as saying that it campaign states that more allowed to be treated in the than 1 in 20 Australians say was “a terrible day for free workplace like that. Not speech in this country.” they have been physically at all. The Fair Work Act attacked based on their race. Bolt is extremely well known 2009, makes it unlawful to It’s terrifying to think that for the controversial articles discriminate against someone one person in your university that he writes for the Herald in the workplace based on: class room may have been Sun. He has forever stapled race, colour, religion or attacked simply due to their himself as one of Australia’s national extraction. ethnicity. biggest conservatives and a What’s worse is that there front runner for the bigot of The federal Racial is still a lot of controversy the year award. Discrimination Act, the over the beatings of Indian current and only law So I’m not sure what his students in Australia. There created to protect people exact motives were, if they was one such attack in who have been racially were selfish or if he honestly 2013, which left an Indian discriminated against, is soon belives that his free speech student in a coma after being to be amended by the Abbott was being restricted. beaten by eight men and one Government. Who are woman. looking at removing section Brandis said, “In a free 22

SWINE country people do have rights as all races spread across the to say things that other people world. find offensive or insulting or In the end change comes bigoted.” from the people. If everyone strives to become a more I understand the need for free speech, but what I don’t tolerant person then hopefully Australia will become a little understand is the need for less racist than it was the day someone to attack another before. on the base of ones looks, culture or ethnicity. If you But at the moment, racism think everyone is going to in Australia seems to be on get on your side for telling a slow and horrible slope everyone it’s okay to be a downwards to a place that bigot, then you are wrong. we never want to live in, and once we are there, it’s going If anything, it sounds like to be difficult to climb our Brandis is trying to gain way up again. the support of bigoted Australians. He seems to give the impression that the real victims are the bigoted who have been struggling against the chains of the Discrimination Act. Thank you Brandis for giving notice to the people of Australia that yes, they are allowed to preach racial hate. Is there a way to stop racism at its core? Probably not, especially when the federal government planning to amend the Racial Discrimination Act. The main thing everyone needs to take away from this is that prevention by teaching others to be more tolerant is a definite must in today’s society, considering Australia will only continue to become a more multicultural country 23

BREAKING UP WITH YOUR MUSICAL GROUP: How to find your perfect band-mate and avoid players

Words: Viana Van Eyk Stern Illustration: Tom Mackey 24

SWINE We met between classes to vent his frustrations over a coffee. My musician friend Jesse, described the increasing tensions between the band and their troublesome guitarist. Concerned by this stagnant relationship, Jesse had sought my advice on how to break things off with the member. I pondered his dilemma carefully, but quickly became aware that band politics weren’t that far from a personal area of expertise.

band was drawing to a close.

“God, it sounds like a shitty girlfriend and breakup”, I mused. Jesse mumbled agreement. It had dawned on me that they really aren’t so different: bickering, brooding, tension, avoidance, and passive aggressive notes. Band-mate woes easily translate to relationship problems and although I have no experience in musical groups, I did feel confident in offering relationship exit strategies.

“It was a sort of building to begin with. He was drunk on stage 90% of the time. He will forget the words, the chords, even to songs he wrote. The rest of us are up to scratch, and it reflects poorly on the rest of us.”

To put things in perspective, the quintet has been together for over a year. Their hard work and dedication has started to pay off, as invitations from more prestigious venues have begun to dot their calendar with increasing regularity. However, it seemed the honeymoon phase of the

The guitarist in question felt like the band needed to reassess their direction, and he had also started seeing other bands. In a deep betrayal of the band’s trust, he declined a well-paying gig without consulting the others. Now, everyone felt hurt, and like it was time to “move on”. This is what I asked him. When did these issues become apparent?

“I wouldn’t say betrayed. People are entitled to their own opinions. But to label all your other band members opinions as incorrect, and go about upsetting people, he could’ve gone about voicing his opinions a little better.” “We feel like he’s just become an obstacle in the direction the band wants to go. At the stage the band is at now, it’s good to be aware of a business aspect. At the end of the day I know he wants good things for the band, but his approach is detrimental to where we want to go.” Does he have previous band experience?

“The main issue at hand was when he double booked himself at a gig. He gave us the ultimatum of cancelling the gig, or else find another guitarist.”

“Yeah he has, but he doesn’t wear the “creative” pants as much. He’s got a lot of beef about his songs not being represented... due to their rock/pop influence, and he has no interest or skill with funk/soul music. His days are numbered for sure.”

“I was happier with the latter option, in all honesty.”

What do you think makes a band a successful one?

“Our singer deals with the venue managers and bookers, and they differed on what seemed like a gig worth playing. Dan [the guitarist] became quite confrontational. There were tears.”

“There’s got to be a lot of communication. The best bands are organised ones. There can’t be clashes between other gigs and projects. There HAS to be compromise. It’s exactly like a marriage. You have to find that happy musical medium.”

So would you say you feel betrayed?


Unplugged: Breaking Up With Your Musical Group

do you think this was Did you notice a lack of crowd interaction, or loack of becoming an alarming trend? intimacy? “Not a lack of crowd interaction. Dan has a lot of respect in the situation, but sometimes you can tell by his body language that he’s not digging it. It’s like when you’re fucking your partner, and you can tell only one of you is into it. It’s not forced, but they are lying there like they just want you to get it over with.” Tell me about the unspoken rules and band etiquette? “Relating to this, when he gave us that ultimatum bullshit. His insecurities are coming into play there. Its common practise that if you are double booked, you play the gig you booked for first or find a replacement. It’s just courtesy. Again, because of this, he doesn’t realise that fill in doesn’t mean replacement.” You mentioned he would be drunk before performances, 26

“This is where we differ, he saw it as important because it was a duo with his girlfriend. That gig paid considerably “Dan likes a bit of a drink like better than ours, the exposure we all do. He has a tendency we got from our gig was to hit the scotch before a better but he disagreed.” gig. Some of us are guilty of that ourselves but it’s not a Have you found someone common thing.” else? “It got the point where about 6 months ago he would forget his parts, and it sticks out like a sore thumb on stage. With all that rehearsal, that shit should be ingrained into your mind.” Would you say there are commitment issues?

“Short answer is yes. I do have a back up guitarist on standby. Who does have an interest and knowledge of funk soul, who is reliable, doesn’t get drunk before gigs, all round perfect.”

“He would be a great contribution to the band and our sound at the end of the “There wasn’t up until day. He will bring so many recently. Not until this double good things to the band that booking fiasco. This is a Dan couldn’t offer. He can snag in the road, and it came do things that Dan couldn’t from Dan not wanting to do.” compromise. We gave him several options, but he is so Do you think they are ready insecure about his playing to commit? that it led him to become this “Yeah, I’ve given him the talk, argumentative inferno that we and filled him in on what’s see now.” going on. He’s jammed with What was so important us before, without Dan’s about this cover gig of Dan’s? knowledge of course. We

SWINE were afraid Dan was going to leave us high and dry before a gig, and we got him to come bring his gear. He’s a very dependable guy.” How did your “talk” go? “Starters, it was all a bit of a facade. Nothing really changed.” “Dan has deep seated insecurities about his playing and to be perfectly honest, he’s not on par with the rest of us musically. Dan is a businessman, not a musician.” “The way he wants to direct things, is to be a Youtube sensation and be forgotten about. Marketing a band is not the same as marketing a magazine (his line of work). His ego, insecurities, and girlfriend are getting in the way.”

away creative input, will lead to boredom and lack of interest and he will leave on his own. Its come to that point that we’ve got no other option. He is sticking around because it is very much his band as it ours. We are all stakeholders. That sense of ownership and sense of pride, no doubt he is proud of how far it’s progressed. It’s a case of him not wanting to let go and waiting for him to let it go.

break-up, tears, and plate smashing was on the horizon. Unfortunately, given how small the Melbourne ‘muso’ community is, band politics can be especially difficult; situations can quickly become awkward. I can’t say for certain what will happen with the band. But hopefully I helped Jesse see things a little more clearly, and maybe even begin the grief process.

The upside of divorcing a band member as opposed to marital divorce, is that it’s a hell of a lot cheaper, provided none takes legal action. But maybe with time, love, and understanding they can all at least ‘still be What advice would you offer friends’. to anyone in your position? “Who gets ownership of the songs, its like custody. It’s tricky if it’s a co-written song. Especially if it’s a prominent song in our set list. He also runs the website, so there’s that to consider too.”

“When it comes to confrontation I tend to be hot headed about things. Are you worried about My advice would be to get the “other woman”, his a back up as soon as you girlfriend? can, and cut your ties with “She’s a good singer, but has the problematic member. no pull in the music industry Because if one person in or community. She’s not part your unit is holding you back of the whole argument.” from achieving your goals Realistically, How do you see and from doing the things you love, its cancerous to the this ending? band. If you catch cancer “Realistically? I see it ending early, you can cut it out pretty one of two ways: worst case before it does any more scenario is that Dan continues damage.” to let his ego get the better After our chat it was clear that of him and it kills the band. they all knew the inevitable Most likely is that we take 27


AUT UMN 2014

Som’s collections are infused with splashes of ruby red and tangerine. Strategically designed dresses, and well-structured trench coats saturated with colour eclipse traditional perceptions of the drab winter coat.

runway. New shapes

No minis required! The midi skirt, the midi dress and any garments wafting somewhere below the knee and above the ankle are leading the way forward this autumn. This Cobalt and royal blue were definitive, game-changing incorporated into designer trend is an utter sensation. Words: Eleanor Tabone Oscar de la Renta’s collection Rebel brand, Kenzo proved with fur bombers and Illustration: Eloise Retallick this look to be more than just jacquard weave panelled lady-like and prim, making The temperature is dropping skirts. a statement by sending out and there is a chill in the air. the midi skirt in unmissable Pastels remain present, with The slow descent of leaves shades of neon yellow. dusty pinks and peaches on is proof that the hours spent the rise under names such as reclining on white sandy Lathered in Leather Ralph Lauren. beaches, are over. Fashion’s obsession with all Coated Even though we’re not things leather has not yet quite ready to accept that Embracing the cooler climate, faltered. In fact, this autumn summer has passed, autumn the 2014 autumn runways the runway has amplified its collections are now gracing lust for this must-have fabric. are littered with coats, with Australian racks. From pants, to full skirts, tops just about every designer and jackets, this autumn is the showcasing the comfort Runways have displayed a holy grail of leather. and sophistication of long, large array of textures with functional overcoats. elements of leather, jewel Shabby denim jackets have tones, shaggy furs and the been replaced by the iconic Draped in heavy, cosy youthfulness of animal print. biker jacket. One part fleeces, these designs are Longer lined, robe-like coats making it easier than ever to Marlon Brando, two parts as well as mid-length skirts Kate Moss, this staple piece venture outside in the cold, are making an appearance, whilst still feeling stylish. will add seduction to your and grey colour schemes wardrobe this autumn. are pushing aside the classic Rich, luxurious fabrics create French fashion house, the perfect, yet effortless black. Balmain, incorporated an autumn look. The robe-coat Colour Hit extensive array of leather into ensures that spending the its 2014 autumn collection. colder months slumming it Like the change of the leaves at home in your thermals to an autumnal orange, this Grey on Grey on Grey is a thing of the past. Tory season’s line has seen a shift towards warmer colours Burch’s latched, tailored wool Erotic, salacious and creations, take the robe out libidinous; this season heading down runways. of the bathroom and onto the comes in 50 shades of grey. Victoria Beckham and Peter 28




Replacing ever-dependable black, the shade was a hit on runways this autumn with designer Alexander Wang embracing a neutral outerwear palette, swathing models in cashmere hoods, plush fur gloves and a variety of grey fur-trimmed coats. Re-discovering the grey colour scheme, designers are opting towards this soft, versatile shade, using its full spectrum in head to toe looks. Sporting Spots Animal print as always refuses to admit defeat. Autumn 2014 has taken a more modern approach to the original trend. Turning it up a notch, Givenchy’s embellishment based runway show was inundated with magnified and distorted animal print, varying between butterfly, leopard and snake. Comprised of thick stripes of red fur, darker contrasted panels and embroidered butterfly winged appliquÊ, animal print continues to maintain its long reign as number one. This autumn is about being powerful, assertive and comfortably chic. Fashion houses are recreating timeless classics, with new bold shapes that are making the slow approach of winter that much more sleek. 30







Storm Georgia Thomas Ink, Cartridge, Photoshop



Bicycle Pole Georgia Thomas Ink, Cartridge.



Georgia Thomas is a Communication Design student who loves British subcultures and collecting Fred Perry polos. She predominately works in ink on paper, sometimes experimenting with digital media. Georgia draws inspiration from traveling, urban scenery, architecture and industrial landscapes.

Angle Georgia Thomas Ink, Cartridge, Photoshop. (Title Page) Silhouette Georgia Thomas Ink, Cartridge, Photoshop.


Melbourne’s Cutest Food Words: Cindy Elysia - the Food Explorer Images: Cindy Elysia Are you are the kind of person that loves simple, unique, affordable and delicious food? Or are you just looking for a place to take a date, friend or to schedule a meeting? Here are three places where you can have some brunch, lunch, afternoon tea or even dinner.


SWINE you been to the most famous chocolate cafe in the world? Even if you have, you should still come back for a second time. Max Brenner chocolate isn’t something you can just experience once and say enough… I actually think I could drink all of their chocolate without stopping!

Don’t go too far from Swinburne!

walk from Southern Cross.

This cafe is one of the nicest Kones is the, cute and unique places to have breakfast or even some brunch, especially gourmet pizza in a cone. if you like eggs. Kones is the first place in Café Sweethearts specialty is Melbourne to specialise in breakfast, so you are in good pizza cones and they’re hands here with a range of really worth a try. eggs served in a number of The size of the pizza cone is styles. small but it is really delicious. My special recommendation I reccomend the ‘Peri-Peri is the Eggs Mexican, which Chicken’, which is a mixture of cheesy mozzarella, tomato is poached eggs on toasted sauce and peri-peri marinated English muffins with sliced pork sausages, chili beans chicken packed into pizza and avocado salsa. base cone. Kones are a perfect snack for your afternoon study break. 8/672 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn Time to go into the city.

Max Brenner’s specialty is the ‘Thick Hot Chocolate Hug Mug’ which is served in a handle-less mug which has been specially designed for drinking hot chocolate. Take a moment from your exam study and grab a hot chocolate with that special someone, would be an awesome day! 25-27 Red Cape Lane, Level 2 QV, 210 Lonsdale Square Melbourne

Or if you’re after a more classic breakfast try their menu favorite Egg Benedict, poached egg on toasted English muffin with grilled bacon, and cheese. 263 Coventry St, South Melbourne

If you’re looking for somewhere to eat breakfast Cafe Sweethearts is a casual Addicted to chocolate? Have 37


the mud




Marvel’s Cinematic Universe continues as Captain America and fellow Avenger Black Widow uncover a conspiracy at the very heart of S.H.I.E.L.D.The film takes a slower pace than last year’s bombastic Iron Man, or the shakespearian Thor: The Dark World, and effectively taps into modern-day fears of government surveillance. The action does not disappoint, with many sequences eschewing CGI for more practical effects. Not that there aren’t a ton of explosions.Fans should look out for hidden callouts and references to the comics, and, as with all Marvel films, wait through the credits for special surprise.

Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’ takes the biblical tales of Noah’s Ark and the Garden of Eden and places them in a Middle Earthesque fantasy world with an ambiguous “creator”. Baffling premise aside, Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly deliver amazing performances as Noah and Naameh. Noah pursues his mission, alienating his family, while his wife struggles against the will of a God to keep him sane. The use of CGI is impressive, with fantastic sequences of animals boarding the ark, and hulking rock-monsters. Aronofsky’s desire to flesh out the story is hit and miss, leaving audiences with a compelling, if uneven, epic.

Veronica Mars returns home to the crime infested town of Neptune after moving to New York to study Law at Harvard. Kristen Bell and Jason Dohring, aka Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls respectively, are back and playing their beloved characters from the 2004 TV series that was brutally axed in it’s third season, only returning to the screen due to a Kickstarter which funded the entire production and created a real sense of investment among fans. The movie is great comeback for Veronica, and while it does lack punch, it’s still a solid mystery thriller and enough to have you on the edge of your seats until the very end.

- Words by Pedro Cooray

- Words by Liz Alderslade

- Words by Pedro Cooray






When a band like Real Estate who releases a new album after three years of sabbatical, you know it’s going to be just about the most bonafide piece of indie shtick you’ve ever heard. Though in essence it is, Atlas has much to love. Frontman Martin Courtney’s dreamy vocals cascade over the heavily textured instrumentation and smoothly picked guitar riffs, and despite this formula being used for most of the album, it never feels tedious. The music is so gentle that you’re too busy being tranquil to notice or care that the same, slightly-altered riff is being used in two different songs. Though it’s same-ish in style, Real Estate’s latest effort is incredibly difficult not to enjoy.

Spiral Vortex is the third record from Melbourne-based dark synth outfit, the Night Terrors. Spiral Vortex leaves it difficult to decide just where The Night Terrors are coming from. Are they trying to creep us out? Or are they trying to score the climactic fight between Gohan and Cell? Or is the album an ode to Doctor Who? The repeated method of Theremin build-up then percussive breakdown is commonplace throughout Spiral Vortex’s nine seemingly-neverending tracks. Yet even clever structural progression doesn’t save the album from lagging haphazardly from one frivolous synth riff to another whirlwind of ‘theremania’.

Angel Olsen’s return to sleepy country-influenced garage rock is a welcome sound. Floating somewhere between driven fuzzy garage jams and skeletal folk ballads Olsen’s reliability as a songwriter at times falters, but her saving grace remains her beautifully twanged, wavering voice, which really shows it’s colour in her higher register. As a collection of songs, Burn Your Fire has a unique beauty, doesn’t always deliver on it’s ideas, but it’s shining moments like opener, “Unfucktheworld”, and “Hi-Five” certainly give it leave to hang around and share a tune or two.

- Words by Vincent Dwyer

-Words by Vincent Dwyer

-Words by Nicholas Kennedy







One word. Narcissism. Yes the man is a knight. Yes he is one of the world’s most awarded “admen”. No I do not want to read any more of this book. And I’m only at page 15. This book doesn’t know what it is trying to be. It is a collection of Hegarty’s musings on the idea of creativity. Which, let’s be honest, is an extremely ambiguous starting point for a book. It could very well be his journal, though at times it feels like a self help book, giving little tokens of advice about life. Overall, it is not very interesting to those who are creative and not very helpful to those who aren’t. I don’t know that there is any audience to which this book will appeal, except the writer himself.

Think dark nights. Think empty hallways. Society is filled with drugs. Weed, coke, heroin, molly, promethazine, crack, PCP, LSD, opium, mushrooms; these are just some. To some, drugs may be obvious, while others are oblivious to their presence and effect. Yet drugs are, and drugs remain, shallowly existent beneath the surface of the mainstream. Peter Madsen - in his book Dealers - interviews a collection of New York City drugs dealers, and provides a frighting and utterly human view of crime and narcotics. The conversations Madsen conducts are apt at placing readers in the shoes of his subjects, opening perspectives and opinions up in a refreshingly mischievous light.

Caliban’s War the second book in the sci-fi space opera series The Expanse. It is the second book by James S.A Corey, pen name for Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (the former being George R.R. Martin’s writing assistant). Set in the not too distant future after humans have colonised the solar system, tensions remain between, Earth, Mars and the outer planets alliance.The book follows three main protagonists: A scientist, a diplomat and a spaceship captain. Who have to rescue a child and stop an alien invasion, while trying to keep the peace. Abraham and Franck’s writing is engaging, and the authors’ expert characterisation keeps the story strong throughout the books 500 pages.

-Words by Eloise Retallick

- Words by Cody Edwards

- Words by Rhys Pope


it's a big world after all Photos: Ned Marquis Words: Eloise Retallick 41

Photo Essay




Photo Essay





Photo Essay






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That’s So Quiche I think The Beastie Boys would agree with me when I say that we should fight for our right to party… And what better way to party than with a selection of mini quiches. INGREDIENTS: 3 sheets Short Crust Pastry 4 slices Bacon (diced) 1 Onion (diced)

6 Cherry Tomatoes (halved) 10 Eggs 1 cup of Grated Cheese

METHOD: Find a mini cupcake tray or mould 12 small bowls with your neighbour’s tin foil and then spray them with cooking oil like there is no tomorrow. Cut the pastry in to circles that will nestle comfortably in the moulds and then insert. Wisk the eggs together and put equal proportions in the mould. From here you can then insert the rest of the ingredients at your own leisure. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 for around 12 minutes or until golden. Sit the quiches for ten minutes; remove from tray and party on.

Words: Jonathan Boadle

Image: Le Creuset Fluted Flan Dish



Soup-erstitious Remember if you’re traveling with alphabet soup to put it in the upper case. INGREDIENTS: 1kg Pumpkin (diced) 1 Sweet Potato (diced) 1L Vegetable Stock 2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 Onion (diced)

½ tsp Coriander 1 tsp Ground Cumin ½ Clove of Garlic ½ tsp Nutmeg ½ cup Cream

METHOD: Heat oil in a saucepan over low heat then add onion and cook for 2-3 miniutes. Add garlic and spices and cook for 30 seconds. Add pumpkin, sweet potato and stock and bring to the boil, for best results cover saucepan and slow cook blending the soup together every 10-15 minutes. When mix in smooth and creamy leave to cool slightly before stirring through cream and heating to a desired serving temperature. Your friends will think you’re soupernatural when you serve them this souperb concoction and you will become souperior amongst the soup chef and pun community.

Image: Inchyra Traditional Enamel Ladle



The Faster Pasta Master (Serves 2) Did you hear about the Italian chef that recently died? Yeah… He pasta way. INGREDIENTS: 200g Fettuccini pasta 200g Bacon (thickly sliced) 1 Onion (diced) 1 Garlic clove (crushed) Olive Oil

150g Mushrooms ½ cup of White Wine/Goon 200ml Cream 1 Egg

METHOD: Place the diced onion and crushed garlic in a hot frying pan with oil and sauté until brown. Blend in the bacon and mushrooms and cook until golden, then add the white wine and cream, stir until thickened. Now add the egg, salt and pepper and stir until it is mixed through. Add and stir through cooked pasta and get ready for dreamy creamy festivities.

Image: Shutterstock



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