This is a sample of Issue 48 of Swipe – the iPhone mag
Following last issue’s focus on the recently announced iOS 8 and its new features, we delve in a little deeper this time to give you the low down on the cornerstone of the forthcoming iOS 8 – Health.
The new app will be able to monitor your well-being, but what does it mean for the predicted iWatch? Head to our features section to see what we make of it all.
Elsewhere, we review a mixed-bag of apps this edition, from a truly poor effort of a productivity app (Vitamin-R) to the hugely addictive new game VVVVVV. The reviews are also headed up by another round-up feature, this time focusing on travel and providing you with all the apps you need to plan, and survive on holiday, or simply an adventure.
And if you’re in the mood to learn something new then you’re going to want to hit the how-to section where you can learn how to make your background wallpaper clearer, and how to edit videos from right within the iOS.