ISAPS International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures Performed in 2011

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ISAPS International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures Performed in 2011 Methodology: Survey participants completed a two-page, English-based questionnaire that focused on the number of surgical and non-surgical procedures they performed in 2011. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) issued an invitation to participate in the study to approximately 20,000 Plastic Surgeons whose contact information is housed in its proprietary database. In addition, a request was made that all National Societies encourage their members/constituents to take part in the survey. The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the Brazilian Society provided special assistance to this year’s study. Specifically, ASAPS permitted the use of data collected from its annual survey of U.S. Plastic Surgeons, and the Brazilian Society heavily promoted the ISAPS survey to its members. Based on these efforts, the results include responses from 431 U.S. plastic surgeons and 172 plastic surgeons from Brazil. Data from a total of 996 plastic surgeons were compiled for this survey. Final figures have been projected to reflect international statistics and are exclusively based on the estimated number of Plastic Surgeons in each country and the respondent sample. This International Survey is focused entirely on board certified (or national equivalent) Plastic Surgeons. To aid in tallying the world-wide estimate of plastic surgeons, representatives from National Societies provided the counts for over 90% of the 32,000 total estimated plastic surgeons. For cases in which the National Society did not provide its country’s total, a regression equation was used to estimate the number of plastic surgeons in the country based on its population size and Gross Domestic Product. Studies such as this must often address outlying responses. Though the outlying values may be legitimate, their presence can distort the averages, which provide the base of the estimated projections. A “two pass” process was followed in which responses that exceeded three standard deviations from the aggregate mean were set equal to the aggregated mean value. With the exception of the United States and Brazil, each country’s extrapolation base (its average procedures per plastic surgeon) includes data from all respondents of the country’s respective continent. A weighting system was employed that emphasized responses from the particular country. Caution is urged when observing year-to-year comparisons, because studies such as this can experience substantial variances within specific procedures. The pool of responding physicians varies from year to year and the sample sizes for specific countries may significantly fluctuate between years. The International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures Performed in 2011was compiled, tabulated, and analyzed by Industry Insights, Inc. (, an independent research firm based in Columbus, OH. The survey leader was Scott Hackworth, a CPA and research analyst who along with his firm has conducted various forms of research on trends in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for over 15 years.


Countries by Number of Plastic Surgeons (Top 25) Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Percent of Total Plastic Surgeons

Plastic Surgeons

U.S. Brazil China Japan Mexico Italy South Korea India* France Colombia Germany Spain Turkey Russia United Kingdom Canada Venezuela Taiwan Argentina Greece Thailand Australia Saudi Arabia Netherlands Romania

5,950 5,024 2,000 1,831 1,518 1,500 1,250 955 953 950 863 567 509 486 450 425 383 350 347 286 265 228 225 215 200

18.7% 15.8% 6.3% 5.7% 4.8% 4.7% 3.9% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.7% 1.8% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6%

Percent of Total Procedures

21.1% 9.8% 7.1% 6.5% 5.4% 4.8% 4.4% 3.2% 3.1% 2.5% 2.8% 1.9% 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.5% 1.0% 1.2% 0.9% 1.0% 0.9% 0.7% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7%

Rank in 2010

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

*India’s estimated number of plastic surgeons was provided by their National Society for this year’s study. Their provided count of 955 is materially different than the 2,000 plastic surgeons that were estimated for this study in prior years.


Countries by Total Number of Procedures (Top 25) Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

U.S. Brazil China Japan Mexico Italy South Korea India* France Germany Colombia Spain Turkey Russia Canada United Kingdom Taiwan Greece Venezuela Thailand Argentina Saudi Arabia Australia Netherlands Romania

Total Surgical Procedures

% of total surgical procedures

Total Nonsurgical Procedures

1,094,146 905,124 415,140 372,773 299,835 316,470 258,350 191,439 207,049 187,193 211,879 125,103 104,767 104,223 81,893 95,063 72,909 60,329 81,158 55,642 73,706 46,962 40,427 46,343 43,258

17.2% 14.2% 6.5% 5.9% 4.7% 5.0% 4.1% 3.0% 3.2% 2.9% 3.3% 2.0% 1.6% 1.6% 1.3% 1.5% 1.1% 0.9% 1.3% 0.9% 1.2% 0.7% 0.6% 0.7% 0.7%

2,011,100 542,090 635,720 579,878 494,731 388,440 391,588 274,792 248,247 228,255 159,629 151,020 161,378 125,169 139,239 116,343 108,903 82,065 61,027 80,555 59,594 70,254 67,698 55,109 53,644

% of total nonsurgical procedures

24.1% 6.5% 7.6% 7.0% 5.9% 4.7% 4.7% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 1.9% 1.8% 1.9% 1.5% 1.7% 1.4% 1.3% 1.0% 0.7% 1.0% 0.7% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6%

Total Procedures

% of total procedures

Rank in 2010

3,105,246 1,447,213 1,050,860 952,651 794,567 704,910 649,938 466,231 455,296 415,448 371,507 276,123 266,146 229,392 221,132 211,406 181,811 142,394 142,185 136,197 133,300 117,216 108,124 101,452 96,902

21.1% 9.8% 7.1% 6.5% 5.4% 4.8% 4.4% 3.2% 3.1% 2.8% 2.5% 1.9% 1.8% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.2% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7%

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 9 11 10 13 12 14 15 16 19 20 17 22 18 23 21 24 25

*India’s estimated number of plastic surgeons was provided by their National Society for this year’s study. Their provided count of 955 is materially different than the 2,000 plastic surgeons that were estimated for this study in prior years.

Number of Procedures and Plastic Surgeons by Continent Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6


Asia North America Europe South America Africa Oceania

Total Procedures

4,336,866 4,188,171 3,544,572 2,271,302 238,964 127,952

Percent of Total Procedures

29.5% 28.5% 24.1% 15.4% 1.6% 0.9%


Plastic Surgeons

8,379 8,022 7,440 7,186 594 273

Percent of Total Plastic Surgeons

26.3% 25.2% 23.3% 22.5% 1.9% 0.9%

Rank in 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of World-Wide Surgical Procedures Performed by Plastic Surgeons Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Surgical Procedure


Lipoplasty Breast augmentation Blepharoplasty Abdominoplasty Rhinoplasty Breast lift Breast reduction (women) Facelift Gynecomastia, treatment of (male breast reduction) Otoplasty Lip augmentation (other than injectable materials) Forehead lift Buttock augmentation Upper arm lift Chin augmentation Vaginal rejuvenation Thigh lift Lower body lift Buttock lift

1,268,287 1,205,251 703,610 553,399 478,023 444,222 428,129 308,926 174,806 167,772 145,144 109,086 75,591 73,709 60,095 55,746 47,672 47,284 24,319

Total Surgical Procedures



Percent of Total Surgical Procedures

19.9% 18.9% 11.0% 8.7% 7.5% 7.0% 6.7% 4.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.3% 1.7% 1.2% 1.2% 0.9% 0.9% 0.7% 0.7% 0.4%

Rank in 2010

1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 10 9 11 12 15 13 14 17 16 18 19

Number of World-Wide Nonsurgical Procedures Performed by Plastic Surgeons Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Nonsurgical Procedure


Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal Autologous fat injections„ IPL Laser Treatment Microdermabrasion Chemical Peel Noninvasive Tightening Laser Skin Resurfacing Calcium Hydroxylapatite Laser-Assisted Lipoplasty Sclerotherapy Dermabrasion

3,179,652 1,937,576 906,316 455,444 454,188 333,414 295,888 208,788 194,868 140,764 93,726 80,132 56,002

Total Nonsurgical Procedures


Percent of Total Nonsurgical Procedures

38.1% 23.2% 10.9% 5.5% 5.4% 4.0% 3.5% 2.5% 2.3% 1.7% 1.1% 1.0% 0.7%

„ Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.


Rank in 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13

Countries Performing Most Popular Surgical Procedures Rank


Lipoplasty 1 U.S. 2 Brazil 3 China 4 Japan 5 Mexico

Number of Procedures

223,066 211,108 83,240 72,892 62,010

Percentage of Total

17.6% 16.6% 6.6% 5.7% 4.9%

Rank in 2010

2 1 4 5 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

Breast augmentation 1 U.S. 2 Brazil 3 Mexico 4 Italy 5 China Blepharoplasty 1 U.S. 2 Brazil 3 China 4 Italy 5 Japan

284,351 148,962 72,712 62,055 56,840

23.6% 12.4% 6.0% 5.1% 4.7%

1 2 3 4 5

110,016 90,281 45,820 41,790 40,996

15.6% 12.8% 6.5% 5.9% 5.8%

1 2 3 * 4

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

Abdominoplasty 1 U.S. 2 Brazil 3 China 4 Mexico 5 Japan

114,062 95,004 31,780 30,208 28,142

20.6% 17.2% 5.7% 5.5% 5.1%

1 2 4 5 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

Rhinoplasty 1 China 2 Japan 3 Brazil 4 U.S. 5 South Korea

51,680 46,599 43,809 40,103 31,863

10.8% 9.7% 9.2% 8.4% 6.7%

2 4 1 5 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

National Societies of the following countries materially restated their country’s estimated number of plastic surgeons in 2010 compared to the figure used in 2009: Brazil; China; Colombia; France; Italy; and United Kingdom. This may affect ranking comparisons, since 2009 rankings were not recomputed.


Countries Performing Most Popular Nonsurgical Procedures Rank


Number of Procedures

1 U.S. Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) 1 U.S. 2 China 3 Japan 4 Mexico 5 Brazil Hyaluronic Acid 1 U.S. 2 China 3 Japan 4 Italy 5 Mexico Laser hair removal 1 U.S. 2 China 3 Japan 4 Brazil 5 South Korea

Percentage of Total

Rank in 2010




815,150 233,500 208,313 204,657 179,859

25.6% 7.3% 6.6% 6.4% 5.7%

1 4 5 3 2

404,779 146,700 132,180 123,750 97,774

20.9% 7.6% 6.8% 6.4% 5.0%

1 2 5 3 4

228,361 85,440 77,818 70,487 52,825

25.2% 9.4% 8.6% 7.8% 5.8%

1 4 3 2 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

Autologous fat injections„ 1 Brazil 2 U.S. 3 China 4 Japan 5 Italy

62,549 49,980 36,400 33,214 24,240

13.7% 11.0% 8.0% 7.3% 5.3%

1 2 3 4 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts.

IPL Laser Treatment 1 U.S. 2 Brazil 3 China 4 Japan 5 Mexico

109,302 39,690 38,960 36,437 26,034

24.1% 8.7% 8.6% 8.0% 5.7%

1 2 4 3 *

* Did not place in Top 5 for 2010. India fell from Top 5 in 2011 due to new estimated plastic surgeon counts. „ Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.


Most Common Procedures By Country Number of Procedures Performed

United States Surgical Procedures Breast augmentation Lipoplasty Abdominoplasty Blepharoplasty Breast lift Nonsurgical Procedures Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal Microdermabrasion IPL Laser Treatment Brazil Surgical Procedures Lipoplasty Breast augmentation Abdominoplasty Blepharoplasty Breast reduction (women) Nonsurgical Procedures Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal Autologous fat injections IPL Laser Treatment China Surgical Procedures Lipoplasty Breast augmentation Rhinoplasty Blepharoplasty Abdominoplasty Nonsurgical Procedures Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal IPL Laser Treatment Autologous fat injections

284,351 223,066 114,062 110,016 98,651 815,150 404,779 228,361 165,470 109,302

211,108 148,962 95,004 90,281 66,417 179,859 79,028 70,487 62,549 39,690

83,240 56,840 51,680 45,820 31,780 233,500 146,700 85,440 38,960 36,400

Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.


Most Common Procedures By Country (continued) Number of Procedures Performed

Japan Surgical Procedures Lipoplasty Breast augmentation Rhinoplasty Blepharoplasty Abdominoplasty Nonsurgical Procedures Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal IPL Laser Treatment Autologous fat injections„ Mexico Surgical Procedures Breast augmentation Lipoplasty Abdominoplasty Blepharoplasty Breast lift Nonsurgical Procedures Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Hyaluronic Acid Laser hair removal Microdermabrasion IPL Laser Treatment „

72,892 52,220 46,599 40,996 28,142 208,313 132,180 77,818 36,437 33,214

72,712 62,010 30,208 29,616 26,595 204,657 97,774 51,324 39,195 26,034

Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.





3,094 228,361 21,480

55,573 6,902 109,302 38,556 165,470 44,030

49,980 815,150 68,425 404,779

114,062 110,016 284,351 98,651 69,020 5,950 2,737 7,140 64,498 22,134 14,102 4,403 223,066 5,831 7,854 40,103 6,426 11,365 2,440 1,094,146






7,034 70,487 6,029

29,943 4,019 39,690 22,658 25,170 12,861

62,549 179,859 2,763 79,028

95,004 90,281 148,962 64,960 66,417 21,452 1,909 5,979 38,484 11,404 22,960 23,311 211,108 6,481 28,788 43,809 6,230 8,541 9,043 905,124






14,440 85,440 4,000

19,760 5,900 38,960 17,120 9,360 18,100

36,400 233,500 6,040 146,700

31,780 45,820 56,840 20,980 29,720 4,800 1,980 6,080 17,580 7,040 15,800 15,260 83,240 3,720 10,740 51,680 2,920 4,620 4,540 415,140






12,689 77,818 3,534

22,521 5,749 36,437 15,490 8,697 18,328

33,214 208,313 4,907 132,180

28,142 40,996 52,220 19,372 27,538 4,248 1,758 5,475 16,094 6,665 13,934 13,476 72,892 3,296 9,485 46,599 2,563 4,083 3,937 372,773






1,715 51,324 5,404

12,918 1,913 26,034 9,624 39,195 12,296

16,410 204,657 15,468 97,774

30,208 29,616 72,712 26,595 18,550 3,507 1,108 2,474 16,652 5,784 4,220 2,323 62,010 1,837 2,839 13,267 1,898 3,431 805 299,835






2,640 21,225 4,665

16,410 2,625 17,025 7,755 4,290 9,360

24,240 150,285 4,170 123,750

20,970 41,790 62,055 22,365 19,215 1,770 1,500 2,715 16,095 5,520 10,050 7,230 54,315 2,400 12,600 24,990 3,090 4,320 3,480 316,470






8,875 52,825 2,475

12,500 3,538 22,225 9,800 5,775 11,100

23,175 145,688 3,500 90,113

19,800 29,050 35,325 13,138 18,500 2,963 1,225 3,700 11,088 4,450 10,025 9,600 51,200 2,300 6,713 31,863 1,800 2,850 2,763 258,350


South Korea




6,045 38,439 1,891

11,078 2,731 16,350 7,707 4,641 8,404

16,455 97,611 2,368 61,072

15,070 20,045 24,859 9,292 13,561 2,034 879 2,779 7,869 3,085 7,812 6,666 41,628 1,671 4,851 23,617 1,289 2,197 2,235 191,439






1,639 13,685 2,764

10,559 1,706 10,931 4,775 2,849 5,832

16,039 96,282 2,649 78,537

14,019 27,513 41,484 14,657 12,723 1,229 982 1,725 10,521 3,679 6,337 4,479 35,137 1,487 8,091 15,782 2,001 2,935 2,268 207,049






1,381 11,210 2,252

9,208 1,812 9,053 4,047 2,313 4,919

13,894 91,392 2,373 74,399

12,703 24,949 36,816 13,523 11,737 941 941 1,545 9,467 3,202 5,851 4,186 32,535 1,433 7,180 13,549 1,769 2,736 2,132 187,193






2,993 22,401 2,499

5,311 1,492 8,702 4,836 12,702 4,769

17,746 51,110 409 24,662

21,765 18,877 38,779 13,927 12,369 6,641 931 2,090 8,009 3,116 4,532 5,615 48,754 1,786 5,966 12,759 1,397 2,290 2,280 211,879






1,009 8,964 1,860

7,433 1,196 7,190 2,994 1,724 3,487

9,095 56,961 2,183 46,925

8,403 15,972 25,135 8,959 7,643 760 556 1,089 6,396 2,376 3,946 2,773 21,563 936 4,961 9,571 1,162 1,656 1,247 125,103



Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.




* Whereas this study focused exclusively on board-certified Plastic Surgeons, survey conducted by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery include board-certified Plastic Surgeons as well as board-certified Dermatologists and board-certified Otolaryngologists (ears, nose and through specialists).

Total Procedures


93,726 906,316 80,132

Other Laser-Assisted Lipoplasty Laser hair removal Sclerotherapy

Total Nonsurgical Procedures

295,888 56,002 454,188 194,868 333,414 208,788

455,444 3,179,652 140,764 1,937,576

553,399 703,610 1,205,251 444,222 428,129 75,591 24,319 60,095 308,926 109,086 174,806 145,144 1,268,287 47,284 167,772 478,023 47,672 73,709 55,746 6,371,070


Facial Rejuvenation Chemical peel Dermabrasion IPL Laser Treatment Laser Skin Resurfacing Microdermabrasion Noninvasive Tightening

Injectables Autologous fat„ Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Calcium Hydroxylapatite Hyaluronic Acid

Nonsurgical Procedures

Surgical Procedures Abdominoplasty Blepharoplasty Breast augmentation Breast lift Breast reduction (women) Buttock augmentation Buttock lift Chin augmentation Facelift Forehead lift Gynecomastia, treatment of (male breast reduction) Lip augmentation (other than injectable materials) Lipoplasty Lower body lift Otoplasty Rhinoplasty Thigh lift Upper arm lift Vaginal rejuvenation Total Surgical Procedures


World-Wide Totals

Total Procedures for Top 25 Countries


1,045 7,169 1,443

4,209 23,613 931




5,502 816 5,730 2,615 1,371 2,965

4,678 1,410 7,900 4,077 2,194 4,097


7,781 47,730 1,361 39,643

6,916 14,225 20,572 7,193 6,099 588 476 904 5,516 2,002 3,149 2,236 17,792 729 4,301 8,000 948 1,361 1,215 104,223

7,920 10,918 14,680 5,436 8,139 1,125 453 1,466 4,103 1,720 4,097 3,853 20,436 916 3,044 13,458 702 1,105 1,196 104,767

9,086 59,685 1,288 38,211

Russia 486

Turkey 509



361 15,122 1,479

3,732 561 7,510 2,720 11,178 3,375

4,165 56,848 4,492 27,697

8,449 8,254 20,375 7,378 5,109 714 268 608 4,650 1,632 1,169 519 16,524 472 706 3,460 510 893 208 81,893

Canada 425




770 6,422 1,364

4,883 779 5,130 2,268 1,314 2,745

7,079 45,464 1,238 36,891

6,413 12,533 19,031 6,719 5,877 536 455 788 4,869 1,710 2,948 2,097 16,034 689 3,812 7,299 891 1,296 1,071 95,063

16 United Kingdom 450



2,548 15,138 711

3,500 1,015 5,898 2,814 1,659 3,056

6,405 40,061 984 25,116

5,618 7,998 10,038 3,721 5,268 851 350 1,054 3,098 1,246 2,783 2,706 14,529 662 1,883 8,981 518 819 791 72,909

Taiwan 350




552 5,626 972

3,761 521 4,296 1,727 1,236 2,039

4,782 31,225 766 24,562

4,130 8,054 11,623 4,304 3,684 349 312 535 3,123 1,067 1,899 1,379 10,259 432 2,380 4,702 586 852 661 60,329

Greece 286




1,199 8,123 839

2,543 582 3,428 1,969 4,389 2,061

6,492 19,702 184 9,518

8,177 7,491 14,389 5,381 5,025 2,432 341 747 3,374 1,168 1,915 2,191 18,135 716 2,424 4,879 567 900 904 81,158

Venezuela 383




1,882 11,183 525

2,586 750 4,357 2,078 1,224 2,255

4,746 29,624 726 18,619

4,229 6,151 7,738 2,843 3,956 665 284 811 2,353 1,018 2,072 2,062 10,913 570 1,426 6,771 445 686 649 55,642

Thailand 265






1,482 8,304 767

2,207 541 3,560 1,971 4,553 2,297

5,930 18,242 187 9,553

7,398 6,857 13,429 4,855 4,449 2,148 281 694 3,081 1,079 1,725 2,103 16,160 604 2,165 4,567 514 798 802 73,706

Argentina 347

Though some may consider this a surgical procedure, it is classified as a nonsurgical procedure in this study since its indications are approximately the same as filler.

Total Procedures

Total Nonsurgical Procedures

Injectables Autologous fat Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) Calcium Hydroxylapatite Hyaluronic Acid Facial Rejuvenation Chemical peel Dermabrasion IPL Laser Treatment Laser Skin Resurfacing Microdermabrasion Noninvasive Tightening Other Laser-Assisted Lipoplasty Laser hair removal Sclerotherapy

NUMBER OF PLASTIC SURGEONS IN COUNTRY (2011) Surgical Procedures Abdominoplasty Blepharoplasty Breast augmentation Breast lift Breast reduction (women) Buttock augmentation Buttock lift Chin augmentation Facelift Forehead lift Gynecomastia, treatment of (male breast reduction) Lip augmentation (other than injectable materials) Lipoplasty Lower body lift Otoplasty Rhinoplasty Thigh lift Upper arm lift Vaginal rejuvenation Total Surgical Procedures Nonsurgical Procedures



Total Procedures for Top 25 Countries (continued)



1,703 9,864 423

2,095 614 3,526 1,708 992 2,095

4,223 25,378 806 16,828

3,652 4,984 6,424 2,513 3,393 675 214 677 1,913 752 1,814 1,694 9,601 473 1,177 5,630 331 547 502 46,962

22 Saudi Arabia 225




0 15,807 360

1,596 237 8,418 1,179 39 0

2,013 23,103 153 14,793

3,174 5,586 8,541 2,469 2,640 18 57 324 1,968 1,512 1,284 1,044 5,406 276 960 3,762 447 561 399 40,427



374 3,107 628

2,352 376 2,483 1,084 634 1,322

3,500 21,446 593 17,209

3,141 6,132 9,213 3,296 2,939 260 221 381 2,337 875 1,451 1,017 7,807 350 1,838 3,489 441 636 518 46,343

Australia Netherlands 228 215




398 3,284 566

2,202 356 2,792 1,124 710 1,688

3,258 20,496 536 16,234

2,922 5,498 8,724 3,082 2,622 286 238 370 2,172 786 1,328 1,022 7,316 334 1,710 3,346 416 618 468 43,258

Romania 200


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