2011 Initiative of the State Secretariat for Education and Research Platform of the Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Knowledge Network with outposts in Bangalore, Boston, San Francisco, Shanghai and Singapore
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foreword at a glance highlights official delegations & visits regional activities media & communication finances sponsors & partners team one network outlook
Dear Reader, Sustainability was not only a buzzword in 2011, since green technologies were at the forefront during the Singapore International Water Week and effectively tested by eco-adventures PlanetSolar and TOPtoTOP. Other highlights of our 2011 activities, related to corporate social responsibility, include the 50 th Anniversary of WWF and the centennial celebration of HEC Lausanne. New Alumni Chapters have been set up in Singapore by HEC Lausanne and the University of Zurich, thanks to representatives based at swissnex, illustrating the efforts of these institutions to consolidate and expand their international networks. The collaborations between the Board of Higher Education (DGES) of the State of Vaud and Singapore have grown strong from the fields of music and nursing to public administration, teacher’s education, computer science and engineering.
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“Thank you very much for your Annual Report which I have read with great interest. I am delighted to see how your efforts to promote the Swiss Higher Education are proving to be successful.� Anne-Catherine Lyon Head of Department of Education and Youth Development State of Vaud
We were proud to support the Singapore ETH Centre (SEC) in the organization of their first International Symposium under the umbrella of the Future Cities Laboratory and look forward to support the SEC and other Swiss players expanding their activities in Singapore. Thank you for your continuous support and welcome at many of our future events! Dr. Suzanne Hraba-Renevey Executive Director swissnex Singapore
at a glance
Academic Programs and Student Support Growing strong in Singapore, the Board of Higher Education (DGES) and the Board of Professional Education (DGEP) of the State of Vaud established new collaborations in the fields of teacher education, public administration, computer science, engineering and post-compulsory education. Summer Universities in the fields of music and public administration were hosted in Switzerland, giving the opportunity to students and faculty from at least three continents to experience a highly rewarding program. The interest in the Federal Scholarships for Foreign Students remained strong in 2011, demonstrating the increasing demand for Swiss education and its high ranked programs and activities. The Language Immersion Program sponsored by swissnex Singapore allowed students from the National University of Singapore to enjoy an academic and social program in French and German hosted by the University of Fribourg. The traditional Welcome Event organized in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen allowed exchange students from Switzerland to network with local and Swiss representatives of the academic and business communities. HEC Lausanne and the University of Zurich created their alumni chapters in Singapore under the auspices of swissnex Singapore and their dedicated representatives hosted at swissnex.
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Education and Research swissnex has actively participated in various Education Fairs profiling the excellent Swiss educational landscape in Singapore and the region, including the second edition of the Swiss Education Fair, organized in collaboration with the Swiss Business Hub ASEAN. The first Future Cities Laboratory International Conference addressed the question of “Making Future Cities”, i.e. the means by which cities might be produced, maintained, and inhabited in a sustainable way. A networking event with the Graduate Institute (IHEID) allowed potential students and alumni to learn about its outstanding curricula. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dominic Eggel addressed a selected audience with the inspiring subject of “The Concept of Europe” at the European Union Center in Singapore. HEC Lausanne celebrated its centennial in the prestigious UBS auditorium, allowing a targeted public to get familiar with concepts of responsible finance, corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Students from the National Youth Achievement Awards Council exchange program, the Civil Engineering School, EPFL and the Chair for Information Architecture, ETH Zurich were supported in their program organization and welcomed during their Study Trip in Singapore.
“Thank you very much for the strong support of swissnex in the preparation and organisation of the conference. The event would not have been as successful without your advice and experience. We definitely look forward to continued partnerships with swissnex Singapore!” Kevin Lim Project Manager Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC)
Science & Technology During the event Disney Research Zurich: not your Father’s Mickey Mouse, Prof. Markus Gross, Director of Disney Research Zurich announced the launch of the trilateral project on 3D telecommunication “Being There”, set up in collaboration with the University of North Carolina and the Institute of Media Innovation of the Nanyang Technological University, led by Prof. Nadia Thalmann from MIRALab, University of Geneva. At the BioPharma Asia Convention 2011 innovative Swiss SMEs showcased their products and services in the Swiss Pavilion set up in collaboration with Swiss Biotech. A conference entitled “Swiss Biotech Industry: Challenges and Achievements” gave insight into strategies of Swiss companies in connection with Asian markets. A presentation cum panel discussion themed “Sustainability – A Global Journey” by the founder of the TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition and relevant academic as well as business players allowed the audience to learn more about solutions for a sustainable future. Eccerobot, a soft robotics approach to understand human intelligence was a lecture series held by Prof. Rolf Pfeiffer, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the University of Zurich, focusing on the academic, technical and industry-related aspects of soft robotics.
“I just wanted to let you know, that out of our last visit, where we met - among many other great people - a postdoc from SIMTech (where we could spend a highly stimulating day) was awarded a scholarship from A*STAR to spend one year in our laboratory. It’s really nice if such positive surprises emerge from your activities, and I would like to thank you once again for all the organization and getting us together with wonderful people.” Rolf Pfeifer Director Artificial Intelligence L aboratory Department of Informatics, University of Zurich
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“Mille mercis pour votre soutien aussi efficace que sympathique qui a fait de mon séjour une très grande réussite et qui démontre -si encore besoin- le caractère indispensable de swissnex pour la communauté universitaire suisse.” Jacques de Werra Professor Faculty of Law, University of Geneva
The Swiss Pavilion at the Singapore International Water Week, designed by Swiss architects Group8, allowed academic and business players to showcase their research, services, products and new technologies of the water value chain. Presentations by Prof. Martin Beniston, University of Geneva, highlighted the achievements of the European “ACQWA” Project and focused on impacts of climatic change. During the Workshop on Nanostructured Photo Systems at the Nanyang Technological University, Prof. Michael Graetzel, EPFL, and Prof. Jacques de Werra, University of Geneva, gave presentations covering subjects related to high technology and legal aspects of sustainable energy. MS TÛRANOR PlanetSolar, the largest solar boat circumnavigating the globe supported entirely by solar energy, was welcomed in Singapore by the Embassy of Switzerland and swissnex. Various presentations organized in collaboration with academic institutions in Singapore allowed researchers to exchange the latest updates and to launch collaborations, while the general public discovered the impact of alternative energies. The traditional swissnex Singapore Christmas Party was the occasion to give the floor to key Swiss academic players in Singapore and to showcase their achievements through interactive displays and presentations in a conducive and festive environment.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation swissnex Singapore supported SPRING Singapore and the Sustainable Manufacturing Centre (SMC) of the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology in the organization of a seminar on Business Opportunities in Sustainable Manufacturing. SampTA 2011, the international conference on Sampling Theory and Applications allowed mathematicians, engineers and applied scientists to exchange the latest findings in the field of sampling theory. Big Data Goes Mobile covered the issue of collection and analysis of large amounts of activity data from scientific, engineering and business perspectives, while presenting and further consolidating research pursued in collaboration between the School of Business and Engineering, State of Vaud and the National University of Singapore. With the presentation “The Role of Businesses in Shaping the Future of our Planet”, WWF celebrated its 50 th anniversary by giving the floor to companies showcasing how to best translate into practice their willingness to protect the environment. The Swiss-Singapore Workshop on Microfluidics: From Laboratories to Market was organised in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing, a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research and the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et Microtechnique, on the occasion of the launch of the Microfluidics foundry.
Art Within the framework of the launch of the University of Zurich Alumni Chapter in Singapore a presentation entitled “Art meets Soft Robotics” showcased the far-reaching and often surprising implications of embodiment of humanoid robots from the perspective of robotic arts and robotic research.
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Swiss Education Fair 20 February 2011 The Swiss Business Hub ASEAN and swissnex Singapore have staged the second edition of the Swiss Education Fair that focused exclusively on Switzerland’s Higher Education and its multiple areas of excellence. The event hosted over 25 Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Hospitality Management Schools under one roof, giving interested students the chance to discover the outstanding programs and activities.
“I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to you for your kind assistance and consideration. Thanks for your thoughtfulness, I have been successfully awarded the Swiss Government Scholarship to pursue my master in Geneva this fall. Words can’t quite express how much this opportunity means to me and it would not have been possible at all without your help! Thank you for going out of the way to help me as your seemingly small action of accommodating my application has changed my life!” Chia Siow Boon Swiss Federal Scholarship Awardee
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BioPharma Asia Convention 2011 28 March to 1 April 2011 Innovative Swiss companies showcased their products and services in the Swiss Pavilion set up in collaboration with Swiss Biotech. Biopôle, Debiopharm, Lonza, MD Biosciences and Mettler Toledo took the opportunity to exhibit under the Swiss umbrella. A conference entitled “Swiss Biotech Industry: Challenges and Achievements” gave insight into strategies in connection with Asian markets, promoted the research hub Switzerland and popularized its pioneering biotech community.
Sustainability - A Global Journey 14 April 2011 Organized in collaboration with ERI@N and the Green and Sustainable Technology Society at the Nanyang Technological University, the presentation by TOPtoTOP founder and adventurer Dario Schwoerer was followed by a panel of experts from the cleantech industry and academia. The potential of innovative technologies was discussed, highlighting how the TOPtoTOP expedition can play its part as test bed for future applications.
“On behalf of WWF Singapore, I would like to warmly thank you again for an excellent event yesterday. I am glad we’ve finally managed to bring our ideas of collaboration to life and turned them into a fruitful and successful event.” Carine Seror Director, Corporate Engagement and E arth Hour WWF
Eccerobot, a Soft Robotics Approach to Understand Human Intelligence 18 to 21 April 2011 The lecture series by Prof. Rolf Pfeiffer, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the University of Zurich focused on soft robotics, capitalizing on “soft” designs at various levels of surface, movement mechanisms and interaction with other agents. Academic, technological, industry and art related aspects of soft robotics were explored with local academic partners and young publics. During the “Art meets Soft Robotics” lecture given at the UBS Auditorium on the occasion of the launch of the University of Zurich Alumni Chapter in Singapore, the surprising implications of embodiment of humanoid robots were explored from the perspective of robotic arts and robotic research.
Singapore International Water Week 4 to 8 July 2011 The Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) showcased services, products and new technologies of the water value chain. The award-winning Swiss Pavilion, designed by the Swiss architectural firm group8, gave the floor to Swiss companies and research institutions. Within the framework of the SIWW, presentations by Prof. Martin Beniston, University of Geneva, at the European Union Centre and the National University of Singapore, highlighted the achievements of the European “ACQWA” Project and focused on impacts of climatic change.
“My colleagues and I at the EU Centre would like to thank you and your colleagues at swissnex for kindly bringing Prof Martin Beniston to share with us his research. It has been great working with swissnex and we look forward to more collaboration in the future.” Yeo Lay Hwee Director EU Centre in Singapore 12
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Nanostructured Photo Systems 26 July 2011 The one day Workshop organised by the Nanyang Technological University with the support of swissnex, on the occasion of the opening of the Center for Nanostructured Photosystems at the Nanyang Technological University, led by Prof. Michael Graetzel, Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, gave the floor to esteemed scientists. Prof. Graetzel covered the topic of “Mesoscopic Systems for the Generation of Fuels and Electricity from Sunlight”. Prof. Jacques de Werra, University of Geneva, spoke on the theme of “Green Technologies: What Role for Patents and for Technology Transfer?”
The Role of Businesses in Shaping the Future of our Planet WWF 50th Anniversary 6 September 2011 On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of WWF, flagship companies Credit Suisse, Holcim and Nestlé shared their experience in sustainable management, showcasing how to translate willingness to protect our environment into practice.
SIMTech 2011 Swiss-Singapore Workshop on Microfluidics: From Laboratories to Market 21 September 2011 Following the successful events in the previous years, the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et Microtechnique (CSEM) and swissnex joined forces on the occasion of the SIMTech Microfluidics Foundry’s Launch to organize a one day workshop on Microfluidics. Delegates from Singapore and Switzerland, including the CEO of CSEM and other prominent leaders participated to the forum and provided critical technological insights on the global microfluidics industry.
MS TÛRANOR PlanetSolar October 2011 MS TÛRANOR PlanetSolar, the largest solar boat circumnavigating the globe and sailing under Swiss flag, initiated by Swiss entrepreneur and eco-adventurer RaphaÍl Domjan, is equipped with Swiss, German and US technologies. The boat stopped over in Singapore for three weeks to undergo maintenance. The crew, as well as representatives from Swiss academic institutions and SMEs, participated to a variety of events organized in collaboration with Singaporean partners including the Nanyang Technological University, the Singapore Polytechnic and the National Youth Achievement Award Council. These events allowed academic and business stakeholders to exchange the latest updates and to launch new collaborations. The general public could get an insight of the human adventure and understand the impact of alternative energies.
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100 Years Anniversary HEC Lausanne 21 October 2011 The celebration of the HEC Lausanne Centennial was organized at the prestigious UBS Auditorium, under the overarching theme of Responsible Management. The event included inspiring talks by Prof. Wentland, Vice-Dean HEC Lausanne, Prof. Rockinger, Professor of Finance and Associate Dean, Prof. Fleming, Lecturer MBA Program and Mr. Evans, Head of Philanthropy and Values-Based Investing. It was a great opportunity to reach out to the local academic and business partners, promote the Swiss institution in Singapore and connect to the recently set up HEC Lausanne Alumni Chapter.
“Un immense merci pour la qualité de la collaboration, l’aide précieuse et la disponibilité. On est vraiment “à la maison” chez swissnex Singapore qui est particulièrement bien placé et efficace comme un noeud du réseau helvétique. J’ai été ravie de voir de plus près ce “tremplin asiatique” et de constater à quel point il est utile.” Maia Wentland Vice-dean External Affairs HEC, University of Lausanne
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swissnex Singapore Christmas Party 14 December 2011 The Christmas Party has been organized to thank all swissnex partners and supporters with a friendly gathering. The celebration was also the occasion to give the floor to key Swiss academic players in Singapore, including the Singapore ETH Centre, the University of St. Gallen and the MIRALab-Institute of Media Innovation, Nanyang Technological University, to showcase their achievements through interactive displays and presentations in a conducive environment. The Lausanne Conservatory of Music (HEMu), supported by the DGES, joined forces with the LASALLE College of the Arts for an inspiring jazz performance by two young talented students, delighting the public during this enjoyable evening.
“Thank you for organizing a wonderful Christmas party. I enjoyed it very much. I look forward to interact with you and the rest of the swissnex team in 2012.� Philipp Kaldis Principal Investigator Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
official delegations & visits
Multiple Visits by Delegates from the State of Vaud The General Director of the Board of Higher Education (DGES), Mrs. Chantal Ostorero, came for the first time to Singapore to strengthen the actual partnerships with the Yong Siew Tow Conservatory of Music and the Alice Lee Center of Nursing at the National University of Singapore (NUS), as well as to explore new opportunities with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP). DGES activities were further expanded by the School of Business and Engineering, State of Vaud, with the National University of Singapore in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology, as well as the Nanyang Technological University, in the field of Engineering. The objective of the visit of the Haute Ecole PĂŠdagogique Lausanne (HEP) was to meet with representatives from the National Institute of Education (NIE). The two Institutions have agreed to sign an MOU and initiated two research projects on Lesson Studies and on Special Needs. The Board of the Professional Education (DGEP) of the State of Vaud came to Singapore to explore partnership opportunities with the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), in the fields of Engineering, Robotics, Bio-Engineering and Interactive Media.
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official delegations
Multiple Visits by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne swissnex Singapore connected the dots between the Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), Agency for Science, Technology and Research and the EPFL School of Life Sciences. The two institutes had the opportunity to explore future collaborations on research and training, more specifically exchange at the PhD level. A delegation composed of 40 students and faculty members of the School of Civil Engineering discovered the relevant industry in Singapore through various visits of public and private construction sites. A networking evening at Biopolis with local and Swiss representatives of the academic and business communities allowed to get an insider perspective of the city state. The Heads of the Planning and Logistics Department had the opportunity to learn from different management models related to congress and exhibition centres, as well as academic campuses and research centres, with a specific focus on technology transfer.
“On behalf of the EPFL delegation visiting Singapore, I want to sincerely thank you and your team for the excellent program organized by swissnex. We’ve had really valuable contacts with the NUS and NTU teams, as well as an interesting overview of the one-north/Biopolis project and a comprehensive description of the Marina bay Sands Convention Center complex. The discussion at swissnex was also very useful in order to fully appreciate Singapore’s positioning and development. We are sure to valorize these contacts and information in a near future.” Michel Bourquin Corporate Planning and Logistics Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Zurich Universitiy of Applied Sciences 19 to 23 January 2011 A delegation from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) discovered the Singaporean higher education landscape to develop future scenarios positioning the ZHAW within an international framework. Through various meetings with representatives of the National University of Singapore, the Nanyang Technological University, the Singapore Management University and Temasek Polytechnic, new contacts with academic stakeholders could be established.
ETHZ Architecture Students 20 to 26 March 2011 The Department of Information Architecture at ETH Zurich organized a study trip for 35 students in collaboration with Singapore ETH Centre (SEC) and swissnex Singapore. The study trip on the theme of “Future Cities” allowed students to overview all the aspects of architecture and urban planning ‘made in Singapore’ and to expand their networks through social events and meetings with locally established ETH Zurich Alumni.
Ingenious Switzerland 4 to 8 July 2011 Ingenious Switzerland, the OSEC export promotion platform focusing on architecture, engineering and design has selected Singapore as a priority country. The Vice President and Managing Director came to Singapore to meet relevant local stakeholders, discuss future events and services and explore collaboration opportunities with swissnex Singapore and other local Swiss players.
“Thank you so much for hosting us at swissnex and especially at Seletar Camp.
We enjoyed the visit very much and are grateful for your time and warm welcome.”
Martina Sehmi-Luck Chair for Information Architecture Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich 20
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official delegations
regional activities
regional activities
Australia 16 March to 1 April 2011 The primary objective of the visit was to support Swiss Universities and more specifically the delegation of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) in their projects with Australian partners. It was also the occasion to support Christian Schneider, the newly appointed Science Counsellor at the Embassy of Switzerland in Australia, in the Exchange Students Fairs Tour. Meetings with the Swiss Australian Academic Network (SAAN) and a follow up with the Australian contacts met in 2010 allowed to pursue discussions on triangular Swiss-Australian events in Singapore.
Erasmus Mundus Roadshow Vietnam 14 to 18 April 2011 Led by the European Commission, in collaboration with participating countries (Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland), the Erasmus Mundus roadshow aimed to present the education systems in Europe as well as the Erasmus Mundus programs. The roadshow consisted of a tour in four cities and six Universities in four days. The participation of swissnex Singapore, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy in Hanoi for the second consecutive year, promoted Swiss Higher Education in Vietnam and strengthened the collaboration with the European partners.
media & communication
Innovative tools in the communication area allowed swissnex to improve and personalize communication with its stakeholders. An intern, student in Computer Science from the University of Zurich, has set up a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allowing the send out of personalized e-mailers. Furthermore, a group of exchange students from the University of St. Gallen and the Singapore Management University (SMU) delivered a very useful business consulting project on existing and new marketing tools. Some recommendations such as the creation of a LinkedIn profile, optimization of the newsletter and the website are progressively implemented. The swissnex website increases its popularity year after year reaching more than 25,000 annual individual visits. The precious contribution of a local student from National University of Singapore, a part time collaborator, improved the look of our website. More interactive materials are available on the homepage, such as a picture gallery and the annual report. In the same spirit the Science-Asia newsletter, edited together with our colleagues in the region, has introduced a new design. The most successful event in terms of media coverage was by far MS TÛRANOR Planet Solar. The strong message of the Swiss innovative spirit related to sustainable technologies by Swiss academic institutions and high tech start-ups have been reported globally.
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©V. Leow
The State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) covers the operating budget as well as the core events costs of swissnex Singapore. swissnex is a public-private platform and the mandate by SER requires that projects and events are ďŹ nanced with at least 2/3 by third parties. Thanks to numerous partners and sponsors who contributed with cash and in kind donations, swissnex events were ďŹ nanced with 3/4 by third parties in 2011. Budget 2011 (CHF) SER Running Costs SER Projects 3rd Party Projects 3rd Party Operational & Mandates Total
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399,274 81,090 231,857 67,434 779,655
Project 2011 (CHF) SER Projects 3rd Party Projects cash 3rd Party Projects in kind Total
81,090 98,265 133,592 312,947
sponsors & partners
Sponsors 2011 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AILab) Biop么le SA Board of Higher Education of the Canton de Vaud (DGES) Can Tho University Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) Da Nang University Debiopharm SA Delegation of the European Union to Singapore and Member States Ecole h么teli猫re de Lausanne (EHL) Embassy of Switzerland (Vietnam) Embassy of Switzerland ERI@N EU Centre Geberit South East Asia Private Limited Graduate Institute of International Studies Green & Sustainable Technologies Society (GSTS) group8asia singapore Hanoi Foreign Trade University Hanoi University of Technology HCMC University Agroforestry University
HCMC University of Economics HEC Lausanne Institute for Media Innovation (IMI) Institute of Medical Biology (A*STAR) LASALLE College of the Arts Lonza MD Biosciences GmbH Med Discovery SA Mettler Toledo Pte Ltd Nanyang Technological University National University of Singapore National Youth Achievement Award Council Conference Presence Switzerland Public Service Division Singapore SIMTech Singapore ETH Centre Singapore Polytechnic Solution Providers Swiss Biotech Association Swiss Dreams Singapore Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)
Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) Swiss Hotel Schools Swiss International Air Lines Switzerland Tourism The National Youth Achievement Council (NYAAC) UBS Singapore University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) University of Basel University of Bern University of Fribourg University of Geneva University of Lausanne University of Lugano University of Neuchatel University of Western Australia University of St. Gallen WWF Singapore Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Partners swissnex Singapore is partnering with a variety of stakeholders including institutions of higher learning, research institutes, economic promoters, governmental offices, business associations as well as consulting services. swissnex Singapore is member of the Swiss Business Association and the European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. The University of St. Gallen has a permanent representation office at swissnex Singapore. The St. Gallen representative, who is also in charge of the promotion of the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, ensures efficient visibility and coordinates existing programs. Furthermore, an academic representative organizes the St. Gallen Asia Term at the Singapore Management University, as well as the newly set up Compact Asia program. Together with swissnex, the welcome event hosts yearly new exchange students coming from Switzerland to Singapore. The Board of Higher Education, State of Vaud (DGES) pursues its mandate of a dedicated project manager hosted at - and shared with - swissnex Singapore to establish and deepen academic relations with partners in Singapore. To allow Swiss institutions, organizations and start-ups/SMEs from the high tech sector to explore the opportunities in Singapore and the region, swissnex Singapore provides the option to rent a fully equipped working space for a short period at a nominal fee. It collaborates tightly with the Swiss Business Hub in all matters related to Swiss economic interests.
“J’aimerais encore vous adresser mes plus vifs remerciements pour la préparation très professionnelle de mon voyage, pour l’accueil très chaleureux que vous m’avez réservé ainsi que pour votre compagnie tant appréciée durant mon séjour à Singapore. Votre engagement est un soutien inouï pour le rayonnement « scientifique » de notre pays.” Mario El-Khoury Chief Executive Officer CSEM
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Local Advisory Board A local advisory board comprising personalities from the ďŹ eld of research and innovation gives its support and advises swissnex Singapore on long-term objectives and strategic decisions. The Swiss board welcomed a new member in 2011: Olivier Quillet, Head of Strategic Marketing, Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd. The board advises the State Secretary for Education and Research, who oversees the entire swissnex network.
Swiss Community in Singapore The Swiss Business Hub (SBH) advises small and medium-sized Swiss companies willing to develop their international activities in Southeast Asia. A tighter collaboration with swissnex Singapore has developed over the years in areas of business consulting, where the SBH and swissnex Singapore offer complementary services and in events organization, whenever swissnex Singapore reaches out to business communities. SBH has been a major partner in the organization of the successful Swiss Education Fair. swissnex Singapore being member of the Swiss Business Association (SBA), numerous swissnex Singapore events are open to SBA members. The Swiss Association aims at providing a common platform to the growing Swiss community in Singapore. Many of the swissnex Singapore events are open to its members. Numerous swissnex Singapore events are organised at the Swiss Club and advertised or reported in the Relax magazine reaching out to the Swiss Club members. swissnex Singapore facilitates talks and visits at the Swiss School for iconic events and gets assistance from the Swiss School in all matters regarding primary/secondary education in Switzerland.
Suzanne Hraba-Renevey, Founder and Executive Director Fabiana Pizzali, Executive Coordinator Anna Waibel, Project Manager Nurulhuda Izyan, Part Time Collaborator Maddalena Velonà, 2 months Sabbatical, ETH Zurich Academic Interns spent 4-6 months at swissnex Singapore. In 2011 they were: Valentina Janner, University of Zurich, mandated by swissnex and the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Zurich Jeremy Pernet, University of Lausanne, mandated by swissnex and HEC Lausanne Carol Alexandru, University of Zurich Gabriela Anliker, University of St. Gallen Fabiola Cruz, University of St. Gallen Sara Obaldi, University of Fribourg Renaud Margairaz, University of Lausanne, mandated by swissnex and HEC Lausanne Lisa Kobel, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne
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“I would like to thank you for your help and support during my six-month internship. This has been a great experience from both a professional and a personal point of view. I had the chance not only to learn a lot but also to enjoy my time at swissnex and in Singapore.� Valentina Janner Intern swissnex Singapore 29
one network
swissnex Singapore shares the mission to promote Switzerland’s excellence in science, education, art and innovation with four other swissnex outposts located in Bangalore, Boston, San Francisco and Shanghai. A widespread network of science and technology counsellors active in the Swiss Embassies and Consulates around the world completes the Swiss Knowledge Network. The swissnex family is reunited yearly on the occasion of the Science Counsellor’s Meeting and the swissnex Day, allowing for extensive interaction within the network and with its stakeholders in Switzerland. In 2011, the Tour de swissnex, engaging the swissnex directors and colleagues all over Switzerland, was also a great opportunity to meet colleagues and partners, while actively fostering business development. One of the highlights was an enjoyable swissnex Alumni meeting with more than 80 members from the global network.
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one net work
We look forward to the official openings of the Singapore ETH Centre and the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia. Two Federal Councillors have confirmed their visit to Singapore: the present Minister of Education and Research, as well as the future one, since the Secretariat for Education and Research will join the Ministry of Economy as off 2013. This will be a great opportunity to further tighten the strong relationship between the two countries. A few changes in the Singapore team are planned. A new Ambassador will represent the Swiss Confederation in Singapore. We bid farewell to Fabiana Pizzali and Anna Waibel: thank you for your great contribution and all the best in your future endeavours. We look forward to a continuously engaging spirit of enterprise with the new swissnex team! Become our fan on facebook, follow us on twitter, join our LinkedIn group, but most importantly come to our events if you are in Singapore or fly over from Switzerland to meet your future partners. The face to face contact is paramount to reach your goals!
The swissnex Singapore Team
swissnex singapore 2011
swissnex singapore 60 Biopolis Street, #01-01/02 Genome, Singapore 138672 t: +65 6774 9360 f: +65 6774 9365