swissnex Singapore Annual Report 2012

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2012 Initiative of the State Secretariat for Education and Research Platform of the Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Knowledge Network with outposts in Bangalore, Boston, San Francisco, Shanghai and Singapore


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greetings from Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann foreword at a glance highlights 2012 visits & programmes regional activities finances media & communication partners & sponsors team outlook


greetings from Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann

My visit to Singapore and China gave me the opportunity to learn more about how swissnex initiates, nurtures and promotes new collaborations of scientists and innovators from Switzerland with their stakeholders in cities of the future. At interdisciplinary events fostering cross-fertilization of ideas in a vibrant and conducive environment, I had the chance to interact with outstanding members of the swissnex community. The swissnex network is crucial at a time when science and innovation become key drivers in international relations. Their bridging activity between education, research and innovation is particularly relevant in today’s challenging economic environment. I am therefore particularly proud to welcome the swissnex network in the newly set up Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, which will allow for an even closer pathway between a research concept and the disruptive innovation. Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann Minister for Economic Affairs, Education and Research


swissnex singapore 2012

greetings from

Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter / foreword

foreword Dear Reader, During his official visit to Singapore, Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann, Minister for Economic Affairs, Education and Research, took the opportunity to attend a Swiss Alumni event which hosted a debate on the synergies between education, research, innovation and economy. In particular, the Swiss dual education system was set into discussion and the crucial role of education in the increasingly challenging economy explored. 2012 also saw the official opening of the Singapore-ETH Centre and its Future Cities Laboratory by Federal Councillor Alain Berset, paving the way to an exponentially growing number of research activities of the ETH and its Swiss partners with the local and regional players. Similarly, the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia was set up to host sabbaticals, students and alumni, as well as to develop a variety of programs including executive education. Delegations, particularly from the Universities of Applied Sciences, following the pioneering steps of the State of Vaud, have ventured to Singapore to explore and initiate partnering opportunities. Inspired by HEC Lausanne, the School of Business and Engineering Fribourg has posted its first Junior Ambassador at swissnex. Last but not least “Born Global� start-ups from Switzerland have enjoyed our support and expanded their networks in the Lion City. We look forward to welcome more of such initiatives of Swiss players intensifying their activities in Singapore and thank you for your continuous support! Dr. Suzanne Hraba-Renevey Executive Director swissnex Singapore


at a glance

Academic Programs and Student Support The traditional welcome event for exchange students from Switzerland organized in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen was hosted for the first time at the National University of Singapore in the form of a Swiss Evening@NUS, allowing the participants to network with their local counterparts, as well as other players from the academic and business communities. The continued interest in the Federal Scholarships for Foreign Students demonstrated the demand for the Swiss Educational Landscape and its highly-ranked programs. The truly international students of the Executive Master of Science in Communication Management programme, jointly organized by the USI-Università della Svizzera Italiana, SMU-Singapore Management University and UCLA Anderson School of Management in Singapore, were welcomed in Singapore at the ambassador’s residence. swissnex will award the best final paper during the graduation ceremonies in Singapore and Lugano. The flagship Summer Universities of the Board of Higher Education of the State of Vaud (DGES) gave students and faculties from at least three continents the opportunity to experience a highly rewarding program, while collaborations grew stronger in the fields of music, health, teacher’s education, public administration, computer science, engineering and post-compulsory education. University of Geneva hosted students from the National University of Singapore for a Language Immersion Program, allowing them to improve their French and discover the internationally networked city, host of United Nations as well as numerous international organizations and NGOs. Throughout the year, student and professor delegations, namely from EPFL, the Music Conservatory of Zurich and HEIG-VD University of Applied Sciences were welcomed. They were hosted and connections with local institutions and stakeholders were bridged.


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at a gl ance

Education & Research The Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) was officially inaugurated by Federal Councillor Alain Berset and moved into the Campus for Research, Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE). The University of St. Gallen has launched its St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia in Singapore, offering students and professors a new research environment, strengthening academic partnerships with local players and facilitating joined, exchange and executive programs. “Building as a System” was presented by the Programme Director of the Sustainable Energy Systems Program of the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture. To actively put Switzerland on the map of top academic destinations, the third edition of the Swiss Education Fair was organized in collaboration with the Swiss Business Hub ASEAN. The event hosted 30 Institutions of Higher learning and welcomed local, regional, and expatriate students. Swiss educational excellence was further promoted at Study in Europe and numerous Education Fairs in Singapore and the region. Organized in the UBS auditorium, “Risk Management and Responsible Finance” presented by HEC Lausanne allowed the audience to discover a new econometric approach to measure systemic risk in Europe while learning about risk management on a challenging financial landscape. The Swiss Alumni Event was organized on the occasion of the official visit of Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann and his delegation of high ranking representatives of the Swiss economy. Inspiring speeches were held under the overarching theme “From Education, Research and Innovation to Economy” by active Swiss academic players in Switzerland and Singapore.

“Please accept my word of “Thank you” for all the suggestions you have made in the preparation of our 3-day series of events in the opening ceremony, for the support you have granted, and also for bearing half the cost of the big Gala Dinner which HSG and swissnex Singapore could jointly host to serve the community here in Singapore. I am looking forward and I am deeply grateful for the enabling and supporting functions swissnex Singapore was always and is providing.” Klaus Spremann Professor and Founding Director, The St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia Pte. Ltd. 5

Science & Technology The A*STAR-EPFL-Dundee Research Symposium presented topics related to Molecular Medicine and hosted speakers from the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), including the Dean of the School of Life Sciences. At the Singapore Airshow 2012, swissnex joined University of St. Gallen, ETH Z端rich, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, members of the Swiss Aerospace Cluster, to promote aerospace related research. The Chairman of the Medtech Summit provided a perspective on the Future of Medical Technologies during a lunch talk organized in collaboration with the Swiss Business Association. The 4th International Singapore Lipid Symposium, led by Professor Markus Wenk (National University of Singapore, University of Basel) brought together commendable international researchers in the field of Lipid research. Swiss companies showcased their products and services at the Swiss Pavilion of the BioPharma Asia Convention 2012, set up in partnership with Swiss Biotech. The 25th Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2012) organized by the Institute of Media Innovation, led by Prof. Nadia Thalmann (Head of MIRALab, University of Geneva), facilitated knowledge exchange and networking. A partnership with Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) led to the setting up of the Swiss Pavilion at the World Cities Summit 2012 and the Singapore International Water Week, showcasing research activities, innovations, products and services by players from Switzerland. Within the context of a collaboration mandate between swissnex and Swiss Re, a Conference on the Future of Human Longevity was held at the Value Lab of the Singapore-ETH Centre and broadcasted live, allowing experts to present and discuss latest findings in cancer related research. swissnex joined the Swiss Pavilion at the Asia Future Energy Forum to allow academic players to showcase their research activities and new technologies in the field of sustainable energy. Prof. Patricia Holm presented her research conducted at the University of Basel in the Department of Environmental Sciences during the talk Microplastics - an Emerging Problem for Aquatic Life held at NUS Environmental Research Institute.


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at a gl ance

Entrepreneurship & Innovation SIMTech, CSEM (Centre Suisse de Microélectronique et Microtechnique) and swissnex joined forces for the fifth time to organize the Swiss-Singapore Workshop on Microfluidics, where attendees gained valuable insights into the latest trends in microfluidics from technoentrepreneurs in Singapore and Switzerland. Relevant consulting, visibility and the opportunity to rent a plug-and-play workstation at swissnex is offered to born global start-ups that seek local collaboration opportunities with researchers, investors, business partners and government representatives with an aim to launch their business in Singapore. As an example, Creaholic, an innovation powerhouse founded by the co-creator of SWATCH, was given the opportunity to present its innovative products at the Swiss Pavilion of the Singapore International Water Week, where a presentation given to pertinent stakeholders allowed for networking opportunities, in addition to formal meetings with local government agencies, entrepreneurs and R&D players.

Art At the traditional swissnex Christmas Party, the X’MAS-XBIT showcased the upcoming Digital Art Weeks (DAW) 2013, introducing guests to interactive 3D art creations. Music performances by students of the Haute Ecole de Musique, Lausanne and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music were accompanied by visual creations from Singapore-ETH Centre, while MIRALab/Institute of Media Innovation glamorized the inspiring evening with a live and virtual Fashion Show.

“Thank you very much for organizing this event for us and all the personal meetings. You are really rolling out the red carpet for us!” Christoph Nabholz Head Business Development, Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue


highlights 2012

A*STAR-EPFL-Dundee Research Symposium 18 to 20 January 2012 A*STAR’s Institute of Medical Biology welcomed the University of Dundee and EPFL for a research symposium on topics related to Molecular Medicine, especially on stem cells, cancer and skin biology. The symposium hosted five speakers from each Institute, including Prof. Didier Trono, Dean of the School of Life Sciences, EPFL. A networking dinner at the Swiss Club took place at the end of the symposium, co-organized with the British High Commission.

Future of Medical Technologies 16 February 2012 Organized in collaboration with the Swiss Business Association, the lunch-talk by Dr. Brian Hashemi, Chairman of the MedTech Summit 2012, focused on the future of medical technologies in Switzerland and provided a deeper understanding of the medical technology sector and its opportunities for investors.

“Many thanks to you and the swissnex team for the organization. What I

heard from Gerhard Schmitt, the Swiss Education Fair was a great success.”

Anders Hagström Head Academic Marketing, ETH Zurich 8

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BioPharma Asia Convention 2012 19 to 21 March 2012 The Swiss Pavilion at the convention was set up in collaboration with Swiss Biotech. Bachem, Biopôle, B’SYS and Lonza, together with more than a hundred leading companies from the international pharmaceutical and biotech industry, presented their innovative products, solutions and services at Marina Bay Sands.

Building as a System - a Perspective for Singapore? 22 March 2012 The Programme Director of the Sustainable Energy Systems Program presented research activities of Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture. The close collaboration with the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), developing sustainable concepts which meet the standards of a zero energy building, was highlighted.

Swiss Education Fair 2012 25 March 2012 Following the growing interest in Swiss education, the collaboration with the Swiss Business Hub ASEAN was pursued with the third edition of the Swiss Education Fair. The event hosted over 30 institutions of higher learning from Switzerland, which showcased their outstanding programs for undergraduate, Master and PhD Students.

Risk Management and Responsible Finance 18 April 2012 Hosted by UBS, the talks “System Risks in Europe” and “Risk Management in a Challenging Financial Landscape” were a great opportunity to welcome Singaporean universities representatives, business partners and HEC Lausanne Alumni, while increasing HEC Lausanne’s visibility in Singapore. The event was organized in conjunction with the promotion of the HEC Lausanne Asset and Wealth Management Executive MBA program (AWEMBA).


World Cities Summit & Singapore International Water Week 2012 1 to 4 July 2012 A Swiss Pavilion was set up in partnership with the Singapore-ETH Centre at the two concurrent events. Holcim Singapore, ingenious switzerland and the City of Montreux showcased their products and services to a wide range of visitors at the World Cities Summit. Creaholic SA, a successful innovation powerhouse developing internationally well-known products, together with TallyFox Social Technologies AG, building sector-focused Knowledge Networks for professionals in selected industries, made contributions to the pavilion of the Singapore International Water Week.

Swiss Evening@NUS 4 September 2012 The 8th edition of the traditional welcome and networking event took place for the first time at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House at the National University of Singapore. By joining forces with swissnex, St.Gallen University and Switzerland Tourism proposed a networking exchange program for students from Switzerland, who were able to mingle with NUS undergraduate students learning French and German, as well as alumni of an immersion/exchange program.

Future of Human Longevity: New Approaches to Healthcare and Cancer 2012 20 September 2012 As part of the mandate with Swiss Re, the expert roundtable held at the Singapore-ETH Centre focused on cancer epidemiology and innovative cancer treatments. Being streamed live, it allowed the general public to interact and obtain insight into the evolution of cancer on a global and Asian-specific scale.


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Swiss Alumni Event 1 November 2012 The Swiss Alumni Event was organized on the occasion of an official visit by Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann and his high ranking economic delegation. Under the overarching theme “From Education, Research and Innovation to Economy”, thought-provoking talks were given by Professors Stefan Morkötter from University of St.Gallen, Dominique Turpin, President of IMD and Gerhard Schmitt, Director of Singapore-ETH Center. These presentations prepared the ground for a fruitful panel and Q&A session, which inspired the guests in their discussions during the networking event.

“Let me congratulate you for this very successful event!” Dominique Turpin President, IMD Business School 11

“ What a wonderful surprise to hear about all the activities of swissnex Singapore! Great job, congratulations.” Raymond Baer Honorary Chairman, Bank Julius Baer

swissnex Singapore Christmas Party 6 December 2012 The traditional Christmas Party organized to thank all partners and supporters was an opportunity for key Swiss academic players in Singapore to showcase their achievements through interactive displays and presentations. The virtual exhibition X’MAS-XBIT was presented as a preview of Digital Art Weeks 2013. The creative mood was enhanced by the performance of tango music by Christel Sautaux, accordionist and master student from the Haute Ecole de Musique, Lausanne together with Adelya Nartadjieva, master student at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, NUS. This performance was made possible thanks to the strong and developing collaboration between the Board of Higher Education of the State of Vaud (DGES) and local academic institutions in Singapore. The musical show was accompanied by visuals created by VJ Stefan Mueller Arisona from the Singapore-ETH Centre. Professor Nadia Thalmann, Director of MIRALab, University of Geneva, and the Institute of Media Innovation of the Nanyang Technological University, together with her colleagues glamorized the event with a live and virtual fashion show.

“swissnex is an excellent connector for us in Singapore. But they do not only connect and support with contacts, but also participate at our activities either as sponsors or even actively. swissnex is open for all requests and supports us perfectly.” Andreas Wittmer Managing Director, Centre for Aviation Competence, University of St. Gallen 12

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visits & programmes


Visits to Singapore Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) 16 to 20 January 2012 Professors from EPFL including the Dean of the School of Life Sciences came to Singapore to bridge connections with the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR) in the field of PhD studies.

Federal Councillor Alain Berset 16 to 19 March 2012 The Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs and former Minister of Education and Research, was in Singapore with his delegation to open the Singapore-ETH Centre and discover the local R&D and health landscapes. He also met the Minister for Health, Gan Kim Yong and the President of the Republic of Singapore Tony Tan. This was his first international trip since his appointment as interior minister.


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The Board of Higher Education of the State of Vaud (DGES) March 2012 In the frame of the initiative of the Board of Higher Education of the State of Vaud (DGES) delegates from the School of Engineering and Business, Yverdon-les-Bains and the Lausanne University of Teacher Education explored connections with institutions of higher education in Singapore.

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) 22 to 26 March 2012 Individual representatives from HSLU were in Singapore for internationalization purposes and to garner interests for partnerships and programmes with the local institutions of higher education in the areas of Business and Accounting/Finance, as well as to promote the Bachelor in Business Engineering Sustainable Energy Systems conducted in English.

Swiss Parliamentarians 14 to 16 May 2012 A group of ten parliamentarians, consisting of active and former members of the Swiss Parliament, more specifically part of the economic and monetary policy working group (WPA), explored the political, economic and scientific landscapes in Singapore.

“Avec mes félicitation à toute l’équipe du swissnex Singapour pour l’engagement et pour la visite organisée le 16.Mars 2012!” Alain Berset Swiss Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs 15

Visits to Switzerland School of the Arts (SOTA) to Zurich 5 to 16 November 2012 SOTA students discovered the Musikschule Konservatorium Zurich and participated in a chamber music programme and master classes, reciprocating a visit by the Swiss students and professors to Singapore.

Hwa Chong Institute (HCI) to Geneva 21 to 24 May 2012 As part of a research programme initiated by Hwa Chong Institution (HCI), Business and Economic students, along with their teachers, enjoyed a 10-day European trip that included Switzerland. An organized visit to Genève Place Financière was an opportunity for the delegation to discover how the city developed in a financial hub.

Permanent Secretary of National Research and Development 28 to 29 June 2012 Permanent Secretary Ms. Yong Ying-I visited Switzerland to gain insight into the Swiss R&D ecosystem and policies. Visits were made to ETH Zurich, government institutions and multi-national corporations.

“swissnex Singapore helped to arrange the visit to Genève Place Financière. I would rate the visit as one of the most enriching learning experience for our students. Our students had many questions to ask after the talk, showing the amount of enthusiasm that was generated.” Leong Cheong Fatt Teacher, Hwa Chong Institution 16

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regional activities ? The OCSC International Education EXPO 2012 27 to 28 October 2012 The Office of Civil Service Commission (OCSC) International Education Fair provides advice on overseas education and serves as an information centre to students. Support was given to the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok with the presentation of Swiss Universities and their study programs. Over the 2-day period, close to 30,000 people attended the event and many came to the Swiss booth to enquire on various higher education programmes, living lifestyles and scholarships. Three exchange students from St. Gallen University were also on-site to answer questions pertaining to their Alma Mater.

Vietnam Education Forum 19 September 2012 The interactive forum organized by the Swiss Embassy in Vietnam facilitated the discussion on education related to the local Swiss business activities. The positive and concrete involvement of the Swiss and local academia and government, as well as the keen interest of the Vietnamese government in the Swiss Education system and research, more specifically in Life Sciences, Engineering and Hospitality, was highlighted during the forum.


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regional activities




The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) covers the operating budget as well as the core events cost of swissnex Singapore. swissnex is a public-private platform and the mandate by SERI requires that projects and events are ďŹ nanced with at least 2/3 by third-party contributions. Thanks to numerous partners and sponsors who contributed with cash and in-kind donations, swissnex events were ďŹ nanced by more than 2/3 of third-party contributions in 2012. Budget 2012 (CHF) SER Running Costs SER Projects 3rd Party Projects 3rd Party Operational & Mandates Total

398,240 83,800 223,480 71,740 777,260

Projects 2012 (CHF) SER Projects 3rd Party Projects cash 3rd Party Projects in kind Total

83,800 108,200 115,280 307,280


media & communication

Keeping up to date with fast evolving trends, social media tools have been employed increasingly as a means of communication. A new video draws interest and eases the communication of activities related to science, education and innovation in Switzerland and Singapore. Moreover, successful media coverage of particular events such as the official inauguration of the Singapore-ETH Centre by Federal Councillor Alain Berset also highlighted the activities of swissnex Singapore. The quarterly newsletter continued to be instrumental in the dissemination of information and updating stakeholders on the activities organized by swissnex Singapore. With the new improved look, it aims to draw the interest of readers and make it a pleasurable read. This compliments the interactive website which draws increasing visits and functions as the main channel of communication. News related to topics ranging from research to innovation in Singapore and the region were contributed to the monthly Science-Asia Newsletter, together with the Swiss Science & Technology Offices in Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, Canberra and the Trade Office of Swiss Industries in Taipei.

“I would like to send my personal kudos for your recent newsletter with its distinguished design and eclectic choice in colours, the excellent overview, and the interesting topics. Very well done!� Gabriel Burgener Business Manager, The St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia Pte. Ltd. 20

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partners & sponsors

swissnex Singapore partners with a variety of stakeholders, namely Institutions of Higher learning, research institutes, economic promoters, governmental offices, business associations as well as consulting services. swissnex Singapore is a member of the Swiss Business Association and the European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. The Board of Higher Education, State of Vaud (DGES) pursues its mandate of having a dedicated project manager hosted at - and shared with - swissnex Singapore to establish and deepen academic relations with partners in Singapore in the ďŹ elds of music, health, teacher’s education, public administration, computer science, engineering and post-compulsory education. Following collaborations between swissnex Boston and Swiss Re in 2011, the mandate was extended to San Francisco, Shanghai and Singapore in 2012. A conference on the Future of Human Longevity was held in September with a main focus on cancer epidemiology and innovative cancer treatments. Swiss Re envisages pursuing this close cooperation in future events. HEC Lausanne, Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne has fruitfully collaborated with swissnex Singapore since 2010. To further cultivate this rewarding partnership, swissnex Singapore regularly hosts HEC students for an academic internship as HEC ambassadors, allowing them to gain experience in project and visit organization, as well as HEC brand building. The School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) is Switzerland’s leading institute for research and teaching in management, entrepreneurship and internationalization. Collaboration with swissnex Singapore via a junior Ambassador facilitated construction of synergies and international opportunity-recognition for future research and universities partnership throughout South-East Asia.


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Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)

Les Roches-Gruyère University of Applied Sciences

Swiss Re Ltd

Amara Hotels and Resorts

Lonza Group Ltd

TallyFox Social Technologies AG

Asia 360

T-Link Management AG

Bachem AG

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Biopôle SA

Lufthansa/Swiss International Airlines

Boncafé International Pte Ltd

Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts


National University of Singapore

City of Montreux

Ricola AG


Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech )


Switzerland Tourism

UBS AG University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur University of Basel

Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)

Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC)

University of Bern

Embassy of Switzerland Thailand (OCSC)

Swiss Biotech Association

Graduate Institute of International Studies (IHEID)

University of Geneva

Swiss Business Association

University of Lausanne

Swiss Dreams Singapore

University of Liechtenstein

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)

University of Neuchâtel

ingenious switzerland

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)

University of Zurich

International Institute for Management Development (IMD)

Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP)

Helvetiq Holcim (Singapore) Pte Ltd Huber’s Butchery

Swiss International Air Lines Ltd

University of Fribourg

University of St. Gallen Victorinox AG Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

“Un dernier grand merci pour votre soutien et travail, tous deux très appréciables et d’excellente qualité ! Ces

deux semaines étaient intenses, très bien organisées et ont permis de rencontrer de très bons interlocuteurs!” Luc Amgwerd Partner and Advisor, Creaholic 23

Local Advisory Board Bertil Andersson President, Nanyang Technological University Soo Boon Koh Managing Partner, iGlobe Partners Alex Matter CEO, Experimental Therapeutic Centre (ETC) at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Nico de Rooij Director, Institute of Microengineering IMT, EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Gerhard Schmitt Director, Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC)

Swiss Advisory Board Mauro Dell’Ambrogio State Secretary, State Secretariat for Education and Research Josiane Aubert National Councillor, Committee for Science, Education and Culture Philipp Egger Executive Director, Gebert Rüf Stiftung Dieter Imboden President of the Board, Swiss National Science Foundation Thierry Lombard Senior Partner, Lombard Odier & Cie Antonio Loprieno President, Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities Mauro Moruzzi Head Bilateral Research Cooperation, State Secretariat for Education and Research Olivier Quillet Head of Strategic Marketing, Swisscom AG Giancarlo Kessler Head of Political Division, Federal Department for Foreign Affairs


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Swiss community in Singapore The Swiss Business Hub ASEAN (SBH) advises small and medium-sized Swiss companies willing to develop their international activities in Southeast Asia. A tighter collaboration has developed over the years in areas of business consulting, where the SBH and swissnex Singapore offer complementary services and events organization. SBH has been a major partner in the organization of the successful Swiss Education Fair. swissnex Singapore, being member of the Swiss Business Association (SBA), has made numerous swissnex Singapore events open to SBA members and organized common events. The Swiss Association aims at providing a common platform for the growing Swiss community in Singapore. Many of the swissnex Singapore events are open to its members. Part of swissnex Singapore events are organized at the Swiss Club and advertised or reported in the Relax magazine, which reaches out to the Swiss Club members. swissnex Singapore facilitates talks and visits at the Swiss School for iconic events and gets assistance from the Swiss School in all matters regarding primary/ secondary education in Switzerland. Following a long-term partnership with swissnex, the University of St. Gallen opened its Singapore hub, the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia Pte. Ltd. (SGI), in March 2012. In addition to engaging research and educational activities, SGI also maintains the dynamic HSG alumni network and strives to encourage a symbiotic relationship with stakeholders and corporations within the region. Collaborative efforts involved co-organization of various events and talks, development of academic partnerships with local players and facilitation of exchange and executive programs. In early 2012, the joint effort between ETH Zurich and Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) led to the official opening of the Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC) and its flagship program Future Cities Laboratory. The Singapore International Water Week and the World Cities Summit are two out of many close collaborations between SEC and swissnex Singapore.



Suzanne Hraba-Renevey, Founder and Executive Director Lisa Kobel, Executive Coordinator Chin Hui Yu, Project Manager Academic Interns Nurulhuda Izyan European Studies, National University of Singapore Damien Pajic Business Administration, University of Geneva Jessica Ulloa Management, HEC Lausanne Maxime Palazzo Political Science, University of Geneva Arnaud Cottet Tourism and Entrepreneurship, HEG Fribourg Vince Moens Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Severin Meier International Law, University of Geneva Veronique Salvi Management, HEC Lausanne Simon Pelletier Media and Communication, University of Geneva

“Thanks a lot Suzanne, without your help I wouldn’t be professionally nor academically as fulfilled as I am. An internship in Singapore can really change one’s life.” Valentina Janner Former Junior Project Manager (intern) at swissnex Singapore


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Digital Art Weeks will undoubtedly be one of the highlights in 2013. At the crossroads of Art and Science, this Festival originated at the ETH Zurich will engage local communities including the general public, in an interactive bonanza addressing the senses. Swiss Re has reiterated its mandate in the field of longevity and the 2013 edition of the expert roundtable will focus on translational medicine. A growing number of corporate, academic and innovation partners leverage on our support to expand their networks in Singapore and the region. In 2013, we will welcome Jessica Ulloa, previous HEC Lausanne Ambassador, in the position of project manager, as well as SĂŠbastien Monnet, freshly graduated in Entrepreneurship from the School of Business and Engineering Fribourg, as the new Executive Coordinator. We sadly bid farewell to Lisa Kobel, thank her for her outstanding commitment and wish her well in her future master studies. We will expand our team, thanks to Nurulhuda Izyan, newly appointed as communications officer, thus testifying the key role of sharing our activities and the highlights of the education, research and innovation landscapes in Switzerland. We look forward to a continuously engaging spirit of enterprise with the new swissnex team. Meet us at the next swissnex Singapore events! The swissnex Singapore Team


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© Swiss Re

swissnex singapore 60 Biopolis Street, #01-01/02 Genome, Singapore 138672 t: +65 6774 9360 f: +65 6774 9365

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