10 day thyroid reset diet how to heal your thyroid and boost your metabolism

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10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]


10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism] Ready to tackle your thyroid problems but unsure of where to start? Enter the 10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet ­ How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost Metabolism. Let me first start by saying... This guide is only a starting point! This isn't going to completely resolve every one of your problems, and you may ultimately need further restrictions and changes. But: It is the first place I would start if you are overwhelmed and it will definitely help improve your thyroid function and metabolism. I created this because it just isn't feasible to see every patient personally and there are so many out there who need help... So let's start with some ground rules.

Who is this for? People who have recently been Diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism People who have not tried any other interventions before People who are ready to take action on their health and make changes

Who isn't this for? People who have failed more restrictive diets like the Autoimmune Protocol People who are already working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner People who are looking for a "quick fix"

What is the Thyroid Reset Diet? Did you know that lifestyle factors like what kind of food you put in your mouth, how much stress you have, how much you sleep and how much you exercise you get play a major role in treating problems? If you ask any Doctor if diet is important in reversing disease, they will all tell you that it is critical. But when was the last time your Doctor sat down and talked to you about your diet, your energy levels or the stress in your life? And that is the problem. http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

This Thyroid Reset Diet is designed to get you from couch to 5k but with your thyroid! You see... One of the biggest frustrations for me is that no matter how many people I see in my office I still never really seem to make a dent in helping all the people that need it. So even though I may not be able to see everyone in my clinic, I can definitely give you the tools to help get you started. Speaking of that, let's dive in to the nitty gritty. This Thyroid Reset Diet is actually going to cover more areas than just diet... I broke down the 4 most important categories when it comes to healing your thyroid and boosting metabolism. If you want to get the full benefit then you need to commit to making changes in these 4 categories for the following 10 days.

Thyroid Reset Diet Guidelines Diet 10 days of Solid Commitment No more than 6­8 servings of Goitrogenic foods per week No cheating Exercise High Intensity Interval once per week 1 hour of low intensity exercise (like walking) 10,000 Steps per day minimum Supplements Detox Actively avoid Endocrine Disruptors Deep Sweat once per week Drink 64 ounces of water per day


Reboot Your Diet




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Real, Whole food that you should focus on eating. If it doesn't look like food, don't eat it!

Where should you start? I'll make it easy... Eat real whole food. Period. If it has more than 1 ingredient then don't eat it. If it doesn't pass the eyeball test then don't eat it. You should be able to easily look at food at determine if it was made from a plant, or in a plant. There are a couple of No­No's that every Thyroid patient should be aware of.

1. You should Avoid Calorie Restricted Diets at all costs Calorie restricted diets actually make thyroid function worse! When you restrict calories your body thinks you're in a state of starvation, and in order to preserve energy it increases the production of Reverse T3 and reduce T4 to T3 conversion. As little as 25 days of calorie restricted dieting can reduce thyroid function by up to 50%. That means no HCG diets.

2. You should Avoid Low Fat Diets ow fat diets are synonymous with high sugar. Not only that but low fat diets have never even been shown to L cause sustained weight loss. emember that foods high in sugar may ultimately cause insulin resistance and lead to further hormonal R imbalances. Insulin resistance (and elevated insulin levels) are notorious for causing Thyroid Resistance and increasing Reverse T3 levels.

3. You should Avoid Very Low carbohydrate diets (or at least be very cautious with these types of diets) http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

While it is true that low carb diets do cause the most effective weight loss, they can really be harmful to thyroid patients.

Low carb diets put excess strain on the adrenal glands and can further worsen thyroid function. People suffering from thyroid problems do much better on a moderate carb diet ­ around 20­30% of calories from carbs is a good starting point (and what you should focus on for these 10 days). After thyroid function and conversion has been optimized you can then consider reducing carbohydrates further. Because the majority of people are NOT optimized I don't suggest low carb diets to start with.

4. You should avoid eating more than 6­8 servings of Goitrogenic foods per week and these foods should be steamed instead of eaten raw.




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

oitrogens are compounds that limit thyroid function and production by limiting the amount of iodine the thyroid G can bring in. hese foods are not usually a problem for the majority of people, but to be safe I don't recommend eating more T than 6­8 servings of foods high in goitrogens per week. Foods high in goitrogens include: Cruciferious vegetables (Bok choy, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower), and some other foods ­ peaches, pine nuts, pears, soy milk, soy beans, etc. Quick Tip: Steaming foods that are high in goitrogens actually limits the active goitrogenic compounds in the food. Avoid eating these foods raw!

Eat These Foods Protein Poultry: Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Pheasant, Cornish Game Hen **(Look for Pastured + Organic) Seafood: Wild Salmon (Canned, Fresh or Frozen), Small Halibut, Shrimp, Anchovies, Clams, Cod, Crab, Flounder, Herring, Mussels, Sardines, Trout **(Look for Wild Caught + Sustainable Fished) Eggs: Up to 3 Per Day **(Choose, Organic free Range Eggs) Processed Meats: Sausage, Bacon, Deli meats **(Look for 100% Grass Fed + Organic)

Fat Oils: Coconut, Grapeseed, Avocado, Olive, Unrefined sesame, Flaxseed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil for cooking with high heat: Coconut, Grapeseed, Avocado for looking with moderate heat: Olive, Grapeseed, Unrefined Sesame for cooking without heat: Flaxseed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Nuts and Seeds: Nuts: almonds, brazil, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine, pistachios, walnuts, raw cacao Seeds: chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower Nut/seed butters: almond, cashew, pecan, macadamia, walnut http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Nut flours: almond meal, coconut flour Produce: Avocado, Olives, Raw Cacao, Coconut

Veggies Artichokes, Arugula, Asparagus, Avocado, Bean Sprouts, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Chives, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Dandelion Greens, Eggplant, Endive, Garlic, Ginger Root, Green Beans, Hearts of Palm, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Onions, Parsley, Peppers (Bell, Chili, etc.), Radicchio, Radish, Rutabaga, Seaweed, Shallots, Snap Beans, Snow peas, Spinach, Summer Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turnips, Turnip Greens, Watercress, Zucchini

Fruits Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Raspberries

Do NOT Eat These Foods Dairy Avoid Dairy for at least 10 days (Preferably 30) including Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Whey Protein, etc.

Sugar Avoid Sugar and Sweeteners including Aspartame, Stevia and Splenda

Grains Avoid all Grains (Including Pasta, Bagels, Pizza, Bread, English Muffins, Tortillas, etc.)

Beans Avoid Beans and Legumes including Peanut Butter

Beer Avoid beverages containing Alcohol

Portion Sizes

Portion Sizes http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Servings Per Day Protein 4­6 ounces 3x daily plus snacks Fruit 1/2 Cup of Berries Once per day Nuts or Seeds 1­2 Handfuls Once per day Nut Butter 1­2 Tablespoons Once per day Non­Starchy Vegetables 1/2 Cup Cooked (Avoid Raw or Un­steamed Veggies) 5­7 times per day Healthy Fats and Oils 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil, 1/2 Cup of High Fat Fruits (Olives and Avocado) 3­8 times per day Tea 4­6 Ounces 1­2 times per day Water 8 Ounces 8 Cups minimum, more if exercising or taking with supplements 2

Revitalize Your Exercise Routine




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Exercise is another important area that requires some special considerations for patients with thyroid problems. ou have to remember that exercise is a stress on your body. And if you have a sluggish thyroid your body can't Y necessarily tolerate that stress. In my practice I've found a dichotomy in which some patients aren't exercising at all due to extreme fatigue (which isn't good) and those that are over exercising thinking it will solve their weight problem (which also isn't good). The truth is that you should really be somewhere in between... Exercise is kind of like Goldilocks, too much is a bad thing and too little is also a bad thing. Not only that but there are some distinct things that thyroid patients should be doing to boost their metabolism. To boost your metabolism you need to strike a balance between these two areas:

High Intensity Interval Training This type of exercise (if done correctly) puts a physiologic stimulus on your microbiology that causes a number of beneficial changes: 1. It improves hormonal balance overall http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

2. It sensitizes your body to insulin 3. It causes more calorie burn than any other exercise 4. It helps build lean muscle mass 5. It boosts your metabolism by increasing Human Growth Hormone As you know, if you have thyroid problems, crushing fatigue can make it seem impossible to exercise at times. So, there are a few things you should remember before you start exercising: Before you add high intensity interval training into your regimen make sure your thyroid medication is optimized (if you are on it) and make sure your adrenals can tolerate the stress. If you are still experiencing crushing fatigue it's best to focus on low intensity and skip high intensity exercise in the beginning.

How to do High Intensity Exercise How Often 15 minutes at least once per week and no more than 3x per week.

Body Weight Exercises Weight Lifting Exercises 1. Circuits of alternating body weight exercises (High knees, Mountain climbers, sprinting in place, etc.) for 30 seconds of maximum intensity followed by 90 seconds of low intensity exercise. 2. Repeat this process 5­8x (or less if that's all you tolerate). 3. At the end of the exercise you should be out of breath, breathing heavily and unable to speak. 1. Target 5 major Muscle groups with the following exercises: Chest Press, Lateral Pull Down, Horizontal Row, Hack Squat, and Shoulder Press. 2. With each muscle group slowly move through the full range of motion with a 10 second count up and a 10 second count down. Repeat for a total of 90­120 seconds or until muscle exhaustion. 3. Only go through each muscle group once for 90­120 seconds.

Examples Low Intensity Interval Training This type of exercise should not be excluded! Science has shown that 1 hour of walking per day is enough to reduce your risk of premature death by 39%. http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Not only that but it is also critical to boosting your metabolism. ou'll want to focus on doing one of the following for at least 1 hour per day, in addition to walking 10,000 per Y day: 1. Walking 2. Hiking 3. Biking 4. Household chores (Sweeping, Mopping, Cleaning Windows, etc.) 5. Yoga 6. Swimming

How to do Low Intensity Exercise How Often Walk at least 10,000 steps per day (preferably spread throughout the day) 1 hour of Low Intensity Exercises per day (Walking, hiking, biking, etc.)

Bonus tip: Cycle Synching your Exercise Routine Have you heard of cycle synching your work outs? Let me explain: Throughout a woman's cycle her hormone levels fluctuate on a daily basis (I'm sure you know this already!), but what you may not know is that these hormones can influence your energy levels, metabolism and your desire for exercise.

Follicular Phase Exercises: Days 1­14 For instance ­ in the beginning of your cycle you will have more energy as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are in relative balance with one another. That means you should focus on moderate intensity and longer work outs.

Ovulatory Phase Exercises: Days 12­16 http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Compare that to the ovulatory phase when testosterone levels peak and estrogen is increased ­ you will have the power and energy to do more strenuous exercise like lifting weights or doing high intensity exercises.

Luteal Phase Exercises: Days 14­28 On the final two weeks of your cycle progesterone levels should peak which has a very calming sensation on your body ­ during this time you should focus on more relaxing and soothing exercises like yoga, pilates or lower intensity exercises.

3 http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Replete Nutrient Deficiencies with Targeted Supplements

he focus of supplements during this 10 Day Thyroid Reset is to boost conversion of inactive T4 to the active T3 T hormone. This is accomplished by providing your body with the critical nutrients involved in the conversion process, and also by improving gut health which is involved in both converting thyroid hormone and acting as reservoir for stored thyroid hormone in the body. In addition, I've never found a person in my clinic who isn't suffering from Adrenal fatigue to some degree due to the constant low grade stress that we all deal with on a daily basis. Healing your adrenals will help thyroid do its job and provide you with a boost of energy during this 10 day reset. he following supplements have been tested over hundreds of patients with Thyroid problems in my clinic and T they are far and away the most potent and powerful of supplements that I've used.

Adrenal Support Healing Adrenal Fatigue is such a huge part of treating the thyroid that it simply cannot be overlooked. The adrenals and the thyroid work in synergy to create your energy levels and your baseline metabolism. We've known this as far back as the 1920's! Further studies have shown that Hypothyroidism causes direct dysfunction in the Adrenal Glands themselves ­ resulting in symptoms of fatigue which manifests as the condition of "adrenal fatigue".




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

My experience in working with patients is that healing the Adrenals is required in order to achieve optimal results. I've also found that all other supplements and treatment seem to be more effective when targeting the adrenals. In working with patients I've tried several Adrenal supplements, but by far the single best Adrenal supplement I've ever used is DSF.

Using DSF (Adrenal Support) during the 10 Day Thyroid Reset Review of: DSF (Adrenal Support) Why I like it Very Potent Formula (Highly Effective) Affordable Pricing Rapid Acting (Works within days to weeks) No Allergenic Fillers

How to Use 1 Tab in the am 1 Tab in the afternoon ­ MUST be chewed before swallowing (Have a big glass of water nearby!) http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

In extreme Adrenal Fatigue may need 2 in the am and 1 in the afternoon (Avoid taking at night because it can be very energizing) Take with Meals

Best Place to Buy Amazon: Brand: Nutri­West Price: $34.44 for 120 Capsules Buy DSF (Adrenal Support) here

Zinc inc is one of the top 5 most common nutrient deficiencies I see in patients suffering from Hypothyroidism and Z Hashimoto's. This nutrient is involved in converting inactive T4 to the active T3 thyroid hormone in addition to a number of other beneficial side effects:

Using Zinc is a no brainer when you have any sort of thyroid problems and should be a pivotal part of your nutrient regimen! Using the right type of Zinc and getting on the right brand is very important. Remember that not all supplements are created equal, because of this I recommend only purchasing Zinc that is bound to Picolinic Acid because this has been shown to have superior absorption compared to other cheaper http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

formulations. Zinc citrate is a close runner up and can be effective as well, but I find that the majority of my patients see better results when Zinc is bound to picolinic acid. Let me teach you how to use it properly to get the best benefit...

Using Zinc during the 10 Day Thyroid Reset Review of: Zinc 30 Why I like it High Quality and Very Effective Affordable Pricing Great Absorption No Allergenic Fillers

How to Use 1­2x per day (No more than 60mg per day) Split dose and take 1 in am and 1 in pm Take with Meals

Best Place to Buy Amazon: Brand: Pure Encapsulations Price: $29.60 for 180 Capsules Buy Zinc 30 here

Selenium Selenium is another huge player in the T4 to T3 conversion process. Without adequate levels of Selenium (and Zinc) you may have "normal" blood levels of Free T4, but it won't be able to properly convert to the active Free T3. http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

(This picture clearly depicts the nutrients required for proper T4 to T3 conversion and optimal thyroid function ­ The 10 Day Thyroid Reset targets all of these areas to help heal your metabolism and boost thyroid function) elenium (like zinc) is a powerful anti­inflammatory agent and when supplemented in healthy doses can help S reduce autoimmunity and inflammatory mediators in the body. This is super important for all hypothyroid patients! Why? Because it's estimated that over 90% of patients with Hypothyroidism in the United States have an autoimmune thyroiditis, whether your antibodies are elevated or not. Let me say that again because it is so important... If you have hypothyroidism there is a 90% chance it is caused by an autoimmune disease.




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

(If you have hypothyroidism there is a 90% chance it's due to an autoimmune condition even if your antibody levels are within the normal range) That is why I recommend that Hypothyroid patients trial selenium supplementation because it has been shown to reduce autoimmunity and even antibody levels in autoimmune thyroiditis (Even in patients with Hashimoto's). Couple that with the fact that it helps boost T4 to T3 conversion and Selenium supplementation becomes a no brainer for Thyroid patients.

Using Selenium during the 10 Day Thyroid Reset Review of: Selenium Why I like it High Quality and Very Effective Affordable Pricing Great Absorption No Allergenic Fillers

How to Use 1­2x per day (No more than 400mcg per day) Split dose and take 1 in am and 1 in pm Take with Meals

Best Place to Buy Amazon: Brand: Pure Encapsulations Price: $27.70 for 180 Capsules Buy Selenium here

Probiotics Undiagnosed gut imbalances are probably the most over looked and under diagnosed conditions in Thyroid patients. http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

And this is a terrible situation, considering the importance the Gut plays in functioning with the Thyroid.

How Nutrient Deficiencies and Gut Imbalances Stack up Against You Let me give you an example of how this can all stack up against you: 1. If 20% of Thyroid Hormone is converted in the gut and you have a gut imbalance (SIBO, Yeast overgrowth, Reflux, Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, etc.) then the inflammation from this condition may limit your conversion process by 5­10%. 2. If you have Zinc or Selenium deficiencies in your body that can further reduce whole body conversion by another 5­10%. 3. Now lets assume you have Insulin Resistance, Leptin Resistance or that you take Anti­Depressants or other thyroid conversion blocking medications. Now you're set up to have another 5­10% reduction in conversion. Each of these alone wouldn't make a big difference, but when you start stacking them up all of a sudden you have a 15­30% (or more) reduction in T4 to T3 conversion in your entire body! This doesn't even take into account the fact that inflammatory conditions (like Insulin and leptin resistance) cause Thyroid Resistance at the cellular level. So, not only can your body not convert the inactive T4 to T3, now it has trouble even letting what little active T3 is in the body get inside the cells to do its job. This is why you simply cannot ignore nutrient deficiencies, inflammation or gut imbalances.

Most Common Gut Imbalances in Thyroid Patients Thyroid patients are susceptible to a number of gut imbalances because of how thyroid hormone functions in the gut. Thyroid hormone helps increase intestinal peristalsis (the natural movement of the gut) and it also helps the body regulate the amount of stomach acid needed for digestion.

If you have low thyroid problems you're now set up to develop gut imbalances...




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

The most common imbalances I see in Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's patients include: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Yeast overgrowth, Acid Reflux/GERD, Intestinal Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I've found that unless these imbalances are treated your thyroid will NOT function at 100%. That's why I've included some basic gut health recommendations in this Thyroid Reset Diet. Quick Tip: If you have gut imbalances like those listed above then you will likely need more intensive treatment then what I've outlined below. I would recommend finding a Functional Medicine Physician near you for further assistance.

Soil Based Organisms and Hypothyroidism

Because certain gut imbalances are so common in Hypothyroid patients I don't recommend jumping into any random probiotic to try and improve your health. Certain types of probiotics can actually make gut imbalances worse (especially if you are suffering from SIBO). These probiotics act as fermentable substrate for overgrown bacteria and result in worsening constipation, gas or abdominal pain when taking probiotics. For this reason I recommend that Hypothyroid patients stick to Soil Based Organisms to start worth. They tend to be much better tolerated and work very well...

Using Prescript Assist during the 10 Day Thyroid Reset Review of: Prescript Assist Why I like it High Microbial Diversity (29 Strains of Bacteria) http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Clinical Studies showing effectiveness Safe to use with SIBO and Yeast Overgrowth Contains Soil Based Organisms (Heat Stable Bacteria)

How to Use 1­2 capsules per day (may need more with gut imbalances) Split dose and take 1 in am and 1 in pm Alternate taking with and without meals, also pulse probiotics in large doses on occasion

Best Place to Buy Amazon: Brand: Prescript Assist Probiotic Price: $49.00 for 60 Capsules Buy Prescript Assist here


Renew Your Body By Detoxing nd by detox I mean it in the more broad sense of the A term: remove all negative stimuli from your life ­ this includes removing toxins and endocrine disruptors in the body, bad habits, negative emotions and inflammatory foods. Detoxing doesn't just refer to chemicals and toxins (though I will teach you how to do this!), but it also refers to removing negative thoughts and emotions which have a huge impact on your overall health. id you know there is a magic number of happy emotions D you need to have for every negative emotion to really thrive in life? The answer is 3:1.




10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

You need to have three positive emotions for every negative emotion. The point is: Toxic emotions, chemicals, behaviors, whatever it is ­ they matter. And they have the ability to negatively impact your health. If you don't remove these toxins from your body you will NOT optimize your health.

Detoxing Endocrine Disruptors and Chemicals hether you realize this or not, your body comes into contact with chemicals that have to be eliminated by your W liver on a DAILY basis. What's worse is that many of these chemicals have been shown to negatively impact hormone levels by blocking the effect of hormones at the cellular level or by mimicking the actions of hormones in your body. These chemicals are known as Endocrine Disruptors and they may be seriously impacting your thyroid function. In fact... The Endocrine Society recently published a paper outlining the list of chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors.

What's worse is that they recognize in their paper that these chemicals alter thyroid function at the cellular level (causing tissue level hypothyroidism) lowering free T3 levels, but the chemicals don't impact TSH levels. Which means that if your Doctor is only order the TSH and Free T4 then they are not getting a complete picture http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

of your thyroid function. The main bad guys you want to avoid include: Bisphenol A Phthalates Pesticides Persistent Organic Pollutants (Polychlorinated biphenyls) Polybrominated Diethyl Ethers Use these tips to ensure you don't even come into contact with these chemicals: Stop touching Receipts (they contain high levels of bisphenol­A) Drink out of glass cups or containers Drink filtered water ONLY (any filter is better than no filter) Avoid anything made of plastic Say no to hand­me­down plastic toys Eat organic foods and grass­fed meats Avoid anything with the word 'Fragrance' or 'Parfum' Check your cosmetics for Chemicals (use the Skin Deep application from EWG)

How to Detox Safely during the 10 Day Thyroid Reset How Often Detox Bath at least once per week Deep Sweat at least once per week

Detox Bath 1. Fill bath up with Hot water 2. Add 1 Cup of Baking Soda to Bath tub (To alkalinize the body) 3. Add 10 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil (To lower cortisol and stress levels) 4. Add 1­2 cups of Epsom Salts (To help detox, boost the body with magnesium and help you sleep)

Helpful Tips to Make the Thyroid Reset Diet More Effective Find an accountability buddy to help keep you on track! Join my online Facebook group for community support http://www.restartmed.com/diet-low-carbohydrate-high-fat/



10 Day Thyroid Reset Diet [How to Heal your Thyroid and Boost your Metabolism]

Final Thoughts At the end of your 10 days you should notice a change in your energy levels, how well your brain is functioning and a change in your waistline. And that is by design! These guidelines are the same recommendations I make to my patients and I want you to have them. If you enjoyed this content I encourage you to sign up for my email newsletter to continue to get high quality information like this post. You can sign up here: Bonus: CLICK HERE to get this ENTIRE post in PDF format so you can have your own personal copy!



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