Swoop Magazine Fall 2012 Grace Bene Cover

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Photos Sponsored by Manhattan Beach Toyota


1500 N Sepulveda Blvd Manhattan Beach CA, 90266 (310) 546-4848 www.ManhattanBeachToyota.com Model: Brooke Butler Sweater by Aviator Nation Make-up: Kassandra Karr Wardrobe stylist: Stephanie Powers Photographer: David Mitchell Produced by Stacy Anderson

12 Tom’s Shoes


18 Crash Cource in Food Trucks


By Lara Levin

By Hillary McGranahan


22 Alex Gray: World Class Surfer By Sarah Nicole Valdez



By Monica Fay


SWOOP GIRL: Grace Bene

By Sarah Nicole Valdez


48 Give Bones


Southern California to theW orld






By Sarah Nicole Valdez

Sco t t Ba i l e y Founder and Publisher


St a cy A n d e r s on Editor

An d r e w Ba i n Art Director

St e ve n Pa c h e co

Ted W illiam s

Creative Director


Da ko t a L i g h t - S mi th

Nik Belcevich

Lead Designer


Sa ra h N i c o l e Val de z

Richar d Swift

Assistant Editor



Southern California to theW orld



LOCATED IN THE HEART OF MANHATTAN BEACH 309 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 sharkscovebeach.net 310.545.2683


Ta ly a J a c q u e l ine Designer


Tro y J o n i c Designer

M ich e l l e Ki m Designer

Bra d S h a r p

W ill Hocker



H illa r y M c G r a nah a n

Aur or a Lacey



M e la n i e T h o m pson

Dana Wacks




Southern California to theW orld





R i c h a r d S w i f t , Te d W i l l i a m s and Nik Belcevich


Law Offices of Turner and Cavan

C R E AT I V E D I R E C T O R Steven Pacheco



Stacy Anderson


S a r a h N i c o l e Va l d e z


Dakota Light-Smith, Michelle Kim, Ta l y a J a c q u e l i n e , T r o y J o n i c , B r a d S h a r p


S c o t t B a i l e y, S a r a h N i c o l e Va l d e z , A n d r e w B a i n , H i l l a r y M c G r a n a h a n , D a n a W a c k s , A u r o r a L a c e y, J e f f P i s c a r d , M e l a n i e T h o m p s o n , P h i l l i p M o n t g o m e r y, L a r a L e v i n , M o n i c a F a y, W i l l H o c k e r

COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Brooke Photos: D a v i d M i t c h e l l Grace Photos: P h o t o © N a t a l i e Yo u n g

w w w . N a t a l i e Yo u n g . c o m


N a t a l i e Yo u n g , D a v i d M i t c h e l l , K e v i n Z a c h e r , Carly Hebert, Heather Gildroy


Grace Bene & Brooke Butler Cover Shots & Spreads: Retail Boutique - Featured Bikinis by Girlfriends Bikinis for Retail Boutique, Aviator Nation Melissa Masse (melissa@melissamasse.com)


Kassandra Karr w w w. k a s s a n d r a k a r r. c o m Makeup provided by MAC


Stephanie Powers w w w. p o p c i t y s t y l e . c o m


Grace Bene and Brooke Butler Cover shots and spreads by Stacy Anderson “ O n t h e R o a d ” s p r e a d b y A v a n t Ta l e n t M a n a g e m e n t Owner - Lindsey Schoen www.avanttalent.net


Lydia Roth, Asa Hope, Hassan Salman


P h o t o s h o o t s S p o n s o r - M a n h a t t a n B e a c h To y o t a Te e t h W h i t e n i n g - D r . G o u l d Bob Roy Hair Salon - Spencer Pier Surf - Thank you for the Skateboards



Apparel: Retail Boutique Model: Grace Bene Photographer: Natalie Young Makeup: Kassandra Karr Wardrobe Stylist: Stephanie Powers

1301 Manhattan Ave. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

(310) 376-6729







by Lara Levin

photos courtesy of TOMS Shoes


HAVE SEEN PEOPLE HITTING THE STREETS WHILE CURIOUSLY BAREFOOT. WHILE IT’S POSSIBLE THAT THEY FORGOT THEIR KICKS AS THEY RAN OUT THE DOOR THAT MORNING, ODDS ARE THEY WERE JUST A FEW OF THE QUARTER MILLION INDIVIDUALS HELPING TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF TOMS SHOES. Founded by Blake Mycoskie in May 2006, TOMS is a shoe company based on one simple idea: for every pair of shoes they sell, they give a pair to a child who has none. Inspired while on a trip to Argentina, Mycoskie took note of the tragic fact that most children in developing countries grow up barefoot, leaving them exposed to soil-born diseases; susceptible to cuts, sores and infections; and often excluded from educational opportunities. Just months later, Mycoskie returned to Argentina with family, friends and staff and put shoes on the feet of 10,000 Argentine children, courtesy of loyal TOMS customers. So was born TOMS Shoes.

Consumers too have championed the TOMS cause, as people across the U.S. have embraced the shoes as well as the mission, even finding ways to get involved beyond their initial purchases. In 2008, Friends of TOMS was founded as a nonprofit organization that connects volunteers with opportunities to participate in “shoe drops,” following Mycoskie’s lead of taking a hands-on approach in delivering the shoes. These drops are made as close to home as Louisiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Florida in the United States to distant nations such as Argentina, Guatemala, Haiti, Ethiopia, Uruguay, Rwanda and South Africa. As the footprints have proven, the movement is spreading, which brings us back to April 8, 2010—the third annual TOMS One Day Without Shoes. Intending to spread awareness not only of the brand but of the message behind it, TOMS created this day to draw special attention to the impact that shoes have on not only

our own lives, but also on those of children in need. With over 250,000 participants at 1,600 shoeless “events” that TOMS customers and fans created, the campaign certainly opened people’s eyes—and got them looking at their feet. Available on the company website as well as in many large- and up-scale retailers across the country such as Nieman Marcus, Nordstroms and even Whole Foods, TOMS Shoes are at anyone’s fingertips. And with a variety of styles and patterns for men, women and children, there is truly a TOMS shoe for everyone. Because of the vision behind TOMS Shoes as well as their loyal and caring customers, more than 600,000 needy and deserving children will no longer have to grow up without shoes on their feet. Each pair of TOMS bought and every TOMS shoe worn serves as a reminder of the vibrant future that awaits a child, and all it takes is a pair of shoes. For more information visit www.toms.com


Appropriately named the One for One movement, this business model intrinsically grounded in social action has inspired other companies to give back and show customers how powerful their purchases can be. Both Ralph Lauren and Element Skateboards have turned out co-branded TOMS Shoes, matching each pair sold to put shoes on the feet of children across the globe. Element, in fact, has even extended this One for One

policy to skateboards, providing children at the Indigo Skate Camp in Durban, South Africa with their first set of wheels.










Prodivision winners (L to R):

Paul Baxter, Mike Lambert, Brittany Hochevar, Brandon Taliefero & Casey Patterson

Smack Sportswear would like to thank all our sponsors and participants for making this such a special event! Congratulations to Team VB Superstore, winners of the first-ever Smackfest Pro 4’s division. See you all next year!



CRASH COURSE IN FOOD TRUCKS Written by Hillary McGranahan Photos provided by Hillary McGranahan

Check out these other great trucks! The Lime Truck | The Bun Truck Ta Bom Truck | Asian Cravings Truck | Ludo Truck

Want a crash course in Food Trucks?? Visit South Bay DDAGG- Din Din A Go Go! A gathering of food trucks every Thursday from 5-9 in the South Bay Find them on Twitter @SBDinDinAGoGo

Gravy Train gravytrainpoutinerie.com


dish that this truck proclaims is the perfect “drunk food,” Poutine is Americanized and perfected at the Gravy Train Poutinerie. This French Canadian dish is traditionally made of fries with cheese curds and gravy, which they prepare beautifully; however, the Gravy Train also creates other more innovative versions. For example, The All American includes all the normal fixings in addition to a sausage and fried egg, topped on a serving of tator tots instead of fries. They also serve a take on sliders, a philly cheesesteak, and fried cheese curds which were definitely a highlight and are more than worth the artery-clogging side effects. So, do yourself a favor and track down this truck ASAP! Rent it for your next Canada Day party, or just a Monday at the office. Treat yourself—you don’t need an excuse!

Vchos Truck Vchostruck.com


iscover this truck and its delicious Pupusas as soon as you can say Vchos! Pronounced Vee-chos, the company’s name is a slang word meaning “young people.” However, you don’t have to be young to enjoy this food. Described as “Gormet Central American Inspired Tapas,” this truck features a mouth-watering plate of Pupusas. In case you’re wondering, Pupusas are soft corn tortillas filled with cheese and other ingredients of your choice. The menu also includes shrimp and potato taquitos, sliders, chicken pastelitos, and a few specials each day. SWOOP tried the special ceviche, which had us ordering seconds—and thirds, too. Vchos knows how to cook fresh and flavorful food, and supplement their already great menu with new and exciting specials. Go in celebration of a Friday, rent it for your birthday, go for your summer break—just go!

Komodo Truck komodofood.com



his truck has become so popular that the owners have opened a brick and mortar cafe in West Los Angeles. SWOOP discovered what all the rage is about when we visited the Komodo Truck in El Segundo. Mindful of its unique ingredients and flavor combinations, Komodo describes its cuisine as “California with global influences.” The menu centers around six tacos or burritos. We tried four of them, and loved each one more than the previous. The most popular are the Original Komodo and the Fish n’ Grapes. The first includes Seared Top Sirloin lathered in a delicious Jalapeño Aioli, served with a Southwest Corn Salad. The second is filled with Deep-fried Alaskan Cod, and coupled with a Fresh Grape and Roasted Almond Salad. Is your mouth watering yet? It should be—both plates were out of this world! The meatballs and the truffle fries weren’t too bad either. This food is truly ground breaking. Swoop encourages you to find the truck or visit the cafe as soon as possible!



This food is truly ground breaking.

George’s Greek Truck georgesgreektruck.com


ooking for fresh, traditional, mouth-watering Greek food? Look no further! George’s Greek Truck is where it’s at. This menu mostly includes your favorite dishes such as Falafel, Hummus, Spanikopita, Gyros, etc. And we must say, all of these favorites exceeded our expectations. The hummus is fresh and rich in flavor. The gyro is, in all honesty, the best we’ve ever had. Each bite was a burst of delectable lamb and beef flavor, as well as the amazing tzatziki sauce that covered it. Double yum! George is also trying out the “slider” trend, going off their traditional menu and serving mini pitas filled with your choice of gyro meat, chicken, fish or falafel. SWOOP was one of the first to try this dish as it was just recently added to the menu; and, it did not disappoint. Order the traditional dishes at George’s Greek Truck—we promise you’ll keep going back for more.

Auntie’s Fry Bread auntiesfrybread.com


unique dish and truck has come to Southern California; and, it’s the only one on this side of the state. Fry bread is a traditional Native American flatbread dish topped with chili, or served as a dessert with honey and powdered sugar. Auntie’s serves both, as well as other versions that include BBQ beef, chicken, and veggie. The fry bread is handmade and made-to-order. The ingredients on top are fresh and tasty. The slow cooked BBQ beef was a favorite of ours, topped with a delicious coleslaw and special BBQ sauce that really brought the flavor together. Although the toppers were great, the actual fry bread is the delicious, fluffy base that makes this truck a keeper. Auntie’s Fry Bread: a truly one-of-a-kind truck that produces one-of-a-kind dishes!

The Grilled Cheese Truck thegrilledcheesetruck.com



et’s start by saying that this truck makes a grilled cheese with macaroni and cheese on it. And BBQ pork. And carmelized onions. And sharp cheddar. All on one grilled melt! Truly the most decadent and delicious dish on the menu, this is the original melt that started the Grilled Cheese Truck craze. Inspired at the Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational, the folks of The Grilled Cheese Truck realized that mass amounts of people need these gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches brought “to the streets,” every day. In addition to the original, they offer a melt with Havarti cheese, white wine braised chicken and artichoke pesto. Care for a Caprese salad? They’ve got a melt with that, too. These are not your typical grilled cheeses, but they’re just as delicious as the original. To complete the meal, this truck serves a hearty side of cooked-to-order tator tots topped with sea salt. Each sandwich blew us away—the flavor combinations were out of this world! Surprisingly, the sandwiches, although filling, were not greasy and heavy; rather, they were light and fluffy. Hands down, these are the best grilled cheeses we’ve ever had. And we’re sure they’ll be the best you’ve ever had, too.



Written by Sarah Nicole Valdez

Address 1320 Hermosa Ave. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Studio Restaurant and Lounge

Phone (310) 376 0414

Swoop is excited to introduce Studio: where Hollywood class meets the down-to-earth vibes of the beach. On July 3rd of this year, Studio made its debut to the crowds of Hermosa. Amid the myriad of beach bars that litter the Hermosa pier, Studio’s unique style shines. On any given night you’ll find an audience eagerly enjoying the electrifying performance of a live band, or feeling the insane bass of some notorious Las Vegas DJ. Plush couches and pillows align the walls of this intimate space, giving studio a chic ambiance otherwise found only in Hollywood. However, as “Hollywood” as Studio is, it retains the chill vibes of the beach—you’ll never find overpriced drinks or a bad attitude at Studio’s doors. Studio is a winning combination of Hollywood service and Hermosa Beach style. You’re sure to make this unique lounge/nightclub your “go-to” spot. And it’s no wonder since the club’s coowner, Berry Bly is infamous for launching the hottest nightclubs and events throughout the South Bay and Los Angeles.

drain your wallet, and drive all the way up to Hollywood to do it.” Studio’s top-quality services don’t end at the nightlife. Their dinner menu is mouth-watering, to say the least. This small, but excellent menu features a set of dishes that Bly refers to as “coastal cuisine.” Come into Studio for dinner and enjoy a delicious Melon Feta Salad, served with Arugula and Vanilla Bean vinaigrette. Feel like having seafood? Studio serves an exquisite plate of Mussels and Clams, topped with Spanish Ham, Garlic, and Shallots with wine and butter. The list of appetizing foods goes on, varying from gourmet Bacon Mac and Cheese, to the Studio Burger, and the Lamb Meatballs. Enjoy any of the delicious menu items while listening to the tunes of a dinner DJ playing cool cocktail music. The scene of classy couches amid a live DJ spinning at low volume gives the restaurant a loungy, sexy feel. At 10 pm the restaurant turns into a nightclub, so you can enjoy the entire night in one place. Eat, drink and dance the night away at the finest nightclub Hermosa Beach has to offer. Welcome to Studio. Hermosa nightlife will never be the same after you’ve experienced this.

A couple of years ago Bly decided to drop out of the nightclub scene so that he could focus on running big events. However, he couldn’t pass up a recent opportunity to help create the newest, hottest nightclub in Hermosa Beach. When asked why he decided to co-open Studio, Bly remarks:


“We wanted to bring something a little different— people get tired of the same old thing! There’s no place around here doing what we’re doing. We bring Hollywood to the beach, but without the attitude and without the prices. On the weekends we bring in the best Hollywood and Vegas DJ’s. On week days we have talented bands from a variety of musical genres perform. The talent that performs here is top-notch talent. Our dress code isn’t as strict as Hollywood. We are aware that we are at the beach; so, although we ask people to dress a little bit nicer, we stay relaxed and work with the local beach style. Basically, we wanted to bring in a Hollywood project where you can hear great bands, you can hear fantastic DJ’s and be in a place that’s a lot nicer than just a bar; and, you don’t have to get too dressed up,



Studio is a winning combination of Hollywood service and Hermosa Beach style. You’re sure to make this unique lounge/ nightclub your “go-to” spot.

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// S O U T H B A Y L O C A L



iji, Australia, Indonesia and Tahiti —these are just a few of the countries Alex Gray frequents in pursuit of beast-like swells that make normal people run the other way. Alex has a passion for chasing the world’s gnarliest waves; and it has led him to a life filled with indescribable experiences that most people can only dream of. Last year, Gray undertook some of the heaviest waves ever seen at Tavarua in Fiji and Teahupoo in Tahiti. Those historic “Code Red” swells have won him surf infamy and an array of accolades, including the Surfer Poll award for “Best Barrel” in 2011 and a nomination for Billabong’s XXL award. More recently, Alex joined the paddle crew that took on massive Jaws—a remote wave on Maui with so much size and velocity that most surfers only tow into it.

photos by TA L Y A J A C Q U E L I N E // J O S H H U M B E R T // BODY GLOVE

For Alex, surfing is more than just a profession; it’s an integral part of his soul. It comes as second nature for Alex to pay forward what he’s been given, through surfing. He often uses his status as a professional surfer to reach out to young kids. For example, in honor of his mentor, best friend and older brother, Alex founded the Chris Gray Memorial Foundation. The foundation assists adolescents in overcoming various life challenges. From his work with non-profit associations, to teaching kids suffering from cystic fibrosis how to surf, Gray is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through surfing. SWOOP met with this truly unique individual at the Riviera Mexican Grill in Redondo Beach. Over a plate of fish tacos and a pitcher of margarita, we spoke with Alex Gray about life.

However, even amid his world travels and magnificent life experiences, Alex Gray remains a genuine and compassionate South Bay local who loves spending quality time with family and friends at home. Born and raised in Palos Verdes, Alex has chosen to make the South Bay his home base after long months spent traveling around the globe. When he’s not charging the surf at some exotic location abroad, you can find him enjoying the local breaks he’s grown up with.





SWOOP: After doing some epic big wave surfing at exotic breaks around the world, how does it feel to come home to the shore breakers of Torrance Beach? Alex Gray: *laughs* I’ve never found a worse wave than Torrance Beach; but learning how to surf on these waves came to my advantage. Going to Hawaii at a young age really helped with the big wave stuff, but I started out as a kid surfing crappy little waves at Torrance. I don’t consider myself a “big wave surfer.” I’ve always considered surfing as just something that I love to do. I love to surf. So whether it’s two foot at Torrance Beach, or 60 foot in Tahiti, I get the same enjoyment out of either one. It is a little different though when there is the possibility of drowning during a big wave session; as opposed to going to sit on the beach, lie in the sun and enjoy a small swell at home. It’s just a different level of intensity. SWOOP: That’s great. We dig that you’re so connected to the South Bay. But you’re not just connected to the local surf; you also reach out to young kids around here. We hear that you frequently speak at high school assemblies in Palos Verdes?


AG: Yeah. My brother Chris was, and always will be the best brother that anyone could have. He taught me everything I know; and if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Eight years ago he passed away. After my brother’s passing, I felt a strong need to speak to kids because I was so baffled by the whole thing. I thought, “Wow, this is real. I don’t want anyone else to ever have to go through this.” So, I’ve spoken to almost every high school in Palos Verdes. I like telling a little bit about my story growing up, and I always encourage kids to 24


be themselves, pursue their passion and follow their dreams. Basically, my goal in speaking to these kids is to have some sort of positive impact on their lives. If I can save one life, or if there’s a kid out there struggling and I can be a positive role model for them, then that’s rad. I’ll die a happy man. I guess that’s just the simplicity of the whole thing. SWOOP: Wow. It’s admirable how you’ve taken such a negative experience, and have managed to move forward with it in a positive way. AG: I believe that everything happens for a reason; and if you can find the beauty in the downfalls, then I think you’ve conquered life. In any situation I believe it’s important to really face your problems, or learn from your mistakes, and move forward. And that’s all life is. Life is just constantly doing your best to move forward, stay positive and enjoy it. My brother’s death has had so many different impacts on my life; but, one major affect is the realization that your life can be taken at any moment. And the life I’m living right now is a joke! I pinch myself every time I wake up. I’m like, “Cool, my sponsor wants me to go to Fiji for two weeks? And that’s my job?!” *laughs* So, I like to give back I guess. I like to speak to kids, teach kids how to surf, contribute to foundations, or do whatever it is that will promote positivity and also promote people to want to surf. I guess that’s the best way for me to satisfy my ‘guilt’ of being a professional surfer. *laughs* SWOOP: So, it’s important for you to give back what you’ve been given? AG: Yeah, and you have to. Because I wouldn’t have become a professional surfer if someone didn’t teach me how to surf. So, I try my best to help out in

whatever way possible. To me, it’s just a part of the whole thing. SWOOP: Awesome. What else is a part of your life as a professional surfer? What does it take to manage surfing as a profession? AG: To be a professional athlete, especially with the social media aspect right now, you do have to put yourself out there. You have to constantly be relative to the media, and in people’s faces. Really, just going surfing doesn’t cut it. I mean, at the end of the day, if I wasn’t a professional surfer I would work as hard as I could to surf as much as I could. But, since I am given this opportunity, it is important to be in the right places at the right time, and to be smart with the decisions I make. Exposure is really important to my sponsors; and if it wasn’t for my sponsors, I wouldn’t be doing this. I wouldn’t have the money to do all this traveling! So, within that I am obligated to fulfill their expectations of excelling their brand. My sponsors use me and my name; and then on my part, I take the opportunities they give me and do as much as I can with it. SWOOP: Hence, the birth of Turkeymelt.com? AG: Yes! It’s nice for me to have a blog now [www.turkeymelt.com] because for a long time I’d come home and people would ask me, “how was your trip?!” And it’s so hard for me to put it into words! When you get to surf a swell that people look back on as a historical swell—the waves have never been that big before, it’s never been that good before, and you were there for it—it’s too hard to describe.







So that’s why I have Turkeymelt.com. I bring filmers on my ventures, make mini documentaries of what we’re doing and post them on my blog. It’s cool to come home and show my friends what I’ve done while I’m gone! I’m at a fun point in my life. And that’s what Turkeymelt is—it’s sharing part of this rad life that I’ve had the opportunity to live. SWOOP: Earlier you mentioned

that being “in the right place, at the right time” is a major aspect of your career. How do you make that happen? AG: Basically what I’m doing right now is tracking swell patterns and weather patterns on my computer. With the internet these days you can literally pinpoint swells down to the hour, and you can figure out exactly when the biggest wave of the day is supposed to come in. To do this, we use a lot of marine websites—the same stuff sailors use. Although, they’re probably looking at storms to avoid them; while we’re looking at those same storms to get right in the middle of them. So, being at the right place at the right time means learning how to read these weather models and hoping that everything works out as planned. It’s funny working with Mother Nature because the conditions are really up to her. Everything can be lined up perfectly, and then you show up and get skunked! There have been instances when I’ve spent thousands of dollars and have

travelled for days, only to arrive at a lake-like ocean. SWOOP: Have you experienced any major injuries throughout your storm chasing endeavors? AG: I’ve always had some sort of cut on me; in fact, I’ve definitely had over two hundred stitches. But, that’s all a part of it. We are literally going into a force of nature, tempting something that is completely beyond us and more powerful than anything we could ever imagine. Going into that, you have to realize that anything can happen. You can experience the best wave of your life, or you can fall onto the reef and get torn to pieces. You can break a bone, you can drown, you can die—all of that is part of it. But that aspect of it—knowing the danger involved in riding these waves—just enhances the fun of it for me. Surfing is unlike any other sport because it’s not on a court, and it’s not out on a field—it’s completely unpredictable and out of your hands. Mother Nature can reward you with the best feeling of your life; but, she can also instantly take it away from you. And typically those moments that are taken away from you are because you’re getting too cocky; you’re getting too comfortable, and you’re starting to really push it. But it’s cool, because to me those moments are just lessons that teach you your limits.

in to every session humbled, with your head down. To me, the ocean is a classroom. It’s a source of therapy, and entertainment. There are so many sides of the ocean; and it’s all out there! You don’t have to be a professional surfer to enjoy what I’m doing. You don’t have to surf huge waves to do that. SWOOP: Where do you see yourself in five years? AG: Where do I see myself in five years? Chip ‘n’ Dales. Male modeling is coming next. *laughs* No but really, in five years I honestly hope I’m still doing the same thing I am now. I hope to literally be sitting here, having another interview with you. I hope to get as many people surfing as possible, and to try to pass on everything that I’ve been given. I’ve been so lucky with the people that I’ve come across in my life. I’m so lucky to have had family support from the age of twelve years old, and to have had the support of friends and mentors. I’ve been so lucky to grow up in this community; I think it’s the greatest place on earth. So yeah, I hope to get more people in the South Bay surfing.

They are lessons that teach you to be respectful and to go




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Written by Will Hocker

Chicken Maisón “SAVOR THE REAL FLAVORS OF THE ENTIRE MEDITERRANEAN COAST WITH GREEK, LEBANESE, FRENCH ANF ITALIAN INFLUENCES” When my food arrived, it was so colorful and visually appetizing; it reminded me that we really “start eating with our eyes.” Then when I bit into the Spicy-Lemon Garlic Chicken Maisón Healthy Mediterranean Cuisine lives up to

Chicken I discovered the juiciest, most flavorful chicken

its name by serving the healthiest and most delicious

I have ever tasted. Their garlic sauce, made with potatoes

Mediterranean food in the South Bay. It’s the perfect

instead of sour cream, was delicious on their fresh pita

place for everyone wanting to eat extremely fresh and well

bread. The fresh hummus was light and tasty; and the

prepared meals that are good for their bodies, watches,

falafel was soft on the inside and crispy on the outside

and wallets all at the same time. Whether you’re a busy

-exactly like they are supposed to be! Their specialty



mint iced tea is so refreshing it helps you make room for

quickly feed your kids, a health conscious individual, or

Mario’s fabulous baklava. Chicken Maisón’s portions are

a party planner, you will never have to sacrifice quality

so large, that I have a hard time finishing all the food.

for a reasonably priced meal at Chicken Maisón. The family

Since I didn’t want to waste a single bite, I ate enough

owned and operated restaurant always lives up to high

food to last me the entire day. However, I did not get

standards at each one of their locations in Torrance,

that greasy or sluggish feeling I often get after eating

Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills, Gardena, and Santa Ana.

at other places.

When founder Mario Karame opened the first location in

My meal did exactly what Mario Karame envisioned when he

Torrance seven years ago, he wanted his customers to share

started Chicken Maisón - it gave my heart what it deserved.

his family’s love for delicious homemade food and to savor

So give your heart what it deserves – and your palate,

the real flavors of the entire Mediterranean coast with

body, watch, and wallet too –

Greek, Lebanese, French, and Italian influences. Yet with

fresh, healthy, delicious, and distinctive meal at any of

his expertise in creating all of these wonderful tastes,

the five Chicken Maisón Healthy Mediterranean Cuisines in

healthy California cuisine was his inspiration to combine

the South Bay.







by treating yourself to a

them all, and create distinctive, skillfully prepared food with a focus on Mediterranean style. Since 2005, Mario and sons Sam, Ramsey, Tarek and Omar have only used all natural, fresh ingredients in everything they make. Their chicken is naturally fed, and the vegetables are always purchased locally. They boil 100 pounds of garbanzo beans every single day to combine with fresh squeezed lemon juice, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil creating the tastiest hummus around. There is not a single freezer or a microwave in any of Chicken Maisón’s five locations. Every dish is prepared fresh using recipes created by Mario Karame himself. The first time I visited Chicken Maisón, I was amazed by every aspect of my experience. I was greeted with smiles from uniformed staff members who were polite, competent, and








describe items, assist in menu selections, and graciously made requested adjustments to menu items. I was impressed with the restaurant facilities, pleasant décor, and family feeling. They even knew by name the many customers who eat

“. . . serving the healthiest and most delicious Mediterranean food in the South Bay.”

there every day, using Chicken Maisón’s menu to help them lose weight and improve their health.

REDONDO BEACH 2709 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-725-0035

GARDENA 15900 Crenshaw Blvd. Gardena, CA 90249 310-327-7373

ROLLING HILLS ESTATES 50 Peninsula Ctr. Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 310-327-7373


TORRANCE 3901 Pacific Coast Hwy. Ste D. Torrance, CA 90505 310-465-1050

SANTA ANA 3332 S. Bristol St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 714-434-0244 SWOOPMAGAZINE.COM



by MONICA FAY photos courtesy of TIM FERRIS


// THE 4-HOUR BODY HAS TAKEN THE WORLD BY STORM, LANDING ON MULTIPLE BESTSELLER LISTS. AUTHOR TIMOTHY FERRISS, WHO ALSO PENNED THE MONUMENTAL HIT THE 4-HOUR WORKWEEK, SAT DOWN WITH SWOOP TO DISCUSS HIS NEW PAGES. // an anyone express what it is like to speak with their idol? I only care about five celebrities in this world and three of them are Timothy Ferriss! I had been structuring questions for weeks, but none of them seemed strong enough, compelling enough, or original enough. All I wanted to do was yell, “I LOVE YOU!” and who knows, possibly swing a date. Too much?


Tim s Ferris 30


Ever so polite and extremely articulate, Tim catered to my awkward, and sometimes backward questions by filling in perfect responses. The 4-Hour Body, ‘An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex, And Becoming Super Human’, delivers with a smack-down. The 4-Hour Body is slightly more than a decade long quest of hundreds and thousands of tests related to everything from fat loss, ultra endurance, sleep, and sex, in order to determine, with the help of scientists and doctors, what actually works. The book itself is a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the smallest changes that we showed to produce the biggest results,” explains Tim. The 4-Hour Body is not just a spout of advice from a nutritionist or a random fitness video vixen. Tim spent years testing everything you will read in the book on his very own body. Everything he speaks about, he has gone through himself, trimming the fat (no pun intended) to deliver the most condensed yet complication-free plan of action. I am living proof that The 4-Hour Body works. Since January 2011,

I’ve lost over 40 lbs. using the Slow Carb Diet (which I renamed the Slow Carb Plan because I think diet is a negative word). Combining this with a concept called the Minimum Effective Dose (MED) of several simple exercises Tim suggests, I lost not only pounds but inches as well! If I lose any more weight, I might begin to look like a bobble head! Timothy Ferriss’ method is not just about dieting; he recommends users choose the chapters which apply to them. Regardless of the section you choose, bigger, thinner, faster, stronger, mastering the female orgasm or tripling sperm count, measured results from his instructions are eye-popping. The 4-Hour Body simplifies the over complicated world of diet and exercise, including our tendency to separate men from women. “Men and women certainly have differences, but the differences don’t usually require different approaches, if that makes sense, just like you have people of different heights, different weights, different body fat percentage. Generally, you’re training for the same outcome so you’re not going to base your program on your current condition, but your target. I think that in the world of exercise and diet, and perhaps this is the most important point, the business models complicate the process. If something isn’t complicated, if something isn’t new, then it can’t be sold as a product or as a magazine, and for that reason people become very confused because there’s always something new. In reality, the best approaches for men should




Combination pizza w/ pepperoni, green peppers, onions & mushrooms 443 cal. // Protein powder 100 cal. // 3 large eggs w/ spinach & olive oil 354 cal. // 3 assorted pastries (chocolate chip, blueberry) 780 cal. // Breaded / fried peanut butter, jelly & marshmallow sandwich 870 cal. // Belgian blonde beer 170 cal. // 2 oversized whole wheat pancakes w/ blueberries, syrup & butter 1,076 cal. // Prosciutto, mozzarella, & pesto crepe w/ sweet potato fries 750 cal. // Red ale beer 176 cal. // Assorted goat cheese w/ fig spread & gluten-free crackers 541 cal. // 1/3 cup of lentils 80 cal. // Mini slider w/ arugula & cheese 240 cal. // Hot chocolate w/ whipped cream 360 cal.

The best part about Tim Ferriss’ Slow Carb diet is the mandatory weekly “cheat day” where there are no limits on this day of overfeeding. We followed one man on his cheat day that consisted of an estimated 5,940 calories of well-deserved pleasure. itself and you don’t need the latest and greatest bullshit exercise,” explains Tim. Some of my favorite sections include Perfecting Sleep, which takes you from sleeping an eight hour night to fully functioning on a two hour-per-night sleep schedule, Ultra-Endurance, which can take you from a 5K to a 50K in a matter of weeks, and OF COURSE ... The 15 Minute Orgasm... which speaks for itself. Wondering how he got test subjects to ensure quality results of orgasmic proportions? Well, you’ll just have to crack it open and find out. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out The 4-Hour Body. You’ll see a difference in the performance of your marathon, an increase in your powerlifting, a boost in your energy levels, a decrease in your body fat percentage, and cheat your way through normal sleep patterns! 4 Hours is 4 Hours... challenge his words, I dare you! Timothy Ferriss has already taken every idea of the work world and spun it until it was unrecognizable, and now he has done it with the human body.

Tim... are you offering a ‘4-Hour Make out anytime soon?




almost always be the best approaches for women and vice versa. This is why I included the photo of Marilyn Monroe doing bench presses in the sidebar. It was a hard photograph to get permission to use, but I wanted to include it because I think that men have certainly been confused and brainwashed as it relates to exercise, but women have been even more brainwashed and it’s unfortunate, so I’m trying to simplify that.” “I just feel like there are thousands of classes and machines targeting women,” I told him. “It seems that people want to over-complicate. Nobody wants to hear it’s that simple,” I interjected. “I agree. It can be very simple. You follow the right diet and do squats and one type of upper body movement and you’re done. And really, in many cases, it is simple as that!” “I think part of the reason people want to over-complicate is because they try to keep the exercise interesting. They want something new that nobody else is doing. But if you’re tracking your results and, lets say, just looking at circumference measurements or body fat percentage, or just tracking the weights and repetitions, well, that type of feedback becomes fun and fascinating by




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WRITTEN BY SARAH NICOLE VALDEZ The Beach Boys knew it. So does Katy Perry. California’s where it’s at, especially when it comes to the girls. Meet our favorite fun-loving, Southern California sweetheart: Grace Bene. She approaches life with a positive attitude and a good amount of laughter; and, on the weekends, you can find her hanging out at the beach with her friends. From tanning on the sand to playing in the white wash, Grace knows how to soak up the sun’s rays and enjoy the beach to its fullest.



apparel/retail boutique model/grace bene photos by Natalie Young Wardrobe Stylist - Stephanie Powers Makeup - Kassandra Karr Produced by Stacy Anderson


However, Grace is more than just a beach bunny. She is an intelligent and driven young woman who loves to stay active. When she’s not swimming, hiking outside or working out at her local gym, Grace busily attends to a full schedule of castings and photo shoots. As a young girl, Grace admired the models in the pages of the magazines she read. Since then it has been her lifelong dream to become one of those models. Now, she’s making that dream come true; and, there’s nothing that can get in her way. Grace has the world at her feet and a passion for life that will carry her anywhere. Add that special California flair to the mix, and you’ve got an unstoppable woman. She’s fine. She’s fresh. She’s fierce. She’s Grace Bene. Age: 22 years old Hometown: Pasadena, CA Height: 5’9’’ How does it feel to be a SWOOP Girl?

It feels great! I love everything Swoop represents; it’s an honor to be a SWOOP Girl.

What is your favorite thing about living in Southern California?

There are so many things I love about living in Southern California! One of my favorite things is the beach. I love swimming in the ocean and tanning on the beach. It’s great how many amazing beaches Southern California has. I also love the laid-back vibe of Southern California and, of course, the beautiful weather. I feel very lucky to have lived here my whole life—I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to do fun things with my boyfriend, friends, and family. I enjoy being active and working out, either in the gym or outside on a hike. I also enjoy modeling, cooking, baking, and watching movies.

What would be your absolute perfect day?


My absolute perfect day would include waking up on a beautiful day, eating a delicious breakfast, and then going outside for a hike. I would then get a relaxing massage and go to the beach. I would finish my day off with watching the sunset on the beach while eating a yummy dinner. Of course, my perfect day would be filled with a ton of good energy and laughter!



Who is the best band of all time?

In my opinion, the best band of all time is Radiohead. I never get sick of their music. They were definitely one of my favorite acts at Coachella this year.

If you could meet one person from history, who would it be and why?

If I could meet one person from history, I would like to meet Salvador Dali. I have always found his art work to be very intriguing and unique. He seems like he would be someone very interesting and entertaining to talk to.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is a quote my dad likes to tell me, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

What is your most embarrassing moment?

I don’t really get embarrassed too often. But my most embarrassing moment would probably have to be when I slipped on a flight of stairs in front of a ton of people and the laundry I was holding flew everywhere.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In 5 years I see myself graduated from college and working hard at whatever career I choose. I see myself very happy, living somewhere in Southern California. I also see myself having traveled more and learned more.

What ignited your interest in modeling?

Even as a little girl, I remember being fascinated by the models in magazines. Now, I love looking at photos of models and reading about them.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

One thing a lot of people don’t know about me is that I wear glasses.

What (or who) inspires you?

My dad and mom inspire me because they are the sweetest and most loving people I know. They have given me all the tools I need to succeed. They are the best parents a daughter could ask for!

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars


































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Written by Sarah Nicole Valdez Photo Courtesy of givebones

According to the ASPCA, there are approximately 7 million companion animals that enter shelters in the United States and of those 3-4 million are euthanized every year. The World Health Organization estimates there are more than 200 million stray dogs worldwide.Numbers like these are the reason Givebones was founded, Having witnessed the widespread problem firsthand in Nicaragua we’ve made it our mission to give homeless and abused dogs the life they deserve. To do this, we partner with various shelters and organizations such as the spcaLA who provide both educational and hands-on programs aimed at solving this epidemic... Our mission at Givebones is to provide awareness and financial support for adoption programs, health care, spaying & neutering and humane education. Givebones is dedicated to reducing the amount of homeless and abused dogs being euthanized every year. Just as your dog proudly wears its new collar, you too can join the movement. Show your support by wearing the matching Givebones wristband that is included with the purchase of your dog’s collar. By forming this connection, you and your dog now stand united to help give every dog the life they deserve!




S: So, the first question we have is, what is Give Bones?

B: givebones is a give-back company for dogs! With every collar sold, we are giving 10%

of sales to shelters and dog organizations to help give every dog the life they deserve : )

S: Where did the idea come from?

B: The idea started as a result of 2 things: the first was reading a book called “Start Something That Matters”, which was written by Blake Mycoskie (founder of TOMS Shoes). The second was a trip that my fiance (who works for TOMS Shoes) took to Nicaragua, where he noticed the horrible problem with stray/starving dogs...one dog in particular, whose name was “Bones”. I had read the book, which inspires you to follow the TOMS example and start something that you really care about. Having always been a dog-lover, this was something that I have passion for and wanted to try and make a difference. S: Have you always been a dog lover? B: Yes. I love them!

S: Was meeting Bones the first experience that inspired you to take action?

B: It was the picture of Bones that I say, coupled with reading “Start Something That Matters”. S: What in your life experience has encouraged you to focus primarily on abused and stray dogs?

B: I just love dogs and it really breaks my heart to know that there are so many who don’t get the love and attention they deserve. S: With abused and stray dogs being such a demanding and common issue, have there been any compelling stories that have encouraged your efforts?

B: Sadly, there are a lot of compelling stories about abused and stray dogs. What I think has been so great about givebones is the number of people who have written in stories about their own give-back efforts and those dogs


that they’ve rescued themselves. Every little bit does help :)



S: Have you thought about donating money to any postal carrier? B: Ha...we should : ) S: Have you had any success so far in reducing the amount of euthanized dogs every year? B: We’ve just launched, so I don’t have any numbers for you yet! Please ask me again in a few months and I hope to have a REALLY good answer for you!! S: Seeing that your program encourages a broad spectrum of volunteers, have you noticed higher rates of student involvement in spreading awareness? B: Yes, with many organizations. TOMS (who has set such a great example) has so many students eager to be a part of such a great organization and truly help worldwide. Knowing that dogs touch so many people, I’d hope that givebones can do the same. S: Where did the idea of the collar and bracelets as your main products spring from? B: Do you remember how Livestrong bracelets (and now so many out there) have given people the chance to show their supports? Well, I thought it would be cool for dogs to have the opportunity to do the same! We designed the collar with the rubber “givebones” tag to match the wristband. By doing this, we are connecting the dog to the owner and ultimately allowing them to give their dog a voice to help save dogs’ lives! S: Which shelters and organizations does Give Bones currently fund? B: Our first giving partner is the spcaLA S: Where do you buy the collars? B: You can buy them online at www.givebones.com S: Whats your ultimate goal with the company? b: I want givebones to be the give-back company for dogs, that continues to provide funding to dog organizations nationwide and will ultimately help give every dog the life they deserve.




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