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Provenance: G de Menasce Collection, Spink & Son, London. G de Menasce Collection Sale, item Baron Georges Ferdinand Joseph Behar de Menasce OBE (1890-1967), whose collection was sold by Spinks in 1971-1972: ‘Catalogue of the Collection of Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art formed by the late G de Menace OBE’, Spink, 10 May-26 May 1972.
Lot 55 A large Chinese porcelain tureen and cover, late Qing dynasty, in the form of a goose, the feathers moulded in relief covered with polychrome enamels, 35cm high 38.5cm long (2) £500 - 800 清晚期 仿生瓷鸭形盖碗
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Lot 56 A large Chinese porcelain tureen and cover, late Qing dynasty, in the form of a goose, the feathers moulded in relief covered with polychrome enamels, 37cm high 40cm long (2) £600 - 800 清晚期 仿生瓷鸭形盖碗
Lot 57 A pair of Chinese famille rose vases, Guangxu (1875-1908), each pear-shaped body rising from a circular foot to a flared rim, painted with birds and flowers by a fruiting pomegranate tree, the handles applied with pomegranates, 61cm high (2) £600 - 800 清光绪 粉彩花鸟图瓶 一对
Lot 58 A Chinese doucai vase, late Qing dynasty, of ovoid form with mask and ring handles, painted with scrolling lotus between ribbed bands, the neck with upright petal lappets, six-character Qianlong mark to base, 12cm high £1,000 - 1,500 清晚期 斗彩缠枝莲纹铺首耳尊 《大清乾隆年制》青花篆书款
Lot 59 A Chinese green-enamelled plate, Guangxu (1875-1908), the rounded sides rising from a circular foot to a flared rim, painted with dragons chasing flaming pearls against incised waves, 18.5cm diameter £1,500 - 2,000 清光绪 绿彩龙纹盘 《大清光绪年制》青花楷书款
Lot 60 A Chinese wucai jar, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), of tapering form with a rounded shoulder rising to a short neck with lipped rim, painted with carp among weeds in a lotus pond, six-character Jiajing mark to base, 23cm diameter £1,500 - 2,000 清 五彩荷塘鱼藻纹罐 《大明嘉靖年制》青花楷书款
Lot 61 A Chinese doucai vase, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), of baluster form, painted with dragons among waves and clouds, between scrolling lotus and petal lappet borders, six-character Qianlong mark, 46.5cm high £3,000 - 4,000 清 斗彩云龙纹瓶 《大清乾隆年制》青花篆书款
Lot 62 A Chinese wucai vase, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), of rouleau form, painted with literati in a landscape or birds and flowers in shaped panels, against a powder-blue ground, 80cm high £10,000 - 15,000 清 五彩开光花鸟图棒槌瓶
Lot 63 A Chinese blue and white jar, of globular form, painted with bamboo and narcissus by prunus and pine, six-character Guangxu mark, 24cm diameter £100 - 150 青花岁寒三友图罐 《大清光绪年制》青花楷书款
Lot 64 A pair of Chinese ruby-enamelled tea bowls, each steep rounded side rising from a circular foot, the exterior covered overall with a lustrous enamel of vibrant ruby-pink tone, six-character Yongzheng mark, 9cm diameter (2) £100 - 150 胭脂水釉茶碗 《大清雍正年制》青花楷书款 一对
Lot 65 A Chinese sang-de-boeuf water pot, Republic period (1912-1949), of compressed globular form with rounded sides rising from a concave base, to an incurved mouth recessed into the shoulder, applied overall with a rich strawberry-red glaze, six-character Kangxi mark, 8.5cm diameter £150 - 250 民国 红釉苹果尊 《大清康熙年制》青花楷书款 66
Lot 66 A Chinese famille rose vase, Republic period (1912-1949), of square form, painted with landscapes with inscriptions in rectangular panels, enclosed by scrolling florets against a ruby sgraffito ground, four-character Qianlong mark, 19.5cm high £200 - 300 民国 胭脂红地粉彩轧道开光山水诗题图四方瓶 《乾隆年制》楷书蓝 料款
Lot 67 An unusual Chinese engraved teapot and cover, Republic period (1912-1949), of globular form, diamond-engraved and black-filled with a literatus seated under a pine tree by a fence, with an attendant to his side, dated year of dingwei, the reverse inscribed with a dedication, 13cm long (2) £200 - 300 民国 刻瓷胎高士图茶壶
Lot 68 A Chinese wucai bowl, 20th century, the rounded sides rising from a tapering circular foot to a flared rim, painted with dragons and phoenixes among scrolling florets, six-character Kangxi mark to base, 15.1cm diameter £200 - 250 二十世纪 五彩龙凤穿花纹碗 《大清康熙年制》青花楷书款