Southwest School of Art Reopening Guide

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❖ Guiding Principles …….…………………………………………………………………………….3 ❖ Reopening Phases .………………………………………………………………………………….4 ❖ COVID-19 Scenarios At-A-Glance …………………………………………………………….5 ❖ Decision Triggers for Discussion of Closure or Partial Closure .…………………6 ❖ Health and Safety Guidance .…………………………………………………………………..7 o o

o o o ❖

Symptom Monitoring ….………………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Personal Safety Practices ………………………………………………………………………………………………8 ▪ Face masks & coverings …………………………………………………………………………………….8 ▪ Social distancing ……………….…….………………………………………………………………………10 ▪ Handwashing ………………….………………………………………………………………………………10 ▪ Coughing/Sneezing hygiene …….……………………..………………………………………………10 ▪ Maintaining Good Health ….……………………………………………………………………………10 What to do if you are exposed to COVID-19…………………………………………………………………11 SSA Contact Tracing ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…11 Mental and Emotional Wellbeing ……………………………………..…………………………………………11

Returning to Campus ……………………………………………………………………………13 o

Campus Expectations and Guidelines for Employees Returning to Campus …………………13 ▪ Staggered Staffing ………………………………………………….………………………………………13 ▪ Staffing Options ……………………………………………………………………………………………..13 • Remote Work …………………………………………………………………………………….13 • Alternating Days …………………………………………………………………………………13 • Staggered Reporting/Departing ………………………………………………………….14 o Campus Expectations and Guidelines for Students Returning to Campus …………………….14 ▪ Students on Campus ……………………………………………………………………………………….14 o Entrance and Exit Control ………………………………………………….…………………………………………14 ▪ Daily Health Screening ……………………………………..……………………………………….……14 ▪ Building Access ………………..……………………………………………..………………………………15 ▪ Disinfection and Cleaning …….…………………………………………………………………………15 ▪ Signage and Posters …………………………..……………………………………………………………15 o Guidance for Specific Campus Scenarios ……………………………………………………………………16 ▪ Public Transportation ……………………………………………………………………………………..16 ▪ Working in the Office/Studios …………………………………………………………….………….16 ▪ Using Restrooms ……………………………………………………………………….……………………16 ▪ Using Elevators ……………………………………………………………………………………………….16 ▪ Meetings ……………..………………………………………………………………………………………….16 ▪ Meals …………..……………………….………………………………………………………………………..17 ▪ Class Guidelines ………………….………………………………………………………………………….17 ▪ Lounges ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………………17 o Program Specific Guidelines ……………………………………………………………………………………….18 ▪ Bachelor of Fine Arts Program …….…….……………………………………………………………18 ▪ Adult Community Program ……….……….…………………………………………………………..20 ▪ Young Artists Program ……….…….………………………………………………………………….…22 ▪ Venue Rental Guidelines …….…….…………………………………………………………………...24 2|Page Updated: 8/12/2020

Southwest School of Art is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for all employees and students in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our employees and students direct the ongoing review and adaptation of these guidelines for reopening the campus. Southwest School of Art reserves the right to increase or decrease these requirements at any time based on medical necessity or other factors. Southwest School of Art has established a COVID-19 Reopening Task Force to monitor conditions, respond to concerns and communicate SSA decisions. The goal for Southwest School of Art’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is to protect employees and students while continuing the SSA mission to teach and advance the visual arts for the benefit of students seeking higher education and for others seeking education and enrichment. Southwest School of Art will continue to follow local and state orders and the recommendations of health advisors to protect our community. Our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continue to evolve and these guidelines and plans will be updated and adapted as more information becomes available.

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Until further notice, Southwest School of Art is in Phase 1 of Reopening the Campus.

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Decision Triggers A combination of community and campus criteria might lead to further campus restrictions, partial closure, or full closure.

Community Criteria ❖ Significant government action ❖ Inability for city to do sufficient testing due to supply chain issues ❖ Significant and sustained increases in hospital admissions

Campus Criteria ❖ Significant increases in the percentage of positive symptomatic cases or positive surveillance tests. Overall rate, sustained day-over-day increases ❖ Student or employee COVID-19 infection or exposure is determined after direct contact with others on campus. ❖ Excessive employee/student absenteeism due to COVID-19 ❖ Personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages impacting ability to care for COVID-19 ❖ Campus clusters overwhelm our ability to test, trace and isolate ❖ COVID-19 related fatalities within the SSA community

Possible Actions ❖ Advanced or heightened social distancing, environmental cleaning ❖ Classes are suspended for a duration (either short or long term) with accompanying building closures to clean/disinfect/contact trace in consultation with local health officials. ❖ On-campus closure; full transition to remote learning

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Symptom Monitoring Employees and students are expected to conduct symptom monitoring every day before reporting to campus. You must be free of ANY symptoms potentially related to COVID-19. Currently, these symptoms include one or more of the following: ❖ Cough ❖ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ❖ Fever ❖ Chills ❖ Repeated shaking with chills ❖ Runny nose or new sinus congestion

Muscle pain Headache Sore throat Fatigue New GI symptoms ❖ New loss of taste or smell ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Please complete the COVID-19 self-reporting web form found on the SSA website (employees should also contact their supervisor), if you have: ❖ The above symptoms, AND ❖ Have been in close contact with an individual that is confirmed positive for COVID-19; AND/OR ❖ Traveled to a high-risk location that has multiple community-transmitted confirmed cases

If you are completing the self-reporting form due to one of the reasons above: ❖ Do not go to campus ❖ Self-isolate (quarantine)

You should self-isolate until cleared by a physician to return to work/class. According to the CDC, individuals with certain conditions may have a higher risk for COVID-19 infection. These conditions may include: Older adults (aged 65 years and older) People with HIV Asthma (moderate-to-severe) Chronic lung disease Diabetes Serious heart conditions Chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis Severe obesity ❖ Being immunocompromised ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Staff members whose health condition falls within one of the CDC High Risk Categories or are pregnant may seek a Temporary COVID-19 Workplace Adjustment by contacting Heather Vacek, Vice President for Finance and Administration at Students may contact Mary-Sol Salinas, Student Services Director at to discuss possible accommodations due to at-risk conditions.

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Personal Safety Practices Face masks & coverings Face masks or coverings are critical to minimizing risks to others and must be worn by any person on campus when in the presence of others and in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., common work spaces, meeting rooms, studios, etc.). Additionally, the number of unmasked individuals eating or drinking in common areas should be limited to the number that can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each person. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The mask or cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing. Disposable masks will be provided for faculty and staff by SSA, if needed. Disposable masks may only be worn for one day and then must be placed in the trash. Students are expected to bring their own masks. You may also wear a cloth face covering, which will help SSA reduce the need to purchase additional masks, which are in short supply. The fabric design or pattern for cloth face coverings should be appropriate for the workplace. Cloth face coverings must only be worn for one day at a time and must be laundered before use again. Having a week supply of cloth face coverings can help reduce the need for daily laundering.

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Personal Safety Practices (continued) Social Distancing Keeping space between you and others, along with the use of face coverings, is one of the best tools to avoid being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and slowing its spread. Since people can spread the virus before they know they are sick, it is important to stay away from others when possible, even if you have no symptoms. Social distancing is important for everyone, especially to help protect those at higher risk of getting very sick. Staff and students on-site must follow these social distancing practices: ❖ Always stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people ❖ Do not gather in groups of 10 or more ❖ Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings on or off campus

Handwashing All employees and students will be expected to wash their hands upon entering a building/class/studio and before leaving the building/class/studio for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Everyone is encouraged to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or touching your face. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene If you are in a private setting and do not have on your cloth face covering, remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Then throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol.

Maintaining Good Health All members of the SSA community are encouraged to maintain regular checkups with their primary physician and take proactive steps to maintain their overall health and well-being, including routine healthcare, regular exercise, healthy diet, and nutritional supplementation as directed by their health care provider.

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What to do if you are exposed to COVID-19 If you discover that you have been exposed to COVID-19 through close contact with an infected person, stay home and report the exposure by completing the self-reporting web form found on the SSA website (employees should also contact their supervisor). Close contact is defined as: • • • • •

You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19 You had direct physical contact with the person (touched, hugged, or kissed them) You shared eating or drinking utensils They sneezed, coughed, or otherwise got respiratory droplets on you

If you are completing the self-reporting web form due to exposure: ❖ Do not go to campus ❖ Stay home and monitor your health o Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19 o Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19 o If possible, stay away from others.

Even if you test negative for COVID-19 or feel healthy, you should stay home (quarantine) since symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

Contact Tracing To slow the spread of COVID-19 and to help keep our community safe, it is important that all employees report symptoms and testing regardless of test results by completing the self-reporting web form found on the SSA website as soon as possible. Submitting the form will initiate protocol for administrators to contact the impacted individuals, provide health and leave guidance, and perform important contact tracing.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Employees Employees with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBSTX) health insurance can access MD Live. MDLIVE doctors or therapists can help treat the following conditions and more: General Health • Allergies • Asthma • Nausea • Sinus infections

Pediatric Care • Cold/flu • Ear problems • Pinkeye

Behavioral Health • Anxiety/depression • Child behavior/learning issues • Marriage problems

MDLive for virtual visits with doctors, licensed psychiatrists and licensed counselors is available by calling MDLIVE (888-680-8646). 11 | P a g e Updated: 8/12/2020

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Employees (continued) For those employees with BCBSTX health insurance, mental and behavioral health services may also be available on your plan. Employees are encouraged to refer to the BCBSTX website for services covered under their plan and for a listing of in-network providers. All fulltime employees are also eligible to use Mutual of Omaha’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mutual of Omaha’s EAP assists employees and their eligible dependents with personal or job-related concerns, including: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Emotional Well-Being Family and Relationships Legal and Financial Healthy Lifestyles Work and Life Transitions

Visit or call 800-316-2796 for confidential consultation and resource services.

BFA Students Southwest School of Art offers free counseling services to all students registered in the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program. Monica Solis-Hoefl, MS, LPC-S is available by appointment. Contact

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Campus Expectations and Guidelines for Employees Returning to Campus All employees (faculty and staff) are expected to fully comply with the guidelines in this document as part of Southwest School of Art’s Expectations and Guidelines. Re-opening campus is dependent upon strict adherence to these guidelines. It is everyone’s responsibility to also take off-campus safety precautions, to ensure SSA’s ability to remain open. Failure to follow on-campus guidelines may result in corrective action as outlined in the Administrative Policy manual up to and including termination.

Staggered Staffing The need to limit the number of people on campus to meet social distancing requirements is expected to continue for some time. During Phase 2 of SSA Reopening, staff will return to the office in a coordinated process to ensure appropriate social distancing and availability of PPE (personal protective equipment) while adhering to local orders and recommendations. Southwest School of Art will assess expanded staffing based on the ability to control and manage specific work environments and the necessity to access on-site resources to maintain operations. These decisions, once approved, will be communicated through your supervisor. Once decisions to expand on-site staffing have been made, staff should follow the guidelines detailed in this document for returning to work on campus. Expanded staffing will be tightly controlled and coordinated to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of all employees, students, and the greater community.

Staffing Options Once Phase 2 is in effect and employees have been instructed to return to work on campus, there are several options departments should consider to maintain required social distancing measures and reduce the number of people within buildings, studios, and workspaces. Remote Work: Those whose positions accommodate remote work should contact their supervisor for guidance on flexible work arrangements and teleworking options. These arrangements must be approved by your supervisor and/or vice president and may be done on a full or partial day/week schedule as appropriate. Alternating Days: To limit the number of individuals and interactions among those on campus, staff will be divided into two groups, Group A and Group B, please consult with your Vice-President to determine your group. ❖ Group A will report to work on campus Mondays and Wednesdays. ❖ Group B will report to work on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays. ❖ Fridays will be reserved for essential business only with all other staff working from home. Such schedules will help enable social distancing, especially in areas with large common workspaces.

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Staggered Reporting/Departing: The beginning/end of the workday typically bring many people together at common entry/exit points of buildings. Staggering arrival/departure times will reduce traffic in common areas to meet social distancing requirements. Consult your supervisor for details.

Campus Expectations and Guidelines for Students Returning to Campus All students are expected to fully comply with the guidelines in this document as part of Southwest School of Art’s Expectations and Guidelines. Re-opening campus is dependent upon strict adherence to these guidelines. It is everyone’s responsibility to also take off-campus safety precautions, to ensure SSA’s ability to continue face-to-face studio classes. Failure to do so may result in the inability to continue on-site studio classes and corrective action as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Students on Campus Access to campus by students is limited to those currently enrolled in the limited number of on-campus classes. Students are asked to bring their own masks or face coverings which must be worn at all times on campus. All students must undergo health screening daily for access to any SSA facility (see Daily Health Screening). Students should only be on campus during studio classes or when previously arranged with faculty and Campus Safety. Students are asked not to loiter on campus and open studio access will be limited to prearranged appointments. Lounges will be closed, however, students with gaps between classes that do not allow ample time to travel home between classes or in time to begin an online class, may use the computer lab as a remote classroom.

Entrance and Exit Control Daily Health Screening All employees and students must be screened before entering their building. Students should be instructed to arrive 30 minutes before class to allow adequate time for screening prior to reporting to class. All individuals (faculty, staff, students, and visitors) will be issued a daily wristband after screening to indicate the individual has been screened. Everyone is responsible for reminding those without a wristband that screening is required daily. Screening is only required once per day even if individuals leave and return to campus, though leaving and returning should be minimized. Details for the location and process of daily screening will be distributed to students, faculty, and staff prior to the start of their class/work term.

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Building Access Entry to buildings will be regulated and monitored. Your key or entrance code is required for entry to all buildings, and you may not hold or prop open exterior doors for any other person. Departments should identify usable building access points and coordinate arrival and departure times of staff to reduce congestion during typical “rush hours” of the business day. Staff arrival and departures should be scheduled in 30-minute increments to reduce personal interactions at building access points, hallways, stairs/elevators, etc. The Urschel Administration Building, Ceramics Building, 1123 Building and McNutt Welcome Center will remain locked with access by key only. The Santikos Building will only have access through the rear entrance and access is limited to use of keys, fobs, or codes only. Should a visitor need to conduct business on campus during this time, access must be coordinated with Campus Safety in advance. All visitors must be health screened and receive a wristband. Violation of these guidelines may result in the immediate removal from campus and possible revocation of building access privileges.

Disinfection and Cleaning Maintenance will clean office and workspaces based on CDC guidelines for disinfection and Occupational and Environmental Safety Office (OESO) protocols. Hand-sanitizer stations will be placed at building entrances, elevator stops and high-traffic areas. Faculty and students should follow the guidelines regarding classroom/studio disinfection listed under the Class Guidelines section of this document. Building occupants should also wipe down commonly used surfaces and studio equipment before and after use with products that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against COVID-19 and are appropriate for the surface. This includes any shared-space location or equipment (e.g. copiers, printers, computers, coffee makers, desks, tables, chairs, light switches, doorknobs, etc.)

Signage and Posters Building occupants are expected to follow signage on traffic flow through building entrances, exits, elevator usage and similar common use areas. Specific Studio Rules will be posted in each studio. Violation of these rules may result in removal from studio and possible revocation of building access privileges.

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Guidance for Specific Campus Scenarios Public Transportation If you must take public transportation, wear a mask before entering the bus and avoid touching surfaces with your hands. Upon disembarking, wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% alcohol as soon as possible and before removing your mask.

Working in the Office/Studios If you work in an open environment, be sure to maintain at least 6 feet distance from others. You should wear a face mask or face covering at all times while in shared spaces. Departments should assess open work environments and meeting rooms to institute measures to physically separate and increase distance between employees, other coworkers, and students, such as: If you work in an office, no more than one person should be in the same room unless the required 6 feet of distancing can be consistently maintained. If more than one person is in a room, masks/face coverings should be worn at all times. A mask or face covering is not required if you are working alone in a confined office space (does not include partitioned work areas in a large open environment). Masks/face coverings should be worn by any individual in a reception/receiving area. Masks/face coverings should be used when inside any SSA facility where others are present, including walking in narrow hallways where others travel and in break rooms, restrooms, conference rooms and other meeting locations.

Using Restrooms Maximum occupancy of restrooms should be limited based on the number of sinks to ensure appropriate social distancing. Avoid entering or exiting the restrooms too close to another person. Wash your hands thoroughly afterward to reduce the potential transmission of the virus.

Using Elevators Use of elevators should be limited to those circumstances when it is not possible to use the stairs to avoid close proximity with others in a confined space. Those using elevators are required to wear a disposable face mask or face covering regardless of traveling alone. You should also avoid touching the elevator buttons with your exposed hand/fingers, if possible. Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% alcohol upon departing the elevator.

Meetings Convening in groups increases the risk of viral transmission. Where feasible, meetings should be held in whole or part using the extensive range of available collaboration tools (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, telephone, etc.). In person meetings are limited to the restrictions of local, state, and federal orders and should not exceed 50 percent of a room’s capacity, assuming individuals can still maintain 6 feet of separation for social distancing requirements. Departments should remove or rearrange chairs, stools, and tables or add visual cue marks in meeting rooms to support social distancing practices between attendees. All attendees should wear a mask or face covering while sharing space in a common room.

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Meetings (continued) During your time on-site, you are encouraged to communicate with your colleagues and supervisors as needed by email, instant message, telephone, or other available technology rather than face-to-face. You can also use a range of available collaboration tools (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.).

Meals The Copper Kitchen CafĂŠ will remain closed until further notice. Breakrooms will be open only for the storage and preparation of food, not as a location to eat. Employees and students are encouraged to bring their own food to minimize leaving and returning to campus. Before and after eating, you should wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the potential transmission of the virus. Staff are encouraged to take food back to their office area or eat outside if this is reasonable for your situation. If you are eating in your work environment (office, etc.), maintain 6 feet distance between you and others. Individuals should not sit facing one another. Only remove your mask or face covering to eat, then put it back on. Wipe all surfaces, including table, refrigerator handle, coffee machine, water fountains, etc. after using in common areas.

Class Protocol Face masks must be worn in classrooms and studios with multiple individuals. Students and faculty should maintain 6 feet distance from each other, and tables/workstations should be distanced appropriately wherever possible. Individuals should not sit or stand facing one another. Any shared tables will require the use of plexiglass or another material to protect students from cross contaminating spaces. All students will be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds at the beginning of each class and wash hands again before you leave class. Demonstrations or examples of work should be either pre-filmed and shown or demonstrated through use of projector, Elmo or on a whiteboard/chalkboard allowing students to view from a safe distance. Faculty and students will be expected to assist efforts to maintain a healthy learning environment by wiping down work areas, tools/equipment, and surfaces before and after use with products that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against COVID-19 and are appropriate for the surface. Students will be required to adhere to any studio rules distributed prior to class and/or posted within the studios. Failure to adhere to these guidelines or studio rules may result in temporary or permanent removal from the class.

Lounges Lounges will be closed, however, students with gaps between classes that do not allow ample time to travel home between classes or in time to begin an online class, may use the computer lab as a remote classroom.

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Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program The Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Southwest School of Art, established in 2014, helps students develop their own individualized, independent voices, while providing the tools they need to flourish in their career. Because of the small student to instructor ratio of 4:1, SSA is uniquely equipped to deliver appropriate social distancing measures within campus studios to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus while providing an on-site learning environment for students. During the Fall 2020 semester, studio classes will be held on-site, while all General Education classes will be held online to reduce the number of individuals on campus at any given time. In addition to all other guidelines set forth in this document, the following are protocol specific to the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program. BFA Classroom absences: Students who feel ill, have any potential COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 patient should not come to campus and should complete the COVID-19 self-reporting web form found on the SSA website to inform your instructor and the Student Services Director of your status as soon as you know you will not be able to come to campus and get advice from your doctor on whether your illness is COVID-19 related as soon as possible. Failure to notify the Student Services Director and your faculty through the self-reporting web form will result in the accumulation of absences that may affect course grades. You should self-isolate until cleared by a physician to return to class. If a student’s absence is not COVID-19 related the standard SSA attendance policy applies, which is: SSA Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled classes and examination periods. Three absences in a course during a given semester results in the student receiving a letter grade lower for the class. Absences in excess of three in a given semester will likely result in a failing grade for the class. Tardiness, early departure, or other time away from class in excess of 15 minutes per class session is considered an absence for that class session. Southwest School of Art reserves the right at its sole discretion to withdraw the privilege of enrollment from any student whose conduct is detrimental to the academic environment or to the well-being of other students, faculty, and staff members, or to the School’s facilities. If a student’s absence is COVID-19 related the following guidelines apply: Students in quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure- Students must quarantine for 14 days and will need to participate in classes remotely. This will require computer access and may vary by class and instructor. Please coordinate with the instructor on how to proceed with the course remotely. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the classwork, make up any demos/assignments upon their return to campus, and stay in communication with the instructor while working remotely. Attendance and remote participation will be required and tracked, and the standard SSA Attendance Policy will apply. 18 | P a g e Updated: 8/12/2020

Students with COVID-19 related illness- Students who are ill are encouraged to participate in classes remotely if they are able to do so. Please follow the same procedures as those in quarantine for COVID19 exposure in regard to coordinating remote class participation with your instructor. If at any time a student becomes unable to participate in classes remotely, other arrangements will need to be made through the Student Services Director and course instructor, which may include requesting a grade of Incomplete or withdrawal from the course.

Faculty Absences Faculty who feel ill, have any potential COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 patient should not come to campus. Please get advice from your doctor on whether your illness is COVID-19 related as soon as possible and let the Academic Director your status. If illness is not COVID-19 related - please inform the Academic Director as to your status and needs for your class. If illness or absence is COVID-19 related, then the following guidelines apply: Faculty in quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure - Faculty must quarantine for 14 days, and therefore teach assigned classes remotely. Please inform the Academic Director and students enrolled in your assigned classes that this will be the case as soon as possible. Faculty with COVID-19 related illness – Faculty who are able to continue to teach remotely may do so. If at any time a faculty member is too ill to teach classes, then they must let the Academic Director know as soon as possible so that a substitute can be called in for the class. The substitute will teach the class until you feel able to do so again.

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Adult Community Program Southwest School of Arts is a nationally recognized leader in visual arts education. The Adult Community Program provides an opportunity to learn, create and share your talent to strengthen the visual arts in our region. Whether a novice or professional SSA’s adult classes continue to provide an outlet, even during the uncertain times, for you to express your creativity, learn a new skill or perfect your technique. In addition to all other guidelines set forth in this document, the following are protocol specific to the Adult Community Program. Classes and Studios On campus classes will run for a maximum for no more than two and a half hours during the following sessions: • • •

Morning and Weekend sessions (9:30am –12:00pm or 10:00am – 12:30), Evening sessions (6:00 – 8:30pm or 6:30 – 9:00pm). Studios will be closed to community students between 2:00–5:00pm to allow for cleaning.

Limited times for open studio may be made available after or before class time for students to practice techniques taught in class and on the same day as their scheduled class only. Additional open studio times maybe be available for some studios but will require students to register in advance, separate from their class, to have access. We ask everyone help clean and disinfect studio spaces, equipment, and tools before leaving the studios. Instructors Adjunct Faculty can arrive up to 30 minutes prior to the start of their class for set-up and only on the day their class is scheduled. If an instructor requires access before that or outside their normal class hours to support the needs of their class, they must contact the appropriate studio manager or department chair in advance to schedule a time. Instructors should allow for time at the end of class ask the students to put away their work and tools and assist in cleaning and disinfecting. If shared studio tools are used, they need to be disinfected before being put away. Ensure that shared workstations (sinks areas, tables, equipment stations, etc.) are wiped down with disinfectant. Students should be asked to disinfect their individual workstations. Students Students will be permitted into the class buildings 15 minutes before the start of their class and will have building access for 30 minutes following the start time of their class. Students that arrive later than 30 minutes cannot be guaranteed access to their class. • • •

Limit the amount of outside supplies and tools you bring to class with you and bring in only essential items. Respect everyone’s personal space; keep a safe 6ft distance from peers and instructors. Disinfect shared tools before and after use. 20 | P a g e Updated: 8/12/2020

• • •

Follow protocols specific to each studio/classroom space. Follow cleaning and disinfecting guidelines, particularly of shared tools and equipment you have handled. Help the instructor clean the classroom before you leave.

Continued access to classes, studios and buildings is dependent upon following these protocols as well as following other guidelines set forth for students.

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Young Artists Program Southwest School of Art’s Young Artist Programs have served the children and teens of San Antonio for over 50 years. Addressing the needs of the community has been a mainstay of these programs and with the current need to provide safe instruction and quality art education for youth of all ages and skill levels, the program has adapted to an online format to minimize the opportunity for the COVID-19 virus to spread. In addition to all other guidelines set forth in this document, the following are protocol specific to the Young Artists Program. Student/Parent Guidelines All student PPE (personal protective equipment) will need to be provided by the parent/guardian. To limit contact, parents will not be allowed to enter classrooms and studios during drop-off or pick-up times. Parents will have to wait until their child is screened to determine whether they can participate before leaving campus. After class, students will be released outside (with supervision) one by one to stand awaiting pick up in the designated area with social distancing spaces delineated. Students will be required to wash their hands before taking their seat. Late students may enter classrooms/studios on their own provided 6 feet distance is maintained but must wait at the door for a temperature check before sanitizing their hands. No payments or customer service requests will occur at the studios. All fees or tuition must be prepaid online with our customer portal. All customer service requests can be submitted by email or phone. All modified studio classes will last for no longer than 1.5 hours with two 15-minute breaks for cleaning, fresh air, and bathroom breaks. There will be a zero tolerance for any student not following proper social distancing or mask wearing. Any inability to conduct proper behavior will result in being dismissed from class with no refund. There will be zero tolerance for students who grab at or try to pull off any masks or other PPE of themselves, other students, or educators. Any student who has tested positive for COVID 19 will not be allowed back on campus, even to collect their work until the student has been 14 days free of symptoms.

SSA/Teaching Staff responsibilities PPE will be accessible on campus and provided by the school for staff. Students will have their own box or bag of supplies and will not be allowed to share items. Any process that requires the use of a shared tool will have to be led by the artist teacher. If there is a tool that needs to be shared it will have to be sanitized after each use.

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Young Artists Program Studio Occupancy SSA will follow the TEA (Texas Education Association) guidelines for the number of people (combined students and instructors) allowed in a classroom/studio (45 sq. ft. per student). Desks will be spaced 6 feet apart, facing the same direction towards the front of the classroom space.

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Venue Rentals Southwest School of Art is a favored venue in San Antonio for individuals and organizations seeking a space for special events. Venue rentals at Southwest School of Art follows all local, state, and/or national mandates regarding mass gatherings, including guidelines regarding occupancy, safety, cleaning, and social distancing. These orders include protocols for weddings, retailers, and other uses of space rented for private events and celebrations. All clients and caterers are required to comply with these orders, which can be found at:,, and All contracts, new and existing, will be amended to include these mandates and must be complied with by both clients (users) and caterers. This may require limitations on the use of the facilities, including, but not limited to, reduction in number of attendees, safe distance regulations, and adding cleaning/safety stations. The obligation for compliance with such mandates is the responsibility of clients, caterers, or both.

24 | P a g e Updated: 8/12/2020

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