Recovery College Calderdale September 2016 - March 2017
Welcome to our developing recovery college
OPE: Recovery College Calderdale offers practical courses and workshops for adults, which are intended to aid health and wellbeing. Enrolling on a course with us provides the opportunity to try something new and develop your skills in a informal learning setting. Working with a range of partnering services and volunteers, our courses are co-designed and co-delivered by people with real life experience. They share their own expertise and what works for them. We believe that education offers hope and opportunity for people to learn more about recovery, building emotional resilience, learning new coping techniques and developing practical skills to make the most of their talents. All our sessions have the aim of promoting self advocacy, independence and positive emotional health. Our courses aren’t therapy and there’s no referral process. We hope that by attending the Recovery College you can better manage your life experiences and be fully at the centre of your own recovery journey.
Workshops and courses We have divided our prospectus into four core themes:
• Introduction sessions • Investigating your interests • Exploring well-being • Moving forward
Within each of the themes, sessions range in length from one-off workshops to courses running over a number of weeks. We ask all learners new to the Recovery College to attend the ‘Introduction to the Recovery College’ session. The rest of the course choices are up to you. You’re welcome to pick and choose between the different sections – although for some courses we may advise you to attend the introductory session first.
Please contact us on 01422 393339 or email calderdale.recoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk if you have any questions.
Peer support At Calderdale Recovery College, we recognise that, for some people, coming to a new place and accessing the course may be difficult and some support in doing this would be useful. We have several trained Peer Support Workers who can meet with you beforehand to discuss any concerns you have, can support you in attending the course as well as afterwards to see how it went. This can be put in place at any point over the year depending on your needs.If you think you would benefit from Peer Support or would like more information to see if this is something which may benefit you, please contact the Recovery College.
You can also tick the section on the Enrolment Form and a Peer Support worker will contact you directly.
Introductory workshops A good place to start for anyone who is thinking about joining the recovery college. These short introductory sessions offer an opportunity to find out more about some of our longer courses.
Introduction to the recovery college
Introduction to WRAP: What does recovery mean to me?
This informal introductory session aims to give you a little more information about the Recovery College and introduces the concept of co-production in mental health services.
This session has been designed to provide the space and support to question ‘what is recovery?’ and what it means to you.
We’ll complete any course and enrolment forms and spend some time answering any questions you may have about attending the college.
The workshop introduces the topics of wellness tools and triggers and is offered as a stand alone taster, but also provides an ideal stepping stone for the longer WRAP (wellness recovery action planning) course.
Date and time: Please note that we ask all learners new to the Recovery College to attend this session. Date and time: 4th November 2016 1pm 13th January 2017 11am Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
2nd November 2016 10am – 11:30am Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
A brief introduction to mindfulness Mindfulness- focusing your awareness on the present moment- has been shown to aid the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression. In this exploratory session you will consider the idea of wellness and mindful practice and try out some straight forward mindfulness exercises.
Art for beginners Join us for this short introduction workshop. It doesn’t matter what your artistic talents are or whether you feel you have any creativity at all. This session is simply to have a go and have some fun. We’ll share a couple of straight forward ideas and examples and invite you try out them out for yourself.
Date and time:
8th December 2016 10am
Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners.
Hope Street Resource centre
Hope Street Resource Centre
Date and time:
Investigate your interests These practical courses offer the opportunity to try out a new experience in an informal and supportive environment.
Crafty Crew, Art and Crafts
Experiment with Art
Looking at several different skills, you will learn how to make many different items in a relaxed atmosphere. No previous experience needed – just come along and have fun making something.
This course offers a gradual introduction to finding and developing your artistic skills. We’ll offer you the chance to try out a range of different mediums including; sketching, painting and mixed media with expert help available.
Date and time: Every Tuesday 11 – 1pm
Date and time:
Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners.
Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Beginners guide to bread making. Like the idea of making your own bread but don’t know where to start? Join us as we take over the love Bakery for the day and share with you some simple skills that you can use at home. In the morning we’ll prepare our first loaf and make our lunch. In the afternoon we’ll bake our bread and look at some of the key ingredients that make up our bakers store cupboard.
Date and time:
Robotics & basic computer programming In this one off workshop you’ll assemble an electronic vehicle that has a built in Raspberry Pi computer. Together we’ll programme the robot enabling it to carry out different tasks including using sensors to avoid hazards and following a planned route unaided
Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners. Venue: Love Bread, Brighouse Cost: £5
Date and time: 24th January 2016 Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Football skills
Scented candles for relaxation
As part of (CISS) Calderdale Inclusion Support Service we are offering a six week football training programme. The aim of the sessions is to:
A simple flame and gentle fragrance can soothe and centre you. Over 2 sessions, you’ll make your own candle and think about the fragrances that relax you.
• To improved levels of physical health, motivation, confidence and mental well being
We’ll think about how to use candlelight as part of relaxation.
• Increased the number of participates with those with Disabilities in local league football and beyond
Date and time:
• Consider future options in local football and beyond.
Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners. Venue:
Date and time:
Hope Street Resource Centre
Friday 1 – 2pm, starting 18th November 2016
Cost: Free
Venue: North Bridge Leisure Centre Cost: Free
Singing for Happiness Friendly and fun singing sessions – for all those who want to sing, for people told they can’t do it to those who believe they can! Singing can increase feelings of wellbeing, reduce stress and improve confidence and self esteem. There is no requirement to read music and no previous experience is needed.
Date and time: Every Wednesday 1 – 3pm Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Exploring wellbeing This series of courses focuses on enabling you to develop your understanding of recovery and create opportunities to self-manage your experiences or to better enable you to support someone else.
WRAP: Wellness recovery action planning WRAP helps you notice when things don’t seem to be quite right in your life and aids you to get back to feeling your best. This is a 12 week course designed to: Help you stay as well as you can;
Updating your WRAP Drawing on the experiences from the WRAP (wellness action recovery planning) 12 week course, this session offers you the opportunity to review your wellness plan. You could update it, identify and explore new activities and opportunities available to you.
•Support you to develop a list of activities for everyday well-being;
Please note that attendance to the 12 week ‘WRAP’ course is required before joining this session.
•Help you identify triggers and early warning signs to create action plans;
Date and time:
•Improve your resilience and enable you to make meaningful changes.
This course is facilitated by people who use their own WRAP plan and together will enable you to create your own in a fun, supportive and non-judgmental group.
9th November 2017 10.30am Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
The ‘What does recovery mean to me?’ is a good introduction to this session. Date and time: 19th October 2016 10.30 – 12.30 Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Anxiety Management
Hearing voices workshop
This course will provide you with some skills and strategies in learning what anxiety is, in considering how anxiety affects you and to learn how to relax through relaxation and meditation exercises.
This seven part course will explore a number of areas around hearing voices. This will include coping strategies, what it is like to hear voices, taboo and violent voices and the three stages of hearing voices.
Date and time: Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners.
The course is for anyone who hears voices, sees visions or has any unusual experience similar to these. Date and time:
Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners.
Hope Street Resource Centre
Hope Street Resource Centre
Cost: Free
Relaxation skills
Mindfulness is an increasingly popular technique used to promote well-being and can be a key tool in recovery.
Relaxation is a skill which we can all learn and the benefits to our wellbeing are vast. Come along to our informal relaxation sessions to learn these skills so you can then take these and incorporate these into your everyday life.
This informally led course will explore the topic introducing practical exercises to develop new mindfulness skills and build sustainable techniques to aid well-being. Over 8 sessions we’ll introduce you to the key principles and practice basic mindfulness exercises. We’ll also give you the time to think about if mindfulness could benefit you in your daily life and talk about the best ways to introduce it. The ‘brief introduction to mindfulness’ session is recommended as an introduction to this course.
Date and time: Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners. Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Date and time: January 2017 Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Moving forward One off workshops and longer courses that strengthen and build on your learning from previous sessions. These courses provide an opportunity for self development, recognising and sharing your skills and experience.
What is co-production?
Employment tool kit
The Recovery College is built on the principle of co-production- an asset based approach which recognises and celebrates all of our skills and talents.
This course is designed to explore the various stages of, and help you develop your confidence in moving towards work.
This workshop will introduce the topic of co-production and aims to challenge your perceptions of participation, engagement and working together. Co-designed and co-delivered by learners, volunteers and staff members this session provides an informative and thoughtprovoking reflection on the service user / professional relationship. Date and time: Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners. Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
The four stand alone sessions will cover: • How to write a CV / cover letter • Interview skills • Disclosure • Different routes into employment This course aims to provide a safe and helpful place to discuss concerns, share hesitations and pick up some useful tips that may aid your thoughts about work. Date and time: 29 March 2017 10.30 - 12 12 April 2017 10.30 – 12 26 April 2017 10.30 – 12 10 May 2017 10.30 - 12 Venue: Hope Street Resource Centre Cost: Free
Essential skills for volunteers This course provides a great introduction to what it means to be a volunteer. It also provides an opportunity for experienced volunteers to share their experiences of volunteering. You don’t need to be volunteering to take part. Topics include; • recognising personal skills and strengths • looking for volunteer opportunities • handling difficult situations • maintaining your own health while volunteering • confidentiality and safeguarding. Each session will use a mixture of interactive activities and discussions to make sure you get the most from your volunteering experience. This course is offered by the WEA for the Recovery College. Date and time: Please contact the Recovery College to express your interest. This course is dependent upon a minimun number of learners. Venue: Hope St Resource Centre Cost: Free
Workshops and course dates
Number of sessions
Singing for Happiness
Sept 16
Hope St
Crafty Crew
Sept 16
Hope St
Introduction to Recovery College
Sept 16
Hope St
Introduction to WRAP
02 Nov 16
Hope St
09 Nov 16
Hope St
Football Skills
18 Nov 16
North Bridge Leisure Centre
Introduction to Mindfulness
08 Dec 16
Hope St
Jan 17
Hope St
Bread Baking
24 Jan 17
Love Bread, Brighouse
24 Jan 17
Hope St
Updating your WRAP
08 Feb 17
Hope St
Employment Tool Kit
29 March 17
Hope St
Number of sessions
Anxiety Managemnt
Hope St
Hope St
Experiment with Art
Hope St
Art for Beginners
Hope St
What is Co-Production?
Hope St
Skills for volunteers
Hope St
Scented Candles
Hope St
Hearing Voices
Hope St
Frequently asked questions What is Hope: Recovery College Calderdale? Recovery College is led by South West Yorkshire Partnership Trust and supported by Calderdale Council. We work in partnership with volunteers and other supporting organisations to develop and run a range of workshops and courses which promote well-being and good mental health.
Who is the recovery college for? Adults who want to improve their own wellbeing and / or the health and well-being of someone they care for or support. We focus on education, building people’s skills and knowledge and should not be seen as therapy or a clinical intervention. Our sessions have been designed and are run by people with experience of mental health conditions and professionals who work with them.
How many other learners will be on a course with me? Group sizes are kept small so that you have the best chance of learning and can develop your knowledge and understanding. Some courses, depending on the topic may have maximum limits set to ensure that we’re able to offer a supportive environment to learn. Typical group sizes are between 8 -12 learners.
Where and how will I learn? The Recovery College is based at Hope Street Resource Centre, Halifax, HX1 5 DW. Initially, a lot of our workshops will be delivered from here, but we also offer sessions provided at some of our partnering venues. These are stated on the course descriptions. As we develop we intend to offer more workshops and courses across Calderdale. Our courses and workshops are co-delivered by volunteer course leaders working with health care and educational professionals. Our volunteers have a wealth of both personal and professional experience of mental health, maintaining their own well-being or the well-being of someone that they care for or support.
Will I need to pay for a course? The majority of our courses are free to access. On occasion due to funding there may be a small charge made to learners. This will be clearly stated on all course publicity.
Can I bring a supporter or family member with me? Yes. We are happy for learners to attend with a carer, supporter or staff member who supports them. Please note that your supporter must register, enrol and can participate in the sessions.
I don’t want to go back to school or college – is that what this is?
Will my learning be useful beyond my recovery?
No. Our courses aren’t traditional college or school subjects and aren’t delivered in a traditional way. We have course leaders rather than teachers and refer to you as a learner rather than a student.
Yes. Our prospectus is grouped in to four sections to make it easier to identify which workshops are best for you.
We believe that we all have something to learn and we are all on our own recovery journey. If you attend a course you won’t be sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher talk while you take notes. Instead you’ll have opportunities to discuss subjects that interest you, learn at your own pace and share your expertise.
Do I need to be referred by my mental health team? No. You do not need to be referred. As a learner, you simply enrol and discuss with us the courses which best suit you.
I care for or support someone who uses mental health services – can I enrol? Yes. Learners don’t need to have accessed mental health services before; simply be open to learning and wanting to improve their own well-being or the health and well-being of someone else. Everyone who attends a workshop or course at the Recovery College will be thought of as a learner, no-one is labelled as a ‘service user’ or ‘professional’ – including course leaders.
Each section focuses on different aspects of recovery and you can pick and choose between them. • Introductions and tasters • Investigate your interests • Exploring well-being • Moving forward Courses offer a range of different skills and you are encouraged to use what you have learned. Our ‘moving forward section’ aims to provide you with opportunities to think about what you would like to do in the future.
I have some physical mobility problems – can I come to the recovery college? Yes. Our college is based on the ground floor and is compliant with the Equality Act. Where courses are provided at alternative venues we ensure these are suitable for people with mobility problems. For courses which have a physical aspect to the course – please contact the Recovery College Co-ordinator on 01422 393339 to discuss your requirements.
What if I need some support with studying once the programme has begun?
Do I need to have any qualifications or be able to read and write well to attend a course?
Our course leaders will be happy to provide advice and support if you feel that you need any additional help.
No. We appreciate that learners may have missed out on education or found school or college courses difficult.
What happens if I’m not able to attend the whole course? Don’t worry. We understand that it may be difficult to attend the full course for many different reasons.
Our courses range from brief, introductory ‘taster’ workshops to courses running over a few weeks. There are no formal entry requirements for any of our courses and we don’t ask you to take notes, read or speak out loud in a session if you don’t feel comfortable.
The Recovery College Coordinator will be happy to discuss with you any problems you might have in attending. Although we do ask that you do your best to attend.
Do I have to take any tests or exams at the recovery college?
If you cannot attend 3 consecutive sessions we will not hold your course place open.
On occasion we may offer an accredited course in our ‘moving forward’ section of the prospectus – this may require some evidence of learning. This will be discussed with you at the time of enrolment onto the course and if you have any concerns please ask!
What happens once I have finished my course? One of our key aims is to provide you with the time and space to decide on your next steps and the confidence to take them. This may be moving on to another course with us, a course with someone else or thinking about other steps including moving into volunteering or paid work. Whatever your next step, please ask we may be able to help.
No. There are no exams or tests.
Where can I find out more information? For further information please contact Recovery College Calderdale on 01422 393339.
Directions to the Recovery College
By car If you’re travelling by car, telephone the College beforehand and someone will give you directions. Alternatively, if you have SatNav, our postcode is HX1 5DW By bus The following services run regularly from Halifax Bus station: 512, 511 and the 540. Once you get off the bus, walk up Pellon Lane, turn left onto Hanson Lane (after Screwfix)) and then immediately left again onto Hope Street – we are the building on the left.
Creative Minds is all about the use of creative approaches and activities in healthcare. It helps to increase self-esteem, providing a sense of purpose, developing social skills, helping community integration and improving quality of life. Creative Minds develop community partnerships to no only co-fund but also co-deliver projects for local people. Find out more at: www.creativemindsuk.com Follow us on Twitter @allofusinmind or like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/creativemindsuk You can also call us on 01924 327567 or email creativeminds@swyt.nhs.uk 21
Our supporters
Recovery College Calderdale has been developed as a partnership between South West Yorkshire Partnership and Calderdale Council. Partnering organisations supporting this prospectus include: Circles Work Circles Work is a Community Interest Company providing high quality, innovative, recovery based courses, training and support groups for people experiencing mental ill health and those wanting to maintain it. www.circleswork.weebly.com
Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) The WEA, a registered charity, is the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult education and delivers courses both locally and across the UK. The WEA offers a wide ranging curriculum, providing positive and supportive learning environments. 07880 565459 www.wea.org.uk/yh
Love Bread LoveBread CIC is a social enterprise in Brighouse which reaches a broad range of people - impacting on health and wellbeing and creating an active, local community based around bread. Having a commercial bakery and a separate training kitchen mean we can really make a difference. We work with a team of volunteers to bake bread and run a wide range of breadmaking classes and activities. LoveBread CIC, 7 Martin St, Brighouse HD6 1DA www.lovebread.org.uk
Hope Street Vocational Team We work with and support adults in Calderdale who experience mental health problems to return to work or start work for the first time. We help people to overcome barriers they may face to gaining employment, and work to challenge the stigma people with mental health problems can face by offering direct support, training or other interventions. Our team believes that gaining and maintaining employment is vital to a person’s wellbeing, and we encourage people’s aspirations around employment, support them to develop their strengths and abilities and help them to overcome any barriers that they are facing. 22
Recovery College Calderdale Logo RC Calderdale Learner information : Name
Date of birth:
Telephone number
Postcode: Email address:
We would like to keep you informed about future courses and workshops run at the Recovery college. Please circle the corresponding if you’d like to receive this by: Email
Please don’t send future info
What workshops / courses are you interested in attending? (1) Course name: …………….…………………………………………………………
Start Date: ……………………..
(2) Course name: …………….…………………………………………………………
Start Date: ……………………..
(3) Course name: …………….…………………………………………………………
Start Date ………………………
Who is the best person to speak to in an emergency? Name (relative/GP/ person that supports you):
Relationship to you:
Contact Number:
Is there anything else you would like us to be aware of? (e.g. request for peer support, health conditions, learning needs etc.)
Inform ation sharing and m onitoring Information received by the Recovery College will be stored securely. Where your course is provided by a partner organisation we ask for your consent to share this enrolment form with them to provide them with your contact and monitoring information. We are keen to see what impact that the Recovery College is having. This is useful both for improving what we do and also evidencing the positive effect it has on people’s lives so that investment and funding continues for the Recovery College. In order for this to happen we would like to get our finance department to look into records we have of appointments you have had with services. This is so we can cost up staff time before and after your involvement with the College. All the information is collated anonymously to provide a picture of what difference the college is making. We wanted to let you know that this is what we hope to do, please let us know if you have any concerns about this happening. Thank you.
Learner signature:
Equality and diversity monitoring
!Not at all
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British !African !Caribbean !Any other Black/African/Caribbean/Black British background, write in:
How well can you speak English? !Very well !Well !Not very well
Asian/Asian British !Indian !Pakistani !Bangladeshi !Chinese !Any other Asian background, write in:
!In a same sex civil partnership !Divorced !Separated
! I prefer not to say
Have you had a baby in the last 12 months? !Yes !No
! I prefer not to say
! I prefer not to say
!Any other religion/belief, write in:
! I prefer not to say
! I prefer not to say
Other ethnic group ! Arab !Any other ethnic group, write in:
! I prefer not to say
To ensure that we provide the best service for our community, and not knowingly discriminate against any section of society, it is important for us to gather the following information. You do not have to answer any of these questions, but we would be very grateful if you would. Date of birth:
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups !White and Black Caribbean !White and Black African !White and Asian !Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background, write in:
Race (taken from the Census categories 2011) White !English/Welsh/Scottish / Northern Irish/British !Irish !Gypsy or Irish Traveller !Any other White background, write in:
Language What is your main language? !English !Other (including sign languages) write in:
Religion/belief !Buddhist !Jewish
!Sikh !Muslim !Hindu
!No religion !Agnostic
!Christian (including C of E, Catholic, Protestant and all other denominations)
!Physical impairment !Cognitive impairment !Learning disability
Disability !Mental health condition !Speech impairment
(Please tick one box) !Single !Married !Co-habiting !Widowed
M arriage and Civil Partnership
Do you currently look after a relative, neighbour or friend who is ill, disabled, frail or in need of emotional support? !Yes !No
!Long standing illness !I do not have a disability ! Other, please state:
Do you consider yourself to have of the following? (Please tick all that apply)
Caring Responsibilities
! Long term sick or disabled ! Homemaker ! Volunteer ! Retired
Sexual orientation !Gay ! Heterosexual !Lesbian !Bisexual
G ender / Sexual orientation ! Female ! Male !Live in a gender other than that assigned at birth.
Em ploym ent status ! Employed ! Unemployed, seeking work ! Student in education or training
Recovery College Calderdale has been developed as a partnership between South West Yorkshire Partnership and Calderdale Council.
Recovery College Calderdale Hope Street Resource Centre Hope Street Halifax HX1 5DW www.calderdalerecoverycollege.co.uk Email : Call:
Job no. 0041 Oct 2016
calderdale.recoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk 01422 393339