phenomenally and the Marion County Public Health Department required all Marion County schools to implement virtual learning for 1st through 12th graders. So, as of November 19, we, once again, transitioned to our Distance Learning Plan. Fortunately, Preschool, PreKindergarten, and Kindergarten
We are living and learning in a unique time!
were excluded from the order, so we are able
The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said,
to continue with all of our Early Childhood
“The only constant in life is change.” I don’t
students in person. Parents and teachers are
think any of us would argue that truth; in
thankful for that opportunity. We all know
fact, we are experiencing it! Since last March,
that the younger the children are, the more
we have been rethinking everything we’ve ever
difficult distance learning is for kids, parents,
done before in light of our new reality.
and teachers.
Last spring, I formed a Reopening Sycamore
In whatever mode of learning we are operating,
Task Force to look at every aspect of operating
there is one constant: our mission. The core
school in a safe, yet robust, way. We not only
of who we are hasn’t changed; our mission is
considered the medical and health implications
still firm and guides everything we do. We will
of our environment; we also considered the legal, educational, and
continue to offer our students a robust Sycamore education in every
facilities implications. I will be forever thankful for that task force
learning environment.
of 21 faculty, staff, administrators, parents, trustees, and medical professionals who worked tirelessly over the summer to create our
In this edition of the Sycamore Magazine, you’ll read some great
Reopening Sycamore Plan. We published our plan on July 10, and we
stories about how things change! You’ll learn perspectives and
returned to school with all of our students in person on August 13.
thoughts from our students. You’ll learn what parents are thinking and feeling. I think one of the most fun changes you’ll read about
Until November 18, we operated very differently, but very successfully
is how Sycamore students’ lives changed when they married other
in person. Our building has had a different look and feel. We removed
Sycamore students! Just think. One of your child’s classmates could
much of our “extra” furniture in order to ensure that we could be
be his/her future spouse!
physically distant in our classrooms. We didn’t have small groups working on joint endeavors unless they were separated by distance
All the work this summer was arduous. This school year is requiring
or by protective plastic barriers. Band, instead of lunch, was in the
all of us to dig deeply within ourselves to meet the challenges before
cafeteria. We didn’t allow parents in the school, so our classrooms
us. But we are doing it! We are making this school year meaningful
and hallways seemed to be missing an element. Kids weren’t traveling
and valuable in new ways. Thanks for your partnership and your
through the hallways much, and teachers had their materials on
support! And thanks for choosing Sycamore for your kids!
big carts. All kids and all adults faithfully wore their masks and kept socially distant from one another. We were very successful for the
Onward and upward!
entire first trimester, with COVID-19 exposure at school almost nonexistent. The kids and the faculty were excited to be back in school and were eager to do whatever it took to make that possible.
In November, however, the COVID-19 prevalence and % positive numbers in the broader community skyrocketed. The risks rose