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Record GSC Tithe
Greater Sydney Conference hasreceived the largest monthly titheamount ever recorded for our conference,despite being in the ninth weekof lockdown and churches beingclosed since late June.
In July, just over $2.02 million wasreturned in tithe, a massive 37%
increase over last year. We praiseGod for your faithfulness in returningthe “one-tenth of the produce of theland, whether grain from the fields
or fruit from the trees, [that] belongs to the Lord and must be set apart to Him as holy” (Lev. 27:30). You have “honored the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase” (Prov. 3:9), including pay/salary, welfare payments, retirement pension, sales of homes or businesses, and other income sources, acknowledging all we have as a God-given increase.
Over 60% of tithes and offerings are received through the eGiving app or website (https://egiving.org.au). It is great to see so many of you utilising eGiving; for those who are not as yet, please give it a try. It's safe and easy.
We also provide other options to return tithes and offerings at this time when we are unable to meet due to stay-at-home public orders and precautions. You can following:
> Mail cheques to the GSC office: Shannon Building, 185 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga NSW 2076.
> Call the GSC office on 02 9868 6522. Nerise or Filomena will be happy to process payments via credit card, even during this time when the office is physically closed.
> Put aside cash until our churches reopen and you can remit to your local treasurer.
Without this vital support our church cannot operate in a real and practical sense.