3 minute read

Growing Together 2022

One of the big questions on the minds of many local church leaders is, how do we engage and empower young people to be part of the church’s mission? Instead of releasing young people for mission, many churches are shrinking and aging as more and more young people disengage.

We don’t believe it has to be this way. In fact, we believe that our church can be one that welcomes, empowers, and engages young people in the important work God has given us.

With this in mind, in 2022, the Greater Sydney Conference is offering the opportunity for churches across Sydney to go through a Growing Together cohort.

During this time, the local church will look at how it can implement six biblical principles that are working in churches today and will turn local churches into places that young people love to be.

The best thing is that the Growing Together journey—if committed to by local churches—will bless young people and the whole church as one generation invests into the next. This has always been what God has wanted us to do. As Psalm 145:4 says, “One generation commends

your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”

Here is a snapshot of the principles churches will look at as they move through the Growing Together journey.

Unlock Keychain Leadership: Instead of centralizing authority, empower others—especially young people (Moses & Joshua, Paul & Timothy, Jesus & the Disciples).

Empathize with Young People Today: Instead of judging or criticizing, step into the shoes of this generation (Matt 7:1-5).

Take Jesus’ message seriously: Instead of asserting formulaic gospel claims, welcome young people into a Jesus-centered way of life (Matt 28:18-20; Rev 14:6-12).

Fuel a warm community: Instead of focusing on cool worship or programs, aim for warm peer and intergenerational friendships (Acts 2:42-47; John 13:35).

Prioritize young people (and families) everywhere: Instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation (Matt 18:6, Psalm 145:4).

Be the best neighbours: Instead of condemning the world outside your walls, enable young people to neighbour well locally and globally (Matt 20:28).

If you would like more information, or you would like to sign your church up, contact Greater Sydney Conference Youth Director Pr Simon Gigliotti at simongigliotti@adventist.org.au. We look forward to having your Church on board, and to God’s leading in 2022. www.sydneyadventistyouth.com/events

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