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In August our inaugural season of INDance ran in our intimate performance venue, the Neilson Studio. Our first independent company season, supported by the City of Sydney, and featuring four works by independent Australian artists, INDance is a unique opportunity for the independent dance sector to have their work presented in a program which specifically aims to explore the diversity and innovation of contemporary dance. The 2022 program included prominent independent dance artists Prue Lang, Lilian Steiner, Natalie Allen and Rhiannon Newton. The season was a sell out and delivered against its intended objectives of raising the profile of independent Australian dance artists and connecting exceptional, small to mediumscale dance works with Sydney Dance Company audiences.
Total Performances 8
19 – 20 & 26 – 27 August Sydney Dance Company Neilson Studio
Siren Dance Concept, Lilian Steiner Choreography and Performance
Composition Marco Cher-Gibard featuring Aarti Jad
Text The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
Lighting Designer Giovanna Yate Gonzalez
Costume Designer Geoffrey Watson
“It is rare that independent choreographers get to share their work beyond the premiere season and away from their hometown. It was a joy to have this experience”
– Lillian Steiner, Choreographer/ Performer INDance 2022
“It was wonderful to share this work with Sydney audiences… to be working at Sydney Dance Company alongside a dynamic and diverse dance community”

– Prue Lang, Choreographer INDance 2022
Concept and Prue Lang Direction
Choreography Prue Lang and Jana Castillo
Composer Chiara Costanza
Performer Jana Castillo
Lighting Designer Lisa Mibus
Video Pippa Samaya, Prue Lang, Takeshi Kondo, Freed, Androids: Mathieu Briand
Producer Alison Halit
Siren Dance premiered at Dancehouse (Carlton, Australia) from 24-27 March 2022. Development and this presentation was supported by Dancehouse, Besen Family Foundation and Lucy Guerin Inc. An initial, short iteration of Siren Dance was supported through presentations at B.Motion Danza(Bassano del Grappa, Italy) and Deltebre Dansa (Deltebre, Spain) in 2019.
CASTILLO premiered at Dancehouse (Carlton, Australia) March 2022. Creation and presentation was supported by Dancehouse, The Australia Council for the Arts, Creative Victoria, Besen Family Foundation, Supercell Festival of Contemporary Dance through the Makers program, Chunky Move and Lucy Guerin Inc. CASTILLO premiered Internationally at Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (Paris, France) June 2022. Support by The Australia Council for the Arts and Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis.