The Maintenance and Safety of a Private Pole Is Your Responsibility

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The Maintenance and Safety of a Private Pole Is Your Responsibility Do you have a private pole on your property? If yes, then you need to read the blog quite carefully to get a few things straight as you are legally responsible for its maintenance. If you have any sort of Private Pole or private powerlines on your property then it is indeed your responsibility to maintain and inspect that with time, otherwise, it can cause a real hazard. However, when we mention ‘inspection and maintenance’ we don’t mean that you have to do it all by yourself. It means you need to consult the professional experts so that they can take necessary measures and do the needful. Proper inspection and maintenance are needed as the base of the poles may rust, rot or be damaged by termites and as a result, the pole may fall over which can cause damage to the surrounding. Damaged and degraded power poles can lead to electric shock, fire and therefore it is quite essential that you maintain them adequately. Appoint a licensed and experienced professional so that he can identify the underlying structural issues or core corrosions as these are not visible to the naked eye. A regular electrician won’t be able to find that out. Hence, if you suspect that something’s wrong with the pole then immediately contact the Level 2 electrical contractor to check and repair it. Whether you want to replace a power pole or move it from its original place, you need the assistance of an expert who has the proper knowledge to get your job done. Only an expert can help you in all power pole installation, repairs, maintenance, replacement, and relocations. Based on your property need, length, service size they will provide the pole to suit your distinct needs. They are also capable of excavation, and also installation of all types

of private poles for multiple purposes. Apart from that, a safety inspection is recommended after every five years by Level 2 professionals. Inspection from a professional helps you to maintain safety without even facing any difficulty.

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