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Increasing belonging for a community of visitors
Sydney WorldPride sought to increase the sense of belonging, safety and pride among the LGBTQIA+ community.
Sydney WorldPride sought to strengthen belonging, safety, pride and acceptance by co-designing and hosting events with and for a broad set of audiences within the LGBTQIA+ community, including First Nations peoples. As a result:
• The Festival strengthened LGBTQIA+ community members’ sense of belonging (81%) and sense of safety in Sydney (65%), with flow-on effects related to self-esteem and confidence in their LGBTQIA+ identity
• The majority of attendees reported the event gave them an increased sense of hope (84%) for the future of LGBTQIA+ inclusion and safety
• Almost all LGBTQIA+ attendees felt both safe and welcome (92%) at Sydney WorldPride
• A large majority of LGBTQIA+ First Nations respondents felt safe (88%) and welcome (90%) at Sydney WorldPride. However, these figures were still lower than the broader LGBTQIA+ community indicating there is still work to be done, building on the legacy of Sydney WorldPride, to improve outcomes and perspectives of the First Nations community.
Your sense of hope for the future of LGBTQIA+ inclusion and safety
Your sense of belonging within the LGBTQIA+ community
Your self-esteem and confidence as it relates to your LGBTQIA+ identity
Your sense of safety in Sydney
Source: Attendee survey based on question, As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, how did Sydney WorldPride impact the following? (n=6,437)
Chart 17: Respondents on whether they connected with LGBTQIA+ people through Sydney WorldPride
Chart 18: LGBTQIA+ respondents on to what extent do they agree with the following statements*
I felt welcome at Sydney WorldPride
I felt safe at Sydney WorldPride
Sydney WorldPride enhanced Sydney's reputation as an inclusive and diverse city
LGBTQIA+ respondents LGBTQIA+SB First Nations respondents
Agree Neutral Disagree
Source: Attendee survey based on question, To what extent do you agree with the following statements on the impact of Sydney WorldPride? [I connected with LGBTQIA+ people through Sydney] (n=3,195)
Source: Attendee survey based on question, To what extent do you agree with the following statements? All (n=6,437), First Nations (n=218)
Notes: *First Nations represents all First Nations people, not just Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people