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Revitalising Sydney’s brand as vibrant and open for business
Sydney WorldPride sought to showcase Sydney as a safe and welcoming city to LGBTQIA+ visitors and residents.
Key objectives of Sydney WorldPride related to revitalising Sydney were to showcase Sydney as a safe and welcoming city to LGBTQIA+ visitors and residents, and to revitalise Sydney as a global event capital.
Survey results for local artists and businesses indicate that the Festival:
• Enhanced Sydney’s reputation with the majority of businesses agreeing that WorldPride enhanced:
– Sydney’s reputation for inclusivity and diversity (84%)
– Sydney’s reputation as an events (75%), arts and entertainment capital (84%)
• Provided opportunities for local artists, with the majority of artists who were surveyed reporting that, as a result of participating in Sydney WorldPride, they:
– expect to receive more artistic opportunities (54%)
– increased their following (60%)
• Delivered benefits to businesses, with a majority of businesses surveyed agreeing that Sydney WorldPride:
– enabled their business to publicise its commitment to LGBTQIA+ inclusion (73%),
– created a buzz around the city (87%).
– reiterated that being LGBTQIA+ inclusive is important to their business (85%)
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Of the artists surveyed: that participating in Sydney WorldPride has “helped to grow my following”