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Strengthening global allyship for the LGBTQIA+ community

Sydney WorldPride helped mobilise and welcome a network of active allies and strengthen global connections.

Key objectives of Sydney WorldPride related to mobilising and welcoming a network of active allies and strengthening global connections by:

• Increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ people and the issues they face

• Encouraging active allyship among nonLGBTQIA+ people

The results from surveyed Sydney WorldPride attendees who did not identify as LGBTQIA+ found that the event supported a greater understanding of and support for the LGBTQIA+ community.

After attending Sydney WorldPride: Chart 21: Respondents’ intended actions after attending WorldPride (% more likely to)


Of non-LGBTQIA+ respondents say they understand what being an ally means

7 in 10

Respondents say they have a greater understanding and acceptance for LGBTQIA+ people in Sydney


Of respondents say they connected with LGBTQIA+ allies through Sydney WorldPride

Source: Attendee survey based on questions, Which, if any, of the following things are you more likely to do after attending Sydney WorldPride? (n=3189) and As a result of Sydney WorldPride, how has your allyship to the LGBTQIA+ community changed? (n=443)

Call out comments that are offensive to the LGBTQIA+ community

Educate others on the issues faced by LGBTQIA+ people

Listen to and learn from LGBTQIA+ people

Use preferred pronouns and share personal pronouns

Research LGBTQIA+ history in Australia or globally

Research First Nations history in Australia or globally

Research the issues faced by LGBTQIA+ people

Source: Attendee survey based on question, Which, if any, of the following things are you more likely to do after attending Sydney WorldPride? (n=3189)

Chart 22: Respondents’ reflections on the impact of WorldPride (% agree)


After attending Sydney WorldPride, I have become more supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community

Sydney WorldPride caused me to change my mind on an issue of gender or sexuality


I connected with LGBTQIA+ allies through Sydney WorldPride 40% 28% 27% 13% 7%

Strongly agree Agree

Source: Attendee survey based on question, To what extent do you agree with the following statements on the impact of Sydney WorldPride? (n=3195)

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