1 minute read

2021-2100 Long Sections




The first phase of the project includes constructing the bioremediation ponds, discovery ponds & land-based facilities.The bioremediation ponds collect and bioremediate stormwater before it is able to enter the Parramatta River. Over time, and in conjunction with a catchment-wide stormwater and contaimination control efforts, the Parramatta River is remediated to a condition that is safe for swimming. During this time, the facilities and Discovery Ponds are enjoyed by the community as a landscaped riverside park for picnics and recreation.

Once the Parramatta River is assessed as safe for swimming, the second phase of the project involves constructing the pool platform. The platform is constructed from concrete, on pile footings and with steel shark-deterring barriers. The levels of the platform are designed to accomodate predicted sea-level change. As water levels rise, a larger proportion of the concrete pool platform is submerged under a shallow layer of water. This keeps the platform cool to walk across and reduces the amount of heat absorbed and re-emitted by the concrete.



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