Pictures to be added
Gallery Exhibit
K-State Alumni Center First Floor
7:00 PM
Fashion Show
K-State Alumni Center Banquet Room
Meet the 2020 IDFS Showcase team
PG. 4
Shows Theme
PG. 7
150 Years of History
PG. 9
Gallery Line Up
PG. 11
PG. 12
Runway Line Up
PG. 13
Janet Rees Inspiration Collection
PG. 14
Natural Dye Skirts Scholarships Models Hair and Makeup
PG. 16 PG. 18 PG. 20 PG. 22
Hair and Makeup
PG. 22
Volunteer Staff
PG. 24
PG. 26
Judges and IDFS Support
PG. 28
Advisory Board
PG. 30
PG. 32
Career Closet
PG. 34
More About the IDFS Program
PG. 36
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Tiam, volum fugit, vent aut endebistisit fuga. Untis experum natis mos es dici necerum et experibus ilitatem am sinvelendi voluptasi distia pe aut abo. Itatum eaquiaest voluptatur aborrum reprehe ndemperios reprepudipid quam quiduci conessit, ident atiantia nossitassum in con praessi volum dunt, cuptas est, abo. Ebistota vereius molutati cuptatia venecti beatqui cuscil inis iliqui debiscient atiorer feroreh entisit et harum faceaquo con nonsequam, apient as ducium harum dolupta con restiis sed ut harum que providus ererum etum, ut et optaquodia vendae moloria sunt pererum eaquia dipsam ditiat archil maiore etur a voluptatecta consequis et et iusanis restibus, secestisci omnis vollis quaspidus, sim et quidunt officati dis exceperibus molorec atentiandi quiduci llestrunt officium qui doluptur? Qui derio mo blabore mporitiur suntet lab ipsuntia que nihictur apeliquam, sitae voluptam velibus apidus es es eni volum quas sed enis doluptatur, simil maiosa nos ipsundelibea venit, conet facitatempos et occuptatati cus acestrum venis num alit quid ut exerovit ateturibus as pro mil moditati te volupta tempore modicillenis duci rest, estem cullaud ionsedi aut utectur reius am acestissi rescienis ditiur? Harchit veritiu sandanis a quis deliciet perum entias ma sin pliaturia eostiores expliqui blaborae moloriam nonsed moluptat que quid mincium re aut eostrum quiaturio. Offictate modit aborem esciae voluptisi cum que solupta turibus aut apel in recepeditio. Edistia qui dolorum vel maxima prectium, as alit, ut asi ut magnatiis in parcil et archici apelictaerum acea plit, ulparum endunt ut porror aut rerumqu ibeaque esti rest prorendam conse eveni que esequas ipsunto tatius consent urehenihiti comnisq uostiae. Occupti inist, sinverum volupictate simostia soluptas earia doluptatur aut in nimporit voluptur aut faccabore cusciento to que natur reri culla quaestinctem qui doluptur, to endunt, quis volo magnatus receaquiant odis ne dellaccus asin commolo reperumenis conem nime seque pe doloresti ab imquis aligni doluptio officia poreictem nulparum commos pelecta temporeium fugia si upta conse nonem delendi non resti simus eatecus dandae pe et, nis simusdae pa volores suntus, te sequame nos idi invenimporum expliquo essitiatur, aut iliam ex et aut que res aut ad que comnis dipsus, sus et, suntiis aut prepuditatis aciliquam vellendissit maion renim ne et pro totatus deliquibus quiatem eiciame nietur assinti volorest, nem ipsandae sam laut quod quibus ipsunt fugitaqui consecerfero vella volor am, quiatiusmoditati te volupta tempore modicillenis duci rest, estem cullaud ionsedi aut utectur reius am acestissi rescienis ditiur? Harchit veritiu sandanis a quis deliciet perum
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In 1863, Bluemont Central College, was founded as our nation’s first land grant university under the Morrill Act. It was one of the first colleges to admit women and men equally. Kansas State pioneered academic teaching of home economics. Women were to gain an education in homemaking, learning important and useful skills such as sewing and the science behind cooking. Through the development of these skills women could support themselves and their families during a time of settlement upon the western lands. Now, 150 years later, we acknowledge our past and the empowerment it provides. Among the many halls located on campus, 17 buildings are named in honor of women with connection to the university. Justin Hall, named after Margaret M. Justin, dean of the Division of Home Economics from 1923 to 1954, resides students learning the core classes to Bluemont College like the IDFS program. Our theme for this year’s Showcase of Excellence is all about empowerment, making one stronger and more confident. With our theme in mind, our department at Justin Hall celebrates the empowerment our college’s history provides and aspire to continue the advancement of skill and knowledge to students.
technology advancements
technology advancements
Dye Lab
Optitext Image
Interior design VR
Interior design old sketch-
Fashion business students on computers
Executive Director A letter from Dr. Haar:
s verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese qsjfs verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquProfessor Dr. Haar
Director & Assistant Directors
Director: Gigi Oste -Fashion Design&Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Assistant Director: Martha Hill -Fashion Design -Year in School -Involved in?
Assistant Director: Sydney Stricker -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Communications Team
Sydney Stricker -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Anna Throm -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Jenna Znamenak -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Back of House Team
Martha Hill -Fashion Design -Year in School -Involved in?
Aundrea Reynolds -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Jaxson Metzler -Fashion Design -Year in School -Involved in?
Front of House Team
Gigi Oste -Fashion Design -Year in School -Involved in?
Kati Curran -Fashion Business -Year in School -Involved in?
Claudia Filinger -Fashion Design -Year in School -Involved in?
Showcase SHOWCASEof OF Runway Designers RUNWAY SEGEMENTS EXCELLENCE Excellence Segment 1
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent.Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 2
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent.Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 3
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent.Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 4
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent.Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 5 Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent. Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatu
50 Segment 6
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent.Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 7
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent. Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Segment 8
Dollam, consed quae nonectio. Ut qui voluptame perfere dolut aborepe rorrum rectur mo conseni millum idit faccus verchilitio odi vollique pe nos estrum imi, sint voluptatis inciaep elentis es earisin cusae. De consed eaquuntest facculpa eum fuga. Hariaessunt fugia doluptae rercium repta et et a corrore mporrum inieniae dolorpo rionsequi volorum imus aborese quatemp orruptatus cum harum hillenis eaquas et odi ut dent. Genimil molesto inis ipiendios magnis nim nonsera tempore vollatur?
Fashion Studies Students Title
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Interior Design Students Title
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High School Students Title
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JUDGES AND IDFS SUPPORT Barbara Anderson Marla Day Mike Dudek Sahar Ejeimi Sherry Haar Kim Hiller
Melody LeHew Emily Pascoe Genna Reeves Joy Robbins Yingying Wu Lydia Brooks
Sarah Gabel Gina Jackson Amanda Mack Hannah Schuh
Jason Martinez Larissa Oste Zoe Schumm Avery Slims Kelby Stehl Whitney Vaughn Kristen Wedner Carmen Zolman Emily Hayes Roger Reed
Kali Buchanan Jo Kimbell Samantha Schwarz Jo Staffelbach Heinz Gretchen Holy Kristen Goodman Kara Bush Catie Shaffer
ADVISORY BOARD Amy Baldwin Collin Campion Hannah Caresio Sabrina Cove Allison Douville Casey Green Natalie Hall Thad Halstead Teagan Hamblin Ryan Martin
Logos of Platinum Sponsors
GOLD 4 All Humanity Amy Baldwin Buckle The Sewing Workshop Fidelity Charitable Fund
TreanorHL Scott Rice Office Works
SILVER ASID BRR Barbara Anderson Kali Buchanan College of Human Ecology Collin Campion DRI GLMV Architecture
Eric and Jessica Janzen Migette Kaup Jo Kimbell KNOLL Samantha Schwarz Textron Aviation Kristin Wedner
HAIR AND MAKEUP- BELLUS ACADEMY Barbara Anderson Marla Day Mike Dudek Sahar Ejeimi Sherry Haar Kim Hiller
Melody LeHew Emily Pascoe Genna Reeves Joy Robbins Yingying Wu Lydia Brooks
GREETERS, USHERS, DRESSERS Amy Baldwin Collin Campion Hannah Caresio Sabrina Cove Allison Douville Casey Green Natalie Hall Thad Halstead Teagan Hamblin Ryan Martin
WILDCAT WATCH Barbara Anderson Marla Day Mike Dudek Sahar Ejeimi Sherry Haar Kim Hiller
Sarah Gabel Gina Jackson Amanda Mack Hannah Schuh
Jason Martinez Larissa Oste Zoe Schumm Avery Slims Kelby Stehl Whitney Vaughn Kristen Wedner Carmen Zolman Emily Hayes Roger Reed
Kali Buchanan Jo Kimbell Samantha Schwarz Jo Staffelbach Heinz Gretchen Holy Kristen Goodman Kara Bush Catie Shaffer
Melody LeHew Emily Pascoe Genna Reeves Joy Robbins Yingying Wu Lydia Brooks
Sarah Gabel Gina Jackson Amanda Mack Hannah Schuh
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PHOTOGRAPHERS Barbara Anderson Marla Day Mike Dudek Sahar Ejeimi Sherry Haar Kim Hiller
Amy Baldwin Collin Campion Hannah Caresio Sabrina Cove Allison Douville Casey Green Natalie Hall Thad Halstead Teagan Hamblin Ryan Martin Jason Martinez Larissa Oste
Melody LeHew Emily Pascoe Genna Reeves Joy Robbins Yingying Wu Lydia Brooks
Sarah Gabel Gina Jackson Amanda Mack Hannah Schuh
Zoe Schumm Avery Slims Kelby Stehl Whitney Vaughn Kristen Wedner Carmen Zolman Emily Hayes Roger Reed Kali Buchanan Jo Kimbell Samantha Schwarz Jo Staffelbach Heinz
Gretchen Holy Kristen Goodman Kara Bush Catie Shaffer Kali Buchanan Jo Kimbell Samantha Schwarz Jo Staffelbach Heinz Gretchen Holy Kristen Goodman Kara Bush Catie Shaffer
SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIPS JAMIE LEE NEWKIRK FASHIONISTA SCHOLARSHIP Jamie’s life ended much too soon, a victim of domestic violence. Her parents describe her as a “Fashionista Rock Star” and are proud that her dreams have been kept alive with a scholarship in her name. To make a contribution, please contact Jeff Haug, director of development, at or 785-775-2061. Pictures?
KAREN MOORE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Karen Moore was a highly successful professional with an exemplary record of performance as a sales representative. This scholarship created in Karen’s honor with generate funding to inspire and support interior design students for years to come. To make a contribution, please contact Jeff Haug, director of development, at or 785-775-2061.
IDFS DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS Barbara Weigand Scholarship in Apparel Marketing Debra and James Gordon-Ice Family Scholarship Kenneth C. and Ann (Neff) Currie Human Ecology Scholarship Leslie E and Stella M Ellithorpe Student Research Award in Human Ecology Linda Lee Scholarship in Apparel and Textiles Rose Garzio Award for Outstanding Achievement in Apparel Design Sunflower Quilt Guild Scholarship Susan M. Larson Vera M. Ellithorpe Scholarship in Human Ecology
More scholarships? Or names of the winners?
The Janet Rees project is a way for students to recreate and be inspired by not only the glamourous clothing, but the history of it as well. Janet had a unique style that was full of energy; using her clothing to inspire, we can empower our clothing to celebrate life, creativity, and community. The students use the collection to research current and past styles as part of their design process resulting in a remix of historic and artistic elements. The Historic Costume and Textile Museum holdings and the Janet Lee Rees collection are preserved so that they can be an inspiration to our apparel design students to reinterpret in fresh new ways. A chance meeting and shared interests, and the couple married in 1970. Dick describes Janet as the love of his life and his devotion to her and her memory is clear. Janet passed away in November 2010. Janet had many interests, clothing, art, interior decorating, antiques, gardening, travel and for Boston Terriers. She had a great sense of innate style and an eye for details. Dick gave the Janet Lee Rees collection to the HCTM to keep her name and memory alive and honor the love of his life. He has given the HCTM over 900 pieces of clothing and accessories in the Janet Lee Rees collection. There is clothing worn by both Janet and Dick, Janet’s mother, and grandmother--- three generations of history in clothing.
Alexia King
ed ph gra to ho tp No
Claudia Filinger
Delaney Shaffer
ed ph gra to ho tp No
Kenzie Johnson
Tamara McConnell
ed ph gra to ho tp No
Vincent Wulf
ed ph gra to ho tp No
Kaylee Bynum
In Fall 2018, the Apparel Production I class integrated a natural dye skirt project that supports environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The project also celebrates national women’s entrepreneurship week through its connections to women’s cooperatives, businesses, and fair-trade companies. The natural dye project started off with students gathering leaves from their assigned tree on the K-State tree walk. The K-state tree walk is a 1.5 mile trail with over 100 species of trees, providing an opportunity to learn about the diverse ecosystem on the campus.
The project uses hand-woven fabric made by women from a weaving cooperative in Choa Cruz, Guatemala. Zoe Schumn, alumna and fair-trade business owner, noted: “Women in this community live on approximately $0.76 - $1.25 a day. Purchasing hand-loomed fabric for one project increases the monthly earning of a Choa Cruz weaver by 13% and allows them to buy necessities such as chickens for both eggs and meat.” K-State students have the opportunity to travel to Guatemala and see how the textiles for this project are made.
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The next stage is creating pattern and color with natural dyes. The fabric is washed and pre-treated with aluminum and tannin mordants, to assist bonding dye molecule to the fiber. The fabric can now be dyed with natural dyestuffs or dyed as a last step. To create the leaf prints, leaves are placed on the fabric and covered with fabric pretreated with a small amount of iron. The layers are rolled onto a PVC pipe steamed for ninety minutes. The skirt pattern selected for the project was designed by Linda Lee, alumna and owner of The Sewing Workshop in Topeka, Kansas.
In 2019, Emily Oertling was awarded a Green Action Fund grant to sustain the project, thus removing all financial responsibilities from students and faculty, while ensuring an annual order of hand-loomed fabric from the Choa Cruz cooperative. These sustainable garments are now available for purchase through a silent auction and displayed on the runway during the Showcase of Excellence Runway Show. All funds will go towards materials needed to sustain this project. Bidding starts at $40.
CAREER CLOSET This year at the IDFS Showcase of Excellence we are going the sustainable route and taking donations for the career closet. The Career Closet is open to all Kansas State University students. Clothing is free to students, but they do accept monetary donations for the Manhattan Emergency Shelter. Typically, students may take up to 3 items, depending on inventory. Available to all K-State students. We will not be doing swag bags this year due to them creating more waste in the environment. If you were not able to bring donations tonight you can bring them to the Berney Family Welcome Center!
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Interested in coming to Kansas State University? Sydney Smith, a second year Interior Design student thinks you should come to K-State because it is a community driven university. The college offers a wide variety of ways to get connected and join the K-State family.
Morgan Bettencourt, sophomore in Fashion Business thinks you should come to K-State because it is where you will find your forever home. A home you won’t want to leave once your four years have ended. The people, the pride, and the place make it an experience you won’t ever forgot.
Tamara McConnell, a sophomore in Fashion Design believes you should come to K-State because of the family atmosphere that is always welcoming and the IDFS department is no different. The IDFS department focuses a lot on career networking and sustainability.
Visit our website for more information on how to apply and to request information about our program.
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The Department of Interior Design and Fashion Studies focuses on human interaction and connection through framework in our teaching, scholarship, service, engagement and outreach. By looking at these interactions and connections we are focusing on the impact that humans have not only with each other but also with the environment. Our educational goal is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to live and work in diverse societies, improving the lives of individuals throughout the world. We value the potential of our students and commit our effort to enhancing their lives and the quality of all human life.
K-State’s Fashion Design and Business specializations rank in the top 10% of schools in the nation. The Fashion Studies undergraduate degree is accredited by the Textile and Apparel Programs Accreditation Commission (TAPAC). The Fashion Design specialization is accredited by the National Association of Art and Design (NASAD).
Placeholder for image of marketing students working on laptops. Preferably, with adobe products.
Note: Get a picture of VR Interior design or 3-D modeling program. Picture: Sydney Tucker The interior design program is the only 4-year CIDA-accredited program in Kansas. Among the Top 10, the top 3% of all programs nationally.
What school organizations are you a part of? I am an IDFS Student Ambassador and a College of Health and Human Sciences Student Ambassador. What extra curriculars are you a part of? I am one of the two VS PINK Campus Representatives for K-State. With this role I help put on free events on campus, run the Kansas State PINK social media accounts, put on in-store events, and so much more! Being a VS PINK Campus Rep has been a highlight of my college career because of the connections and hands on experience I have been able to gain through the company! What is a piece of advice that you would give to an incoming student in your program? My advice to any incoming students is to get involved as much as you can. Do not be afraid to become friends with your classmates. Go to any event that the department is putting on whether it is the career fair, faculty lead trip, or a guest speaker. The more time you invest the more you are going to get out of it! What made you choose this program at K-State? I chose K-State mainly because of the IDFS Department. When looking into coming to K-State and becoming a part of this program I learned that I had the opportunity to apply to go to the Fashion Institute of Technology my junior year for a one-year program in NYC. This really drew my attention because I was wanting to get the full college experience by getting to go to sporting events and other things K-State offered, but at the time I was wanting to go to out of state for college. So, after learning about this one-year opportunity with FIT, I was set on attending K-State because of getting to experience both!
What extra curriculars are you a part of? I have two on campus jobs. One is in the K-State Costume Shop, where I help create all the costumes for K-State’s Theater Department Main Stage Productions. And my other jobs are as a Premium Seat Hospitality Attendant, with the Ahearn Fund. With this job, I work up in the suites on football and baseball games, and down along courtside for basketball games. What is your favorite memory in our department? My favorite type of memory would have to be working in studio late at night with my fellow classmates. The later and later it gets, the loopier and sillier we become, which has created long lasting jokes that bonds the class together. Although, I do suggest trying and have good time-management skills, it will help in the long run. What is a piece of advice that you would give to an incoming student in your program? Do not be afraid to step outside the box and go against the norm. If designers did not think outside the box, we would never have any iconic fashion moments. Have you had any outside industry experiences throughout your years at K-State? I have my own business, Jaxson Wyatt. Jaxson Wyatt’s mission is to create clothes that empower ALL women. If you can feel confident in what you are wearing, you can rock whatever you do, whether it be at your job, a night out on the town, or a daunting first impression. The brand also has the selfresponsibility of creating clothing that is more socially and environmentally sustainable. Jaxson Wyatt has had the honor of showing collections at Kansas City Fashion week twice, for F/W 19/20 and F/W 20/21.
What school organizations are you a part of? What extra curriculars are you a part of? What is a piece of advice that you would give to an incoming student in your program? What made you choose this program at K-State?
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