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Precious earrings
As a Personal Fitness Trainer and Massage Therapist, I relish in the variety of fitness that is available to everyone, to suit all moods, but more importantly, fitness levels. In each issue of VELVET Magazine, I will be teaching you the alternative alphabet, through fun and fitness, so be prepared to be educated, elevated and encouraged to get fit with me!

They say working out three times a week is recommended, and I also recommend this, or even more if you can. It’s actually not that hard to do. When it comes to
Body Groove, Conditioning and Dance, it’s made simple, but more importantly it comes with the fun factor. That’s why I’ve done the hard work, so that you don’t have to.
I’ve compiled a list of fitness trends and tips you need to pay attention to.
B is for Body Groove. In ‘Body Groove’ you get super-simple choreography that anyone can do, but also the freedom to make each movement your own, by adding exactly the style that you want. Having said that, it’s a completely different way to work out that doesn’t have you mindlessly following an instructor’s moves on what they think is right for your body.
Instead, you move the way that feels right for you. As you’ll see, this will make all the difference,and did I mention, it is insanely fun! However, you have to be a little bit of an independent thinker, to see how this will work for you. You see, most exercise routines follow prescribed movements that fail to take into consideration your individual personality and abilities, this makes most exercise boring and oftentimes painful, because it’s wrong for your body.
Plus, it should also be fun, enjoyable, stress-free and relaxing; something you can’t wait to do, and you don’t want to stop!
C is for Conditioning Your Body.
Whether that’s through the cardio-vascular system, (your heart and lungs), or the Muscular/Skeletal system, a combination would be best suited. This can be done in a variety of ways, in a class situation using just body weight, or one on one with a trainer if you desire.
The combination of warming the body up and working at 60-85% of the maximum heart rate, for half an hour 3x per week, would be ideal with either a small weights section or toning