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Paper Flowers by Tiffany & Co
section, followed by a stretch to elongate the muscles once they have been contracted. You can concentrate on the different areas of the body so that you can be in control of your workout, and you will feel stronger within your mind and body, feel suppler, and of course the health benefits on the heart and lungs are being added to- with each work out. Ideally, you should be working out together with a balanced diet, enough water and the correct mindset- this will enable you to lose fat.
D is for I love to Dance.
Why music? Why not. The movement makes me feel alive, so I’m sure it will do that to you too. Do you ever just put on some music, stand in the middle of the room and see what it makes you do? How does it make you feel? Relax your body, take some deep breaths and close your eyes, drop those shoulders and “feel’ the music- nobody is watching, no one cares what you look like anyway, its only your self-obsession, so just let yourself go. We know movement burns calories, and we know music makes us move our bodies- so let’s do it! Enjoy it, make the most of it daily. Feel your heart beat and breathe deeply. Let your body move to the rhythms- the rhythms of life. Embrace it, feel it, be it, it’s wonderful. I hope that I can inspire you through why I ‘Love to Dance’, and why you should strongly consider dance fitness, regularly. • Always remember to warm the body up, before any work-out. • You should be working out together with a balanced diet, enough water and the correct mindset. • You should always feel your heart beat and breathe deeply. • Working out three times a week is recommended.
You can contact Michelle Gilbert, for further expert advice on: michelleanddolly@icloud.com