ODA Magazine Media Kit

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ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

About ODA

The Agenda

ODA is a magazine that aims to fill the present gap in professional international English speaking Media concerning Official Development Assistance. It is poised to become the first publication fully dedicated to business topics with regards to this fast-emerging field of international development. The slick monthly magazine, published by SOMMAR Consulting (a premier UAE based media house) with branches in three countries, UK, Egypt and Sudan. The English language edition will be followed by an Arabic version in 2018 Q3.

• To create awareness, opportunities and interest towards developments efforts in the region • To inform, advise and guide readers of the latest opportunities, news, trends, market analysis, and research of the ODA field through high-quality editorial (exclusive news content, features, interviews, specials, listings, columns and guides) • To showcase the region’s vast business potential • To inform foreigners and educate nationals about the region’s strengths

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

A continent in the flux of rapid development African countries, despite having a huge base of natural resources and human potential, remains largely untapped in terms of investments. Furthermore, most news covered by the mainstream international press is either negative or doesn’t present the countries in the right light. This creates a strong need for an independent business title that redresses the balance and presents a true, progressive picture about where these countries stand at the moment.

Elaborating Africa’s true potential The magazine’s aim is to inform and advise both African nationals and prospective investors/foreigners about the Continent’s massive scope. The purpose is thus two-fold: create awareness or mind share for Africa; secondly, drive in business opportunities and investments into the continent.

Africa - the gateway to Development Work For advertisers, ODA offers the tantalising prospect of ready-access to a 1 billion strong African population. Africa’s geographic location and expected development boom mark it out as a prominent player on the World’s map, and ODA intends to be there capturing this progress every step of the way.

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e


Editorial Sections

• The current information market lacks a regular English publication that addresses business and investment topics related to the ODA field • The audience for such publication is huge both within and outside Africa • An English language publication is a great opportunity to communicate the achievements of the Continent, whilst reflecting the opportunities available to investors • Countries’ public and private sectors can now showcase their achievements through a quality first class publication

• Inside Development - The latest general and business news • Regional Round-up - North Africa/Gulf-centric • News Cover story - Topical content • Lead Feature - Covering one specific topic in-depth every month • Ask ODA - Experts answer reader questions (legal, financial, general) • Pictorial - Showcasing Countries (photo essays/news pictures) • Interview - In-depth interview with a leading voice • Columns - Experts comment on a wide range of topics • Sector Focus - Every month, we take an in-depth look at key sectors such as infrastructure, telecom, property, hospitality, and tourism • Advertorial - advertiser driven content • Country Report - every month, we cover one country that is investing/transacting/doing business with International Donors • Editorial Contents, index and subscription page • About ODA

Distribution and Circulations Controlled circulation through embassies (3,500 copies) Free distribution to investors, financial community, businesses & trade bodies Limited print-run for retail distribution. Print-run: 7,500 copies printed every 30 days.

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

Magazine is aiming at capturing knowledge and experience of professionals in the Official Development Assistance field and disseminating it across the development community of Africa and the region.

Key Geographic Areas

Key Target Audience Areas

Middle east and Africa (Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, UAE, KSA, Qatar, Jordan, Oman)

• Ministries

• Egypt Embassies

• Hotels

• Foreign Offices

Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia)

• Airports

• International Organisations

America (USA and Canada)

• Banks

Near and far East (China, India, Japan, Malaysia)

• UN Offices

• Egypt Inbound Flights

• NGO Offices

• Conferences & Seminars

• Major Airlines Offices

• English Satellite Channels

• Restaurants & Coffee Shops

• Research Institutes

• Newspapers & Magazines

• Newspapers & Magazines

• TV and Radio

• Businessmen Organisations

Regional Offices

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

Psychographics and Demographics Publication Notes • 86 pages per issue (Editorial + ads/listings) - 60:40 split • Editorial Total = 44 pages (English) • Advertisements/listings = 42 pages

The following are the major groups we aim to reach: • Development Professionals • Investors / Businessmen • Political decision makers • UN Organisations/ NGO staff members

• A4 size, 100 gsm internal paper quality • Journalists / Media Analysts • Bank Managers

Target audience Development Professionals

• Researchers


• Tourists


• Professionals

Trade councils Investors

Target advertisers • Airlines, • telecom companies, • hospitality sector, • infrastructure providers, • domestic and • international advertisers Within those areas, we will specifically hone in on the following types of target readership

Entrepreneurs Tourists

• Decision Makers • Businessmen / Investors

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

Advertising Rates in US$: Rates





Outside back cover

USD 3,970

USD 3,673

USD 3,414

USD 3,175

Inside front cover

USD 3,890

USD 3,589

USD 3,337

USD 3,104

1 right hand page

USD 3,890

USD 3,589

USD 3,337

USD 3,104

Inside back cover

USD 3,600

USD 3,300

USD 3,096

USD 2,880

Double page spread

USD 5,406

USD 4,908

USD 4,643

USD 4,245

Full page

USD 2,948

USD 2,727

USD 2,579

USD 2,358

Half page horz/vert

USD 1,620

USD 1,499

USD 1,418

USD 1,296

Quarter page

USD 890

USD 824

USD 779

USD 712


is a magazine that aims to fill the present gap in professional international English speaking Media concerning Official Development Assistance

TERMS: Net 30 days with approved credit. SPECIAL POSITIONS: Premium charge of 15 percent. Subject to availability and color capability. Not applicable for cover positions. FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS: Rates based on the number of insertions run in contract year (six consecutive issues). If more or fewer ads are inserted than specified, rate will be credited or short-rated accordingly. Twopage spreads count as two ads toward frequency discount.


Editorial Calendar 2018

O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e


Dimensions and Specifications







Development Outlook



Country Focus


Project Story

Cultural Heritage and Tourism

Editorial Feature

Local Partners

Double-Page Spread

Full Page

1/2 Page

Trim size: 460 x 275mm Bleed size: 470 x 285mm

Trim size: 230 x 275mm Bleed size: 240 x 285mm

Trim size: 230 x 137.5mm Bleed size: 240 x 147.5mm

1/2 Page

1/4 Page

1/4 Page

Trim size: 115 x 275mm Bleed size: 125 x 285mm

Trim size: 230 x 68mm Trim size: 240 x 78mm

Trim size: 57 x 275mm Bleed size: 67 x 285mm

Ministry of Planning








& Grants












TVET Model in Secondary Schools

Public Sector Reforms

Gas Distribution Grid

Improving Public Sector Services

Ministry of Education



Ministry of



Technical Assistance

The Metro Project Ministry of Transportation

Africa Listing







Coffee Break Training

ODA Cycle

Strategic Planning


Project Management



Donor Profile







Agency Report







Special Reports

World Bank






Ad Space Deadline

10 December 2017

10 January 2018

10 February 2018

10 March 2018

10 April 2018

10 May 2018

Ad Materials Deadline

20 December 2017

20 January 2018

20 February 2018

20 March 2018

20 April 2018

20 May 2018

ODA O f f i c i a l D ev e l o p m e n t A s s i s t a n c e

Contact E-mail: ads@oda-magazine.com Website: www.oda-magazine.com

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