Studying abroad can be really exciting because it enables you to get an advanced education that enhances your career prospects. On the flip side there can be various vulnerabilities that come along with while staying in a foreign land. For example, you might suddenly fall sick or meet with an accident and incur study interruption. These are situations that can cause financial losses and you need to be prepared for them with student travel insurance. Why Does A Student Need Travel Insurance? It is a must to have this insurance because of the many privileges it provides. It helps you face the unexpected and enables you to deal with the financial strain of the problem. It is not uncommon to fall sick while studying. The situation can be mild or a severe one, wherein you can to be hospitalized. In such circumstances, it will pay for the medical costs, relieving you from the worry of having to pay them, so that you concentrate on getting
treatment. If you have cashless coverage in your plan, you can get treatment without paying cash at the hospital. The insurance company will directly pay for your medical treatment expenses. You have to just take treatment and walk off. Travel insurance comes to your aid, not just when you are sick abroad, but also when you are traveling and before you take the flight. Suppose your flight gets delayed or your baggage gets lost, the expenses arising from such a situation cannot be dealt with on your own, Students cannot afford heavy expenses and a sudden financial emergency can result you call up home for cash. You can avoid this problem with travel insurance as it compensates for such losses. Just call up the toll free number given in your policy for assistance and they will direct you on what needs to be done to process your claim. Another situation in which it comes to your aid is when you lose your passport or travel documents. When such
things happen, you are left high and dry to cope with the problem. You have to apply for the documents again. How will you manage with the expenses as payment has to be done for getting back a duplicate passport and documents? With travel insurance you can manage them because it will pay for duplication expenses. Is Student Travel Insurance Expensive And How To Get It? A basic student travel insurance India policy is not expensive. You can easily find a policy that offers good coverage and which fits within your budget. There are many plans available, from which you can select an optimal one. The easiest way to get it is by applying online. You can get coverage in just minutes. Within a few hours of applying the policy will be sent in PDF format to your email id. It will have all details of the cover that you have applied and will also show the tollfree number that you have to call in the event of a claim.