E x p a n d y o u r s k i l l s
Extra-Curricuar a c t

Extra-Curricuar a c t
Yours MissSamantha
...and how to choose
Am I artistic or sporty?
(HINT: Choose the opposite!)
Is there something I usually avoid?
(HINT: Go for it!)
Where can I make new friends? What do I think is the most fun?
(Hint: Making Friends is always good!)
(Hint: Work hard but enjoy time off!)
Click here to apply Yr 3-7
Click here to apply Yr 2
Once again we shall be offering religious instruction leading up to First Holy Communion and Confirmation
A total of 20 lessons in preparation for First Holy Communion will be held by the college and will be held once a week.
Lessons will be held once a week There will be 20 Lessons and resources will be made available to the students by the respective teachers
Schedule of Lessons:
Yr 2 (Monday) - at College
Yr 3 (Monday) and Yr 6 (Tuesday) - online
Yr 4 (Wednesday) and Yr 5 (Thursday) - online
Yr 7 (Monday) - online
Lessons will start on: Monday 2nd October 2023
Coach: Roseann Dimech
Sessions: 10
What to expect: teaching and practice of all tennis shots, modified team games and drills, singles and doubles, and age-appropriate games Various drills and activities at different levels will be provided
Who is this for: beginners and students with previous playing experience
Coaching experience: 15+ years of coaching at various tennis clubs (V.L.T.C., St. Aloysius tennis club, Rinella tennis club)
Teaching experience: Zejtun girls Junior Ly J F Abela Junior College, IPES University
Qualifications: -Bachelors in Education with P E (Malta) -Masters in Education (Nottingham) -ITF level 1 tennis coach
Starts 2nd week of October
Gymnathlon is a specialized training program for children between the ages of 2.5 - 9 focused on the development of the athletic-gymnastic skills of the children and team play Every Gymnathlon training lesson is planned very precisely and every child has a specific training plan to follow
11th October
During the Gymnathlon course, the children will practice 12 key physical skills and once the practice of individual skills is completed, children will receive a sticker on their training plan.. The price for 12 sessions is €129
For registration please use the link below:
Gymnathlon Junior:
To learn more about Gymnathlon, you can visit website: www.gymnathlon.com.mt
Young Engineers offers educational enrichment programs to children across the globe (50+ countries in total). We are recognised by Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education as a Global Education Innovation Initiative in STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
In each lesson, primary school students build a model that demonstrates different engineering principles from the world of Classical Mechanics. Our students comprehend these theories by building our exclusive models. Every Young Engineers student leaves our courses with a sense of achievement and the tools to maximize their everyday life
Year Groups activity will be offered YR3 + Time and date of sessions: 3 PM - 4:30 Pm
Price per 10 sessions (1 term): 160Euros Commencement date every Monday from 9th October
Look up these Youtube links here and here as well as this Facebook link for a glimpse of what goes on in our sessions
All applications are submitted to and are the responsibility of the organising entities St Edward's College is responsible for the Catechism classes Kindly Contact Ms Abela in case of queries: middle@stedwards edu mt
All information correct at the time of publication