Demons & Deals Chapter 3

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Created by Sylentwhysper

A Sims 4 Story



Worried about his sister and unsettled by Blanc’s schemes, getting a good night’s rest was an elusive endeavor for Josh.

There was no point in trying to sleep any more.

He got himself into this mess, now he had to get himself out.

The group was meeting today. The game was about to begin. Josh thought about skipping the meeting but Blanc’s warning was no joke. Death would await anyone who tried to slip out. There was no choice.

Before Josh headed out for the meeting, he reached out to the once source he had. Someone who was as influential and maybe even more powerful than Lucas Blanc. Josh called The Master.

Josh had never met The Master in person but they had communicated extensively over the phone. The Master was the sole keeper and gifter of the Dealers’ contractual powers.

“Hello, Master. It’s Josh.”

“What do you know about Lucas Blanc?”

“If you get involved with him, you’re screwed.” The Master replied.

“It’s too late. I’m already in.”

“There’s always a deal to be made. Deal yourself out, Josh.”

The Master guarded his secrets well but he did offer something valuable. “I can give you one tidbit of information. Blanc applied to the Dealer’s Academy when he was young. He went through the program and failed all the courses. Every single one of them. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

“Yes, Master.” Josh now understood Blanc’s weakness.

The courses at the Dealer’s Academy were designed to rule out ego. Blanc was full of ego, a trait that led him to failure of the program. A trait Josh planned to use to his advantage. The bigger the ego, the harder it shall fall.

He will play the game and make his first deal.

“Wonderful! Everyone is here and healthy.” It was a veiled threat delivered with false optimism.

“A single clue will be revealed every other day. You will use these clues to discover the location of the destruction device and disable it before it explodes. Very simple.”

“The first clue. The destruction device is pure raw energy. It is disguised in a place of high energy just as dangerous to elude being detected.�

That is such a cryptic clue.


Calla was curious about this young man who was rumored to be a Demon’s Dealer. Because of the strict qualifications and intense tests, a Dealer was a rare species.

“Hi, I’m Calla. What’s your name?”

“I’m Josh Franklin.”

“I can sense sadness in your heart. I’m sorry.” “Thank you, Calla.”

“I’ve lost everyone and my sister is missing. And Blanc’s game is just more crap I have to deal with.”

“Hey, I can help you. We can help each other. No matter what our differences may be, we are all in this together.”

“Trust doesn’t come easily among us demons, but if you would allow me, I’d like to earn yours.”

“Okay.” Josh answered.

But he wasn’t niave. She was going to use him and he was going to reciprocate in kind.

He had surrendered so easily. Now he belonged to her.

It has begun. And in one move, I’ve become a pawn and a king in the game.

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