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Penta Cooks
16A SEE 8A
Sylvania’s 2nd Graders are coloring Have a Heart Elephants for the February 1st Art Walk!
Are you taking care of your heart? Walk the walk in the heart of Sylvania!
Nicole Stevenson and Morgan Lashuay prepare peach cobbler for the Penta Career Center’s annual Scholarship Dinner and Silent Auction.
Tami Norris and her family participate in placing wreaths on the graves of veterans during the annual Wreaths Across America event.
Do It Group Brings Joy
David Sautter joins his dad, Jim, to add hams they donate to the boxes for each of the families for whom the Do It Group purchase food.
Happenings Lourdes Main Street Business Business Cards Congratulations Food Holiday Happenings Schools Sports Sunny Side Up Lives Celebrated Real Estate Classifieds
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Ongoing Alateen Meeting An Alateen meeting for children and teens ages eight and up who are affected by a loved one’s alcohol or drug use is held Sunday nights from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie St. Call 419-537-7500 for more information. Alzheimer’s Association An Alzheimer’s Association support group meets the third Thursday of each month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Aspen Grove, 7515 Secor Rd., Lambertville, Mich. Call 800-2723900 or Aquatic Exercise for Survivors CPW and The Victory Center offer aquatic exercise for survivors at CPW, 3130 Central Park West, on Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. Free to all survivors through a grant from The Rotary Club of Toledo. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy takes place the first and third Wednesday of each month from 1-2 p.m. at The Victory Center, 5532 W. Central Ave., Suite B. This program is free to people with a cancer diagnosis and is sponsored by ProMedica Cancer Institute. Call the Victory Center at 419-531-7600 for details. Boomers Resource Network Boomers Resource Network meets every Thursday at Uncle John’s Restaurant, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 419-865-8503 or visit Cancer Support Group A cancer support group meets the second Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at Mercy Health, St. Anne Hospital, second floor Cancer Library. Open to patients, family and caregivers. Call Marilyn at 419-865-0659 or Laura at 419-754-1277 for more information. Diabetes Education Support Group Monthly support group for people living with Type 2 diabetes meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the ProMedica Mary Ellen Falzone Diabetes Center, Conference Room A, 2100 W. Central Ave., free and open to the public. Call 419-291-6767 or contact Double ARC Online Parent Support Group A free support group for parents and guardians of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders facilitated by FASD specialists meets the second Tuesday from 78 p.m. at the Double ARC building, 5800 Monroe St., Bldg. F-5. Food Addicts in Recovery Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous meets every Monday night at 7 p.m. at Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 W. Central Ave. Contact Stoney at 734-635-1392, email or visit
God Works! Crossroads Community Church, 6960 Sylvania-Petersburg Rd., Ottawa Lake, Mich., offers God Works!, providing a warm meal to anyone in need each Thursday. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; meal is at 6 p.m. Healing Service The Victory Center invites all cancer patients and survivors to a Healing Service on the third Tuesday of each month at Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 W. Central Ave. The Healing Service is free and open to the public. Register by calling 419-531-7600. Mom2mom Mom2mom is a way for moms to get connected with others who are also journeying through motherhood. We meet the first Wednesday of every month from September through May from 9:15-11:15 a.m. at Christ the Word Church, 3100 Murd Rd. Childcare is provided. Check out Mothers’ Center of Greater Toledo First and third Thursday meetings for fun, food and friendship from 9:45 to11:15 a.m. at West Toledo YMCA, 2110 Tremainsville Rd., Toledo. Developmentally appropriate childcare provided. For info visit Nar-Anon A 12-step program for families and friends of addicts meets on Saturdays from 10-11 a.m. at Mercy St. Anne’s, 3404 W. Sylvania Ave, third floor conference room and Wednesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. at Harvest Lane Alliance Church, 5132 Harvest Ln. Olivet Lutheran Church’s Free Community Meal Olivet hosts a free community meal each Wednesday in the Christian Life Center. Enjoy food and fellowship at 5840 Monroe St. Call 419-882-2077 or visit Pet Loss Support Group SylvaniaVet hosts a pet loss support group meeting at Christ Presbyterian Church, 4225 W. Sylvania Ave., 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Park in the back. Call 419885-4421. Prostate Cancer Support Group A prostate cancer support group meets the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Cancer Center library at St. Anne’s Hospital. For info, call 419-346-2753 or 419-344-9830. Stamp Collectors Club of Toledo Meets first and third Thursdays,Sept.-May at Perrysburg Masonic Hall - 590 E South Boundary at 7 p.m. Each meeting is a program or member auction. Stroke Support Group Monthly support group for stroke survivors and their caregivers. Group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 4 - 6 p.m. at ProMedica Flower Hospital, 5200 Harroun
Items must be submitted one week prior to publication and will be printed on a space-available basis. Email information to Please include a phone number in case more information is needed. Rd. Contact 419-291-7537 or Survivors of Suicide Support Group Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Advent Lutheran Center, 6735 W. Sylvania Ave. at 7 p.m. Email Mark Hill at or call Nancy Yunker at 419-517-7553 for more information. Taizé Service A Taizé Service is held monthly on the third Thursday at 7 p.m. in SUCC’s Christ’s Chapel, 7240 Erie St. 419-882-0048. T.A.M.E. Meeting The Toledo Area Miniature Enthusiasts meet the first Saturday of each month from 1- 4 p.m. in the Sylvania Heritage Museum Carriage House, 5717 Main St. 734-847-6366.
TOPS Meetings (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Two chapters of TOPS,1961 and 1672, meet at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 6715 Brint Rd. Meetings are held Mondays from 910:30 a.m. and Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call 419-478-1103 or 419-841-6436 for information. TOPS is not church affiliated. Toledo Area Genealogy Society Meets from 7-9 p.m. the second Monday of the month September through June at Sylvania United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie St. Visit for info. Toledo Country Live Band Toledo Country Live Band is in concert the first and third Saturday, 6 p.m. at the Church of St. Andrew United Methodist, 3620 Heatherdowns Blvd. Light refreshments. Free. Information 419-262-4453.
Sylvania Senior Center Programs Hours: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri • 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays
LUNCH is served from 11:30-12:15 p.m. Mon-Fri; suggested donation for persons who are 60+ is $2.50; non-senior is $5.62, Make reservation by noon the day before. Billiards: Mon-Fri open all day, weekly; Computer Lab: open when classes are not in session; Open Gym: open when classes are not in session; Quilting & Sewing: Tue & Thu, 8-12 noon, weekly; Woodshop: Tue, Thu & Fri, 1-3, weekly; Woodcarvers: Tue, 2-5 weekly, January & February Transportation to Senior Center & Shopping: call Deb, 419-885-3913 01/09 Pinochle: 12:30-3:30, weekly Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Hatha Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * Retirement Specialist: 2nd Wed, by appt., monthly 01/10 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Memory Chat: 2nd Thu, by appt., memory care professional, monthly 01/11 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly Line Dancing: Fri 2:30-4, weekly 01/14 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Unique Health Care Solutions BP Clinic: 11:30-12:30 Woodcarving Class: Mon Wed 1-3, weekly, limited occupancy 01/15 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Franciscan Care Center BP/BS Clinic: Tuesdays, 9-11:30
O.S.H.I.I.P. Trained Specialist: 3rd Tue of the month, by appt. helping you w/health ins. plans Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Duplicate Bridge: Tue, Thu, 1-4, weekly Bunco: 1st & 3rd Tue 1-3, monthly Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: Tue 3-4, weekly, * 01/16 Knitting/Crocheting, Wed 9-11, Fri 2-4, weekly Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Movie Day: Wed 1-3, please RSVP, monthly Hatha Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * 01/17 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Book Review Group: 3rd Thu 2-3, monthly Contract Bridge: Tue 12:303:30 01/18 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly Line Dancing: 2:30-4, weekly 01/21 Closed/Holiday 01/22 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734
*Call for fee and registration • For more info, call: 419-885-3913 Sylvania Community Services, a nonprofit agency, manages the Sylvania Senior Center. For a complete listing of all Senior Center activities and programs, visit and click on Senior Center Newsletter. Sylvania Senior Center • 7140 Sylvania Ave. • Sylvania, Ohio 43560
•Through Jan. 13 Rebecca Louise Law, Community Toledo Museum of Art British artist Law designed and created a site-specific installation to form an immersive visitor experience that explores the relationship between humanity and nature.
•Through Feb. 24 Art, Nature and the Senses Toledo Museum of Art Multisensory art installation from international artists.
•Jan. 8
ProMedica Dementia Education Series, 6:30-7:30 p.m. ProMedica Flower Hospital Conference Center, Boardroom ProMedica experts will provide insight, strategies, techniques and care approaches for managing the course of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, call 419-824-6448, option 2, or email katherine.gonzalez@promedica. Amazing Fungi in NW Ohio, 7 p.m. Olander Nederhouser Get excited about the ‘fungus among us’ as we discuss the roles of fungi in our lives and in our natural areas. Learn tips of identification, and enjoy photos that
To advertise, email
5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Telephone: 419-824-0100 Facsimile: 419-824-0112 E-mail: YOURGOOD.NEWS PUBLISHER Sharon Lange EDITORS Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Janet Amid, Dr. Bob Esplin, Gayleen Gindy, Killeen French-Hill, Mike Jones, Craig Stough, Janis Weber CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER John Crisman of AssetWare COPY EDITING Sarah Groves, Bobbie Ziviski PRODUCTION Susan Utterback ADVERTISING Dave Achen, Mary Rose Gajewski GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Elissa Cary, Penny Collins Views expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff.
highlight some families and favorites. Presented by Kim High, Metroparks master interpreter.
•Jan. 8, 14
Bariatric Seminar – First Step, 6-8 p.m. ProMedica Health and Wellness Center Community Education Rm., Ste. 101 5700 Monroe St. Learn from one of our expert surgeons who will explain the weight loss surgery process, eligibility requirements, types of surgical procedures and your potential benefits and risks. For more information or to register, call 419-291-6777 or 1-800-971-8203 or visit
•Jan. 9, Feb. 13
Kids Painting Class, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Christ Presbyterian Church 4225 W. Sylvania Ave. A painting class for kids will be held to create a canvas painting to display in the church. Children ages 4 and up can be dropped off. Children under 4 can attend with an adult helper. This event is free but registration is required. Jen Juhasz or call 419-4758629, ext. 204.
•Jan. 10
Baby + Me Yoga Storytime, 10-11 a.m. King Road Library Bond and stretch together through yoga inspired stories. No yoga experience necessary. Bring a baby blanket + yoga mat. •Tinkerlab Challenge, 4:15-5:15 p.m. King Road Library Would you like to create, explore, and tinker? The library has challenges that require teamwork and ingenuity to promote science, tech, engineering, and math learning. Open to all ages. Locations Franciscan Center, Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania Olander Park (Nederhouser and Gorman), 6930 W. Sylvania Ave. To register, 419-8828313, ext. 1013 or Secor Metropark, 10001 W. Central, Berkey Sylvania Libraries 6749 Monroe St., Sylvania 419-882-2089 3900 King Rd., King Branch 419-259-5380 Toledo Museum of Art 2445 Monroe St., Toledo Toledo Zoo 2 Hippo Way, Toledo Valentine Theatre 410 Adams St., Toledo Wildwood Preserve Metropark (Manor House) 5100 W. Central Ave., Toledo
•Mercy Health Talks, 2-3 p.m. King Road Library Join us monthly for an informative presentation from Mercy Health. •Snow Fun for Toddlers, 10 a.m. Olander Gorman Center Toddlers,18 months to 3 years dress for winter and have fun in the snow finding hidden creatures. Puppets, songs and stories with Joyce Davis.
•Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31
Zumba, 6 p.m. Olander Nederhouser If you love to dance, join Zumba, a Latin dance fitness class. This is a perfect way to have fun and get fit at the same time. Try one class or full session. Residents $5 per class; nonresidents $6 per class.
•Jan. 11 Make and Take a Paper Bead Pendant, 1-3 p.m. All Good Things Art & Gifts Shop Cost $10. For more information or to RSVP, or call 419-8243749. •Maumee Valley Adventurers Soups' On, 6:30 p.m. Judy Wilkinson Potluck supper: soups and beverage provided; salads, desserts requested. Get directions when you RSVP at 419-882-5707.
•Jan. 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 Snooze at the Zoo, 6:30 p.m.-10 a.m. Spending the night at the Zoo for families, groups and schools. Guests make enrichment for the animals, tour the Zoo, meet animals up close and enjoy delicious meals. Separate fee, pre-registration required. For more information, including pricing and available dates, visit
•Jan. 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 ‘Dancing Lessons,’ 8 p.m. Village Players Theatre 2740 Upton 419-472-6817 ‘Dancing Lessons’ centers on Ever, a young man with Asperger’s syndrome, who seeks the instruction of a Broadway dancer to learn enough dancing to survive an awards dinner. In collaboration with the Autism Society of Northwest Ohio.
•Jan. 11, 18 January’s Sunny Days, 10 a.m. Olander Gorman Center Children ages 3 to 5 welcome facts, stories and songs about the sun. Make a sun catcher and venture outside to capture some rays and fun. Puppets present fun facts. And make a puppet with Joyce Davis to bring sunshine into your life.
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BERNIE HEINL AGENCY 7110 West Central Ave. (Near Lowe’s)
•Jan. 11, 25 Minecraft Meetup, 3:45-4:45 p.m. King Road Library Join other Minecrafters at the Library to explore, build, battle, collaborate and survive in exciting virtual worlds.
•Jan. 12 How Animals Survive the Winter, 10-11 a.m. King Road Library Migrate? Hibernate or stay active all winter? Discover the strategies used by animals to find food, stay warm and survive Ohio’s chilly temperatures. •Toledo Spain and Beyond, 2:15 p.m. Oak Opening Lodge 5440 Wilkins Rd., Whitehouse Part of a travel series by Maumee Valley Adventurers featuring Judy Pfaffenberger.
•Jan. 12, 13 Blissfield Model Railroad Club Open House, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 109 E. Adrian St. (US 223) Blissfield Model railroaders, train enthusiasts, railfans, seniors, and kids are invite The large HO scale model railroad will be open for the public to enjoy.
•Jan. 12, 18, 19, Solar Superstorms show, 7:30 p.m. Appold Planetarium Narrated by actor Benedict Cumberbatch, Solar Superstorms features one of the most intensive efforts ever made to visualize the inner workings of the Sun. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under.
•Jan. 13 Horticulture Tour Toledo Zoo Behind-the-scenes tour of the greenhouse facility; home to a unique variety of plants suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. To register and for more information, visit •Songs for our Sister, 3 p.m. Toledo School for the Arts 333-14th St. To benefit the Maryanne Russo Jazz Memorial scholarship. Concert with bestknown jazz and blues musicians in the area. •‘Dancing Lessons,’ 2 p.m. Village Players Theatre 2740 Upton 419-472-6817 ‘Dancing Lessons’ centers on Ever, a young man with Asperger’s syndrome. In collaboration with the Autism Society of Northwest Ohio.
•Jan. 14 Sylvania Book Club, 7-8 p.m. Sylvania Library Have an enjoyable time reading and discussing books.
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•Jan. 18 •Jan. 14, 28
Olander Nederhouser
Family Storytime, 4-4:30 p.m. King Road Library Children ages 2-5, along with a favorite grown-ups, are invited to talk, sing, read, write and play.
•Jan. 14 EdChoice Information Night, 7 p.m. King Road Library Learn about the wide range of choices in the education of children. Scholarship information will also be available.
•Jan. 15 Device Advice, 3-4 p.m. Sylvania Library Get advice on smartphones, tablets or laptops. •Code IT, Jr., 4:15-5:15 p.m. King Road Library Learn the basics of coding with kid-friendly software and hands-on activities. Grades K-3. •Where is Bear, 10 a.m. Olander Gorman Center Join ECO Discovery! to discover what is going on in bear’s cozy den. Children ages 3 to 5 years can bring a bear or other stuffed animal and share a snack.
•Jan. 15, 22, 29 Babytime, 10-10:30 a.m. King Road Library This storytime focuses on developing your baby’s early literacy skills. Babies 0-18 months will be introduced to songs, movement, rhythm and rhyme designed to foster a love of books and reading. •Family Storytime, 10-10:45 a.m. Sylvania Library Children ages 2-5, along with their favorite grown-ups, are invited to talk, sing, read, write and play. •Toddler Storytime, 11-11:30 a.m. King Road Library Have fun at this interactive storytime for children 18 months-3 years old and a favorite grown-up. Talk, sing, read, write and play.
•Jan. 16 Homeschool Hour, 1:30-2:30 p.m. King Road Library Join us on the third Wednesday of each month to network and hang out with other homeschooling families from the community. •Wednesday Walks With TOPS, noon
•Jan. 16, 23, 30 Babytime, 10-10:30 a.m. Sylvania Library This storytime focuses on developing your baby’s early literacy skills. Babies 0-18 months will be introduced to songs, movement, rhythm and rhyme designed to foster a love of books and reading. •Family Storytime, 11-1:30 a.m. Sylvania Library Children ages 2-5, along with their favorite grown-ups, are invited to talk, sing, read, write and play. •Storytime Playdate, 6-7 p.m. King Road Library Get your sillies out before bedtime! Join us for a playdate complete with dance, music and stories.
•Jan. 17 K’NEX Challenge, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sylvania Library Practice your engineering skills and put your creativity to work in this fun building program featuring K’NEX. •Code IT Club, 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. King Road Library Have you ever wanted to create a video game, program a robot or make a website? Come to the library, make some friends, learn more about coding and show others your skills. Grades 4-9. •Llama Llama Pajama Party, 7-8 p.m. King Road Library Fans of Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama Red Pajama won’t want to miss this opportunity to interact with Llama Llama! Wear your favorite pajamas and bring a camera. •Baby/Toddler Yoga, 10 a.m. Olander Gorman Center You and your 18 month to 3-year-old child will play and practice yoga while singing songs, exploring movement and connecting with others. Bring yoga mat or towel. Rachna Maheshwari, instructor. •Talking Today’s Tech, 7 p.m. Sylvania Library Learn about popular apps, appropriate screen time and online tools.
Lourdes Lifelong Learning Presents U.S. Immigration Policy, 10-11 a.m. Franciscan Center Join retired Lourdes University psychology professor Tom Estrella and Dr. Dale Lanigan, assistant professor of Sociology & Justice Studies as they discuss and debate immigration policy in the U.S. Free for first-time visitors and Lifelong Learning members. Cost of membership is $45. Contact 419-824-3707 or for info. •Facts vs. Opinion: Distinguishing Them in the News, 11 a.m.-noon Franciscan Center Take a test to see how good you are at separating fact from opinion; then compare your results with a nationwide survey. Discuss social media sources of news and how to judge their accuracy. Discussion led by Norm Thal. Cost is $10/Lifelong Learning members; $15/nonmembers. Contact 419-824-3707 or for more information.
•Jan. 18, 25 Library Playdate, 10-10:45 a.m. Sylvania Library Children and a favorite grown-up are welcome to experience the Library as a fun, exciting place to play while building early literacy skills.
•Jan. 18-26 Escape at Manor House Wildwood Metropark 419-407-9700 Solve puzzles and challenges used to “escape” Wildwood’s Manor House in a “timely” fashion. Starts times are 5:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. Call for reservations.
•Jan. 19 Homeopathic Remedies and Essential Oils Seminar Body Defined Pilates Studio 6626 Monroe St. Ste. A Call 419-450-4940/419-708-1214 for reservations and class information. •Horticulture Make & Take Workshop, 10 a.m.-Noon
Toledo Zoo Botany and bubbly at the Zoo’s take-home terrarium workshop. Register and learn more at •Hiking Zion/Bryce Canyon, 2:15 p.m. Wildwood Ward Pavilion Wildwood Metropark Part of series by Maumee Valley Adventurers with Diane DeYonker and Jim Hawkins.
•Jan. 20 Open house, 12:30-3 p.m. Little Mouse Preschool 7041 Sylvania Ave. Visit the preschool and learn all about its programs.
•Jan. 21 Celebrate the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., 8 a.m. Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania Celebrate Mass. Prayers for Peace, Justice and Racial Harmony •Kids Day, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Christ Presbyterian Church 4225 W. Sylvania Ave. Children ages 4 through fifth grade can spend their day off of school having fun. Registration is required by Jan. 16, contact or 419-475-8629 ext 204. •Camp for a Day. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Toledo Zoo Have the kids spend their day off school at the Zoo! Explore all about animals built for the extreme cold weather. Separate fee, preregistration required. Available for ages 5 – 12. Zoo member discount applies. To register visit •A Day of Service - Seeds and Soup 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Olander, Nederhouser Come help clean and package native seeds we’ve collected for restoration and use on Wild Ones projects and events including the upcoming Seed Swap. Afterwards, enjoy homemade soup and bread. No experience is necessary. All ages welcome.
Your Go-To Event: Escape the Manor House
•Jan. 17, 24, 31 Toddler Storytime, 10-10:30 a.m. Sylvania Library Have fun at this interactive storytime for children 18 months - 3 years old and their favorite grown-up. Talk, sing, read, write and play. •Resume Workshop, 6-8 p.m. King Road Library Receive one-to-one help creating an effective resume and cover letter, or improve a current one that reflects your skills, knowledge and education relevant to the job you are seeking.
Thank you
for a great 2018! Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019!
Lisa’s Nails
4024 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623 • 419/517-0092
he Escape the Manor House event is back and with it a whole new set of challenges. Participants will want to get their reservations in early for this popular event that is being offered on four dates running Jan. 18 through Jan. 26, at the Manor House, located on the grounds of Wildwood Preserve Metropark on Central Ave. Scheduled times are at 5:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. Guests will work with team members on a whole new set of challenges and puzzles to solve. Do you have the wits, skills, enthusiasm and sense of adventure to overcome nature and outdoor themed challenges to escape the Manor House before time runs out? The majority of the program will take
place inside but will also include brief outdoor challenges. Dress for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. The fee is $18 per person. Reserve a spot online by visiting Use reservations code 105512601. If you are unable to register online, call 419-407-9700 to speak with a member of the Customer Service department during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The program also provides an excellent opportunity for corporations to experience a team building exercise. If interested in scheduling this program for your corporation, call 419-4079768 or email Ashley.Smith@MetroparksToledo. This event is highlighted on the Guy in the 419 Live Show, available on Facebook or by visiting
Bank Staff ‘Pays It Forward’
Front Row L-R: Sylvania Area Family Services board member David Puckett, Marybeth Shunk of First Federal Bank, SAFS Executive Director Dottie Segur, Crystal Jordan of First Federal Bank, Chelsea Bray and Tina HernandezGonzales, both of SAFS; Back Row L-R: Tom Wulf, Tara Mulligan and Reggie Temple, of First Federal Bank, are all smiles as First Federal 'Pays it Forward' by dropping off a donation to SAFS on Dec. 15, at the Marshall Road facility. SAFS was one of 12 recipients within the tri-state area to receive gifts from First Federal Bank. —by Mary Helen Darah
Shorties U for young filmmakers planned The Sylvania Community Arts Commission will again offer the Shorties U in 2019. The Shorties U youth film program was developed for students in fifth through eighth grade to support the young filmmakers in the community. Led by area experts, this four-day workshop experience takes students through the steps of creating their own short films – including developing an idea, writing a script, shooting on a budget and the fundamentals of editing. During the course of the workshop students also participate in making team short films.
This year the workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9 and 23. The registration fee is $75 per student and includes all workshop costs. After registering online, participants will receive an email the week before the workshop begins with the required release forms and more information. Those interested can register at, call 419-517-0118 or email with any questions.
Last year, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library launched a unique new book club just for adults 21 and older. Books on Tap was such a success that it's now been expanded to three locations. Those interested in joining will meet to talk books, socialize and relax with a cold one. Books on Tap programs are now hosted at Kent, Maumee and Sylvania Branches. Books can be checked out from any Library location, but a selection will be held at the participating branches prior to the event. Sylvania Books on Tap will be held at Inside the Five, 5703 Main St., at 7:30 p.m. The schedule includes: Jan. 8, “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste
Ng; Feb. 12, “I'll be Gone in the Dark” by Michelle McNamara; March 12, “ A Place For Us” by Fatima Farheen Mirza; April 9, “Educated” by Tara Westover; and May 14, “The Immortalists” by Chloe Benjamin.
New SCIC Executive Board Named
The Sylvania Community Improvement Corporation Executive Board L-R: John Monaghan, treasurer, John Healey, outgoing president, Michelle Sprott, secretary, Jerry Arkebauer, president, and Jeff Clegg, vice president, were introduced at the organization’s annual meeting Dec. 12. Former Sylvania Community Improvement Corporation presidents Erika Buri and John Healey are recognized for their service at the organization’s annual meeting held Dec. 12. Buri’s two-year term spanned 2015-2016 with Healey following. As he turned over the gavel to incoming president Jerry Arkebauer, Healy thanked Bill Sanford along with the board and SCIC members for all of their help and support for the past two years.
Library’s Books on Tap brews in Sylvania Zoo winter weekend events
The Toledo Zoo is hosting Cabin Fever Weekends featuring half-price admission and unique experiences each Saturday, and animal encounters, animal feeds and demonstrations each Sunday. January weekends will explore one indoor Zoo exhibit a week, while February will be theme-focused. In addition to the animals, there will be animated character meet-andgreets, fun games, creative crafts, teachable conservation moments and much more.
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Lourdes University names new business & leadership dean
David Burkitt, Ph.D. David Burkitt, Ph.D., has been named Dean of the Lourdes College of Business & Leadership. Dr. Burkitt is responsible for the
direction and management of the university’s business college. Dr. Burkitt possesses 15 years of executive experience in university, healthcare, and athletic settings. He comes to Lourdes from Mount Saint Mary’s University in California where he served as Executive Director of Graduate Faculty for the Master of Business Administration program. In that position he planned, designed and developed the online MBA program as well as managed several non-traditional adult programs. Throughout his tenure at Mount Saint Mary’s, he served as the Interim MBA Director, was instrumental in the program’s accreditation, and taught as an associate professor and adjunct faculty member. He earned an MBA and Ph.D. in Leadership and Organizational Development from Regent University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Mount Saint Mary’s University. Possessing real-world experience, he served as Chief Operations Officer of Quality Quest, a nationally recognized
healthcare nonprofit, and Chief Financial Officer at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Los Angeles. He also served as a National Controller for the American Youth Soccer Organization. A respected professional in both the academic and business realms, he has been the principal investigator on research grants for executive leadership and restorative justice. His most recent publication, “Transformational Hearts in Executive Leadership,” appeared last year in the International Academy of Business and Public Administration. “I am confident in Dave’s collaborative leadership style and his vision for the business college. His wealth of expertise in program development will serve the
University well. Most importantly, it will ensure that Lourdes continues to provide excellent undergraduate and graduate business programs that meet employers’ needs and prepares graduates to achieve success in their chosen discipline,” noted Lourdes University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Terry Keller, Ph.D. “I look forward to working with Dr. Keller and the talented team of business faculty. Together, we will strengthen and grow the College of Business & Leadership and its suite of programs. Additionally, I look forward to establishing new relationships with this region’s employers and exploring how we can best serve them through innovative and strong internship and networking programs,” said Dr. Burkitt.
Franciscan Pilgrimage to Italy
‘Solar Superstorms’ returns to Appold Planetarium The “Solar Superstorms” show returns to the Appold Planetarium in January. Discover more about the fury that is building on the surface of the Sun. High-velocity jets create a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high with rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these strange phenomena? How will they affect planet Earth? Learn the answers at the Appold Planetarium’s “Solar Superstorms” show and enjoy the dazzling magic of the aurora borealis, or Northern lights. Explore the tangle of magnetic fields and superhot plasma that vent
the Sun’s rage in dramatic flares, violent solar tornadoes, and the largest eruptions in the solar system – coronal mass ejections. Narrated by actor Benedict Cumberbatch, “Solar Superstorms” features one of the most intensive efforts ever made to visualize the inner workings of the Sun. The family-friendly shows are offered at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 12, Friday, Jan. 18 and Saturday, Jan. 19. Admission for “Solar Superstorms” is $5 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under. Lourdes University seniors Hannah Hess and Rachel Moos are introduced by Sister Ann Carmen Barone, OSF Lourdes University Vice President for Mission and Ministry, as the students who traveled in late December to Assisi and Rome, Italy, for a 10-day pilgrimage as part of the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities Student Pilgrimage Program. While there, the two students experienced the spirituality of the places where St. Francis and St. Clare lived and breathed while also being afforded several opportunities for reflection.
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SOMO Flats development funding secured
Richard L. Arnos The SOMO Flats planned for Sylvania has secured $36 million for development of the mixed-use project. The Toledo Lucas County Port Authority and a consortium of local financial institutions, lead by Waterford Bank, N.A., will provide the funding for the project. “Waterford Bank is headquartered in and deeply involved in the Sylvania community. We are thrilled to be part of this exciting project that promises to add important new investment into the city,” said Andrew Maher, senior vice president for Waterford Bank. SOMO Flats will provide luxury residential residences in proximity to restaurants, businesses and retails shops in the heart of downtown Sylvania. The project developer is SOMO MF Partners, LLC, a joint venture between Sylvania-headquartered Republic Development LLC, and Carmel, Ind.-based, J.C. Hart Company, Inc. These established partners specialize in creating unique residential communities in locations throughout the Midwest, many featuring mixed-use elements. SOMO Flats will consist of 206 luxury apartments with under building parking, elevators in both the west and east buildings,
John C. Hart, Jr. unique one-, two- and three-bedroom floor plans, and feature many premier amenities including storage lockers, an outdoor pool and a fitness area. “The SOMO project is special and will add energy to the array of activities taking place in downtown Sylvania today. The restaurants, shops and businesses located there should all benefit, as will the new residents of SOMO Flats,” stated Richard L. Arnos, president of Republic Development, LLC. City of Sylvania officials are excited about the SOMO Flats providing opportunities for residents to live in downtown Sylvania. “We are confident that the SOMO Flats will serve as a transformational project in our downtown corridor,” said Mary Westphal, president of Sylvania City Council. “The new life and energy brought to our community through these luxury apartments will complement the high-quality lifestyle and family friendly environment that makes Sylvania the best place in northwest Ohio to live, work and play.” The J.C. Hart Company owns and manages more than 5,500 market rate luxury apartments. John C. Hart, Jr., president, said, “We are excited to be moving forward with the
A rendering of SOMO Flats SOMO site in Sylvania. We see a trend all across the country where millennials and aging baby boomers are attracted to the urban core of their communities and a lifestyle that affords a live, work, play environment within an easy walking distance to their home.”
Construction is set to commence in 2019, with the first residences available in early 2020. Rents are expected to range from $980 for a studio to $2,340 per month for a threebedroom, two-and-one-half bath residence.
Yark Automotive Group is directly helping families in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia through its Year End Holiday Giving Campaign. The company is donating a portion of proceeds from every car sold throughout the month of December 2018 to MemoryLane Care Services. In addition, Toyota is matching up to $10,000 of the donation to recognize Yark’s philanthropic work in the local community. As of Dec. 20, $15,175 had been raised to donate to MemoryLane Care Services. The Yark family will announce the total donation amount at a check presentation in early 2019. This is the third year Yark has supported MemoryLane Care Services, and to date they have donated over $65,000 to support families
who are caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. One hundred percent of donations from Yark remain in the local community to support respite care and other direct services. Yark Automotive Group includes Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, BMW, Subaru, Nissan, and Toyota dealerships, as well as used car sales and a body shop. MemoryLane is a local nonprofit that provides services to those living with Alzheimer’s and related dementia—and to their families. Services include an adult day center and short-term overnight respite care, along with education, information, advice, and support to individuals and families living with dementia.
Family dealerships support MemoryLane Care Services
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‘Your Bridge to the Past – Your Path to The Future’
Andi Erbskorn serves as the executive director of the newly created Heritage Sylvania. Heritage Sylvania board will be comprised of representatives from each of the three former boards and existing members of each organization will be grandfathered into membership of Heritage Sylvania. The idea for the merger was first suggested in a study for the downtown commissioned by the city of Sylvania nearly 10 years ago. “Part of that study identified the Lathrop House and the Historical Village as two historical bookends as part of a revitalized downtown,” Votes have been taken and papers have been Erbskorn reported. This concept sprung to life filed to officially blend together the three two years ago when Erbskorn received a CIC historic organizations of Sylvania. As of Jan. 1, grant allowing her to hire Creative Oxygen as the former Sylvania Historical Village, founded facilitators to brainstorm with the three groups in 1995, the Sylvania Historical Society, for the future. “We realized that these three founded in 1991, and The Friends of the groups had a lot of things in common. We Lathrop House, founded 2000, have become share many of the same challenges, and we also Heritage Sylvania. Andi Erbskorn, who has share many of the same goals,” she noted. been the executive director for Sylvania A participant in the brainstorming session Historical Village and Heritage Center brought up the suggestion for a merger, which Museum for the past four years, will serve as gained enough momentum that a small the executive director of the new entity. The committee was formed to discuss the subject in
Historic merger leads to new organization
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Heritage Sylvania is New Name
Time was also spent deciding on a name for the new organization. In late summer 2018, a large group comprised of members of all three organizations, along with a few community representatives, met to talk about names. “It was a fascinating discussion as we walked through different words and what each word meant to us,” explained Erbskorn. Ultimately Heritage Sylvania was chosen. “We felt it was fresh, crisp and engaging,” McHugh noted. “The word ‘heritage,’ while encompassing history, suggests a more personal, richer and broader connection. It challenges us to stretch beyond the usual, sometimes dry, presentation of historical facts in order to make history come to life. The Historical Village can give context to what everyday life was like for the Lathrops, and opens the door to understanding the difficulties and dangers of harboring those sought by slavecatchers. We always encourage our visitors to look to their own family history, where perilous journeys might have been undertaken, or difficult decisions needed to be made. Heritage Sylvania will allow us to experience national history through the lens of small town America,” McHugh added.
The Lathrop House
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depth. Those discussions resulted in a memorandum of understanding being signed by the three boards in late 2017. Another year was required to complete the process. Each of the three boards and their voting members passed the measure unanimously, as did Sylvania City Council in their individual roles as voting members of the Sylvania Historical Village on Dec. 17. Attorney Thomas Blank, president of the Sylvania Historical Village, filed papers for the merged organizations with the Secretary of the State of Ohio after making the presentation about the merger to city council on Dec. 17. The three organizations often worked together but would compete for events, members, and fund-raising. “Forming Heritage Sylvania allows the resulting organization to be more streamlined and have a greater impact,” Erbskorn noted. “The merger provides us a more unified front,” she said. “By pooling our resources, we will be able to have a better membership base to grow. We’ll certainly be able to have a more powerful impact when seeking grants,” she added. “It will benefit all three groups to be under one umbrella organization,” noted Sue McHugh of the former Friends of the Lathrop House. “Our volunteers and docents will now comprise the Lathrop House Committee of the new entity and will continue to develop our educational programming and onsite events as we have done in the past. The merger, however, encourages our organizations to look at what we do with fresh eyes and find new ways to engage with the Sylvania community and beyond. We are especially excited at the prospect of grant writing and fundraising to restore the upper floors of the Lathrop House, for both historical programming and community use,” she added.
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The Lathrop House is recognized by The National Trust for Historic Preservation as having a significant place in city, state and national history. The site is also recognized as a stop on the Underground Railroad by the Friends of Freedom Society/Ohio Underground Railroad Association. The Greek revival home was the residence of Lucian Lathrop, an ordained minister of the Universalist Church, a denomination which maintained a strong anti-slavery stance, who moved to Sylvania with his wife Larissa in 1848
Sue McHugh, president of the former Friends of the Lathrop House, continues to serve on the Heritage Sylvania board. and their home was built in 1850. While Lucian Lathrop served as an elected State Representative in the Ohio Legislature, he and his wife, also engaged in the outlawed activities of the Underground Railroad, along with his neighbor David Harroun who would bring fugitive slaves in a false bottomed wagon from nearby Maumee to Sylvania as part of their escape to freedom in Canada. Those freedom seekers would stay either at the Harroun home or barn or in a secret room behind the kitchen fireplace in the Lathrop House. Originally located at 5362 Main St., the house was moved to Harroun Park under a May 2002 agreement between the Toledo Area Metroparks and the city of Sylvania. McHugh credits the Sylvania Historical Society and particularly Gayleen Gindy with understanding of the Underground Railroad in Sylvania. “Although we were aware of the role of the Lathrop House as an UGRR station from oral histories, Sylvania’s Centennial History, published in 1933, and subsequent articles, Gayleen’s tireless research of census data in Sylvania, the political landscape in Lucas County, and other areas of interest painted a much more detailed picture of where the Lathrops, Harrouns and others fit into this pivotal time in our nation’s history. I find it remarkable that Gayleen’s study of our area is continuous, with her research being reviewed and updated constantly. She is a local treasure,” she said. McHugh also has high praise for the Sylvania Historical Society, which serves as keepers of the community archives. Pam Rohrbacher is president of the organization that works toward the preservation and collection of materials and items concerned with the development, history and genealogy of Sylvania and its surrounding area.
Historical Village
Along with the Lathrop House, the new organization will oversee the Heritage Center Museum, the early 20th century home and office of Dr. Uriah Cooke, community archives and the buildings located in the Historical Village. “Each organization had a piece of the puzzle and bringing the pieces together makes the picture become more clear,” Erbskorn pointed out. “Our new logo, designed by Creative Oxygen, reflects that with the north star of the Lathrop House, the peaked roof of the Historical Village Depot and the bridge arch of the Historical Society. Our new tag line is ‘Your Bridge to the Past – Your Path to The Future.’ We are excited to continue to connect today’s audiences with the past to help understand our present and future.”continue to connect today’s audiences with the past to help understand our present and future.”
Next Door 112 offers casual, come-as-you-are atmosphere BY JENNIFER RUPLE
Element 112, known for its innovative and elegant cuisine, is now offering a different type of dining experience at its sister restaurant, Next Door 112. Located in the former banquet area within the Element building, 5735 N. Main St., the new eatery opened its doors on November 24 and offers diners a casual food menu in a laid-back atmosphere. The idea to create the new dining space came to Executive Chef Chris Nixon when he chose to incorporate a few casual items into Element’s menu available at the bar. “The burger was really popular, so we thought we’d investigate the concept further. We didn’t want the casual items to invade our fine dining side though, so we created a separate restaurant,” he said. Each restaurant has its own management team, staff, kitchen, prep areas, and entrance. “The flow works out better that way.” “Having two restaurants gives me two creative outlets, and that’s what I love. I love making food, and I love to watch people enjoy it,” said Nixon. “Mac and cheese won’t sell at Element, and roasted elk won’t sell at Next Door,” he added. Nixon wants Next Door to be known as a relaxed, come-as-you-are atmosphere. “I want people to walk in, have a nice bite to eat, enjoy each other’s company, and just
relax. Everything is under $20 except for one item,” he said. Nixon mentioned that he wants Element to remain a place for a special night out. “We want it to be a wow restaurant.” The space that Next Door occupies is no longer available for rentals; however, Element will still accommodate parties along with a smaller, intimate space called The Kitchen Table. Both areas are available to rent for special occasions. Next Door’s menu is divided into several sections. There are main entrees including roasted fish, roasted chicken, and rib eye steak; three burger options; two fish sandwiches; appetizers; desserts; plus a special menu for kids. “My favorite thing is the bacon and blue burger – it’s ridiculous,” laughed Nixon. “We cure and cook the bacon here and slice it ridiculously thick. It’s been extremely popular.” Nixon also mentioned the roasted brussels sprouts. “They are so popular; they’ve practically built the restaurant.” In terms of Nixon’s favorite dessert, he prefers the Lemon Meringue Pie. “Lemon meringue pie is underrated, but we spend a lot of time on it. We whip meringue everyday just for it.” Next Door and its bar area are currently open Monday through Saturday from 5 to 9 p.m. Carryout is also available. Nixon plans to add Sundays and lunch service this spring.
Executive Chef Chris Nixon is proud to offer customers two types of dining experiences. Element 112 offers fine dining, and his second restaurant, Next Door 112, offers a casual, relaxed atmosphere.
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Next Door 112 is located in the former banquet area within the Element building at 5735 N. Main St.
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Samia Ubaid learned the craft of eyebrow threading in her native Pakistan. She brought her talents and skills with her when she moved to the United States nine years ago. After working for other salon owners since moving, Ubaid decided to open a shop of her own when a job opportunity for her husband brought them to the Sylvania area. While they were looking for space, her husband happened to meet Alyssa Morrin, owner of the Oak Tree shopping center and learned of the vacancy at 4024 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. “This is close to where we live. The space is ideal for us and we were able to create the
Zara’s Eyebrow Threading Lounge opens
kind of atmosphere we want,” Ubaid explained. “There is convenient parking and this is a very recognizable location.” Ubaid explained more about her business. “This process allows me to shape, thin and define eyebrows. Unlike waxing, the advantage of this procedure is it provides a cleaner more defined shape for the brow. Threading also works on the upper and lower lip area as well as the chin area.” Ubaid explained that a piece of thread is glided along the brow to shape it, removing unwanted hair from the follicle without damaging the skin. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes to complete. The
Samia Ubaid welcomes customers to her eyebrow threading lounge.
Business news? Email or call 419-824-0100
process is very precise and can remove even the finer hairs, which could be missed by waxing. “This is a natural, organic technique,” she stated.
The studio is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. No appointments are necessary.
Signature Bank Brings Holiday Joy to Families
Employees at Signature Bank NA create a special holiday for two local families. As part of the employee-led ‘Signature Shares’ program, various fundraisers were held to raise money to buy gifts for the families in the Toledo area. Bank staff teamed up with Harbor to adopt the families in need and also shopped for gifts to give a deployed Signature Bank military employee and his son. Signature Bank employees delivered the gifts the week before Christmas.
MLK Kitchen for the Poor Receives Grant
Henrietta Savage Armstrong and Martin Luther King Kitchen for the Poor Executive Director Harvey Savage, Jr., accept the $35,000 check from the Board of Trustees of the Stranahan Supporting Organization of the Toledo Community Foundation. The kitchen was founded in 1969 by Rev. Harvey, Sr., and Martha Savage in response to the need they saw in the central city. The kitchen,which will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in April, serves up to 200 meals every weekday and is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Quarry manager receives Rocky Award
Bill Kurtz, manager of Hanson Aggregates Sylvania Quarry, was awarded the Rocky Award by the Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Minerals Association for his outstanding contributions to Ohio’s aggregate and industrial minerals industries in the areas of neighboring policies, safety programs and plant operations. The award was presented to Kurtz at OAIMA’s 100th anniversary celebration.
McCord Coney Island & Diner is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner
“I really enjoy what I do,” stated Ahmad Mahmoud, owner of the McCord Coney Island & Diner, located at 1801 N. McCord Rd. on the corner of Dorr Street. “I truly love people. My customers are like my family and close friends. We all have a great time and people seem to enjoy themselves along with their food.” Those satisfied customers gather for breakfast, lunch and dinner as the eatery is open Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. While the Coney-style hot dog seems to have top billing, customers can choose from a large selection of classic sandwiches including burgers, chicken, fish, veal, turkey breast, tuna or chicken salad sandwiches, Reubens, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, gyros, wraps, homemade soups, wings, fresh salads, appetizers and much more. Mediterranean cuisine leads the dinner menu but liver and onions, chopped sirloin or jumbo shrimp are also options. For those hungry for breakfast, eggs any style compete with a 27item omelet menu not to mention the buildyour-own option. Breakfast meats, pancakes, waffles and French toast can also be ordered. A special selection for seniors age 60 and over and kids, age 10 and younger, is available. Not only is the menu extensive, but the walls of the diner are filled with sports jerseys from university teams and caps from veterans depicting many branches of the armed service. “My customers have contributed all of those items,” Mahmoud reflected. “And these things make the restaurant very personal to many and add so much.” Mahmoud takes great pride in serving the many veterans and first responders who have
become regulars along with a number of veterans’ organizations that count on him for support. Proceeds from the diner’s annual Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 21 benefited veterans’ organizations while adding to the delight of many small children. “My family and I, along with my staff, think very highly of veterans and first responders who sacrifice their lives for our freedom. We want to pay back with the very best service we can offer,” he said. Mahmoud also helps those in need. For the past two Thanksgivings, he has donated meals to the Toledo Buffalo Soldiers Motor Cycle Club, which delivers food to needy families. He is also involved with other community endeavors and has been a big supporter of the Stranahan Elementary School annual pumpkin run. Only open since March 28, Mahmoud has already expanded once, adding a party room for 65 people adjacent to the 90-seat diner. It also accommodates many of the SaturdaySunday breakfast crowd overflow along with an array of events such as showers, meetings and parties. Encouraged by the success of the second room, Mahmoud is leasing a third adjacent unit to expand the seating capacity of the party room and provide some muchneeded storage space. Prior to opening McCord Coney Island, Mahmoud was the owner of the House of Omelets near The University of Toledo. When he learned of the availability of this McCord Road-Dorr Street space, he was happy to relocate. “I like this location so much better and the space is well suited for what we are doing. It is convenient with lots of close parking. I have always wanted to have a diner like this,” he related.
The Toledo Zoo’s volunteer program is considered a leader and model for zoos around the world and recently received several prominent awards for its efforts. The Zoo’s Volunteer Manager Bill Davis recently received the Clean Streams Partner Award from the Partners for Clean Streams at its 11th Annual General Meeting at Olander Park in Sylvania. Davis accepted the award, which also recognized the long-standing partnership with PNC Bank and the ZOOTeens program, on behalf of all ZOOTeens past and present, as well as the Zoo’s volunteer staff. Through Davis’ efforts, the volunteer program was also recently awarded a $2,000 grant from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to support its Party for the Planet Spring into Action Family Event. Party for the Planet is the Zoo’s community recycling event held the weekend of Earth Day in April. After the event, the Zoo will have the opportunity to submit its activities to the Party for the Planet® Spring into Action contest, where the winning organization will receive a $25,000 conservation donation. The ZOOTeens program as a whole was also honored as volunteer(s) of the year by the Ohio Provider Resource Association, or OPRA, a statewide association of service providers for Ohioans with developmental disabilities. The ZOOTeens program was nominated by Josina
Lott Residential and Community Services, a local organization the program has supported for over a decade. The teenage volunteer corps were honored for their compassion and service to area organizations and individuals with disabilities.
Ahmad Mahmoud is living his dream owning and operating a diner.
YMCA acquires Jewish Community Center campus The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo announced the sale of the Jewish Community Center campus to the YMCA of Greater Toledo. The JCC and the YMCA have collaborated together on the campus for the past 20 years. “The sale marks the logical next step in the long-term relationship between the JCC and the YMCA,” said Eric Dubow, president of the Jewish Federation. “For almost 20 years, our organizations have worked together to enhance programming and services in the community, and this sale will benefit both entities well into the future.” Brad Toft, president and CEO of the YMCA of Greater Toledo, said, “The YMCA wants to expand our programs and services in the Sylvania area, and this campus provides us the perfect foundation for future investment and growth.” The sale includes the recreation building,
office wing, swimming pool, lake, parking lots, driveways, and land. The sale does not include the Sekach Building property or the Holocaust Memorial site. These will continue to be owned by the Jewish Federation. It also does not include the modular building that was the home of the Toledo Hebrew Academy’s Middle School or the adjacent lots on which Temple Shomer Emunim and Congregation B'nai Israel are located, as those are owned by the individual congregations The campus, located at 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, will continue to be called the YMCA-JCC of Greater Toledo. The Jewish Federation and Toledo Jewish Community Foundation offices will remain at this site at no charge. The YMCA will compensate the Jewish Federation approximately $500,000 for the sale.
Toledo Zoo volunteer program receives honors
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TLC Library Names New Coordinator
Kelsey Cogan has been named the new Media Relations Coordinator for the The Toledo Lucas County Public Library. She was previously a news reporter at WTOL 11 in Toledo, where she held a variety of roles and responsibilities.
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UPCOMING ISSUES Mid January: Issue Date: Tues., Jan. 22 Deadline Fri., Jan. 11 First February: Issue Date: Tues., Feb. 5 Deadline Fri., Jan. 25 Mid February: Issue Date: Tues., Feb. 19 Deadline Fri., Feb. 8
New Arrivals
Jaxon Phillip Ehmann
Hayden Beth Gummow
Jaxon Phillip Ehmann was born on Oct. 23, 2018 to parents Nate and Sara Ehman. He weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He joins siblings Addyson, who is 7, and Easton, who is almost 5.
Hayden Beth Gummow was born Dec. 14 at Toledo Hospital to parents Tim and Alexa Gummow. Grandma is Laura Bigelow,with grandparents Kenand Bridget Gummow and Joe and Renee Bigelow.
Player of the Year
Patrick Andres, a senior at Sylvania Northview High School, was surprised at the Quiz Bowl match against Ottawa Hills, when the Ottawa Hills High School Quiz Bowl coach presented Andres with three plaques for being Player of the Year, his freshman, sophomore and junior years. Andres led all scoring among Quiz Bowl participants in northwest Ohio for the last three years. Andres was also the first to receive the Nancy Buccilli Award, named in honor of the longtime coach at Maumee Valley High School who passed away. –by Mary Helen Darah –Photo by Kurt Nielsen Photography
Dick Sands’ Day Proclaimed
Mayor Craig Stough reads the proclamation commending Dick Sands for his 45 years of service to the city of Sylvania at the Dec. 17 Sylvania City Council meeting. Sands was on the Municipal Planning Commission, Sylvania City Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and Assessment Equalization Boards. In addition, Mayor Stough declared Dec. 17 to be Dick Sands’ Day in the city of Sylvania.
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Penta culinary students “Bring on the Southern Charm” BY JENNIFER RUPLE
Southern hospitality was at its finest during the Penta Career Center’s 10th Annual Scholarship Dinner and Silent Auction held on Dec. 6 in the Commons area on the Penta campus, 9301 Buck Rd. in Perrysburg Township. Fifty-three students from Penta’s three culinary arts labs, plus 20 students who participate in the sophomore exploratory program, hosted the event and prepared gourment food for 400 guests around the theme, “Bring on the Southern Charm.” Three gourmet food stations featured appetizers, entrees and desserts typically found in the Southern United States. Some of the entrees served were Pulled Pork Stuffed Cornbread Muffins; Seafood Gumbo; Shrimp and Grits; Pecan Crusted Catfish; and Sweet Tea Ham with Red Eye
Winter Market Toledo Farmers Market 525 Market St., Toledo Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The heat is on and the overhead doors are closed for cozy shopping until spring. Each week, the market offers local winter vegetables, homemade baked goods, specialty foods, coffee, wine, plants and handmade items such as candles, soaps, jewelry and pottery. Sylvania Area Family Services Community Lunch 5440 Marshall Rd. Thursday, Jan. 17,11 a.m. - noon Once a month Sylvania Area Family Services offers free meals provided by a community partner. Open to the public. For more information, call 419-882-8415. All-Star Winter Brewfest Fifth Third Field 406 Washington St., Toledo Saturday, Jan. 19, 4 - 9 p.m.
Gravy Jam. Desserts included Georgia Peach Cobbler, Cherry Cola Chocolate Cake, Chess Pie with Blueberries, and Pecan Pralines. Popular dishes among guests were Southern Style Macaroni and Cheese and Corn Pudding. The event raised over $30,000 for the following awards for Penta students: Culinary Scholarship, Hirzel Family Scholarship and Penta’s General Scholarship Fund. The scholarships assist students with either post-secondary tuition or tools. Fred LeFebvre from News Radio 1370 WSPD served as the emcee and David Carpenter, local musician and Penta instructor, provided the entertainment. Each guest received a pink Himalayan salt shaker as a party favor for good health in the new year.
Senior Angela Elliott (right) and junior Moriyah Clint (middle) put the finishing touches on Southern Style Macaroni and Cheese made with smoked white cheddar cheese and bacon while junior Kaleb Grebenik prepares andouille sausage patties for Penta Career Center’s 10th Annual Scholarship Dinner and Silent Auction.
The 5th annual outdoor event showcases 70 breweries, 300 craft beers and ciders, music and food. Event is held during the CCM/ECHL All-Star Weekend. Visit for ticket options. WINE TASTINGS Sofo’s Italian Market 5400 Monroe St. Wednesdays, 5 – 7 p.m. Weekly wine tasting and fabulous food by Chef Frankie. Prices vary depending on wines offered. Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian 5453 Monroe St. Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Weekly wine tasting event. Pours begin at $2. Joseph’s Beverage Center 4129 Talmadge Rd. Thursdays, 6 - 8 p.m. Enjoy a selection of wines for a nominal fee.
Sophmores Kennedy Stanford and Abbey Mackay weigh dough balls which will become garlic dinner rolls.
Junior Ty Zieroff works on Pecan Pralines. The Pralines were just one of the many desserts students prepared for guests.
Culinary Level 1 instructor Chef Sarah Sadlier displays cups of corn souffle, carrot cake, peach cobbler and cornbread.
Tyler Shultz uses an immersion blender to prepare a pineapple compote to top a cake.
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Sylvania Sizzle Simmer Sauté
BY JENNIFER RUPLE Lisa and Nate Roehrig’s passion for great roasted coffee began in 2003 while the couple was on their honeymoon in Maui, Hawaii. “We were really impressed by the coffee there. It was so much Jennifer Ruple fresher and really different from anything we had ever been around,” said Lisa Roehrig. Since then, the Roehrig’s have grown to appreciate coffee beans grown from different regions. “The coffee we had in Hawaii had always been in the back of our minds, and we would order coffee beans from there for special occasions.” About five years ago, the couple began roasting coffee in their Sylvania home as a hobby. “Through the craziness of the day, we always looked forward to quiet time with a cup of coffee,” said Roehrig. “We liked sharing coffee together, so we thought let’s try roasting it together.” In May of 2018, their newly established company, Get ROEHsted, was introduced to the public with the Sylvania Farmers Market being one of their first venues. The Roehrigs share in the business decisions for Get ROEHsted. “We bounce ideas off each other. Nate, who has an engineering background, enjoys the roasting process and the science behind it. I do more of the marketing and participating at functions,” said Roehrig. “He gets the beans in my hands, and then I take them and run with them,” she added. The couple has three children, Chloe 13, Gavin 12 and Brolin 5, who all enjoy helping with the company in different ways. “Chloe helped serve coffee at an Olander Park anniversary event and handed out samples at the farmers market. Gavin and Brolin help set up and tear down our display for events. We all work together which helps make it a learning experience as well as a fun family experience,”
stated Roehrig. The five beans in the company’s logo represent the five members of the family. Get ROEHsted’s beans are purchased from distributors around the country that source their beans directly from the farmers who grow them. The beans are green and dried but haven’t been roasted yet. “We pick what’s in season and don’t add any flavors to our coffees,” said Roehrig. The couple prefers beans from South America, Central America and Africa. “Typically beans from South and Central America have more chocolate notes that you can bring out when roasting, and African beans have more fruit notes,” she explained. In terms of the company’s blends, “It’s a little bit of an experimentation. We mix beans we think would go well together,” said Roehrig. “We pride ourselves in trying to bring out a good flavor in our beans.” The Roehrigs roast their coffee in small batches of less than 10 pounds at a time. “We usually roast a couple of days a week, depending on demand. We roast it, and then we sell it. We don’t want to roast a lot at one time and have it sit around. We want it to be as fresh as possible when customers get it,” explained Roehrig. “We also date the bag, so you can tell it’s super fresh.” Get ROEHsted coffee is sold in 10-ounce bags in whole bean form to ensure that the
Winter is a great time to Get ROEHsted!
beans are the freshest possible when they are ready to be used. “Most grocery stores have a grinder available for those who don’t have one,” mentioned Roehrig. Current varieties available include the company’s popular signature blend, Tree City Blend, a medium roast which has tasting notes of nuts, milk chocolate and maple. Snow Emergency, an earthy and smooth winter blend, will be available through at least February. Red, White and Brew, a creamy bodied coffee with chocolate notes and a hint of spice, was available over the summer months. “We plan to have it available next summer,” said Roehrig. The couple’s River Trail Blend was available in the fall. “It’s a bit bolder of a coffee, and it was very popular. We may bring it back sooner than just limiting it to fall.” Guatemala Swiss-Water Decaf was added to the company’s menu after receiving several requests for a decaffeinated option. “We chose to use a Swiss-Water bean because it is a chemical free process of removing caffeine from unroasted beans.” Get ROEHsted coffee is available through, at Sautter’s Market in Sylvania and at Walt Churchill’s in Maumee. Coffee subscriptions are also available through the company’s website for those
Nate and Lisa Roehrig who would like their coffee delivered to their doorsteps. Weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly subscriptions are offered on a “Roaster’s Choice” basis, ensuring customers receive a variety of blends. In terms of the future for Get ROEHsted, “We plan to keep our company moving and get our coffee out into more places,” Roehrig mentioned. “Right now, Nate and I both enjoy being out in the public and introducing our coffee to more people.”
Veterans Honored with Wreaths at Toledo Memorial Park
Honored speaker Lieutenant Commander Megan Drewniak and Mel Harbaugh visit after the ceremony held Dec. 15, at Toledo Memorial Park as part of the Wreaths Across America event.
Jeff Clegg takes a moment to reflect after the ceremony honoring those who sacrificed for their country.
Jeff Worthen of the Ohio National Guard prepares to play Taps at the conclusion of the service honoring veterans at the Wreaths Across America event.
L-R: Janice French and daughters Fallon and Ronan French-Hill have a moment of silence to honor those who served their country.
Over 350 volunteers prepare to place 4,000 wreaths on the graves of veterans at Toledo Memorial Park as part of a nationwide event to honor veterans.
L-R: Raquel Leggett, Barb and Michael Bonnar, a Marine who served in Vietnam, and Jerri Fink attend the service before the placing of wreaths on the graves of veterans.
Gene Wisniewski, Fred LeFebvre and Kathy Wisniewski take a moment to catch up following the service honoring the branches of the military, the men and women who served and their families.
Tami Norris is thankful that the weather cooperated for the event that she and her family participate in annually. –by Mary Helen Darah
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Families Receive Gifts from SAFS
Paul Devers, Jason Perry, Lisa Rozanski, and Dana and Tom Devers welcome guests to the annual Vin Devers Autohaus Ladies Shop & Drive, held Dec. 13.
Dapper gentlemen Clint Hayslett, Valentine Ononye, Tom Devers and Jonathan Rodebaugh visit at V Collection in downtown Sylvania as part of the event.
Tracy Brunning Boice and Megan Kabour, owner of MK Beauty, are excited to experience the makeup artistry by Carl William Graf.
Zina Najjar, owner of Zina's in Sylvania, visits with Jill Holler at the annual Vin Devers Shop & Drive event.
Vin Devers Shop and Drive
Sylvania Firefighter Tyler Bellman drops off gifts to SAFS for families in need.
Sylvania Police Officer Phil Gallup helps SAFS Executive Director Dottie Segur.
Ability Center Executive Director Tim Harrington receives a check from the Auxiliary style show from President Gwen Ames and Arlene Whelan.
Alice Schorling, Gwen Ames and Diane Shull enjoy the Auxiliary to the Ability Center holiday luncheon held Dec. 12 at Inverness Club.
Auxiliary Meets for Holiday Lunch/Donates
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Do It Group brings Christmas cheer for 53rd year
Julie Wasserman, Lindsay Bowerman and Greg Loeb are joining other volunteers for the 53rd annual Do-It shopping experience.
Cindy Ariel joins her husband, Tony, for her first Do-It grocery shopping experience.
Kelly and Mike McCloud check over volunteer shoppers’ lists to make sure all 18 families receive food before Christmas.
Brothers Will, Jack and Michael Lohmeyer join their dad, Jeff, and grandfather Bob to shop for one of the families selected to receive groceries from the group.
Tom Markel packs up donations his sister Linda has collected for the 18 families.
Sisters Leah McCloud and Lauren Elkins join the other Do It members to buy groceries.
Breakfast With Santa Benefits Veterans
Santa Claus aka Dave Davis joins honorary Toledo Buffalo Soldier MC member Fred LeFebvre, Sylvania Town Crier Mike Lieber and Toledo Buffalo Soldier MC President Earl Mack, Jr. for Breakfast With Santa at the McCord Coney Island & Diner.
Aria Enis whispers her wish list to Santa Claus at the McCord Coney Island & Diner during Breakfast With Santa held Dec. 22. Proceeds from the day benefit several veterans’ organizations.
Olivet Christian Nursery School Party
Olivet Christian Nursery School students donned kings’ crowns, shepherds’ garb and angels’ wings to entertain parents, grandparents and friends just before their Christmas break.
Sylvania Sunrise Lions Host Holiday Dinner
L-R: Members of the Sylvania Sunrise Lions Club, Deb Chaney, co-chair, Dr. John Kruszewski, Jim Collins, Jan Tidd, co-chair, and Ellie Niejadlik, take a break from serving the crowd at the fun holiday function. The Sylvania Sunrise Lions Club in conjunction with the Sight Center hosted the event.
A Christmas Gift
As a Christmas gift, Cory Patterson brought her grandmother Nancy Miller to the Beautiful Blooms design class held at Element 112 on Dec. 20.
Wish List Revealed Santa Claus asks Cooper Linehan what his Christmas wishes are before the parade in downtown Sylvania.
Olander Light Up the Park Winner
Notre Dame Sister Linda Maria Pelagio talks to Santa (Fred LeFebvre of 1370 WSPD) at the event held in Epworth’s Family Life Center. Guests shared a meal, holiday goodies and a visit from Santa.
Tom Scofield and Rita Spencer, who has partial vision loss following a stroke, enjoy the holiday dinner for the visually impaired on Dec. 12, at Epworth United Methodist Church. –by Mary Helen Darah
Ability Center Staff Brings Cheer to Families
The Grzecki family home received the most votes in Olander’s Light Up the Park contest held Dec. 9 through Dec. 16.
YOU’RE ALREAD DY A CAREG Giver, you just don’tt know it yet. Ability Center staff members Jenny Barlos, Nancy Jomantas, Curtis Jackson and Tim Broad spread holiday cheer by dropping off gift cards, financial donations and toys to Sylvania Area Family Services. Over 222 families in need were given gift donations and food cards during the organization’s Holiday Basket program. –by Mary Helen Darah
Santa at Angela’s Angels
At Home Instead,, ca caring is our passion. And it starrts with h our CAREGivers. CAREGiv You’ll haavve the opportuunity ffor or a career driven dr by passion and get the suppor pport of a team who alwaays ys has your back.
Turn yyour io iinto passion pass to a careerr.. RJ Harris and his brother Randy tell Santa and Mrs. Claus what is on their Christmas wish list at Angela’s Angels Dec. 15.
Grace Sterahan visits with Santa and Mrs. Claus while her parents Nick and Stephanie and her sister Adeline look on.
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A visit to St. Ursula’s ‘Mamma Mia’ rehearsal
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to attend the rehearsal of St. Ursula’s upcoming production of “Mamma Mia.” During my visit, I listened to the rehearsal of multiple songs, interviewed some of the cast members, and began to appreciate how much work goes into presenting a polished musical. Even though I was familiar with the play, my visit showed me what must be accomplished to make a successful performance. Rehearsal was not on a stage, but in the choir room at St. Ursula, where members of the cast were practicing their songs. During the practice, vocalists were reminded to project their voice, sing with
expression, and of course sing the correct notes in the correct key. It proved to be challenging work. Watching the group practice, I realized each member was enthusiastic, willing to put in the effort, attentive, and respectful to each other. This is a good example of team effort for a great outcome. Later, I had the opportunity to interview two of the cast members, Grace Gstalder and Ysabel Duran. Gstalder, playing Sophie, said she enjoys friends and challenges, such as memorizing lines and lyrics. When I interviewed Duran, she informed me she is one of the backup dancers, and also enjoys
Honored Musician
The Northview Musician of the Week is Sara Lewandowski, daughter of Patti and Doug Lewandowski. She sings soprano in the Northview A Cappella Choir and Harmony Road Show. She also is an active member of the Northview Theatre Department. She has been company manager and vocal captain. In addition to her musical activities, she is a member of the National Honor Society, The Peace Project, Drama Club and she is involved in tutoring. After graduation, she plans to attend The University of Toledo to major in psychology.
getting together to rehearse. Duran also said this was her first experience doing a play. She has discovered it is intense, but different from sports. It can also be difficult to put together lyrics and dance. Having met many cast members and watching them practice behind the scenes, I plan to see their performance. On Jan. 25-27, this show will be presented at the Valentine Theatre in Toledo. I think the community will find this a worthwhile performance to attend. Visit or to purchase tickets.
SV Band Boosters plan scrapbooking/craft crop
The Southview Band Boosters is holding its third annual scrapbooking/craft crop on Feb. 2, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Southview High School. Crafters can spread out their supplies and work all day. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. Every crafter gets a super goody bag and a raffle ticket with their registration fee. Monies raised will go towards purchasing additional uniforms for Southview’s growing band. Registration forms can be found at da345a68829b9e0b78fe4f2.pdf or visit Event page: facebook. Facebook com/events/226057184785498/ For additional information, contact Diane Ley
Scholarships available
The Academic Excellence Foundation, now part of the Sylvania Schools Foundation, is again offering $2,000 renewable scholarships to two seniors who intend to go into the education field. The scholarship is called the Marjorie M. Fitkin Memorial Scholarship and can be found on the scholarship page of the Toledo Community Foundation. The deadline to apply is Feb. 1.
Kindergarten Information Nights to be held Kindergarten Information Nights will be held at each elementary school to welcome parents of incoming 2019 kindergarten students. The principal and kindergarten teachers will review the philosophy for the curriculum, review a typical day, talk about what parents can do to help get their child ready and review the online registration process.
Third Annual Project Unify Basketball Game
L-R: Students at Northview High School, Kevin Platek, Rachel Rubin and Summer Swaney are ready to hit the court for the third annual Project Unify basketball game.
Teammates Ellie Willier and Sarah Carson enjoy the pregame festivities at the event held during the Northview vs. Southview basketball game on Dec. 14.
The Sylvania Project Unify teams, consisting of a united team of kids with and without disabilities, and their coaches smile for a group photo before the big game. Participating students could choose to play basketball or cheer on their teams during the match. –by Mary Helen Darah
Lourdes Athletes
SV Honored Athlete Junior Lauren Perry scored a career high 37 points, including eight three-pointers, leading the Lady Cougars to a 76-40 victory over the Springfield Blue Devils. She also contributed five rebounds, three assists, and two steals. The Lady Cougars currently sit atop the NLL standings with an unblemished 5-0 record. Head Coach Kelly Heil added, “Lauren has embraced her role as a student-athlete this year. She has been working extremely hard in the classroom and on the court to fulfill her goals. The coaching staff appreciates her leadership skills and her willingness to do what is best for the team. Lauren is a fierce competitor and a talented athlete.” Lauren is also getting it done in the classroom this year as she currently has a 3.91 GPA. –by John Crisman of AssetWare Event Photography
Brett Lauf, Napoleon, Ohio, is a men’s basketball player. In Lourdes’ lone contest of the week, Lauf tallied a team-high 20 points and added a game-best eight assists. He led Lourdes to its second consecutive victory overall.
Bryana Twining is on the women’s bowling team. At the BGSU Falcon Classic, she finished ninth. She rolled three 200-games, including a season’s best score of 220.
On Erie Street, from Monroe Street west to Centennial Road, there used to be many old farmhouses that existed on both sides of the road. Today there are only six of these farmhouses that still stand, mingled among groupings of new homes. Starting in the 1950s the large tracts of farmland slowly disappeared into subdivisions. In most cases, the old farmhouses, with their large barns and out-buildings, were demolished. But, in the case of the next six homes along Erie Street, they are over 100 years old and were spared being demolished by being incorporated into the subdivision or were just separate lots. Heading west, the first farmhouse that survived was the home at 7610 Erie St., directly across the street from where the Grove-Bel subdivision entrance is located. Current Lucas County records show this house was built in 1897. Starting way back in 1850 Edmund Gardinier purchased 80 acres of land in the West 1/2 of the SE 1/4 from his father, Adam A. Gardinier. In 1858 Edmund sectioned off this two-acre parcel on the east property line, and sold it to Lurilla Fletcher. According to the 1861 map of Sylvania, the two-acre parcel is shown, and is owned by Fletcher and has a house on it. The Gardiniers continued to own 78 acres surrounding it. With the 1861 map showing a house already on the property it makes me wonder if parts of that original farmhouse are still part of the current house. Did the owner
extensively remodel the home in 1897, causing the county to change the date of construction to 1897? The next available map was the 1875 map of Sylvania Township and that map shows a house still on this property. The 1900 map also shows a home on the property and at that time Caroline Frost owned the two-acre parcel. Only an investigation of the home inside and out could answer that question since building permits were not required until many years later. The owners of this property are recorded as follows: 1850 – Edmund Gardinier 1858 – Lurilla Fletcher 1889 – Henry Frost 1892 – Caroline Frost, heir of Henry Frost 1905 – Martin F Weaver Mar. 22, 1937 – Arthur E. & Thressa Weaver Aug. 30, 1944 – Thressa Weaver Nov. 6, 1963 – Dorothy Felt April 9, 1975 – Donald & Dorothy Felt Nov. 23, 1993 – Barbara Ladd May 3, 1994 – Donald & Dorothy Felt June 2, 2005 – Elias Properties of Toledo, an Ohio Corp. Jan. 7, 2008 – Mark McKarus Mar. 23, 2012 – Mark N. McKarus, Trustee April 11, 2017 – Erie Street Properties LLC William C. and Lurilla Fletcher owned this property for 31 years. In the 1860 census, they were living here on Erie Street, the neighbors of Edmund Gardinier, who sold them the property. Mr. Fletcher was listed as a carpenter and probably built the original home on this property. He appears to have lived here while they owned it. In 1889 it was sold to Henry Frost. Frost was a farmer, and with his wife Caroline, appears to have lived here on this property until he died in 1891. Caroline continued to own the property, but starting with the 1893 Toledo Directory, she was living in Toledo and probably renting the house once her husband died. Maybe it was at this time that the original house was either enlarged or removed from the property, and a new home built in 1897. According to the Toledo Directories, Caroline continued to live in Toledo, at various locations, until she died in 1905, which is the same year the house sold to Martin Weaver. By the 1910 census, Martin and Persylvia Weaver were living here. He was 54, a farmer, and had been married for 30 years. He was listed as owning the home, with a mortgage. Persylvia was 51 years old, and only three of their seven children were still alive. Morris
The seventh of an eight volume set of history books about Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio was released by local author Gayleen Gindy.
When all eight volumes are published the top of the spines will spell out S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A!
7610 Erie Street
2018 Weaver was the only child living with them at this time. He was 12 years old and attending school. In the 1920 census, Martin and Persylvia were still living here. He was listed as 64 years old, owning the home, with a mortgage, and his employment was listed as a house carpenter. Persylvia was listed as 60 years old. By the 1930 census, Martin Weaver was living here by himself. His wife had passed away in 1930 and was buried in Ravine Cemetery. The home was valued at $4,000. He was listed as 74 years old, and he was not employed at this time. In 1937 Martin Weaver transferred the property to his son and daughter-in-law, Arthur and Thressa Weaver. It was at this time that it appears they split the home, making two living areas. The 1940 census, shows Arthur Weaver living here. He was listed as 54 years old and working as a carpenter in the building trade. He was listed as married. His wife Thressa
was listed as 51 years old, and living with them was his father, Martin Weaver. He was 84 years old. Also living on the property was Donald and Dorothy (Weaver) Felt, sister and brother-in-law of Arthur. Donald Felt was working as a mix chemist at the cement factory. Martin Weaver died in December of 1940 and is buried in Ravine Cemetery. His son Arthur died in 1944 and Thressa then owned the home until she died in 1962. It was transferred to her daughter, Dorothy Felt, in 1963, and then it transferred into Donald and Dorothy Felt’s name in 1975. The Felts appeared to have lived here until they sold the home in 2005, and they appear to have moved to Pinellas, Florida. They both died in 2010. The 2001 Suburban Directory shows Donald and Dorothy Felt living here and listed at 7612 Erie was their daughter, Barbara J. Ladd. As of the 2006 directory, the two units appear to have been rented out.
Butterflies ...
began my New Year’s Day ritual of writing down my yearly ambitions and found myself, as my Gram would say, in a “funk.” As I perused the items on last year’s list, I came to the realization that I was a big, fat failure. Literally “big” and “fat,” as I did not conquer item #7 on my list which was to lose 10 lbs. I also did not finish my novel, read the directions manual first, believe the Google maps directions over my own, figure out why I have six remotes and one TV, and can’t keep a “pretty towel” pretty for longer than 12.8 minutes. When feeling “funky” I often turn to my go-to book, “Under the Tuscan Sun,” by Frances Mayes and it did not disappoint. As I flipped through the well-worn pages, I came upon a section that has always resonated with me. When Frances’ life was in turmoil, she recalled what a woman told her about the train running between Vienna and Venice. It is said that the tracks built over the Alps were constructed long before there was a train that could make the trip. Everyone believed that one day the t r a i n would come. Perhaps I need to look at my annual ritual in a different way and put a new twist on the year ahead. Instead of focusing on miniscule to-do items, I need to look at the big picture, lay down some tracks, and in my heart know and believe that my train may be late (especially if it is an Italian one) but it will eventually arrive at my station. Like Francis Mayes, I have spent time in Italy as well as numerous other countries. I love to travel and have learned many life lessons from the places I have explored. The sad thing
is the lessons tend to fade when I return to the routine of my everyday life back home. This year, instead of an itemized list, I am going to recall what I have learned from my adventures and be more Italian, Alaskan and Canadian.
La Dolce Vita
“Dare alla luce” is the beautiful way Italians say, “to give birth.” Translated it means “bring into the light.” This year, instead of looking at work, relationships, projects and goals as laborious, I’m going to bring them into the light. Also, in true Italian form, I am going to bring people around the table with food, conversation, laughter and vino, take the occasional nap, have gelato drip down my chin, wave backwards beckoning people to return to me and remember that family and friends are my greatest treasures.
The Last Frontier
The license plate slogan for Alaska reads, “Beyond Your Dreams, Within Your Reach.” I hope that sums up 2019. My time spent in Alaska reminds me to think BIG. Anything is possible. Also, after flying in a seaplane and what felt like dangling over a cliff in Denali in search of grizzly bears while a passenger in a converted school bus, I want to get a little uncomfortable. If I’m living a bit out of my comfort zone, it means that I am taking chances, growing, not always playing it safe and living larger.
going to take the advice from my dear friend who said, “Quit chasing ‘butterflies.’ Take time to be still and they will land on you.” I did that lakeside one day and miraculously not only did a winged beauty land on me but spent a couple hours in my company. Maybe this year my “butterfly” will be in the form of a 6’, nice, normal male. In the year ahead, I may still be up 10 lbs., (as if I could ever give up baked goods) and holding an unfinished novel, but I’m remembering life lessons from near and far and laying down some tracks knowing that my train is just around the bend.
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Oh, Canada!
For over seven decades my family has had a home in Canada. It is where I’m truly at peace. In 2019, I want to remember to keep things simple and not complicate my life with ambient noise and clutter, as I do while at my northern home. I’m going to watch sunsets, look at stars and truly BE with those I love. I am also
Google Tracking Feature
This is scary. You know that almost all of us allow our smartphones to keep track of our every move. It’s the price we pay for having easy access to GPS, right? How could we live Janis Weber in the 21st century without our smartphones using our location to recommend restaurants, show us the hours at Costco and pinpoint our doctor on a map? There is a downside to our openness that is downright shocking. Sure, if you activate the location tracking on your smartphone, you realize you’re giving up some of your privacy. But you will not believe how frequently Google and other tech companies track your whereabouts. It’s each second of the day. But don’t panic! Keep reading for easy ways to turn off location tracking and, more importantly, your location history. Your Timeline on Google Maps tracks and stores your location on a map throughout the day. Did you drive to your psychiatrist’s office? Did you take a walk to a girlfriend’s house? Google knows, and shows your location history on a map and saves it. Scary, right? Here’s how you can see where you’ve been: Open Google Maps > sign in to Google > click on the menu on the upper-left side of your screen (three horizontal lines) > Your Timeline. This is incredible and creepy. Google will show you where you’ve been today, yesterday and up to years ago. Worse, it shows your home address and work address. Of course, Google says it doesn’t share your location with anyone.
Public Computer Classes But Google knows! The steps you’ll use to turn it off on your Android smartphone will vary by its manufacturer. But it will most likely be something like this: Apps > Settings > Privacy & Safety > tap on Location > turn it off. On your smartphone, follow the instructions above, then: Tap on Google Location History > turn it Off. On your laptop: Go to Google Maps > click on the Menu in the upper-left side of screen > Your Timeline > click on Pause Location History near the bottom of the screen.
Spying Application
When you download an app, the last thing you want to think about is it spying on you. Well, there’s a newly updated app,, that’s doing just that. It tracks your location through GPS, pairs with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, retrieves information from your other open apps, and even reads your phone status and ID. The company decided not to be upfront about all of these added features because it was busy using the information to sell ads and data about you and other users. The spin the company is using is that “the updates are designed to help us make an even better experience.” The statement goes on to say that your location information is being used to enhance features such as mapping capability. The company said its app has been downloaded more than 100 million times. They promise to follow the “best practices” and communicate changes to users. The only way to stop this app from collecting your data is to delete it altogether. If you need help finding the definition of a word, you could always use your phone’s built-in spellchecker/lookup function or open a private browser and use’s official website.
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If you live, work, go to school or volunteer in the Sylvania area, you can become a member. Visit our web site for complete banking services or stop by and see us.
! Join Today
6613 Maplewood Ave. 419-882-3525
Downtown Sylvania
I will be teaching classes at the Sylvania Senior Center in 2019 (419-885-3913). These classes are noncredit and all are priced reasonably. Look for Word, iPad / iPhone, basic skills and Facebook in 2019. Check them out. If you prefer personal tutoring; that is my specialty. It’s just you and me (419-318-9112). Their newsletter is posted online with the current schedule. If you have an idea for a class, let me know.
I Make House Calls
I will come to your home or office and help you with almost any predicament including repairs, upgrades and general software or hardware issues. I can be your resident “geek.” I
Happy New Year to all! Let’s make a few New Year’s resolutions that will enhance your and your pet’s lives. ANNUAL VISITS are critical to the health and wellbeing of your pet, whether it be a dog, cat, bird or a pocket pet. For dogs and cats, one year in their lives equals 4 years for a human once they have reached maturity. Large dogs age quicker and do not have the longevity of a smaller breed so at least one annual visit is especially essential for them. Strictly indoor cats need an annual visit as much as any other pet. Annual blood work and appropriate vaccinations should be done at this yearly wellness visit with a complete physical exam and health consultation. Blood work is the window into a pet’s physiological health, which is important to understand, as age is not a disease. Resolve to schedule an annual visit as soon as the reminder comes. PET HEALTH INSURANCE time has come for all pet owners. Medical and surgical procedures done in order to successfully diagnose and treat can be expensive. Modern veterinary care has advanced and can provide solutions to previously fatal or crippling problems. Health insurance dramatically reduces the cost of all unexpected medical issues for your pet dog, cat and, with some policies, birds and horses. Pet health insurance takes the financial worries out of the decision to treat serious illness or injury or chronic problem. Google is a great source to find the several pet health insurance companies available to you and your pet. Pet
have an endless amount of patience and knowledge with years of experience. Give me a text or call at 419-318-9112. Don’t forget to sign up for my free newsletter at Subscribers will get a copy of this article plus added hints, tips and trusted/valuable web-links. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER’S DATA TODAY! – Critical action! Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer Training & Support, is a professional computer adjunct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or comments to or contact her for assistance at 419-318-9112. Private tutoring and repairs are just a phone call or email away.
health insurance is much more common in Europe than in the US. Resolve to look into buying pet health insurance for your pet(s). ENRICHMENT is another word for interacting and playing with your pet. Most of us know walking our dog is good for both ends of the leash and, weather allowing, most families take their dogs for a walk. Teaching fetch-retrieve is another fun way to enrich your dog’s life. All families and their dog benefit from obedience classes and an introduction to basic agility. Playing with your dog in non-aggressive ways is fun for all. Tug-of-war is not a good idea as most of us are too aggressive with the tug toy. Overzealous tug games can seriously damage a dog’s teeth. Tennis balls are harmful to a dog’s teeth. Use a lacrosse ball or hard rubber ball to play fetch with your dog. Enrichment is particularly important for your house cat. They need not become couch potatoes if you spend time each day playing by using a laser pointer, feather on a stick, foil ball, and other interactive games. Making them work for their food triggers their natural instincts for foraging for their meals. Enrichment is a major stress reliever for your cat. There are several medical-behavioral cat conditions that occur because of stress. Resolve to enrich each of your pet’s lives every day. PROPER DIET decisions are a very complex subject. In spite of advertising, your dog has long ago shed its “inner wolf.” Dogs are omnivores and need a diet balanced with protein, no more than 30 percent fat, lower in most cases, and carbohydrates, grains, not fruits. Cats are carnivores and need a diet high in protein, meat, fat from any source, and low in carbohydrates, less than 15 percent. A cat diet of 50 percent dry and 50 percent can, with beef, chicken, and turkey, is ideal. Do not allow cats or dogs to have unlimited access to their food, most will overeat and become overweight. The grainfree diet craze that is making the rounds is not based in nutritional science and may be harmful to a dog’s health. A recent study showed dogs eating a grain-free diet developed dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart disease caused by Taurine deficiency. Resolve to talk to the only qualified nutrition professional, your pet’s doctor, about what to feed your pet. Dr. Bob Esplin founded SylvaniaVET in 1978. SylvaniaVET is a full-service animal hospital and welcomes both emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need of routine medical, surgical, and dental care. Visit their website at or call 419-885-4421.
City of Sylvania Ready for 2019
The city of Sylvania is ready for 2019 and is looking forward to the challenges of the coming year. The books have been closed for 2018 and the 2019 Budget has been Craig Stough approved. The books for 2018 were closed without any additional allocations in the major funds. A final adjusting ordinance was approved by City Council on December 17 and required only balancing of funds within the 2018 Budget and no overall changes. Sylvania City Council unanimously approved the 2019 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets during their December 17 meeting. The city budget continues earlier spending adjustments made to overcome revenue losses from the Ohio Local Government funds, the end of the Ohio Estate
Hiring approved
Sylvania Township safety forces will remain at full strength with the hiring approvals recently passed by the township trustees. Police Chief Paul Long requested authority to hire three officers to replace two who retired at the end of the year and one who is retiring at the end of February. Fire Chief Mike Ramm got approval to move two firefighters from part-time status to full-time. He will also bolster the part-time roster with the approval to hire seven people in that status.
Holiday tree disposal
Tax, lower interest rates on reserves and lower real estate tax revenues. The Operating Budget is balanced with current revenues. City Council and the administration will be studying options to increase funding for capital improvement projects. City operations continue to be more efficient with fewer employees than 10 years ago. Overtime has been reduced, equipment life extended and budgets lowered. City services have not been curtailed and tax rates have not been raised. Income tax revenue has grown slowly, but steadily, in the last five years as businesses continue to invest in Sylvania. The majority of city employees are represented by one of four municipal unions. Labor contracts for the next three years were ratified in December with all but one of them. Per the terms of those contracts, city employees receive a 2.75 percent pay increase in 2019 and 2.5 percent increases in 2020 and 2021. Most non-union employee pay rates were adjusted by a recent ordinance to receive the same 2.75 percent increase in 2019. City Council will continue their ongoing work encouraging business growth and Not only has the number increased substantially but so has the total value of the housing construction. The total value of the homes for which permits were granted totaled about $32 million through November, compared to a total of about $22 million in the previous years. No single large development is responsible for the increase, but just a steady stream of people wanting to build in Sylvania Township. Although there is no specific correlation, it is generally thought that housing permits are an indication of the health of the local economy. In the last 20 years, the annual record high is 256 in 2004. The low of 28 was set during the financial crises in 2009.
Reorganization meeting
Sylvania Township is again offering a place for residents to dispose of their Christmas trees. Residents may place their trees in a fenced-in area at the southwest corner of the parking lot of the township administration building, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd. Trees should be left in the area with temporary fencing. All lights, decorations, and tinsel must be removed. There will be no street-side tree collection.
The annual reorganization of the Sylvania Township trustees will take place during the body's regular meeting Jan. 8 at 5:30 p.m. The trustees will choose a chairman and a vice-chairman for the upcoming year as well as establish a regular meeting schedule.
Sylvania Township trustees have approved a contract for repaving much of the driving and parking area around the township administration building. Rob Nash, superintendent of the road department, said the parking and driving area to the south of the building have been judged not to need repaving at this time. That is the area used primarily by township employees and the general public. Other drives and parking areas are more often used by road department trucks and fire engines, which come for fuel, so are in greater need of repaving. The contract has been awarded to Allied Paving, which submitted the lowest bid of $98,136.30 for the job.
Dear Editor: What a sad state of affairs we are in today! Several weeks ago while my wife and I were driving some place, one chilly morning, I said to her, “Baby it’s cold outside!” Little did I know that some time later I would be taken to task for saying that. I do not understand all the “fall de roll” about that song that was written back when I was in high school - it was one of the “kind of fun” songs for us. In my humble opinion, this #Me Too Movement has gone a bit too far where does it all end? And all of these PC, “do good” radio stations that have removed this old song from their playlists probably aren’t worth listening to anyway. Some of the stations that are worth listening to have listened to their audiences and have added the song back on to their playlists. I believe that the vast majority of the listeners of those stations that have banned the song, if a poll were taken, would overwhelmingly vote to add it back. In all sincerity, this song should be taken in the context in which it was written back in “the good old days!” Bruce Wharram Sylvania Township
Repaving approved
The number of single-home building permits issued by the Sylvania Township planning and zoning department through November continued to show a significant increase over the previous year. Karlene Henderson, head of the department, told trustees at a recent meeting that 121 permits were issued through November compared to 69 the previous year.
2019 Sylvania City Council, Mayor and Administrative Staff. downtown improvements. Development of the SOMO site downtown is expected to begin this summer with the construction of 206
luxury apartments. Other sites around the community are being explored for redevelopment and job creation potential.
Mayor Hosts Holiday Open House
Richard Sands looks on as Mayor Craig Stough reads a proclamation honoring him for his 45 years of public service.
U.S. Senator Bob Latta talks with former Sylvania City Council member Judi Young at the mayor’s holiday open house.
St. Joseph Parish Pastor Monsignor Michael Billian and Lourdes President Mary Ann Gawelek stop to chat at the Dec. 17 event.
Former Sylvania City Councilman Clark Collins and his wife, Lynda, enjoy the evening held at the Sylvania Heritage Center Museum.
A Reader’s Letter
Friendly and Caring Team, Your Comfort is our Priority! Accepting new patients!
7616 King’s Pointe Rd. • Sylvania Township 419.474.5858 •
John Keith Pardee III
June 13, 1946, in Lansing, Mich., to John Keith Pardee Jr. and Georgann Hayes Pardee. He graduated from Michigan State University in 1968 with a BA in Business where he was a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. John earned both his MBA and Juris Doctorate degrees from the University of Toledo and
With great sadness and heavy hearts, we announce the passing of John Keith Pardee III, age 72, on Dec. 24, 2018, at his home surrounded by his family who loved him dearly. John was born
was admitted to practice law in the Ohio Supreme Court and all Ohio Courts in 1974. He served as an attorney in Toledo for more than 44 years, specializing in estates, wills and trusts, probate, and adoptions. John was a consummate professional and his clients trusted and respected his experience and attention to detail. John also spent 11 years as a division manager at the former St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo, Ohio, where he met his future wife, Mirella Guerra. He was the night manager and she was the night nurse! He served as an adjunct professor of Business Law and Economics at Davis Business College for several years. John was active in the community as a member of the Toledo and Sylvania Chambers of Commerce, and was appointed to the Toledo Civil Service Commission by former Mayor Jack Ford, serving from 20032006. He often volunteered for WTOL’s “Ask the Attorney” program through the Toledo Bar Association, providing free legal aid to the public. John’s interests included listening to podcasts, playing tennis and golf, cheering on the Michigan State Spartans (in any sport), learning to play the banjo and ukulele, attending cultural festivals, seeking out the best local arts and crafts wherever he went, and visiting car shows. He loved to dance, plan parties, travel and take road trips. He spent time traveling with his family in South America, West Africa, Asia, and Europe - and dreamed of vacationing in Australia one day. John had two passions in life: his family and helping others. His greatest joy was watching his children grow up; he rarely missed a sporting event, and was present for academic and professional every achievement. He instilled in his family the importance of serving others. He acted as a founding board member for Open Door Ministry, a nonprofit that provides sober living to men recovering from substance abuse, and was a former board member for the Mildred Bayer Clinic for the Homeless. He was involved with numerous organizations and volunteered at the soup kitchen in downtown Toledo, local arts and crafts festivals, and provided legal advice to many nonprofits. He also attended and volunteered at Cedar Creek Church and was a
member of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Association, and participated in several interfaith men’s groups. John will be remembered for his positive, outgoing, and fun-loving nature. He was kind, gentle, compassionate and helpful. He always made time to listen, learn from, or reach out to others. John had a genuine and caring personality and a great sense of humor; he made friends wherever he went and never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was always sharply dressed and owned a hat and festive tie for every occasion. He was an early adopter of consumer technologies and a self-described tech whiz. He mastered emojis and memes long before his family did - and they benefited daily from this impressive talent. His spirit will forever live on through his closest family, his beloved wife of 42 years, Mirella Guerra Pardee, his six children Branton K. (Julie) Pardee, Garret H. Pardee, Maresa A. (Matthew) Kime, Roderick M. M. Pardee of Toledo, Ohio, Alanna M. (Ben Burghart) Pardee of Paris, France, and Dr. Gabriella L. (Sean Griffin) Pardee of St. Paul, Minn.; five grandchildren Colette and Alistair Pardee, and Everett, Adelina and Maxton Kime; his mother, Georgann Hayes Pardee, and sister Lynn (Mark) Symmes of Novato, Calif.; his mother-in-law Adele Guerra of Sandusky, Ohio; five nieces and nephews; his trusted paralegal, Mike Drabik; and countless friends and colleagues, especially his “lunch bunch” buddies Paul Jomantas and Sol Zyndorf and Sigma Chi brother Ed (Jane) Dombrowski of Muskegon, Mich. His father, John “Jack” Pardee Jr., and father-in-law Marino Guerra preceded him in death. The family would like to acknowledge John’s doctors for their attentive care with special thanks to the staff at Hickman Cancer Center, Dr. Mark Burton, Dr. Henry Naddaf, Dr. Anil Mehta, Dr. Steven Ariss and Dr. David Kouba. We would also like to thank the hospice nurses and caregivers, especially Amy, Jennifer and Kathy. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission, the Toledo Museum of Art, ProMedica Hospice, or an organization of the donor’s choice.
W ORSHIP D IRECTORY Christ Presbyterian Church 4225 Sylvania
(corner of Sylvania and Talmadge)
Times of Service: 8 a.m. Chapel 10 a.m. Sanctuary
419-475-8629 ~
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
7800 Erie, Sylvania, Ohio 419-885-1551 Times of Service:
8:30 a.m. Traditional 11 a.m. Contemporary
Epworth United Methodist Church 4855 W. Central 419-531-4236
Times of Service: Sundays, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 a.m. Details at
Want to publicize your worship services and activities?
Contact Sylvania AdVantage for more info! 419-824-0100 or
St. Michael’s In The Hills Episcopal Church 4718 Brittany 419-531-1616
Times of Service: Sundays, 8 a.m. and 9:45 a.m.
Zion Lutheran Church
8307 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, Michigan 49267 734-856-2921
Times of Service, Winter Schedule Adult Bible Study @ 9 a.m. Sunday School @ 9 a.m. Worship Service @ 10 a.m. Winter Hours begin Sept. 10
THE STARS SPEAK “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’...” –Alfred Lord Tennyson Dear Readers, HAPPY 2019! As the New Year begins we are reminded that life is always in a constant motion, moving forward with more determination and skill. We begin by staying active, feeling motivated by life and feeling content with the fact that we have made it another year. We let go of the uncertainty of politics, and begin seeking our own truths. As we begin 2019 remember that everyone is fighting his or her own battle. Kindness goes a long way. Let’s ring in 2019 on a positive note. Manifest the good. Pay it forward.
Ruling Planet of the Month Capricorn -
Focus - ambition, structure, reliable and steady
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn – Jan. 4
Understands the need to build, to climb, and to achieve. Capricorn is known for tenacity and endurance, the hallmark of determination, leadership, and a willingness to do without. During this solar eclipse, Capricorn in opposition to Cancer, sign of the home, family and culture, focuses on what is important, drawing out the need for family security while still maintaining its desire for structure. Thus, Capricorn temporarily becomes the government, the career, with laws as regulatory forces, which shape our environment, giving us the opportunity to work within, from the ground up, one might say. This is a good period/month to establish rules and boundaries, while taking time out for those closest to us. Those born under Cancer, Libra, Aries and Capricorn are influenced greatly. Also your time of birth will determine where these signs fall in your birth chart.
Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Leo – Jan. 20
Leo is a fire sign, generally a sign of boldness, authenticity, confidence, selfassurance and playfulness. On the flip side, Leo’s can be boisterous, attention-seeking and way too fiery when angered. This month the upcoming full moon/eclipse is all about transformation; falling into place with your inner child. Emotionally looking inward, and feeling charged all at the same time. Stepping into place, getting back on track, living authentically, happy in re-discovering your inner core. So when the sun enters Aquarius, and the moon is at opposite sides, a full moon occurs, shedding energy and light as we find ourselves absorbing the Leo/Aquarius influence. Creating a tug of war affect, emotions may flare; an inner child resurfaces as the full moon in Leo triggers a childlike response. So it’s up to us to maintain, keep our composure. Those born under the sign of Cancer and Leo are mainly affected. However, your time of birth will determine where Leo falls into your chart. That is where the influence will be more prevalent
Mars in Fiery Aries - Harness the Power
The planet of desire and need, part of the ego. A part of the mind triggers impulses, and pure desire and motivation. Though at this time, the transiting Sun, (until Jan. 20), Saturn and Mercury are at odds, therefore we may feel a bit overwhelmed by the intensity of the planets.
Venus, the Planet of Love, Moves Into Sagittarius – Jan. 7
Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius brings to light a need to expand beyond your dreams, to bring joy, to lighten the load, so to speak. You begin to question, are you happy? If you are not, then what are you going to do about it? Possibilities open up when Venus moves into Sagittarius; we are more enthusiastic, more exploratory, discovering oneself, along with the power to be anything you want to be. Although it’s direct square to its ruler, Jupiter may force a stumble or two, but not without a fight. This is a good period in which to settle your differences whether with yourself or with anyone else.
SIGNS: Aries (March 24-April 20)
This months full moon/ eclipse, along with transiting Mars in your own sign, brings chance through speculation, as well as opening us up to opportunities regarding matters of the heart. New or present relationships become a focal point as you find yourself totally immersed. In addition work obligations show promise. Perhaps a raise or promotion? In addition, Saturn, the planet of structure continues to transit in earthy Capricorn creating that extra “edge” as well as challenge. Though, surprisingly, during this transit you will feel empowered as you fight against the obstacles barring your way. No pain, no gain.
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
With this full moon/eclipse hitting your home base, nesting seems to be your panacea. Although you may be in store for some muchneeded changes as you may suddenly feel a burst of inertia, take on new projects that have needed your immediate attention. Entertaining or just commiserating with neighbors and friends can be therapeutic. It’s all about you this month, tapping into your inner psyche as Mars travels through that private, quiet sector of your chart. It prepares you for 2019.
and physical signals. Letting go, working from within and stepping forward is the key plan for 2019. Also test your intuition. Receive. Let this be your mantra for the upcoming year and for many to come.
Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)
The full moon/eclipse, along with Mars in Aries, creates a sense of openness where friendships are concerned. It’s all about partnerships, both at work and play. In addition, now that Jupiter is transiting in the fiery independent sign of Sagittarius, balancing your own sign, your focus is on resolution. 2019 is about completion, a beginning and an end. A good way to start off the New Year.
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
It’s all about money and career this month as the full moon takes place at the zenith part of your chart. A great start for 2019 as you show what you’re actually made of. Challenges help to heighten your energy, as you find yourself a bit more competitive than usual. This upcoming year opens the way to better opportunities, personal as well as work related. You’re in your element. Also with transiting Mars in your health house, time to begin a fitness routine. Take the plunge.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
2019 is going to be your year, as transiting Jupiter now in your own sign expands your sense of ideal. Now that the fiery full moon in Leo is finally here you may find yourself feeling a sense of ease as it also trines your natal Sun. Much for the better, this period will enhance you in most areas, career, love and money. Lots going on, so take it in stride. More importantly, you may do something quite extraordinary like write a book or travel extensively.
Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)
get yourself in a better place financially. As the transiting full moon/eclipse hits your money house it’s all about you and how you handle your responsibilities. Also, love can be interesting as transiting Venus in your relationship house beckons you to partner up.
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
With the full moon now transiting opposite of your sign in fiery Leo, your personal connections ignite. This can be your year to focus on what really counts with those whom you are connected to, whether it is business, or new or existing relationships. Either way there is an advantage as feelings can take over the cool logic and demeanor of the Aquarian personality. A nice way to start 2019. A strong year to seek out your true self, gaining some momentum in every aspect of your life whether through work or play.
Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)
As always it’s all about you tapping into your creative juices, getting the most out of what is expected of you. A great month to do something fun and different. Also, a strong period for gaining some insight into health and fitness as the lunar eclipse/full moon activates your area of health and fitness. 2019 can be your year for tuning in to your body’s signals, tapping in to your own intuition. Moreover, money can be good this upcoming year, specifically with Mars in your money house giving it a boost. Janet Amid is a columnist who writes for the Sylvania AdVantage newspaper. She can reached at 419-882-5510 or by e-mail at Visit her web site at
This is going to be the year where you finally
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
A full moon/eclipse this month emphasizes movement, travel and just being active, which is part of your mode of operation. Engaging in conversation, feeling high on life, basically in your element. On the same note, getting creative, or testing your skills at writing may be in the stars. A good month to brush up on creativity, and focus on possible job changes for 2019. Also, Mars traveling through your area of friendships places you in your element.
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Your money situation should be in pretty good shape as you aim to be more productive when dealing with everyday financial matters. This month the planetary setup along with the full moon/eclipse sheds light on matters that need attention, mainly career. With Mars at the zenith part of your chart the focus is on job related issues, and getting yourself back on track. Staying proactive merely takes the edge off.
Leo (July 24-Aug. 23)
With the full moon taking place in your own sign, the limelight continues to be on you. Specifically speaking, along with Jupiter now in Sagittarius in your favor, you may feel totally replenished, ready and willing to take anything on. Also, love can be interesting as well as intense, though your attitude can make it or break it. Also small talk does wonders, but actions speak louder. 2019 takes you from a dim light to a burst of sunshine. Relish!
Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
With the transiting Sun in your area of health and fitness, and the full moon traveling through the most private sector of your chart, importance is placed on closure as well as paying more attention to your body’s mental
SYLVANIA AREA CRIME REPORTS Attempted Burglary Kelsey England, 6000 block Red Oak Attempted Extortion George Ballas Buick, 5700 block W. Central, emailed bomb threat North Coast Financial, 5300 block Monroe, emailed bomb threat Fairwood Chiropractic, 5200 block Monroe, emailed bomb threat Bad Checks Living Appliance Center, 5600 block Monroe, bad check received Breaking & Entering Chad Suon, 6000 block Chaney, tools stolen from garage Chase Mortgage Center, 5000 block Allen, copper pipe stolen Criminal Damaging Robin Hoag, 4300 block Weldwood, tires damaged Kelsey England, 6000 block Red Oak, tires slashed. Eid-Jabbur Alkhaldi, 5900 block Black Oak, vehicle window smashed; tires slashed Al-Mohammed Jimenez, 5900 block Red Oak, tires slashed on two vehicles Dustin Kiszella, 5800 block Flanders, vehicle damaged Melissa Reimonenque, 6500 block Brint, front door jamb damaged Found Property 5300 block Silica, bicycle found 7200 block Sylvania, .40 S&W bullet found 5100 block Spring, replica Airsoft gun found Menacing Alessandro Machnicki, 5600 block Alexis, harmful threats made Courtney Taylor, 5200 block Harroun, physical harm threatened Theft Marshalls, 5200 block Monroe, merchandise stolen Lowes, 7000 block Central, tool set stolen Boost Mobile, 5800 block W. Central, cash stolen
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8160 Sunset 4220 N Holland-Syl 6619 Convent 7060 W Sylvania 7455 Club 3230 N Centennial 5243 S Main 6560 Kingsbridge 7429 Pine View 13 I 475 N 5100 W Central 3230 N Centennial 3736 Farmbrook 5709 Plantation 5341 Palisades 7455 Club 6060 Renaissance 7120 Port Sylvania 7159 W Central 5679 Monroe 6225 W Central 2900 N Mccord 9636 Captiva 5750 Cushman 5134 Arbor WAY 5308 Harroun 6060 Renaissance 7240 W Central 8601 Brint 5747 Roberts 6235 Monroe 5700 Monroe N King 5351 Mitchaw 5320 Harroun 8160 Sunset 5320 Harroun 3152 Marsrow 2901 N Reynolds 8160 Sunset
Michale Dodd, 4400 block King, jewelry stolen Gabe's, 5200 block Monroe, fake $100 bill used to purchase item with cash given back Bed Bath and Beyond, 5100 block Monroe, air fryer stolen Five Below, 5200 block Monroe, attempted theft of merchandise Target, 5200 block Monroe, attempted theft Taylor Cadillac, 5100 block Central, dealer license plate stolen Meijer, 7200 block Central, merchandise, vacuum stolen RMF Nooter Mechanical, 4500 block Brookhurst, vehicle window smashed, tools stolen Steve DuFrane, 5400 Silica, cash stolen Vin Devers, 5500 block Monroe, vehicle stolen Elizabeth Haverstik, 6000 block Wakefield, books, comic books stolen Warren Jinkens, 5600 block Glasgow, portable skin therapy machine stolen Gabe's, 5200 block Monroe, merchandise stolen Bed Bath & Beyond, 5100 block Monroe, appliance stolen Angela Romo-Fuentes, 5900 block Black Oak, keys stolen Vandalism Lourdes University, 6800 block Convent, graffiti sprayed on south wall of Canticle Center Nichole Purcel, 5700 block Cushman, laser light damaged FROM THE COURTS Criminal Damaging Brandon McCorvey, 6201 Garden, Maumee, $150 fine, 180 days, 172 days susp. Disorderly Conduct Casey Petiniot, 7441 Annin, Holland, $100 fine, 30 days, 28 days susp. Julie Marsh, 7 Magyar, Toledo, $100 fine, 30 days susp. Tashaentee Howard, 1806 N. Westwood, $100 fine, 30 days susp. Driving Under Suspension (DUS) Daniel Fitch, 450 N. Main, #43, Delta, $100 fine, Tabitha Anderson, 8246 Angola, Holland, $100 fine, 20 days
Danielle Pirrwitz, 2150 N. McCord, $100 fine, 180 days, 179 days susp. Drug Abuse Scottie Crowell, 5430 Ron, Sylvania, $50 fine, 30 days susp. Drug Possession Casey Collins, 2015 Country Trace, Toledo, $100 fine, 180 days susp. Jeremy Evers, 14092 Country, U, Napoleon, $150 fine False Identity Tabitha Anderson, 8246 Angola, $100 fine, 20 days Menacing Brandon McCorvey, 6201 Garden, Maumee, $100 fine, 30 days, 22 days susp. Pedro Fradera, 6512 Clock Tower, Perrysburg, $100 fine, 180 days, 162 days susp. No DL Jaleesa Gresham, 77 Birmingham Terrace, Toledo, $100 fine, 60 days susp. Passing Bad Check David Monhollen, 635 E. Oakland, Toledo, $100 fine, 90 says susp. Aaron Howard, 1661 Carmella Ct., Toledo, $100 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. Resisting Arrest Raven Banks, 1513 Hamilton, Toledo, $100 fine, 60 days, 57 days susp. OVI Amy Switala, 9352 Saint Angela's Way, Sylvania, $600 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Kristi Kay, 726 Cullen, Holland, $350 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Erik Swanson, 2015 N. McCord, Toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. William Allbaugh, 5600 Alexis, Sylvania, $375 fine, 180 days, 169 days susp. Rashawn Peterson, 419 Shrewsbury, Holland, $525 fine, 180 days, 157 days susp. Brian Shemak, 4618 Nantucket, Toledo, $525 fine, 180 days, 134 days susp. James Bangura, 2541 Keygate, toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. Timothy Stanley, 4655 Vicksburg, Sylvania, $500 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Elizabeth Graham, 7017-1/2 Hall, Holland,
Assist invalid Dispatched & cancelled en route Assist invalid EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Assist invalid Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional Assist invalid EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Motor vehicle accident w/injuries EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Motor vehicle accident w/injuries EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Assist police or other governmental agency EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury HazMat release investigation w/no HazMat Motor vehicle accident w/injuries EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Dispatched & cancelled en route EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Motor vehicle accident w/no injuries. EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Assist invalid EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Heat from short circuit (wiring), defective/worn EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury Assist invalid
12/18/18 12/18/18 12/19/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/24/18 12/25/18 12/25/18 12/26/18 12/27/18 12/27/18 12/28/18 12/28/18 12/28/18 12/28/18 12/28/18 12/28/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/29/18 12/30/18 12/30/18 12/30/18 12/30/18 12/30/18 12/30/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18
$375 fine, 180 days, 176 days susp. Johnathan Cascadden, 65 S. McCord, Holland, $400 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Thomas Heintschel, 7017 Hollywyck, Maumee, $500 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Physical Control Henry Nguyen, 6023 Miakonda Trail, Sylvania, $375 find, 180 days, 177 days susp. Reckless Operation Brittany Hillard, 429 E. Morenci, Lyons, $200 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Turki Dhayihi, 1536 Highland Green, Toledo, $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Benjamin George, 5641 Balfour, Sylvania, $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Richard Burns, 218 W. Main, Delta, $250 fine, 30 days, 24 days susp. Derrick Presley, 2426 Warren, $150 fine, 5 days susp. Robert Falk, 6632 Janell Lane, Maumee, $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Terry Dandino, 9665 Maumee Western, Monclova, $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Resisting Arrest Raven Banks, 1513 Hamilton, Toledo, $100 fine, 60 days, 57 days susp. Theft Tabitha Anderson, 8246 Angola, Holland, $100 fine, 90 days, 53 days susp. Atanacio Brown, $100 fine, 180 days, 172 days susp. Angela Williams, 886 National, Toledo, $250 fine, 180 days, 175 days susp. Desiree Webster, 6017 Red Oak, Toledo, $350, 90 days susp. Paul Butler, 1314 Juliet, Toledo, $100 fine, 90 days, 84 days susp. Kevin Parrish, 3849 Donegal, Toledo, $100 fine, 90 days, 83 days susp. Gwendolyn Cargile, 531 Williamsdale, Toledo.$100 fine, 30 days susp. Randolph Gaisser, 361 Hefner, $125 fine, 10 days susp. Justin Bianca, $125 fine, 60 days, 57 days susp. Unauthorized Use of Property Todd Pfleghaar, 806 Johnson, Maumee, $100 fine, 30 days susp.
5243 Monroe EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 3415 Indian Trail Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 4835 New England Alarm system activation, no fire - unintentional 5114 Saddlecreek EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 6766 Carrietowne EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 6542 Abbey Run EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 4111 N Holland-Syl EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 6015 Sylvan Green EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 2645 Pheasant EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5613 Anchor Hills EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 2810 Floex EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 4745 Robinson EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 7820 Laurel Glen Way EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5556 Bluewater EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5600 W Alexis EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury W Monroe Extrication of victim(s) from vehicle 6618 Convent EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 7120 Port Sylvania EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 7140 W Sylvania EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 7712 Shadywood EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 6606 Convent EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5757 Whiteford EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 8160 Sunset EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5737 Hawksbridge Cir EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 3655 N King EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5360 Harroun EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5700 Monroe EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 4621 Plumbrook EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5600 W Alexis EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 2632 Bowood EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 4200 N Holland-Syl EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 6731 Worth Cooking fire, confined to container 3350 N Holland-Syl Smoke detector activation due to malfunction W CENTRAL Passenger vehicle fire 6009 Apple Meadow CO detector activation due to malfunction 4132 Merriweather EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5757 Whiteford EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 4420 Candlewood EMS call, exl. vehicle accident w/injury 5577 Monroe Dispatched & cancelled en route
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Sylvania Area Family Services
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5440 Marshall Road Sylvania, Ohio (419) 882-8415
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to TBI survivors, caregivers and family members. Hours: Mon - Thurs 10am - 4pm
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Approximately 30 ½ acres are tillable and 6 acres of woods. Great building site, farmland, investment or use for outstanding hunting. Priced to sell! $169,900. Call Larry at Faust Real Estate, LLC 517-270-3645
5060 Olde Mill Ct. ~ $259,000 Room to roam in this 3,000+sf Sylvania home w/4 beds, 2.5 baths. High ceilings, skylights & big windows provide ample natural light. 1st floor master. Spacious kitchen & family room. Den w/ vaulted ceiling. Finished basement. Possession at closing.
Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 RE/MAX Central Group
4839 Park Place Blvd. ~ $249,000 2 BR, Den, 2 full BA & almost 1,800 sf of living space. Open floor plan & high ceilings. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout most of the home. All appliances stay. Sweet community clubhouse w/ rec rm, exercise rm & ingound pool. Possession at closing.
5966 Sylvan Ridge Dr. ~ $40,000 City of Toledo, Sylvania Schools. Last buildable lot in the subdivision. Just under a half acre. Backs to woods. North off Alexis, just west of Talmadge. Sidewalk is in. Utilities at the street. Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 RE/MAX Central Group
RE/MAX Central Group
9090 Stonybrook Blvd. ~ $309,000 5 bed, 2.5 bath w/almost 2,900sf of living space. Beautiful hardwood from the front door back through the kitchen. Main level den. Family room w/gas fireplace. Island kitchen w/ pantry. Tons of closet space. Full unfinished basement. Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 RE/MAX Central Group
2822 Joelle Dr., Sylvania Twp. Charming updated home in the heart of Jamesford Woods. 1st floor den, beautiful hardwood floors, family rm. w/fireplace. Outstanding updated island kitchen w/eat-in overlooking Trex deck & nice yard. Master suite w/custom master bath features tile shower, bubble tub & double sinks w/granite. Marcia Rubini, 419/870-2009 RE/MAX Preferred Associates
5619 Parkwood Blvd., Sylvania ~ $298,000 Are you looking for a brand new home in old town Sylvania close to downtown sylvania? Well here it is! Lovely BRAND NEW 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath ranch w/open floor plan, awesome kitchen w/ stainless stove, dishwasher & microwave, lg pantry. 1st. fl. laundry & mud room and full basement! Marcia Rubini, 419/870-2009 RE/MAX Preferred Associates
Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070
And When it Snows, We Remove It!
7715 Shadywood Ln. ~$252,000 4 beds, 2.5 baths and over 2,600 sf of living space. Updated granite kitchen is a cook’s delight. Stainless appliance pkg. Handsome family room w/ WBFP. Finished basement. Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070 RE/MAX Central Group
5054 Olde Mill Ct. ~ $250,000 4 beds, 2.5 baths and almost 2,400 sf of living space. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Island kitchen. Finished basement. Oversized 2 car garage. Stamped concrete patio. Possession at closing. Brad Crown – Realtorman 419/467-7070
Liberty Square Buildings 1, 2, 3
4149, 4159 & 4169 N. Holland-Sylvania Sylvania Twp.
Monthly rent includes: * Water, gas & electric * Janitorial service * Conference rooms * Storage space
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Check out the space available on
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Preview and registration open at 4 pm.
4-bedroom 2.5 bath tri-level home in Sylvania schools! Almost 3,000 SqFt! Large family room with fireplace. Attached 2.5 car garage. Very large lot. 3 parcels. Come bid your price! Greg Zielinski • Auctioneer/ReMax Preferred Realtor • 419-867-7653
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