2015 2 25 作品集(final 單)

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楊仲民 Chung Ming Yang



Menu ti ze r 開胃菜 Appe

... ... ... ... ... ... ... 介 紹 In tr o .

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沙 拉 S a la d

n about me!

... k D es ig n ... ... 書 籍 設 計 B oo


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計 rland / 書籍設 Alice in Wonde 手冊設計 le Diary / 年曆 TMU's Schedu 計 erside / 書籍設 Gungguan Riv / 年曆手冊設計 red Together he at G be an Love C 計 個人作品集設 Andrew Lin / Niu Ting-En & / 婚禮寫真設計 About Marriage fe / 書籍設計 d in Work & Li How to Succee

o u rs e 主 餐 M a in C

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... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... .. 1 6

設計 tion / 企業簡介 CTE Corpora 年報設計 Take Off / 企業 / 企業年報設計 Deep Breathe 年報設計 Breeze / 企業 計 ei / 雜誌編排設 Discover Taip 設計 ght / 雜誌編排 Food for Thou ly / 雙月刊設計 Taifex Bimonth

湯品 Soup

卡片、DM 設

M D es ig n 計 C ar d & D

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

/ 喜帖設計 Love Forever 卡設計 niversary / 賀 TMU 50th An as / 賀卡設計 Merry Christm M 設計 of Taiwan / D ial Craft Gifts The Centenn 片設計 e / 寫真及明信 Little Adventur 's ui G ui G Yang

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 3 2

BE Menu 飲 料 D ri n k


n . ... ... ... n di n g D es ig 品 牌 設 計 B ra

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... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... . 4 2

牌設計 ing at me / 品 Are You Look 業識別設計 Infelligent / 企 片設計 ness Card / 名 Personal Busi ete / 名片設計 Yesterday Del 計 ckage / 包裝設 Earphone Pa lle / 包裝設計 La Vie est Be 介面設計 Dr. Veg / 遊戲

甜 品 D e ss e rt

... ... te r D es ig n . ... 海 報 設 計 Pos

... ... ... ... ...

報設計 Psychosis / 海 ns / 海報設計 Journey Begi Another New and / 海報設計 No Place to St ick? / 海報設計 Shave or lipst 報設計 e Dummy / 海 Nothing but th 計

Envy / 海報設

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... 5 4




Sylvia Yang

學歷 Education 1983



國立台灣師範大學歷史系 畢業


銘傳大學設計創作研究所 畢業


Born in Damshui


Graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, department of History


Graduated from Ming Chuan University, department of Creative Design

聯展 Associated Exhibition 2009 2008

Shanghai International design symposium of exchanging works Touching the Unknown Exhibition 19th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont Mini Poster Exhibition


Ministry of Education“Chinese international propaganda Campus Competition” Indigenous People's-Student poster Contest & Exhibition

獲獎經歷 Achievements 2007

教育部國際文宣校園創作比賽 第二名 順益博物館全國學生「台灣原住民」海報創作競賽 優異獎


Ministry of Education“Chinese international propaganda Campus Competition” ─ The second place Indigenous People's-Student poster Contest & Exhibition ─ In Recognition of An Excellent Work

專長 Skills Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

play with book design

書籍設計 Book Design y Alice in Wonderland / 書籍設計 y TMU's Schedule Diary / 年曆手冊設計 y Gungguan Riverside / 書籍設計 y Love Can be Gathered Together / 年曆手冊設計 y Niu Ting-En & Andrew Lin / 個人作品集設計 y About Marriage / 婚禮寫真設計 y How to Succeed in Work & Life / 書籍設計


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover Design

Evoked by the classical fairy tale-Alice in Wonderland, I used some abstract 3D geometric elements, the collage of people and animals, rather than using the common elements such as cheshire cat, poker soldiers, tea pots and white rabbit...etc, to create a sureal concept-adult Alice backed to the fantacy world again, falling into a dark space, seeing a strange big bird...etc. The concept of this collection is to reinterpret the classic fairy tale by using different points of views. 「愛麗絲の夢遊仙境」一系列書封設計,捨棄常見的笑貓、撲克牌士兵、 茶壺、白兔等慣用元素,改以抽象 3D 幾何元素,結合人與動物的拼貼, 表現出「超現實」的概念─長大成人的愛麗絲重新回到童話的冒險世界, 在一片黑暗的奇幻空間裡,遇到了巨大的神奇怪鳥等。此系列希望藉由不 同的視角,來重新詮釋不一樣的經典童話故事。

Bo ok

Ed ito r ia l

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

TMU's Schedule Diary

"The big tree" represents the achievements of TMU. Different flowers and seeds symbolize those pupils' rosy future. No matter what kinds of careers or industries they choose, their concern about the whole people and society will remain the same.

Diary Book Design

取「百年樹人」中極富教育意涵的「大樹」來比喻北醫在致力於培育 專業醫界人才上的成就。不同的花朵與果實即代表這群未來充滿希望 的學子們,不論現在專攻的領域以及將來的出路為何,「共同關懷社 會群體」始終是不變的核心思想。

Client: Taipei Medical University

Bo ok

Ed ito r ia l

Gungguan Riverside Book Design

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng



To interpret the natural and special scenery of Gungguan Riverside, I used some local elements such as Taipei Water Park, bikeways, pedestrians and animals to create a surreal space, with the sense of tranquil atmosphere. 為了詮釋「公館水岸」一帶特殊的自然及人文風光,在封面設計上採用拼貼手 法,使用在地的若干元素 ( 如自來水博物館、自行車步道以及人與動物等 ),來 營造水岸一種超現實的空間感以及恬靜怡人的氛圍。

Client: Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Love Can be Gathered Together Diary Book Design

The main idea of this diary book is to convey the power of love. By using homocentric flowers to represent different dreams, it is believed that one day the flowers would bloom as the power of love are gathered together. As another new year is coming, all the dreams will eventually come true. 當眾人的力量被集結起來時,就能綻放出一朵朵充滿希望的生命之花。 《紅十字會小札》正是希望傳達此種精神,以溫暖又熱情洋溢的紅及代 表醫療照護的藍綠色作為主色,隨著新的一年來臨,生命之花仍會不斷 地生長下去。

Client: The Red Cross Society of The Republic of China

Bo ok

Ed ito r ia l

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Niu Ting-En & Andrew Lin Personal Portfolio No matter Ting-En or Andrew, what they have in common is that they both are telanted. I developed the porfolios with the gradient to create a sense of rhythm, to express Ting- En's agile movement; and used flash bulb to focus on Andrew's face to make him look like a fearless star. 不管是熱愛運動的他,亦或是喜好烹飪的他, 共同點在於他們的才華都等待著未來某天大放 異彩。以漸變手法來營造出畫面的律動感,表 現其矯健身手;以及用鎂光燈聚焦於臉部,強 調其「初生之犢不畏虎」準備好一展身手的精 神,暗示著兩位年輕人的將來指日可待。

Client: Niu Ting-En & Andrew Lin

Bo ok

Ed ito r ia l

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng



About Marriage Photo Album "About Marriage" is designed for one of my friends, who got married and prepared to start another new phase of life. 《關於婚姻》是為一位剛步入婚姻、準 備開啟人生另一階段旅程的朋友而做的 婚禮攝影集。

Client: Sherry Ho

How to Succeed in Work & Life Book Cover Design

play with editorial design

編排設計 Editorial Design y CTE Corporation / 企業簡介設計 y Take Off / 企業年報設計 y Deep Breathe / 企業年報設計 y Breeze / 企業年報設計 y Discover Taipei / 雜誌編排設計 y Food for Thought / 雜誌編排設計 y Taifex Bimonthly / 雙月刊設計


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

CTE Corporation Corporate Brochure Design

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng



CTE Corporation was founded in 1973 A.D. with the core value of "Honest, innovation, foresight and hormany." It is based on diversified business except the original wire business. When designing the corporate brochure, the company wanted it describes not only the corporation, but also the dimension of humanistic concern. I came with the idea of creating a series of graphics that mixed with some soft elements, such as nature, children, plants with the infographics, to make the information easy to understand. 中端電子成立於 1973 年,秉持著「誠實、創新、前瞻、和諧」的核心價值,除了立基於配線本業外,亦致力於多角化的 發展。在公司簡介上,除了希望能介紹企業本體外,更希望能呈現出較具人文氣息的一面,因此融和大自然、孩童、花 草植物等軟性元素,並適時加入圖表設計,使整體資訊更能簡單易瞭。

Client: CTE Corporation


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Take Off Corporate Brochure Design

Taipei International Airport expects to give a different impression to passengers. Excepting redesigning the facilities, it also hoped to remodel a brand new image different from before. Instead of using the typical photos such as people always stood in a row, I chose to shot them individually and reorganized them. I also added many interior photos with the infographics rather than using some unfocused photos of people, looking for the balance between practice and beauty. 臺北國際航空站期待能帶給乘客不一樣的印象,除了在硬體上重新規劃以 外,在中英文年報上也希望能重塑不同於以往的嶄新形象。在設計上打破以 往組織人物排排站的制式編排,以個別單獨拍攝的手法加以個別去背,再重 新排列。選圖上也加入許多內部設施照片,取代以往缺乏主題性的人物照, 並加入許多淺顯易懂的圖表設計 ( 如大事紀改用機場跑道的概念 ),使資訊 與美觀能同時兼顧。

Client: Taipei International Airport 2011 Annual Report

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Deep Breathe Corporate Brochure Design

The most challenging part of this "Annual Report" is that how to make the infographic become interesting and effective so that people can understand easily. To this end, I try to make it as simple as possible. Instead of complicated elements and layout, I used simple but elegant way to convey the main spirit of Taipower. 設計企業年報最大的挑戰,便在於如何將眾多的資訊及圖表,以最讓人 一目瞭然的方式來呈現,同時卻又不讓人覺得過分嚴肅及失去美感。因 此在整體設計上盡量避免多餘花俏的裝飾干擾資訊的閱讀性,而以簡單 素雅的風格來呈現台電的主要企業精神。

Client: Taiwan Power Company

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Breeze Corporate Brochure Design The layout was based on grid with award-winning photos, using blankleaving instead of solid matter to gasp for breathe. The materials were applied to the different applications such as brochure and the CD Rom. 在整體設計上以網格作為版型規劃的依 據, 搭 配 台 電 攝 影 比 賽 得 獎 作 品, 以 適當的留白取代滿版的編排,使畫面讓 人有喘息的空間。素材可應用於不同場 和,如年報與光碟。

Client: Taiwan Power Company

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Discover Taipei Magazine Layout

"Discover Taipei" (DT) is a series of magazines that introduces many traveling spots and activities in Taipei. Since many readers are foreigners, the editors want to provide not only useful but also interesting information to the readers, when dealing with the layout, I tried to put some related-elements into the layout, in order to help them get the main ideas of the contents ASAP. 《發現台北》是一本專門介紹台北觀光景點以及活動的雜誌。由於讀者群多為外籍人 士,我希望雜誌能夠讓人覺得不只是實用,同時也能兼顧趣味性,因此在設計時我嘗 試將畫面加入一些符合主題的情節或元素,以幫助他們更快掌握文意。

Client: Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Food for Thought Magazine Layout The personal project "Food for Thought" is a magazine that introduces something about food and provides different points of view about eating. Food can not only provides satisfication, but also inspiration and energy in our daily life. 《Food for Thought》其實算是一本屬於個人計畫的獨立 生活刊物。內容除了介紹關於食物以外,並從不同角度 切入「吃」的議題。食物除了提供人們溫飽以外,也帶 給人類日常生活中許多靈感啟發及能量。

Client: The personal project

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng



Taifex Bimonthly Corporate Brochure Design "Taifex Bimonthly" are published by Taiwan Futures Exchange, which are focus on reporting the dissertations and the in-house activities. The cover was designed to convey a sense of breaking the rules, and express the dimension of their international spirit. 臺灣期貨交易所出版的雙月刊是以報導專題及組織內部活動 為主。封面設計上希望能打破以往制式的設計,呈現國際化 的一面。

Client: Taiwan Futures Exchange

play with Card, DM design

卡片、DM 設計 Card, DM Design y Love Forever / 喜帖設計 y TMU 50th Anniversary / 賀卡設計 y Merry Christmas / 賀卡設計 y The Centennial Craft Gifts of Taiwan / DM 設計 y Yang Gui Gui's Little Adventure / 寫真及明信片設計


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Love Forever Wedding Invitation Design

Wedding invitation designed for a lovely couple, who encountered because of their parrots. Inspired by this, I choose the silhouettes of parrots and applied them into the invitation. 以「鸚鵡」為話題進而相識的兩人,希望能夠將這段特殊緣分紀錄 於喜帖中,作為這段愛情的見證,讓眾人也能一同分享喜悅。在設 計上以鳥剪影為主軸,融合法式風格搭配打凹、燙金加工,讓兩人 的愛情如同烙印一般留下深刻而有力的見證。

Client: Kevin & Myra

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

TMU 50th Anniversary Greeting Card Design

To keep balance between richness and variety in designing greeting card, I made it can be used not only for postcards but also for bookmarks, using the most famous stele of the school- sincerity, justice, deligence and thrift, as the elements of the cutting die line. The wood texture also reflects the attitude of living simple and modest life. 為了讓賀卡能夠兼具豐富性與多樣性,於是將明信片及書籤的形態也融入 其中。以該校最為著名的「誠正勤樸」碑作為元素貫穿整體,封面的特殊 開窗形亦是根據此碑外型作為刀模,並以木紋質感來帶出校訓力求儉約質 樸的生活態度。

Client: Taipei Medical University

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Merry Christmas Greeting Card Design

Inspired by some others works that consist of the alphabets to form the graphic, instead of a solid Christmas tree, I used logo and alphabets in different languages, to form the abstract trees as Christmas cards. 受到別人以文字字母構成圖形的作品啟發,我嘗試以 Logo 及 各國字母為造型來形塑抽象的聖誕樹,取代真的聖誕樹以作 為聖誕卡元素。

Client: Taipei Medical University & The personal project

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

The Centennial Craft Gifts of Taiwan Flyer Design

Many local crafts in Taiwan have been ignored since lack of strategies of package and sale. When its time for celebrating the centennial of the Republic of China, National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute hoped to grab this chance to popularize the local diversified crafts of Taiwan. 臺灣有許多在地的手工藝,長期以來由於缺乏適當的包裝與行銷策 略而受到忽略。適逢建國百年,臺灣工藝研究所希望能透過此次的 展覽,推廣臺灣在地多樣化的好工藝。

Client: National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Yang Gui Gui's Little Adventure Photo Album & Postcards It's a story about a little parrot, Yang Gui-Gui, who escaped from sweet home to start his new life and little adventures. 這是關於一隻小鸚─楊貴貴離家出走,從溫暖的家逃脫以 後,輾轉在外流浪冒險的故事。

Client: The personal project

Br a ndi ng



play with Branding design

品牌設計 Branding Design y Are You Looking at Me / 品牌設計 y Infelligent / 企業識別設計 y Personal Business Card / 名片設計 y Yesterday Delete / 名片設計 y Earphone Package / 包裝設計 y La Vie est Belle / 包裝設計 y Dr. Veg / 遊戲介面設計


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Are You Looking at Me Branding Design "Bad-Tempered Parrots" is based on developing bird-related products. By using parrot as the main subject, the brand wants to provide a good environment where customers can relax and exchange information. Except the bird-related stationaries and goods, you can also find tasteful cafe and find tea there. 「壞脾氣鸚鵡」是以發展寵物鳥精品為目標 而創立。以鸚鵡作為發展主軸,並希望透過 店面的成立,讓鳥類飼主們能有個放鬆、悠 閒交流的好地方。店內除了販售鳥類相關文 具、商品外,另外也提供咖啡、茶點供客人 選擇。

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Infelligent Corporation Identity Infelligent Coaching & Consulting Inc. is a newly-established company which required a new identity desperately. The logo was combined with the first letters of "influence" and ''intelligent", and the letter "i" and "t" were connected together to indicate the company's core value-to bring more effect to people. 新成立的投資顧問管理公司希望能創造出 全新的企業識別,因此在設計上以該公司 的最初創立概念─ "Influence" ( 影響力 ) 及 ''Intelligent" ( 明智的 ) 兩字的字首 "i" 作為 設計發想,將 i 做成人的抽象形,並將 "i" 及字尾 "t" 連結起來,以象徵該團隊重視 多元智能的精神,且致力於帶給人們更多 影響力的核心價值。

Client: Infelligent Coaching & Consulting Inc.

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Personal Business Card Personal Identity Its a personal project. The front and the back of the business card were both used hot foil stamping with black ink on 1mm paper board, to express simple but elegant texture. 此為個人名片製作。名片正反面皆採 用燙黑於 1mm 牛奶板上,利用簡單的 加工做出素雅質感。

Client: The personal project

Yesterday Delete Corporation Identity YD is a successful hair salon based in East strict of Taipei. The word YD is "yesterday delete", which means forgeting the bad things in the past and look forward to the future. The logotype was created from a typeface which was similar to the the texture of hair with scissors. It represents perfection and persistence that a picky hair stylist persues to discard the imperfection of a hair style. 坐 落 於 台 北 東 區 的 髮 廊 "YD Hair Salon" (yesterday delete) 意為去除過去不美好的事物 並著眼於未來。標準字設計上採用近似髮絲 的繡線字體搭配剪刀,象徵著挑剔的設計師 對於完美的堅持,將髮型不完美之處一併去 除。

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Br a ndi ng




T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Earphone Package Package Design Proposed packaging for ALTEAM. The new packaging look with face graphic illustrations which consists of the icons of rewind, pause and play that appeals to the young generation. With the colorful and lively package, the client hoped it will increase sales and differentiate with their competitors. 為耳機製造商─亞力田所設計的包裝提案。新 款包裝以倒帶、暫停及播放鍵構成抽像人臉來 吸引年輕客群。客戶希望藉由新款色彩鮮明的 包裝設計,增加銷售量並塑造與其他競爭者的 差異性。

Client: ALTEAM

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

La Vie est Belle Package Design As more and more people keep birds as their pets, the birdrelated products also have potency. The slogan of the bird food brand "La Vie est Belle" is a brand based on providing good life for pets. With special package design, consumers can easily identify the content when they are shopping. 以貓狗為主的寵物商品市場一直以來就不容小覷。反觀養鳥的人 口雖然遠不及養貓狗的人數,但隨著越來越多人也開始飼養禽鳥 類,相關的商品也具有發展潛力。以 "La Vie est Belle" 為口號的飼 料品牌,本著以 " 寵物美好的生活 " 為概念,別出心裁的包裝設 計─刻意將包裝上開窗的位置巧妙安排在鳥身上,除了方便消費 者在選購時辨識商品內容物之外,更增添趣味性。

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T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Dr. Veg Game Design "Dr. Veg" is an app which is available on App Store for iphone / ipod. The plot of the story was about a doctor, who invented a special remote control to manage the traffic of the world, but unfortunately made a mess of everything. If you want to know what will going to happen next, you need to take a risk joining his crazy world to find out. "Dr. Veg" 是一款可在 App Store 下載的 ipod/iphone 小 遊戲。故事情節是敘述一位名叫 "Veg" 的博士,他發 明了一款可操控全世界交通的「遙控器」,不料卻引 發了一場大混亂。如果你想知道接下來會發生什麼 事?你就必須先冒險加入 Dr.Veg 的瘋狂世界。

Client: Zumore Designers / Illustrators: Chung Ming, Yang, Chih You Wang

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

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play with Poster design

海報設計 Poster Design y Psychosis / 海報設計 y Another New Journey Begins / 海報設計 y No Place to Stand / 海報設計 y Shave or lipstick? / 海報設計 y Nothing but the Dummy / 海報設計 y Envy / 海報設計


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Psychosis Poster Design

Many people often feel stressful since they have to hide their truly emotions in many different occasions. Sometimes this would lead them to the level of emotional barrier. I used the first letter of those different kinds of psychosis in fluorescent colors, and rotated them in different directions to express those crazy ideas in their brains keep brewing by themselves. 現代人生活壓力過大,常在許多不同場合中被迫壓抑自身情緒,許多時候常會陷入情 緒障礙的泥沼而不自知。我以這些精神症狀的英文字字首,選用螢光色系並以不同方 向錯置於畫面中,暗示著腦海中萬頭鑽動的奇思異想,在腦海中不斷發酵茁壯。

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Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

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T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Another New Journey Begins Poster Design

I used transition via colors and texts to indicate that as the old year has passed away and the new year is coming, people also change gradually. Say goodbye to the past and welcome the future, another new journey begins. 以漸變手法切入,透過色彩以及文字的漸變,暗示隨著舊的一年過去以 及新的一年到來,人也逐漸在轉變中。揮別過去、迎向未來,人生另一 段新旅程也即將要展開。

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No Place to Stand Poster Design

C ar d , D M

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Nowadays global warming has become a very serious issue around the world. If we don't stop polluting and try to do something to rectify the problems, sooner or later we will be just like the penguin of the picture--having no place to stand, even to live. 現在全球暖化的問題已日益嚴重,如果人類再不停止汙染地球並且做些事情來補救, 遲早有一天我們連立足之地都將失去,就像畫面中的企鵝一樣,更遑論生存下去了。

Client: 2009 Taiwan Postar


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Shave or lipstick?

People always have some stereotypes on male or female, such as "beard" represents male, and "lipstick" represents female. In fact, there are something more important than gender, so I combine those stereotypes together to indicate a struggle of a human, who isn't quite sure which gender should be chosen.

Poster Design

人們總是存在著某些對性別的刻版印象,例如鬍子代表男生,唇膏代表女生,但事 實上,這些並不是最重要的。我將這些刻版印象組合在同一張臉上,來暗喻一個人 對性別認定的掙扎。

Client: 2008 Students, all to Chaumont!

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Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

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T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Bo ok

Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

Nothing but the Dummy Poster & Coolcard Design

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Women always feel not satisfied about their appearances and body-shapes, and sometimes men do as well. "Nothing but the Dummy" wants to convey a concept that "No One is Perfect!" Which means you don't have to treat youself so strict. Even if you make it without improving you inner sense, you are nothing but a "dummy". 女人總是對自己的外貌及身材不夠滿意,即便是男人有時也 是如此。"Nothing but the Dummy" 想要傳達的就是「沒有人 是絕對完美的 !」沒必要對自己那麼嚴苛;即使你達到了表面 卻忽略了內在的提昇,你也只不過淪為了另一種看似完美的 模型假人罷了 !

Client: 2008 "Mini Poster" Exhibitio


T r y to B e C u r io u s a b o ut E v e r yt hi ng

Envy Poster Design

"Envy" is about humanity. Just like women, we dress up everyday, talking about fashion design and relationship with our partners, but sometimes we get lost. We are jealous of what others have, and try to take over them. The power of "envy" is unpredictable, sometimes it's beautiful, but also awful. 嫉妒是人性之一,就像女人,我們總是談論著時尚設計、和另一半的關係 ... 等等。但我們往 往卻迷失了,嫉妒起別人所擁有的,甚至於想佔有。嫉妒的力量是如此美妙,但有時卻又如 此可怕。

Client: The personal project

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Ed ito r ial

C ar d , D M

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楊仲民 SYLVIA YANG Email: bruhatw@gmail.com TEL: 0958-926025 If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for reading my portfolio!

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