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Sylvia Zion-Harris

Lansing, United States

I am a Summer School Super Star! My Memory was jogged this morning by a friends post. I spent every summer from third grade on (yes even college years cause I was used to it) attending the dreaded summer school remedial torture. I only say torture because, Hello, it was summer. After the school year ended I was blessed with an extra inning, but it didn't feel like a play off of any sort. It was more like "take five steps back stand on your head and make a choking sound till you get it right" kind of thing. I could cross my eyes for the whole six weeks of half day pressure cooker heat and not felt any less in jail as the clock ticked twice as slow while someone drug dry chalk across the chalk board, quite noisily I might add. You know the sound. Yea, that was my life for twelve traditional and four self-inflicted years. This is why summer church camp was so very important to me, it was my reward. The total blessed absence of school and most of my six siblings. No pressure to earn a grade, just the simple pleas
