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Sylvie Jacobs
The words within our vocabulary are stored within ourselves, accompanied by an emotional (negative) or feeling (positive) energetic charge. The positive or negative charge contains how we ‘feel’ about experiencing (receiving) this word or how we feel about expressing (giving) this word. ~ Esteni de Wet You can't think outside the Box because Thinking is The Box. Stopping the mind as this world system of immense abuse and enslavement! Revenue Vie, Basisinkomen, Grundeinkommen, Revenue de Base, Βασικό εισόδημα, Basic Income, Põhisissetuleku, Alapjövedelem, Podstawowych Dochodów, Základného Príjmu, Grundinkomst, Renta Básica, Temel Gelir, الدخل الأساسية, Հիմնական եկամուտը, Oinarrizko Errenta, Basisindkomst, Reddito di base, پایه درآمد, Основные доходы, Záákladnii Priijem, Grunnleggende Inntekt, Thu nhập cơ bản, Venitul de Bază, Perustulo, Redimento Básico, Borgerløn, Allocation Universelle, Grunninntekt, Medborgarlön, Rend