UCL Bartlett School/Landscape Architecture
Year 1-Term 1-Design 1 29/09/2024-25/12/2024
Site Overview
Site Location
The Bloomsbury Group Project site is centered aroundTorrington Square, with Studio 1 allocated to AreaB. This site functions as a central hub, connectingvarious university buildings and fostering interactionacross the campus.
Bloomsbury has been a centreof intellectuaand creative activities for over 250 years. But itsrich history has gradually given way to moderndevelopment. Postwar development attitudes provedfar more potent in the destruction of Bloomsbury thanthe Blitz itself, and it is sad to say that these attitudesare still very much a part of modern development alover the country
Torrington Square
Torrington Square is in Bloomsbury, owned by theUniversity of London, located in central London. Today, the square is largely non-residential sincemost of the houses have been demolished by theuniversity. The square is the site of a weekly farmersmarket, held on Thursdays

The three universities that surround Torrington square

Torrington Square buildings now

Design Concept

The process of sketching and trying out designs

Designing for site modifications - minimising disruption

Master plan - colour plan

Pattern and brickwork detail on the square