symbiosis designs ltd - profile

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To t a l A r c h i t e c t u r e

The architectural team adopts a very unique approach to projects unlike any other within the architecture/engineering industry. Projects are viewed as morphological living entities, which start from an entrepreneurial epiphany, evolve to a business vision, tested against market demand and feasibility study, further evolve to product or service with physical environmental demands, to brand and marketing definition, to operation that include staffing, logistical mapping, procedures, etc. The list is extensive and expansive depending on the project typology. All layers are considered as “architecting”, hence the concept of “ Total Architecture”. Of course our primary expertise tackles design and engineering with focus on technical innovation and novel designs elevating the culture of architecture and urbanity; however our extensive hands - on experience with many projects from constituting a vision as an answer to an opportunity to launching operations gives us a serious advantage when a client requires true systematic and methodical empathy. Several success stories stand witness to our name with projects handled from a spark of an idea to realization and operations. Some are simple such as high- end exclusive residential building, to innovative cultural hospitality concepts , to alternative approach to high level education and to sizable health and recreational projects.

The team has developed several businesses in their total requirements, relaying

on dynamic buildings, which emerged as successful brands. Invented projects, from names to buildings and operations include the renowned Blue Fig Restaurants and Cafes, Vy recreational club, The Village mixed-use project and Villa Heights residential project. No detail was left out of the total architectural process including far and peripheral tasks to traditional architecture such as recipes, operational software, financial set-up, staffing, branding & marketing material, etc. With each project, whether invented in-house or not, our t eam aims to leave a total legacy, reflective of total architecture, always in favor of its fortune and that of the client and his own clien ts.

IAA - The International Academy

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 006

3 5 , 00 0 s q . m

E d uc a t i o n

IAA - The International Academy

A m m a n | J or d a n



Red Sea institute of Cinematic Arts

A q a b a | J or d a n

2 0 06

30 , 000 s q . m

E d u ca t i o n



Red Sea institute of Cinematic Arts

A q a b a | J or d a n

Awards and credits: A c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h USC – University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts a n d T h e Ro y a l Fi l m Commission S h o r t l i s t e d Pr o j e ct of 2 0 1 1 Citysca p e A w a r d s for the ca teg or y of Community Futur e 2 0 1 1 A r a b i a n Pr o p er ty A w a r d s, Hig hly Commend ed in Pub lic Ser vice A r chitectur e Jor d a n

Vy Complex

A m m a n | J or d a n

20 0 4

8, 5 00 s q . m

He a l t h & We l l ne s s

Vy Complex

Awards and credits: 2 0 1 1 A r a b i a n Pr o p er ty A w a r d s - B est Leisur e A r chitectur e Jor d a n

A m m a n | J or d a n

Doha Corniche Development

D oh a | Q a t a r

20 0 9

Ma s t e r Pl a ns

Doha Corniche Development

Awards and credits: A j o i n t v e n t u r e wi t h Jea n M ichea l Willmotte & A ssocies S. A . – Pa r is, Fr a nce

D oh a | Q a t a r

Wadi Philadelphia Master Plan

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 010

6 9 , 00 0 s q . m

Master Plans

Wadi Philadelphia Master Plan

A m m a n | J or d a n

Wadi Philadelphia Hotel Plaza

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 0 10

41 , 000 s q . m

Ho t e l s

Wadi Philadelphia Hotel Plaza

A m m a n | J or d a n

R a k e e n To w e r s

A m m a n | J or d a n

20 0 8

90, 0 00 s q . m

Ho t e l s

R a k e e n To w e r s

A m m a n | J or d a n

Abdoun Fashion Atrium

A m m a n | J or d a n

200 8

1 0, 0 0 0 s q . m

Re t a i l

Abdoun Fashion Atrium

A m m a n | J or d a n

Te c h n o G r o u p O f f i c e B u i l d i n g

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 011

1 2 , 00 0 s q . m

O f f i ce s

Te c h n o G r o u p O f f i c e B u i l d i n g

Awards and credits: Fi r s t p r i z e wi n n e r i n The Techno G r oup Comp etition 2 0 1 1

A m m a n | J or d a n

Kawar Office Building Headquarter

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 010

1 8 , 70 0 s q . m

O f f i ce s

Kawar Office Building Headquarter

A m m a n | J or d a n

Maraqa Office Building

A m m a n | J or d a n

2 010

1 8 , 40 0 s q . m

Re t a i l / O f f i c es

Maraqa Office Building A m m a n | J or d a n

Invest Bank

A m m a n | J or d a n

200 9

1 , 00 0 s q . m

B a nk s

Invest Bank

A m m a n | J or d a n

Blue fig

A m m a n | J or d a n

1 9 97

2, 4 00 s q . m

Re s t a ur a n t s

Blue fig A m m a n | J or d a n

Abu Samra Residence

A m m a n | J or d a n

200 5

1 , 30 0 s q . m

Re s i d e nt i a l

Abu Samra Residence

A m m a n | J or d a n

Awards and credits: 2 0 1 1 Ci t y S ca p e A w a r d s, Hig hly Commend ed for the ca teg or y of Resid entia l B uilt. T h e p r o j e ct wa s n o mina ted for The A g ha K ha n A w a r d 2 0 1 0 .

Ayoubi Residence

M a h is | J or d a n

20 1 0

800 sq.m

Re s i d e nt i a l

Ayoubi Residence

M a h is | J or d a n

Our Clients

Abu Tawileh Group – Jordan Ajyal for Construction – Jordan Al Hokair Group – Saudi Arabia Al Nahda Printing Press – Jordan Al Nassaq Investment Company – Jordan Al- Shira’a Company for Real Estate Development Investment LTD – Jordan Aramex – Jordan Blue Fig – Jordan Bonyan International Investment Group – UAE Corporate Finance House – Lebanon Faouri Group – Jordan General Hotel Management Ltd – Singapore Government of Qatar, National Council for Culture, Arts, and Heritage – Qatar Greater Amman Municipality – Jordan International Community School – Jordan Jordan Dubai Capital – Jordan Jordan Investment and Finance Bank, INVESTBANK – Jordan Kawar Group – Jordan King Hussein Bin Talal Development Area – Jordan Maraqa Group – Jordan National Central Cooling Company, TABREED – UAE Queen Rania Foundation – Jordan Royal Hashemite Court – Jordan Sakkijha Jewellery – Jordan Shannon Trading & Contracting WLL – Qatar Steel Buildings Company Limited – Jordan TECHNO Group for Industrial Equipment & Supplies – Jordan The International Academy - Amman – Jordan The Royal Film Commission & Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts – Jordan Union Land Development – Jordan

6 7 A b d el Ra heem A l Ha j M oh’ d Str eet | Sw eifieh PO B ox 1 4 3 2 9 2 | A mma n 1 1 8 1 4 | Jor d a n Tel + 9 6 2 6 5 8 2 0 3 4 7 | Fa x + 9 6 2 6 5 8 1 3 5 9 2 a d min@symb iosisd esig n. com | w w w. symb iosisd esig n. com

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