It was 1988.
A SciFi and comics publication, with a national circulation of around 150,000 issues, ORION is a supplement "to the programme notebook edited by the Lyric Theatre of Craiova". A supplement consisting of 32 pages in A3 format to a 4-page leaflet which was given to the few tens of spectators, "...with the support of the Sci-Fi literary circle "Victor Anestin" - Craiova".
Writers in this issue: Anca Teodorescu, Victor Martin, Dănuţ Ungureanu, Dragoş Vasilescu, Mircea Liviu Goga, Dodo Niţă, Daniel Dumitru, Marius Stătescu, Costandina Paligora, Viorel Pîrligras (who also illustrates and publishes comics: "Înauntrul acesteia, înafara celeilalte" / "Inside this one, outside the other", for example.
Other illustrations are done by: Florin Mihai Diloiu, Valentin Iordache, Marian Mirescu, who publishes the beginning of a translation of "The Caves of Steel" by Isaac Asimov.