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SPAIN? There are so many reasons: cultural heritage, infrastructure, services, facilities, landscape, climate, cuisine, security... and above all, the consolidation of the M.I. being demonstrated over the last few years.

SUGGESTED DESTINATION LA ROBLA EXPRESS The new luxury train tour from the FEVE company enhances its line of propositions for this type of incentive trip proposal. This is a product entailing a unique destination full of temptations.

CITIES LEÓN Always playing a main role since its founding by the Romans over two thousand years ago, this Castilian city offers itself to visitors as a great cultural and historic window into its many facets to discover.

EVENTS IN SPAIN THE CÓRDOBA GUITAR FESTIVAL With over thirty years behind this charming southern Spanish city’s premiere international cultural festival, the warm summer nights are full of plenty to see and do.

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ECONOMIC RELATIVITY What has been occurring in international stock markets, and in other words the economy, has never been recorded or experienced, or so the experts say. It seems that certain voices have been arguing that its behaviour no longer obeys the traditional set of rules that have always been abided by, affecting the laws of supply and demand somewhat more than normal profit ratios. As globalization is such a consummate fact, everyone is affected equally. The current interrelation and interdependence across social levels and in every geographical region around the planet (read: countries) is so strong that any movement however slight and insignificant it may seem has a repercussion on the barest human activity. And if this activity has a positive economic punch, perhaps the repercussion will be even more crushing and the effect multiplied in an extraordinary way. The current situation through which we are passing has attained such a degree of sensitivity and susceptibility that the mere fact of a lack of influence a few years before can lead to economic disaster or henceforth unthinkable financial instability. Nevertheless, not all readings of this panorama that we are in are so dire. Although it might be acknowledged as being somewhat atypical for any number of reasons, this is because not so long age important thinkers, scientists and philosophers made it quite clear that everything is relative. And the economy is not about to become an exception. This whole lecture can be brought to bear through the justification of a certain Spanish saying that goes: “No hay mal que por bien no venga”. What is bad for some might be good for others. Economically speaking, what happens quite often in physics can also occur, as in the assertion that “energy does not create nor destroy but transforms”. Applying this to the issue at hand, a production system that shows signs of exhaustion or one that cannot meet current demands must give way to another which can adapt to these new demands. This is the truth, although it might seem hard to acknowledge. Therefore, despite measures which some governments have adopted to face the current economic situation, which generally affect a wide range of businesses and large sectors of the population, we do not have the slightest doubt that these are measures which will stimulate and lead to new business opportunities. And it is here that I have reached the nexus of the question which I would like to pose to all the M.I professionals in our country. Why don’t we take advantage of a situation where severe and categorical adjustments are being adopted in Spain? It is a situation which surely will bring with it lower prices in facilities and services, but it will not affect our levels of quality whatsoever, and nor will it touch the cultural, natural and culinary assets our country counts on. Now, more than ever, Spain stands alone as one of the best destinations and stages for hosting any type of business event. Of this I can assure you, as it seems that the law of “economic relativity” is being imposed.



003-EDITORIAL:Maquetación 1

Honorific Editor: Juan Robles • Editor: José Alarcón • Technical Director: Martin Robles • Adversiting: Antonio Melchor, Tere Serra • Art Director: Sofía Alonso, Verónica Urrutia • General Coordination: Marta Muela • Administration: Manuela Fuster • Editorial Council: José Alarcón, Sofía Alonso, Francisco de A. Carrió, Pere Camprobí, Estrella Díaz, Alberto Díez, Fernando Martorell, Joan Molas, Pau Morata, Fermín Pérez, Joaquim Sagués, Ramzi Shuaibi, Santiago Soteras, André Vietor, Antonio Wangüemert. • Writers: Marta Martínez, Raquel Alba, Pau Morata, Jesús Díaz Gámez, Daniel Bra, Marta Muela. Edition: Synergias de Prensa, S.L. C/ F. Pérez i Cabrero, 11-B, entlo. 8ª. E-08021 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 93 241 73 12. www.meetingsindustryinspain.com Editorial Production: Publications & Meetings Industry, S.L. • COVER PHOTO: Spain Collage (V. Urrutia/JAG) MEETINGS INDUSTRY IN SPAIN ® #12. ©Barcelona (Spain), 2010 • Legal Deposit: B-47.057-2007


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Cover SPAIN: Crucible for M.I.


Destination Proposal La Robla Express


Cities Leรณn


Wellness & Spa Grande Real Santa Eulรกlia Resort & Hotel Spa


Hotels Hotel Restaurant Cal Batlle Hotel NovaVila

32 34

Events in Spain The Cรณrdoba Guitar Festival


Incoming Top Congress: Betting On Quality


Co. Events


Useful guide





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he Mérida and Badajoz convention centres were buzzing with activity last April and May. Several important international and national congresses and convention chose as their sites these two cities in Extremadura. This was the case of the XXV SENPE National Congress (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral), a Spanish nutrition society, which brought the city of Badajoz nearly 600 congress goers. On the other hand, Mérida inaugurated a geographical instrument fair, the Feria Expogeomática 2010, and the annual meeting of IDEE, the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure. The growing importance of these two convention centres in the province of Extremadura is due to the fantastic work being carried out by Gebidexsa, a state-run bureau part of the Tourism and Culture Ministry in charge of managing convention centres.


he European Meeting and Events Conference (EMEC), one of the industry’s most important international congresses, was held in Granada for the first time after having previously met in the United Kingdom, Denmark and Italy. Organized by MPI, more than 500 professionals came together in the Granada Convention and Exhibition Centre where the centre’s director Eva Fernández addressed them by highlighting “Granada’s international position as a great site for hosting corporate events and business meetings” within the centre’s overall strategy for promoting the city. The results of this strategy, boosted by the centre itself due to the lack of an active convention bureau, can

be seen in the over 40 confirmed congresses from now until 2016, half of which are due to take place this year, drawing an estimated 16,000 plus congress goers. Between April and June, the Granada Convention and Exhibition Centre hosted a total of 15 congresses, five of them international, which resulted in “an econom ic im pact of m ore than 12 m illion euros for the city” , as affirmed by Eva Fernández. Last May, the Granada centre also invited leading national professional congress organizers (OPC) to discover the city and its facilities so that they could learn “firsthand Granada’s tourist infrastructure so they can in turn offer it to their clients” .



he FYCMA (Trade Fairs and Congresses of Malaga) has received ISO 14001 certification from the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) in recognition of its environmental management. This certification is the result of a solid plan to save on paper that the FYCMA put into practice with the aim of contributing to forest conservation all the while putting a lid on the costs of the facility itself. The plan is highly specific measure within a set of general actions which includes reducing waste and optimizing energy use. New technologies play a fundamental role in this aspect, as they permit the digitalization of a large quantity of processes across different areas and enable on-line promotion via newsletter or Facebook. On the other hand, the FYCMA has joined the city’s candidacy to become the 2016 European Capital of Culture. The fairground has demonstrated a thorough commitment to the candidacy through the intensification of its efforts, activities and resources. With this idea in mind, it is worth noting the intense activity that buzzed at the FYMAC in the months of May and June, highlighted by five large congresses held at the facilities linked to the medical-healthcare industry. Such activity at the centre backs up its efforts to continue situating this Andalusian provincial capital among the top destinations for celebrating events and congresses on an international scale.

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ext November (24th, 25th and 26th), leading experts in promoting and marketing cities are set to assemble in the Ciutat d’Elx convention centre. Now in its fourth edition and organized by the Province of Alicante business group Asociación Terciario Avanzado, in collaboration with the city of Elche, the congress will aim to evaluate the results and success of citymarketing, which sprung up as a separate discipline within marketing over ten years ago. Among other new ideas, the events will feature an analysis of Philosophy 2.0 and the new promotion techniques through on-line tools that cities have been using nowadays. As a complementary activity, an exhibition on techniques has been scheduled, which will gather various suggestions from businesses and institutions that demonstrate their technological tools and services in order improve each other’s citymarketing plans and serve as a meet-

ing point for congress goers. One of the main objectives of this edition is to create an atmosphere of dialogue and debate between the attendees, who will be able to meet and greet in the Circle of Friends.

A crucial agreement Citymarketing Elche and the Association of Publicity Firms in the Province of Alicante have signed a joint agreement for covering and broadcasting this grand congressional event. The desire of both groups to empower this event is patently clear, both in terms of promoting its participation and the commitment to all industry associations. The agreement establishes that 361º, the Association of Publicity Firms of the Province of Alicante, will reiterate all the news originating from Citymarketing Elche.




iguel Martínez, president of Parador Hotels, has taken part in the 1st International Conference of Historical Heritage in Islamic Nations, which was held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. His participation was due to the interest raised on other continents by the Parador tourism model. This model is committed to the sort of cultural tourism that is sustainable and respectful of the environment, plus the conviction that “a country that does not commit to the same will lose the train of the future” , according to Miguel Martínez. “Historic heritage”, continued Martínez “is a source of cultural wealth and a first- rate tool for development”. Along these lines, the Spanish chain is close to closing a series of accord to open a new business line based on consulting other countries on tourism development projects”.


his landmark five-star hotel & spa part of the prestigious chain of Relais & Châteaux offers its guests tradition, the countryside, the sea and fine cuisine. The ten guestrooms located in the main building, a restored 18thcentury former farmhouse, have been decorated with antiques to maintain all the charms of yesteryear. The facilities are rounded up with 22 spectacular suites with a private garden and another seven with private swimming pools. The Mas Spa and Mas de Torrent Restaurant complete the sensory and culinary offerings respectively. This is a hotel where the tiniest detail is taken care of and has lodged the likes of Al Gore, Shakira, Placido Domingo or Barbara Streisand.

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he Rioja Convention Centre and Auditorium closed 2009 on the rise with an 8% increase in terms of celebrating events. The year’s balance ended with a grand total of 170 events and the participation of 88,252 attendees, 10% higher than the previous year. Despite this being a poor year due to the crisis being felt across the economy, 2009 saw the hosting of a total of 41 events of a cultural nature, 11% more than 2008. The report ends with the numbers in from the first quarter of the current year: 41 events and a total of 27,555 attendees, numbers higher than the same period in the previous year. The trend in the last quarter of the year has maintained steady, as Riojaforum has 10 congresses confirmed, highlighted by the 4th International Urban Development Forum or the 6th Spanish Food Industry Congress, among others.



ast May saw the official presentation before the news media of the new Novotel Barcelona City, belonging to the Novotel chain, part to the Accor Group. A four-star located in 22@, one of the most up-and-coming and business-oriented areas in the Ciudad Condal, the establishment rises right next to the symbolic Agbar Tower as one of the brand’s most emblematic hotels in Europe, as affirmed by those responsible at the press conference, José M. Musquera, the chain’s Operations Manager in Spain, and Enrique Agustín, the hotel in question’s general manager. With a unique decor, nothing less than spectacular equipment and a stunning array of specific products to accommodate differ-

ent types of clientele, the Novotel Barcelona City is set to become an appealing offer within the already highly-competitive Catalan capital. It is worth noting that the hotel has brought along a series pluses which we are used to seeing from this chain in establishments of the same category: new products such as Family&Novotel aimed at family tourism and another package that competes in our industry, the so-called Meeting@Novotel. This offers everything necessary to provide unique services for business meetings, highlighted by availability and spaces (4 well-equipped halls with a total of 600 m2) for small and mid-sized meetings, something which its department calls custom-made meetings.



ast May, five months after renovation work began at the Palau Fairgrounds and Convention Centre in Tarragona, which changed its name last November to the Palau, the convention centre now features escalators leading straight to the fairgrounds. The escalators have been divided into four sections and will only travel in one direction. Although they will be mostly programmed to head uphill, they can change direction according to the activity being held at the Palau. The installation, which runs 50 metres and rises 18, has been completed well within the period planned, reason enough for manager Alfred Montoro to be pleasantly satisfied.

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ast May, five months after renovation work began at the Palau Fairgrounds and Convention Centre in Tarragona, which changed its name last November to the Palau, the convention centre now features escalators leading straight to the fairgrounds. The escalators have been divided into four sections and will only travel in one direction. Although they will be mostly programmed to head uphill, they can change direction according to the activity being held at the Palau. The installation, which runs 50 metres and rises 18, has been completed well within the period planned, reason enough for manager Alfred Montoro to be pleasantly satisfied.




he Hotasa hotel chain (www.hotasahoteles.es) has put forth a special programme called MeetHotasa at three of its hotels. It consists of a special package for bookings rooms, halls and meetings that features advantageous conditions and huge discounts that make it much easier to organize such events. These special plans will be valid until the end of the year at three of its establishments: the Cervantes Grand Hotel in Torremolinos, the Seminaris Grand Hotel in Tenerife and the Taburiente Beach Hotel on the Island of La Palma. Prices vary according to the hotel and capacity. We can find rooms with half board from 39 euros per person to an all-included room for 210 euros. The key lies in the size of the group – the bigger the group, the greater the discount.


urespaña has launched a campaign whose objective is to consolidate Spain’s leading position in vacational tourism at the same time it tries to diversify the tourism demand. This is why the firm has chosen various landmark buildings such as the Sagrada Familia or the Prado Museum to play a leading role in the campaign. The Casa Fuster Hotel, a Modernist symbol of the Ciudad Condal and highly renowned for its gastronomy and cultural events, will share the stage on a promotion that will be launched in over 40 countries and reach nearly 400 million people around the world. The Minister of Tourism Joan Mesquida ensures that the campaign will aim to “create loyal international tourists by offering emotions and feelings”.

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he Transcantábrico, the emblematic luxury train, once again reclaims San Sebastián as the terminus of its routes after several years being dropped from its itineraries. Santiago de Compostela, the destination of both routes, is taking on special importance in the Xacobeo Jubilee Year. The presentation of this newest addition to the upcoming season, which will run until the end of October, took place this past May under the guiding hand of FEVE’s CEO and Operations Manager Amador Robles and Jose Antonio Rodríguez, the director of the company’s train tours. With the inauguration of the distinguished and spacious Privilege Suite, stepping onboard the Transcantábrico becomes true luxury, as this train tour has been recognized as one of the top five of its kind in the world. There are two itineraries: San Sebastián-Santiago de Compostela-San Sebastián and León-Santiago de Compostela-León, an 8-day trip that skilfully and exquisitely blends landscape and fine cuisine, nature and art, history and legend as it carves a trail through Northern Spain.

FEVE opens the new La Robla Express A new tour package from FEVE was presented to rousing success this past April and has already confirmed booking well into June. La Robla Express (Bilbao-León-Bilbao) is a nine-car train with capacity for 54 passengers that travels through the provinces of León, Palencia and Burgos with excursions to Biscay. This inviting four-day and three-night route on rails counts on a range of fascinating cultural options, landscapes and culinary experiences.



his year 2010 has again seen Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre, FIBES, become the host of important meetings, in this case, in the field of science. Between the 23rd and the 27th of May 2010, FIBES was the perfect setting for the SETAC Europe (European Unit of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) 20th Annual Meeting where more than 2,500 attendants got together. The SETAC Europe Annual Meeting is the most important event in this branch and had over 1,500 presentations in meetings and poster sessions, with participants and scientific speakers from the academy.

Employers and politicians were also present at the Conference Centre, the event becoming a real meeting point for scientists, doctors, researchers and those in charge of regulations in this field. Furthermore, this meeting, which chose Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre to hold its 20th anniversary, was rightly complemented by an exhibition area with representatives from the most important European companies specialised in environmental consultancy, testing laboratories, research laboratories, etc.

The theme of the Meeting focused on science and technology for the protection of the environment this year and it has exceeded all expectations as the organizers planned to receive between 1,500 and 1,800 people, like the previous year. Eventually, FIBES had over 2,500 registrations. Once again, FIBES has shown to be one of the favourite settings for congress and conference organizers, both companies and associations, growing to currently become a mandatory reference in the international scope of Meeting Tourism.

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SPAIN AMONG THE TOP M.I DESTINATIONS IN THE WORLD There are undoubtedly plenty of destinations that might stand out for a certain reason or specific virtue fulfilling the needs of M.I professionals at any given time. On the other hand, there are precious few which can gather together enough characteristics to be worthy of earning the label of “a superb destination” while also offering extremely high success rates when carrying out any type of M.I event. Spain, backed by the spur of growth in this tourism segment over the last ten years and the high degree of satisfaction from this class of visitors attested by various surveys from different organizations, specific centres and tourist establishments, forms part of this select group of countries where you can sure that any type of event will find a friendly port. By JESÚS DÍAZ GÁMEZ photos JAG and D.F.


t is by no means revolutionary to say that Spain has made a spectacular leap as far as the Meetings Industry is concerned. The country has grown so much in this respect that it has earned a spot amongst the most important and highly valued M.I destinations in the world today. Such a position has not been earned by chance; rather it is thanks to its excellent background in tourist matters and the cumulative experience acquired by professionals here who have spent over 40 years in and around the topmost tourist destinations worldwide. It comes as no surprise that according to prestigious industry experts, “Spain is the most frequently utilized destination in the world by meeting planners, for whom innovation and quality-price ratios are crucial at the time of making a selection”. According to the same interpretations of different M.I market studies, “in addition to investment performance (ROI), other influential factors accorded to this consideration towards Spain included the creation of new infrastructure, the opening of new hotels and fluid commercial relationships with the place of destination”. This is the data that has emerged from the analyses and surveys held by industry organizations, DMCs, convention centres, hotels, etc., also indicating that familiarization trips help evaluate the viability of a new destination as much as personal recommendations do.

In the world’s top three To the opinion and information of experts, one must add the results from prestigious professional associations such as the ICCA, whose latest report and country ranking corresponding to financial year

2009 reveals that Spain, despite the international crisis in which we are gripped, held onto third position with 360 international congresses being held here in 2009, 3.75% more than the previous year. Topping Spain on the chart in first place continues to be the USA with 595 events (+17.35%) and in second place, Germany with 458 meetings (+13.9%). After Spain, in fourth place is Italy (350 congresses), which gained two positions. The same ICCA ranking, this time for cities, features two Spanish capitals, Barcelona and Madrid, which also gained ground in the world meeting tourism ranking, highlighted particularly by the second-ranked showing of the Catalan capital (135 congresses), preceded only by Vienna (160), while Madrid rose to 13th overall. As for the average number of participants at these meetings, there were just over a hundred delegates per meeting. On the other hand, in conventions this average rose high enough to surpass 140 participants per event, while in congresses, there was an average recorded of more than 300 participants per congress.

Capital heavyweights in the Meetings Industry Spain features an excellent variety of regions and cities where any idea, however complex it may be, is worth considering, not only for their infrastructure, but also the enormous organizational and economic advantages that events organizers and planners will find there. These conditions, admittedly, can certainly be improved even further in determined areas of the Spanish territory, particu-

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Spain features more than appropriate tourist infrastructure, thanks to over twenty years being a topranking destination worldwide. In addition to this solid proposition, the last few years have seen the growth of more specific facilities for the Meetings Industry. larly in these economically challenging times. As demonstrated by the ICCA, of the leading Spanish cities requested by the M.I, Barcelona and Madrid tend to capitalize on the vast majority of meetings, conventions and congresses that take place in the country, a phenomenon which can be attributed largely to their own inertia. But far from dragging their feet in an aim to better themselves, both cities are currently expanding their specific convention infrastructures, not to mention adding new hotel facilities. As far as Madrid is concerned, it continues growing to the rhythm of its business districts full of firms both Spanish and international, and its condition as a large metropolis and capital of the kingdom will not let it pass up a succulent piece of the meetings business. This is why it has not hesitated in constructing not only new convention space but also dedicating its efforts to organizing sporting events, despite the reverse of its failed candidacy for the Olympics Games of 2020, and filling its calendar with important events and cultural occasions.

The strong propositions in other cities But Spain, just as it does not count on a single tourism model but a wide and varied range of options, also has several other important towns and cities which have seen an authentic transformation over the last few years and whose propositions are not to be overlooked. Considering this, one of the most spectacular evolutions in meeting tourism can be found in what the city of Valencia has done in the last three years. This period has seen this regional capital get itself in top shape with the inauguration of the new district around the City of the Arts and Sciences and the facilities in the Feria fairgrounds, the celebration of the 32nd America’s Cup and the awarding of the Formula 1 Gran Prix auto racing. These results are due to the increase in the amount of available hotel rooms in the city, improvements to the airport and the waterfront, and the willingness of its institutions to attract all types of professional and sporting events. At this moment in time, Valencia

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The vast experience in hosting large-scale events the world over brings an added advantage to Spanish companies and professionals when it comes times to providing solutions to this tourism industry.

is the city with one of the greatest economic outlooks in Spain. Malaga is another Spanish city that has invested heavily on the Meetings Industry, amply demonstrated by its bustling new fairgrounds. As in Valencia, the capital of the Costa del Sol has great airport connections and highway distances from Madrid or Barcelona that are by no means insurmountable. What is more, there is a high-quality network of hotels and industry services that are used to tending to the most demanding visitors. The fact that this year the city welcomed the European Meetings and Events Conference of MPI and other meetings of various professional groups related to the industry demonstrates the mutual interest (professionals-authorities) in this Andalusian city. To these two cities one must add others such as Bilbao, La Coruña, the Canary Islands, Seville and Granada, which all currently have solid propositions for meeting tourism, not to mention an appealing array of attractions ranging from gastronomy to world heritage sites. The latest city to enter this Spanish club of M.I cities is Zaragoza, who thanks to its hosting of the 2008 World’s Fair has pro-

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The growing international demands of the M.I have been crucial to the expansion of Spanish options to practically its entire territory. vided a solid network of facilities and hotels capable of hosting participants of large-scale events.

The draw of the unfamiliar But Spain, with its melange of landscapes, cultural melting pots and varied contrasts has an enormous potential in regions, towns and areas that are not-so-well known. This added value, this something extra, makes an excellent alternative to the more typical, been-there, done-that Spain. We are referring to the great offer awaiting in its regions and provinces, which not long ago were outlands and with the country’s new highway and (high speed) rail networks are

now well within reach of meeting tourism as never before. These days there are few cities that lack a congress centre or a convention bureau. Today it is possible to find the right place to host events in nearly every Spanish city, which have long been improving their accommodations and restaurant options to adhere to the standards of quality expected by the M.I. Caceres, Badajoz, Tarragona, Logrono, Almeria, Alicante, Oviedo, Gijon, Vitoria, San Sebastián, Salamanca or Murcia, and of course the ever-present hospitality of Santiago de Compostela are just a few examples of this impressive selection, usually backed by astounding architectural heritage or plentiful tourism opportunities. In many cities throughout Spain new congress facilities have been or are on the point of being completed. This is the case of Oviedo, where architect

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Cities such as Valencia and Malaga are starting to bring in significant numbers to the Spanish M.I results, while regions and areas such as Extremadura or the Meseta are taking shape as favourite destinations to discover. Santiago Calatrava has just left his stamp, or León, the Castilian city where Dominique Perrault, winner of the Mies Van de Rohe Architecture Award, will soon begin an 8000-square metre construction. But we cannot omit examples such as Albacete, Girona, Mérida, Seville or Vigo which already boast of innovative spaces and complexes, or are on the verge of doing so. All are more than appropriate for all kinds of business events.

A paradise for incentive trips Lastly in this brief review of the excellence and arguments for the M.I in Spain, and with the aim to refresh your memory, it must be made patently clear that this is a country whose fantastic geography and benign climate has given rise to innumerable beautiful natural enclaves, which in turn mean unique suggestions for any business or incentive trip. Idyllic beaches where times seems have stopped, World Heritage sites and cities which become a true encounter with history, exquisite and hearty cuisine renowned the world over, plus an impressive network of establishments offering all the enjoyments of the most luxurious health-oriented tourism. All this without mentioning the country’s natural surroundings, largely protected by law and converted into nature reserves or forming part of ambitious ecological sanctuaries. Undoubtedly, this wide and varied geographical spectrum, plus the character of its hospitable and outgoing people, makes this Iberian country a unique destination in the world, one capable of satisfying any request no matter how demanding. Spain has likewise been a classic destination for incentive trips and specific events for several European companies. An example could easily be the island of Majorca, where it is common for incentive trips to organized, even for over 3,000 guests. All in all, this country has everything necessary and more to turn a modest event into a most evocative and unforgettable one. It is said in professional circles that Spain, as far as the M.I is concerned, is a sure bet.


Countries ‘09
























































Austria Netherlands






Cities ‘08

Cities ‘09

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A Destination Proposal

LA ROBLA EXPRESS: SEDUCING THE SENSES If the very essence of quality lies in the details, La Robla Express is a delightful yet luxurious car full of senses forged in the purest temptation. This brand-new train tour from Feve combines history, art, culture, scenery and fine cuisine in exquisite delicacy, all in a feast for the senses that sums up a perfect destination for any type of event whatsoever. by JAVIER MANZANO photos by Feve

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he train tour offer trips lasting four days and three nights that leave no one untouched, harboring a perfect treasure trove of colors and flavors, tradition and legend, skill and knowledge. La Robla Express has nine train cars with room for 54 travelers, lounge cars to enjoy the passing scenery in, a bar and a pub-lounge with large projector screens. The accommodation is taken care of in fully equipped compartments with bunk beds, a clothes closet, music service, telephone, and complete bath with hydro-massaging shower. What’s more, for greater comfort, the train remains parked at the station overnight until leaving the next day.

Fine cuisine is a specialty As for gastronomy, a key element essential on all Feve train tours, lunches and dinners are served in selected restaurants along the way at main towns and consist of elaborate menus based on the culinary tradition at each stop the train makes. A free buffet breakfast is served onboard. Two itineraries are available: La Robla (Bilbao-León-Bilbao), which commemorates the emblematic coal train which once linked Castilla Leon and Biscay for decades, and the Xacobeo (Gijón-Santiago de Compostela-Gijón) which runs from June 24th to mid-September on a fascinating and authentic pilgrimage route on rails along the very edge of the Cantabrian Sea. (More information: www.trenesturisticosdelujo.com )

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A Destinations Proposal La Robla Express

La Robla Express has nine train cars with room for 54 travelers, lounge cars to enjoy the passing scenery in, a bar and a pub-lounge with large projector screens.

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Cities León


Many are the possibilities and charms of a very Castilian city, León. Founded in the year 68 AD by the VII Roman Legion, today it is a fascinating city well-worth discovering. Its enormous historic legacy, the bustling vibrancy of the locals until the wee hours of the night, fine infrastructure, excellent gastronomy and extraordinary hospitality will captivate even the most demanding travellers.

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Cities León


implicity and elegance are found just below the surface of every corner of this city, a provincial capital located in the north-western corner of Spain’s Castile and León Autonomous Region. Strolling about its streets and alleys, lingering in its squares both large and cosy, quenching your thirst in one of its tucked-away fountains or simply gazing at the jumble of architecture that is its houses and buildings; these are just some of the city’s many attractions. León is one of those towns that are a pleasure to discover, a delight to savour and a satisfaction to appreciate. It comes as no surprise that this city, whose history can be traced back two thousand years, has always been at the junction of key routes crossing the Iberian Peninsula. For ages it has been an obligatory stopover point as the Ruta de la Plata or the Camino de Santiago are just two examples that have given this locality ever greater importan-

ce since the Middle Ages. Founded as a garrison for the VII Gemina Roman Legion, which gave the town its name, the camp grew into a walled compound in charge of controlling the security and the transport of the gold mined in the province, particularly from the area of the Médulas. Around the year 710 the Moors conquered the town and from 846 onward a heated rivalry began between the Moors and the Kingdom of Asturias-León. After Almanzor sacked the locality and the arrival of Alphonse V, the city embarked on a period of splendour and stability with the awarding of a medieval charter that regulated the city’s economic life and the operation of its market. Years of bonanza followed; whole neighbourhoods of artisans and merchants would emerge and the 13th century would see the rise of a new class whose importance was such they would even intervene in the municipal go-

vernment. By the 16th century however, the city had fallen into decline both economically and demographically, one which would stretch well into the 19th century.

León, today Inviting, humane, comfortable, lively and appreciative: this is what the city is today, still an obligatory stop on the road to either Galicia (from East to West) or Asturias (from South to North), especially for those pilgrims taking on the Camino de Santiago hoping to reach the city of James, the Holy Apostle. But León cannot be considered merely as a city of transit. In fact, it might just be the origin and the beginning for those who do not wish to do the entire pilgrimage, as this city has a plethora of things to do and enjoy. Once visitors arrive for the first time and set the eyes on the countless architectural styles and histo-

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ric vestiges sprinkled throughout its simple streets and squares, they become so astounded that what was once a matter of spending a few hours rest before continuing on their way has turned into a few days. Rest assured these days are by no means a waste of time, but pleasurably gratifying ones at that. The best way to discover and get to know León is to not be in a frantic rush; let your legs guide you, your curiosity get the best of you and history sweep you away. With this in mind, it is good to know that the city’s finest architectural and historic treasures lie right within the Roman walls that limit what was once the original military garrison and whose

later remodelling in medieval times served to surround the old city as it is today. But it is true that not all in León is a rich historic legacy, as those who come for a visit or to carry out a meeting or event will also admire and sample the best of a modern, commerce-oriented city with residential neighbourhoods, broad avenues and spacious parks. There are the examples of modern avant-garde architecture - the Auditorio Ciudad de León, the new Centro Cívico del Crucero, the government seat of the Junta de Castile y León, or the future convention centre, the Palacio de Congresos. All these building provide – and in the case

of the new congess hall, will provide – the city with a sense of liveliness and forward outlook, not to mention other types of specific facilities for hosting events and a truly dignified range of hotel establishments.

The ‘Húmedo’ neighbourhood, a true must If you ever decide to travel to León, there are two sights which cannot be missed, apart from the previously mentioned tips. Firstly, take a long stroll through one of the city’s most celebrated neighbourhoods, the

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Cities León

‘THE NEW CONVENTION CENTRE, WITH CAPACITY FOR 1200 DELEGATES, WILL BRING THE CITY PLENTY OF BENEFITS AND INCREASED QUALITY IN TOURISM’ Húmedo. Secondly, plan on an extended visit to the Cathedral, and not only for its impressive architecture. It is well worth your while to stop and admire the stained glass that practically surrounds the temple’s central nave, undoubtedly a true showcase of how to best model sunlight. Taking a walk around the Húmedo is taking a trip through time to another era. Its intricate alleyways, picturesque corners, squares and plazas, whose names honour the former crafts which were once wielded in these places, such as jet jewellery, silverwork, etc., conserve all the flavour and aroma of yesterday. All the sights are well worth visiting du-

ring the day, but a night-time stroll can easily stand up to the sunlit hours as after sundown, it seems that all the Leoneses have agreed to meet in the area with a single objective in mind: enjoy its famed tapeo, a sampling excellent culinary delights while gulping down the finest vintages around the table with good friends. You can rest assured that the lively atmosphere in the first few hours of the night is such that locals and visitors alike fall into a sort of pleasurable catharsis acting as an effective therapy against any pains or disappointments. It is merely a question of giving it a try; any bar or restaurant found in the area will do. The area is also home to the pleasant Pla-

za Mayor, where a Saturday morning market is perfect for taking a look at the wares on sale, the Condes de Luna Palace with its 14th century portal, the Casa de las Carnicerías, the Mercado Romanic church or the lovely Plaza del Grano are other places which an obligatory stop on a stroll through the Húmedo. If the old city, with the Húmedo being its maximum expression, is to the visitor’s liking, then nor should we leave out a stroll through another neighbourhood, this time the Romantic el Cid as the locals call it, where we can see architecture and true city living. Here in the centre of the capital, our attention is best directed to buildings such as the

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19th-century Casa de Botines, one of León’s works by the amazing Antonio Gaudí; the 16-century Palacio de los Guzmanes, one of the most beautiful palaces in the city, or the Real Basílica de San Isidoro. A visit to León would not be complete without setting eyes on two buildings in particular. On one hand, outside the city centre lies the Convent of San Marcos, now converted into a National Parador Hotel where one can admire the purest example of the Plateresque style on the exterior facade, plus the Renaissance and the Baroque cloister, styles also appreciated in this emblematic building. The other worth special mention is the city cathedral...

...the Cathedral, majestic and spectacular If walking up the pedestrian-only Ancha Street, one is led directly to the broad esplanade of the 13-century Santa Maria Cathedral, undoubtedly considered to be one of the je-

wels of the Spanish Gothic. It has been and continues to be the main symbol of León. Not surprisingly, it is known throughout the ecclesiastic world as the immaculate lion. From the outside it looks like a great stone mass full of attractively slender shapes. Its impressive windows let light pass through in a symphony of light and colour that floods the naves of the building. These are perhaps the most characteristic elements of the entire cathedral, although the cloister, vaults of arduous yet stunning sculptural work and home to the Cathedral Museum brimming with notable pieces and artwork from every epoch (painting, sculptures, gold and silverwork), is another of the building’s most important sections. Lastly, although it is said that any time of year is a great time to visit this Spanish city, it is especially opportune to come during Holy Week, as this is one of the most popular and heartfelt festival among the citizenry, when there is an explosion of colours, aromas and flavour unmatched throughout the rest of the year.

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Cities León


THE NEW PALACIO DE CONGRESOS DE LEÓN, A SHOT IN THE ARM FOR THE CITY Plenty of confidence does not run short in city authorities and local businesses regarding the construction of the new convention centre, a spectacular facility specifically for the M.I., as they have entrusted the site to well-known French architect Dominique Perrault, a Mies van der Rohe award winner. The new Palacio de Congresos de León will take advantage of part of the former Santa Elvida sugar refinery, abandoned since 1992, and generate, according to a report commissioned by the León City Hall, 128 million euros for the city and create nearly 1000 jobs in its first nine years in operation, not to mention an increase in the number of tourists of up to 30 percent. Furthermore, the same study forecast that the first two years of operation the new facility would incur an increase of 16,000 visitors to the city. The new convention centre includes, apart from the general project, a smaller centre provisionally called the Petit Palais, which is in fact a separate building outside the sugar refinery whose renovation will be relatively simple and may be in operation much earlier than the completion of the entire convention centre. A second area, falling within the sugar refinery premises itself, includes two large convention halls and a third additional space that will be primarily intended for exhibition areas. All in all, the convention centre will have an auditorium for 1200 spectators, a slightly smaller hall for 500 delegates, and other modular spaces for smaller meetings and exhibitions. As for the exhibitions area, it will be located in a newly constructed building and have approximately 9,000 square metres. The complex, which should be finished by 2012, will also feature a solar panelled roof, allowing for the generation of 1,000 megawatts of power per year. Finally, it is important to add that the project, located next to the AVE high-speed rail station, will mean a revolution the city’s urban planning, and a wager on the consolidation of León as a quality tourist destination.

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_LUGARES DIVINOS 2010 _168 DIVINE ESTABLISHMENTS _130 hotels _38 restaurants _OVER 10.000 ROOMS _OVER 20 YEARS _OVER 5,000,000 COPIES _OVER 50,000,000 SEEKS


Also at

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Wellness & Spa



his top-notch hotel offers relaxation and a perfect balance of mind and body. The Grande Real Santa Eulรกlia Resort & Hotel Spa welcomes us to a five-star hotel and spa; classy, exclusive ambiance with a refined taste and harmonious wellbeing. The elegant features of such a top-notch hotel offer relaxation and a perfect balance of body and mind. There are 344 guestrooms, 155 of which are

luxurious apartment-type suites with one and two bedrooms, while the remaining 189 rooms include 27 suites and 2 Grand Royale Suites over its five floors. The hotel has periodically the added attraction of Le Club, a revolutionary concept that joins a bar, a new restaurant and a discotheque. The decor partly takes its inspiration from the location of the building itself, Santa Eulรกlia Beach, using to its full advantage

the light flooding inside during the day and the blue and green reflections of the sea. The 1,200 m2 of space occupied by the spa provides us with 16 treatment booths, a Thalasso Thermal Circuit, a sauna, a hammam, and the services of professional dieticians, programmes designed by a personal trainer and naturopaths. Sleeping to the murmur of the waves at the seashore, and waking up in paradise...

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Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa Praia de Santa Eulália 8200-916 Albufeira (Algarve) – Portugal Tel: 351 289 598 000 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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HOTEL RESTAURANT CAL BATLLE RESPECTS THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT This country house of exquisite taste respects the traditional rural Catalan lifestyle to the utmost.

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n a 14th-century former noble’s country home that has been completely restored is a spectacular four-star hotel and restaurant enveloped by two ample acres of woods and gardens that blend perfectly into the pine, cork and oak trees found in the surrounding area. The establishment features 12 guestrooms decorated in exquisite taste respecting to the utmost the Catalan country lifestyle, full of lovingly restored antique furniture. Each room boasts a different personality with soft colours, wood finishes and fabrics and bedspreads that lend them a warm and relaxing touch. From each there are marvellous views to contemplate the mountains of Montseny and Montnegre. The restaurant is worth a special mention, as its dishes are truly homemade, yet with a touch of modernity and the culinary evolution sprouting from a full knowledge of high cuisine. The wine has been selected to be the menu’s perfect accompaniment and nearly all the desserts are prepared in the traditional way, seeking to culminate a perfect meal for diners opting to try the cooking of the Cal Batlle Restaurant.


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The restaurant is worth a special mention, as its dishes are truly homemade.

More Information Hotel Restaurant Cal Batlle Ctra. Sant Martí a Montnegre, s/n 08470 Sant Celoni (Barcelona) Tel.: 93 848 47 31 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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Selección de establecimientos que suponen garantía de éxito para cualquier reunión

HOTEL NOVAVILA FULL ENJOYMENT This house not only suggests an enjoyable stay, but also shares everything inside which has been so lovingly chosen.

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his exquisite hotel of just 6 guestrooms was born thanks to the passion the Vilanova Peña family has always had for wine, decor, places and people. They not only suggest an enjoyable stay here, but also share with the owners all the objects that surround them here, all so lovingly chosen and representing the eclectic spirit that has characterized the style of Vilanova Peña, a family which has spent over 40 years in the interior decoration business. This is why visitors here may acquire any of the items, furniture or complements found throughout the hotel and bring them home to keep delighting in them. Falling right in line with this idea of excellence, it should come as no surprise that the 6 guestrooms offer the best of the best:

Egyptian cotton and fine linen bedclothes, cashmere blankets, different types of pillows, encased spring mattresses, and bedspreads, etc. for the most comfortable rest possible. And to put the cherry atop it all, the Albariño wine that the family itself has made for several years is highly suggested, the fruit of their meticulous selection and preparation.

More Information Santo Tomé de Nogueira 36637 Mosteiro (Meis) - Pontevedra Tel.: 986 71 69 54 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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Events in Spain


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Córdoba is getting all dressed up for what is its thirtieth annual Guitar Festival. To celebrate thirty years of such the must-see event, the organization has loaded the bill with the some of the greatest names of a wide range of guitarists from Mark Knopfler and Deep Purple, passing to the ‘blues’ of Johnny Winter or the magic of the maestro himself, Paco de Lucía, who Eric Clapton himself once said was the ‘greatest guitarist in the world’. By the STAFF photos ceded by the ORGANIZERS OF THE CÓRDOBA GUITAR FESTIVAL

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Events in Spain


his year Córdoba has not skimped on celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of this summer festival where the guitar is the star and its great masters are the leading characters. For twenty days the Cordobese night will hum to the captivating sound of classic guitars, all the liveliness and feeling of flamenco, the sadness of the blues and the iron grip of rock. And it can be heard in some of the most superb settings the city of Córdoba has to offer, all great sites to celebrate the event: the Mezquita, the Gran Teatro, the Teatro de la Axerquía, the bullring and the Plaza de los Capuchinos; this is an ideal setting to top off a business or incentive trip and discover such an intense and attractive city as is Córdoba.

A luxury line-up Over the guitar festival’s thirty years, it has always included great performers with international artists as Gary Moore, Pat Metheny, B.B King or Joe Satriani have all been headliners here, or our own crop of guitarists such as Paco de Lucía, Tomatito, Estrella Morente, Dulce Pontes, Joaquín Sabina or Joan Manuel Serrat. On this anniversary, some will be making a return visit, such as Joan Manuel Serrat or Paco de Lucía, a true maestro of Spanish guitar who could not miss out an event like this. The bill will be completed by the incombustible Deep Purple, who 42 years later has still kept the heart and soul of the band together and have written rock history with an-

thems such as Smoke on the Water, Placebo with their sharp bitter rock and Joe Bonamassa and his blues. And top of the bill is the ex-Dire Straits guitarist Mark Knopfler, considered one of the best in the world.

Lessons and activities to round up the festival The range of classes available at this annual gig is another of the programme’s strong suits, many of them taking place in the convention centre. Courses and master classes given by maestros such as Manolo Sanlúcar and teachers such as Fito Páez, also performing in the festival, and Joe Bonamassa are a privilege that is not easy to come by. Dance is another of the

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great attractions with dancers such as Rocío Molina and Matilde Corral who can teach us some of flamenco’s quintessential steps. The seventh edition of the International Guitar Contest of Córdoba and the eighth celebration of the Young Flamenco Guitar Accompanist Competition complete the activities. Over the festival’s twenty days there will be a wide range of activities, such as the seminars on the Guitar History, which on this occasion will be dedicated to the jazz guitarist and composer John McLaughlin, and a photography exhibition, A Visual Approximation of the Guitar, where display large format outdoor photographs will be displayed from one of the largest photography collections in Spain on the world of the guitar.

CÓRDOBA, PLENTY TO OFFER On the banks of the Guadalquivir River and at the foothills of the Sierra Morena mountains, this city can claim a past bursting with history, proven by its old town considered a World Heritage Site. The Mezquita or the impressive Alcázar, along with its picturesque streets and the gorgeous Plaza de los Capuchinos are steeped in history and tradition at every footstep. The city, well aware of its rich history, counts heavily on the celebration of cultural events, a reason why it is one of the Spanish candidates competing to become Europe’s 2016 Capital of Culture. Córdoba is perfectly outfitted for welcoming large-scale events, not only for its convention centre, but also for its ample hotel facilities and culinary options. This superb convergence of culture, history, gastronomy and facilities has made the city a key destination for the MICE industry.

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TOP CONGRESS BETTING ON QUALITY Top Congress is a company founded in Barcelona specializing in organizing and coordinating corporate events, particularly congresses. Strongly backed by a dynamic team of professionals, the personalization that they offer their clients when it comes time for setting up an event has been and continues to be their key to success. By MARTA MUELA, photos from T.C.

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ften times what truly counts is quality, not quantity. This is why for a company like Top Congress becomes quite clear that client satisfaction is their top priority, a fact proven by the knowhow of Top Congress when organizing events of great importance, especially in the area of medical congresses. It is precisely this skill that led Top Congress last year to join the board of directors of OPC Catalunya, an organization grouping professional congress organizers of Catalonia together and is by extension a branch of the nationwide OPC Spain.

The reality of the challenge “Our philosophy is to believe in your ideas, our challenge is to make them a reality” is the slogan that appear on the company’s website www.topcongress.es and is applied to all the kinds of events they organize, from congresses and conventions to meetings and incentive trips to skills activities such as teambuilding and outdoor training. Some examples of the congresses they have organized so far this year are the 4th National Clinic Laboratory Congress in Zaragoza or the 9th Congress of the Catalan Association of Clinical

Laboratory Sciences, which the firm will be organizing in 2012 and on which it is already hard at work. Its portfolio not only features congresses; last March a Maltese tour operator specialized in archaeological trips carried out a group tour to Tarragona, Zaragoza, Lleida, Barcelona and Girona. All the coordination, logistics and visits were handled by Top Congress.

right solutions that not only adapt to their needs, but also are creative and original. If businesses, associations and operators in the Ciudad Condal have already placed their trust in them, then it is a sure bet that those in the Baleares will soon be captivated by the confidence and commitment that Top Congress transmits to all its clients.

A complete global service Growing from confidence and commitment Since 2008, this OPC has been present at leading national and European tourism fairs such as Fitur, Bit (Milan), Tur (Gothenborg) or ITB (Berlin). Just two months ago, Palma de Mallorca was selected as the site of a new office, one which the company hopes will become one of the leading providers in the M.I.C.E industry there, now more than ever due to the upcoming opening of the new city convention centre, the Palau de Congresos de Mallorca. With a solid structure that can attend to all areas in event organization (it has scientific, sponsorship and medical-scientific society secretarial services, among others), the firm can provide the best consulting services to its clients and the

Top Congress counts on its own personnel and working methods that crank into motion when it comes time to evaluate and organize an event so as to offer innovative solutions with state-of-the-art techniques and the most appropriate human resources. Thanks to this winning equation, the result is a perfectly run event where success is guaranteed. The fact that the firm can count on a wide range of services allows them direct control over many of an event’s key aspects to ensure that it comes off exactly as the client wants, thanks to several secretarial services the firm possesses, as well as consulting and sponsorships. All in all, the firm offers complete, global and specialized services, plus the best human and technical resources and a motto that states what is most important of all: client satisfaction.

Top Congress defends their motto ‘our philosophy is to believe in your ideas, our challenge is to make them a reality’ to ensure the success of any event.

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The degree of satisfaction is a constant whenever this company’s services are hired.


ANA LÓPEZ, GM of Top Congress

Ana López is the GM of Top Congress since its founding in 2005. Graduate in Tourism at the Universitat de Girona and a graduate in Protocol at the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo, she began her career in the Viajes Intersol travel agency, incoming of the Carlson Wagonlit Group, right at the start of the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. She was promoted to this company’s post of Congress Director in 1995. From 1999 to 2005, López developed, created and led Eurostars Destination Services, a firm dedicated to the MICE industry in the Hotusa Hotels Group. Including Top Congress, you have spent 20 years organizing all kinds of events. What is the secret to staying so long in the thick of it all? Our team of professionals have more than twenty years of experience in the congress and events industry by firmly betting on quality and personalized services. This is why our clients trust us and entrust us with their events. Their experience with us means guaranteed success for our clients. The situation that the industry is experience now is not exactly the best, but all indicators point to this year being better than 2009. Is that also your circumstances? Top Congress is a well-known company of a certain prestige in the industry and a member of the association of professional organizers which counts on a loyal and stable client portfolio, who in the end give us our best recommendation. Your strong suit is congresses, what has been the most special incoming congress that you have organized and why? No event is more special than any other. We give our all to each one to provide the best services according to the needs of each one. Our experience in-

cludes congresses in the medical and health care areas, professional colleges and associations from 200 to 15,000 delegates held all over Spain. As the general manager of Top Congress, what strategy guarantees the successful organization of an event? For Top Congress, the utmost importance is knowing what our clients want and expect, as well as knowing with the same degree of exigency what the services and products available in the market are in order to offer guaranteed service excellence in the best quality vs. price ratio. Not long ago you opened up an office in Majorca. Is there a market to tap on the island for the MICE industry? Of course. The Baleares have well-known and prestigious companied and professional associations that hold all types of events and meetings which we have run for a long time, which is why we have considered it opportune to offer our collaboration from better proximity. The imminent opening of the convention centre in Palma de Mallorca aims to reinforce the city’s infrastructure in terms of a destination, which will encourage growth in the MICE market both nationally and internationally. How does the future look for the industry and what will you be using to face it? It may be true that some professional sectors have seen a reduction in the number of delegates or the duration of the event, and it is also true that new technologies have made it easier for professional to communicate with each other. However, our experience shows that the celebration of these types of events is essential for many industries. Top Congress will continue focusing its efforts on offering its clients service excellence. Offering personalised service to our clients is the tool with which we will continue to face the future.

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Co. Events



he fact that one of the competitions in the World Cup of professional windsurfing was held in the Gulf of Roses has put this part of Catalonia on the map as an international reference for nautical events and business meetings. For a week, the time the sporting event lasted, the facilities at La Ballena Alegre campground became the centre of a series of business activities and meetings which found this competition a great means of making waves in the international media. Apart from the developments of a competition drawing the best professional windsurfers on the circuit, the area saw several promotional acts, presentations, and product displays, not to mentions business conventions and client contacts while the sports event unfolded. 25 countries represented in the competition

On this occasion, 64 racers in the men’s division from 25 countries and 20 women from 10 countries competed in the Gran Premi Catalunya - Costa Brava, resulting in the Swiss-Canary racer Bjorn Dukerbeck winning the men’s category, and the Swiss Karin Jaggi the women’s category. Also noteworthy was the presentation of the latest products from the Oxbow sportswear firm, which brought two mythic surfers with them, Australian Jason Palokow and Hawaiians Kai Lenny and Levi Silver, who took advantage of the sporting event to promote their film, the world premiere of Oxbow Waterman Experience, as they showed off this wellknown brand’s newest products from for the upcoming season. They also took advantage of the competition to present the latest brands related to



surfer fashion such as Prolimit, Pat Love, Mystic, apart from the most familiar and prestigious surfboard suppliers such as Roberto Ricci, Simmer, Thommen, and Wind2. The VW van, the product most tagged to surfers The very special broach atop this event, which largely revolved around windsurfing, was the classic concentration of Volkswagen vans, the cult vehicle of all surfers, who love them dearly. They had the opportunity in this event to exhibit these automobile relics and jewels. On this occasion, it was the 7th Gathering of VW Vans, which drew 514 vehicles driving in from all over Europe. The organization had set a limit of 500 vehicles, but they soon had to make room, given how spectacular of some of the vehicles which came in at the last minute were. A.Joaniquet

he benefit dinner that the Intercontinental Madrid Hotel hosted last March was an utter success in terms of attendance (over 450 people) and funds collection (nearly 26,000 euros). More than 80 prestigious names, among them Bulgari, Carrera and Carrera, Cartier, Porsche, Las Rozas Village and several hotels in the InterContinental chain, all pitched in by donating products and hotel rooms for the benefit raffle which collected funds to help reconstruction in ravaged Haiti, which were intended for the NGO Receive and Share. The act closed with an emotional delivery of a symbolic check for the value of over 26,000 euros to Father José Miguel de Haro, who declared gratefully that, “thanks to these actions, solidarity has been reborn” . For Christophe Laure, general manager of the Intercontinental Madrid Hotel, the commitment to socially-beneficial causes is a priority and in his speech at the act, in addition to thanking all the guests and business for their implication in this initiative, he affirmed that thanks to them “this night we shall be doing som ething great, tonight we are going to share and distribute your generosity and feeling and ours to all the victim s of the earthquake in Haiti” .

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ailing aboard the Spanish Challenge, the two Spanish sailboats that took part in the America’s Cup, the most prestigious regatta in the world, is now possible thanks to G3.BCN Sailing Project Adviser, a firm dedicated to handling nautical events and partner in the Spanish Challenge. Racing in teams onboard either of these two sailboats is comparable to driving a Formula One race car, just on the sea, not the asphalt. This is one of the most VIP and exclusive suggestions on the market today, one that will surprise even the most demanding clients. An exciting, out-of-the-ordinary day ideal for business world events, it promotes teamwork as it stimulates leadership, innovation, creativity, and flexibility. With twelve crewmembers and four monitors on each boat, we have set up a Match Race guaranteed to get your adrenaline flowing while we slice through Valencian waters. For larger groups, the alternative is a Match Race where two teams compete while the others watch onboard on a large catamaran with the option of taking a turn on either Formula1. When it comes time to step off, awards are handed out in a multipurpose space specially outfitted for the occasion, which features an excellent restaurant.

adal, Djokovic, Sharapova and Verdasco, or in other words, some of best players wielding a racquet in the world today, all enjoyed the maximum quality and comfort that the AC Hotel establishments has to offer. During the Mutua Madrileña Madrid Open tournament, which took place last May, AC Hotels was selected as the tourney’s official accommodation provider. Its service and quality, not to mention it its comfort, modern luxury, and state-of-the-art technology, have made it perfect lodgings for today’s top athletes. The relaxed atmosphere and hospitality provides them with the rest they need to face the high level of competition found at the Open.





limentaria, one of the three most important trade fairs in the food industry on an international scale, closed its latest edition by surpassing its initial turnout forecasts by 8%. The numbers of the events are as follows: more than 14,000 attendees, of which 36,000 were from overseas (9% higher than planned), with a total of 4,000 businesses from 75 different countries. This translates into a jolt of optimism for the industry, which Josep Lluís Bonet, President of Alimentaria and the Fira de Barcelona highlighted by affirming that “a success like this is not improvised” . The Prince and Princess of Asturias, Minister of Rural and Marine Environments Elena Espinosa, Catalonia’s President of the Generalitat José Montilla, and Agri-

culture, Food and Rural Activities Deputy Joaquim Llena were just some of the personalities in charge of inaugurating the event, which this year devoted 30% more of its budget to international promotion, a fact “clearly beneficial in tim es of economic crisis and extremely useful in building the future” according to J. Antonio Valls, director of Alimentaria. Along with the efforts to internationalize, another of this year’s key points was the emphasis placed on brands as a must for projecting companies overseas.

nd to celebrate it, the amusement park is unveiling three new spectacles. On El Gran Teatro’s stage is PortAventura LIVE!, a spectacular show that revolves around the five thematic areas of the park, where we can enjoy the dance and acrobatic of experiences dancers. In the Far West area are another two novelties: the froufrou of cancans and explosions of colour in the Saloon and the Bang Bang West, whose specialists do acrobatics on horseback, leaving spectators open-jawed. Ricky Rubio, Europe’s best under-20 basketball player for the third consecutive year at only 19 years of age, was the guest star who officially inaugurated PortAventura’s fifteenth season. Accompanied by Woody and Winnie, by the hand of Betty Boop, and escorted by an army of colourful and cheery can-can girls, Ricky pressed the button that shot off the new season. The star of the event was Furius Baco, the fastest roller coaster in Europe (accelerated from 0 to 135 kilometres per hour in just 3 seconds!), where the basketball player could let all his stress go in a discharge of adrenalin which he assured was phenomenal. This is because for Ricky, PortAventura is “the best place to have a great time and relax with friends” .

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Co. Events



rand Holiday is the latest ship that has joined the Ibercruceros fleet. In the traditional christening ceremony, the ship’s captain, Antonio Modaffari, was touched after having received the keys and plaques. He declared that “this ship has been a personal project which I have always held dear in m y heart m anaging the project these seven long m onths in the Genoa shipyards” . A presentation was held by the representatives designated by the Port of Barcelona, Barcelona Tourism and Baleares Consignatarios for the occasion. Juan Madrid, in name of the Port of Barcelona wanted to thank Ibercruceros for its dedication once again, to the Ciudad Condal and congratulated the company for its decision to christen its new ship. As for Monica Solés of Barcelona Tourism, she handed the captain a volume of photos of the city that will form part of the life of the Grand Holiday. Alfonso Blanch of Baleares Consignatarios affirmed that “after so m any years having a professional relationship with M odaffari, it was a great pleasure to continue accom panying the captain on a brand- new nautical day” .



ercotel, one of the larger Spanish hotel chains, which was founded in 1994 and counts on 135 establishments located in 76 cities in Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Brussels, has signed an accord with GICOR, the Association for the Prevention and Assistance of Heart Disease. An accord had already been in existence with the Girona’s Costabella Hotel and due to the excellent reception it has had, it was decided that the accord should be extended to the rest of the chain’s hotels. Now GICOR members can obtain special prices and discounts at all of the establishments in the chain. This measure falls within the hotel group’s policy of corporate responsibility, which had long expressed their wish to work with the non-profit organization, whose aim is to promote and spread the prevention and control of heart disease and selflessly help those with cardiac ailments in their day-to-day lives.



he most exclusive luxury super sports cars in the country were concentrated under one roof in Sitges’s La Fragata facility before starting out on their rally to Monaco, Milan, Modena and Avignon. This is the Sixtosixexperience, the caravan of the country’s top luxury cars. Exclusive makes such as Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Maserati or Bentley all flocked to this facility in this coastal city to completely seduce the attending public with their elegance, quality and exclusivity. The event was organized by Sixtosixexpierence with the support of the Sitges Tourism Promotion Agency. On the other hand, the Catalan coastal city also hosted the D.O. World Dance Sport for the first time, an international renowned sports event related to the world of dance which celebrated its fourth edition last April, choosing Sitges for the occasion. For four days of competition, more than 2,000 dancers brought in over 2,600 spectators to convert the facilities holding the event into an immense yet genuine ballroom, which also saw the participation of Spain with 20 of the 72 pairs being awarded.

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a Lluna, Nit de Publicitat Valenciana once again brought together more than 400 guests at their latest edition where awards were handed out to the best made in Valencia advertisement campaigns. The banquet, hosted by Association of Publicity Agencies in the Community of Valencia (AAPCV) with the support of Generalitat, the regional government, gathered the general public and publicists under the slogan of “Everything can be bettered” . In addition to the awards, the night was full of surprises, as was the presenter, none other than the mythical blue chip of the Parchís Group, Frank Díaz, who doled plenty of laughs

along with the prizes. In the agency category, the night’s big winners were AGR!, taking the Grand Prize for their campaign “Being a fan of a banana is not so cool” for Canary Bananas, plus another 8 statuettes. Publips was the other big winner with seven gold medals and three silvers. They were closely followed in the ranking by Ladies & Gentlemen with six awards and Rosebud with four. As for Canary Bananas, it was selected as best advertiser


rip Advisor, the largest online travel community in the world, has placed these two paradors as the best hotel-castles in Europe. In Jaén, the immense 13th- century Moorish fortress has received this award for the second time thanks to its “sense of strength and size” and the impressive views beheld of the Sierra Morena and the Sierra Nevada. In Cardona, the 9thcentury fortified castle, which also includes the Minyona Tower, an 11th-century Romanic church, an exceptional panoramic view of the city and the wise combination of Romanic tradition and modern facilities, is well worthy of being among the ten best hotel-castles in Europe for the first time. The presentation of the award was held in the Parador of Jaén and featured the presence of Miguel Martínez, President of Parador Hotels, the mayor of the city Carmen Peñalver and the mana-



or three legendary days, Barcelona rumbled to the sound of the most spectacular motorcycles at the Harley Days’10, a free event open to public which took place in the over 50,000 square metres of the Montjuic Fairgrounds. The gathering brought in more than 18,000 hogs and a million visitors, which Joseph Grañó, CEO of Harley-Davidson Spain and Portugal expected to “break records in term s of visitors and participants with m otorcyclists harking from m ore than 17 different countries” . The three days were chock full of activities; there were motorbikes to be tried out, guided tours of the city and surroundings, live concerts to attend, and a series of children’s activities for the little ones. The latest

innovations at this edition included the extended night-time schedule and also the exhibition of the sensational Harley-Custo, designed by Custo Dalmau and customized by world champion custom bike builder Ferry Clot, all to the delight of bikers at the show. Two simulators, one for custom fitting bikes called Fit Shop and another for photography, Men on Harley, received a constant flow of visitors. The star activities of the event were the Custom Bike Show and Sunday’s great parade, which saw the participation of more than 10,000 motorbikes of all kinds. Another of the big draws of the event was the exhibition of classic bikes, one crowning the event with the great success of another true Harley-Davidson experience.

and Universitat Jaume I of Castellón swept the category in new talents. Meanwhile, Ruta del 3 de Octubre for (NOT) was awarded the best communication campaign and David Gaspar picked up the prize for best media handling for “Advertising concerned for society” . This night chock full of surprises and emotion was made that much more enjoyable by a posterior dinner-cocktail party and an after-party at Las Ánimas del Puerto.

gers of the two paradors being awarded. The importance of these awards resides in the fact it is bestowed by the users themselves from all over the world.

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Página 2

Useful guide


PALMA DE MALLORCA Mallorca Convention Bureau 34 971 73 92 02 info@mallorcacb.com

Barcelona Convention Bureau 34 93 368 97 00 bcb@barcelonaturisme.com


S.C. TENERIFE Tenerife Convention Bureau 34 922 23 78 89 info@tenerifecb.com

Bilbao Convention Bureau 34 94 479 57 70 bicb@bilbaoturismo.bilbao.net


SANTANDER Santander Convention Bureau 34 942 20 30 02 congresos@ayto-santander.es

Girona Convention Bureau 34 972 41 85 00 gicobu@cambrescat.es

LA CORUÑA Consorcio de Turismo y Congresos de La Coruña 34 981 18 43 44 info@turismocoruña.com

LAS PALMAS Gran Canaria Convention Bureau 34 928 26 15 70 convention@laspalmasgccb.com

MADRID Spain Convention Bureau 34 91 364 37 00 femp@femp.es

Madrid Convention Bureau 34 91 588 29 00 congresos@munimadrid.es


SAN SEBASTIÁN San Sebastián Convention Bureau 34 943 48 14 66 bureau@donostia.org

CONVENTION CENTRES BARCELONA Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona 34 93 230 10 00 ccib@ccib.es

Palau de Congressos de Catalunya 34 93 364 44 00 marta.rodriguez@pcongresos.com

Centro de Convenciones Gran Vía 34 93 233 20 00 info@firabcn.es

Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona


34 93 233 20 00 info@firabcn.es

Santiago de Compostela Convention Bureau

World Trade Center Barcelona

34 981 55 51 29 turismo@santiagoturismo.com


34 93 508 80 00 congresos@wtcbarcelona.es


Turismo de Sevilla

Palacio de Congresos y de la Música de Bilbao ‘Euskalduna’

34 95 459 29 15 turismo@sevilla.org

34 94 403 50 00 info@palacioeuskalduna.net



Toledo Convention Bureau 34 925 21 31 12 congresos@toledo-congresos.org


Málaga Convention Bureau

Turismo Valencia Convention Bureau

34 95 206 18 30 convention.bureau@ayto-malaga.es

34 96 360 63 53 turisvalencia@turiosvalencia.es



Oficina de Congresos de Murcia

Zaragoza Convention Bureau

34 968 34 18 18 congresos.murcia@congremur.com

34 976 72 13 33 zcb@zaragoza.es

Palacio de Congresos Y. Atapuerca 34 947 00 11 22info@palaciocongresosatapuerca.com

CÁDIZ Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones 34 956 29 10 17 cadiz2000@palaciocongresos-cadiz-com

CÓRDOBA Palacio de Congresos 34 957 48 31 12 palacio@cordobacongress.com

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Página 3

GRANADA Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos 34 958 24 67 00 palacio@pcgr.org

Centro de Convenciones Mapfre Vida


34 91 581 16 27 cc@mapfre.com

34 942 29 00 40

Palacio de Congresos de Madrid


34 91 337 81 00 castellana.palacio@tourspain.es

Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones


34 956 18 07 32 ifeca@dipucadiz.es

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga

LA CORUÑA Palacio de Congresos-Auditorio 34 981 14 04 04 director@palacongres.com

LA LÍNEA DE LA CONCEPCIÓN Palacio La Línea 34 956 769 950 info@palaciolalinea.com

LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIAS Palacio de Congresos de Canarias 34 928 49 17 70 info@pcongresos-canarias.com

34 952 04 55 00 pfyc@promalaga.es

MÉRIDA Palacio de Congresos de Mérida 34 924 007 308 palacios@palaciosdecongresosdeextrema dura.com


Riojaforum Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de La Rioja 34 941 276 200 riojaforum@riojaforum.com

MADRID Centro de Congresos Príncipe Felipe Hotel Auditorium Madrid 34 91 400 44 00 info@hotelauditorium.com

Centro de Convenciones Feria de Madrid 34 91 722 50 74 convenciones@ifema.es

SEVILLA Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla 34 95 447 87 00 general@fibes.es

SITGES Centro de Congresos Meliá Sitges 34 93 811 08 11 melia.sitges@solmelia.com

TARRAGONA Palacio Ferial y de Congresos de Tarragona 34 977 24 55 77 info@palaucongrestgna

Auditorio y Centro de Congresos Víctor Villegas


34 968 34 10 60 congresos@ auditoriomurcia.org

Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones

PALMA DE MALLORCA Congress Palace Palma


Palacio de Exposiciones

34 971 73 70 70 info@congress-palace-palma.com

SALAMANCA Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones 34 923 26 51 51 congresos@palaciocongresossalamanca.com

SAN SEBASTIÁN Palacio de Congresos Auditorio Kursaal 34 943 00 30 00 kursaal@kursaal.org

34 95 237 92 03 direccion@palacio-congresos.com

VALENCIA Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias 34 96 197 45 00 rree@cac.es

Palacio de Congresos 34 96 317 94 00 palcongres-vlc@palcongres-vlc.com

Centro de Eventos de Feria Valencia 34 902 74 73 32 eventos@feriavalencia.com

VALLADOLID Centro de Congresos Valladolid 34 983 42 93 00 feriavalladolid@feriavalladolid.com



Centro Internacional de Ferias y Congresos de Tenerife

Auditorio Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza

34 922 22 29 52 iftsa.iftsa@cabtfe.es

34 976 72 13 00 informacion@auditoriozaragoza.com



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Useful guide

HOTELS BARCELONA Hotel Arts 34 93 221 10 00 info@harts.es

Hotel Barcelona Hilton 34 93 495 77 77 barcelona@hilton.com



AC Gran Hotel La Rioja

Hotel Maria Cristina

34 941 27 23 50 aclogroño@ac-hotels.com

34 943 43 76 00 hmc@westin.com



Hotel Hesperia Madrid

Hotel Real

34 91 210 88 00 hotel@hesperia-madrid.com

34 942 27 25 50 realsantander@husa.es

34 93 259 30 00 info@hotellaflorida.com

34 91 542 21 00 husaprincesa@husa.es

Hotel Meliá Castilla Hotel Grand Marina 34 93 603 90 00 info@grandmarinahotel.com

Hotel Majestic 34 93 488 17 17 recepcion@hotelmajestic.es

34 93 508 10 00 psofia@expogrupo.com

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I 34 93 364 40 40 reservas@hrjuancarlos.com

BILBAO Hotel Lopez de Haro 34 94 423 55 00 lh@hotellopezharo.com

BURGOS Hotel Landa Palace 34 947 25 77 77 landapal@teleline.es

Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen

34 91 567 50 00 melia.castilla@solmelia.es

34 981 55 24 44

Hotel Miguel Angel


34 91 442 00 22 hma@occidental-hoteles.es

Hotel Ritz Hotel Princesa Sofia


34 91 701 67 67 comercial@ritz.es

MARBELLA Hotel Don Carlos 34 95 283 11 40 resa@hotel-doncarlos.com

PALMA DE MALLORCA Arabella Sheraton Golf Hotel Son Vida 34 971 78 71 00 golfhotelsonvida@arabellasheraton.es

SALAMANCA Salamanca Forum Resort 34 923 33 70 20 convenciones.hoteldb@grupomrs.com

Hotel Alameda Palace Salamanca 34 923 28 26 26 angela@hotelalamedapalace.com


Hotel Meliá Colon 34 95 450 55 99 melia.colon@solmelia.com

TOLEDO Hotel Hilton Buenavista Toledo 34 925 28 98 20 info.buenavistatoledo@hilton.com

VALENCIA Hotel Meliá Valencia Palace 34 96 337 50 37 melia.valencia.palace@solmelia.es

ZARAGOZA Hotel Palafox 34 976 23 77 00 hotelpalafox@palafoxhoteles.com


Hotel HUSA Princesa G.H. La Florida



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